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Jul 24, 2024
Harenchi Gakuen is one of the earliest signs that Go Nagai was a mad genius.

An absolutely deranged yet creative man who was willing to go anywhere and everywhere, going out of his way to write the most insane thing you could possibly follow with some of the worst scumbags you could imagine.

You find yourself confused as to why you care about these strange little creatures that are meant to be human but come off more as some sort of ancient, vengeful spirits that will haunt your dreams. That is not a joke mind you, the whole night after I binged this series I was ...
Jul 21, 2024
Mairunovich (Manga) add
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (61/82 chp)
It's not bad, it's just so...frustrating.

Mairu feels like a real person, she's so flawed and often times annoying but in a way that interests me and made me want to follow her antics. I wanted to see if she would grow as a person, realizing that not only are the people she dates flawed, but she herself has many negative sides as well.

She is a young girl experiencing love and relationships for the first time.

Mairu was not just ugly on the outside, she was also ugly on the inside, but she didn't really see it until she began touching upon adulthood.

She's selfish, she's often ...
Jul 21, 2024
Otona♡Pink (Manga) add
Hey, do you love crappy melodrama featuring characters whose personality is about as deep as a sidewalk puddle? Do you enjoy stories that go at a cheetah's pace yet also have absolutely nothing interesting happening? Do you want to see how hard I can slam my head against a wall until my brain bumps against my skull?

Mikuni is so fucking annoying to follow.

Every chapter, she cries, that is all the main character does. EVERY. SINGLE. CHAPTER. Mikuni can't do anything besides whine, complain or weep because she got involved in the dumbest misunderstanding that could've been resolved in 5 seconds if she would've just ...
Jul 6, 2024
I do not understand how someone could swing so strongly yet absolutely whiff so badly.

Imagine watching a cheetah continously run on a treadmill, accidentally stumbling over his own four legs at once and then rolling off and slam against the wall, to which his dead body slowly falls and plops onto the ground with a uncomfortable squelching sound. This is the experience you get while watching Tadaima, Okaeri.

The family fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks, with the exception of Hinata who is a goddamn baby that never does anything.

Hiromu constantly gets cuteness overload from the "adorable" shit his malewife and kids do, and I was not charmed by ...
Jun 21, 2024
Preliminary (3/11 eps)
Romance is difficult to write. When you're young you are inexperienced and tend to write relationships that you fantasize about, whereas when you're old you tend to write relationships that likely based on your own in some way. There is really no limit as to how you can write a romance and how far you can possibly go.

But holy hell there is NOTHING here.

It's generally difficult for most people to write a romance where the main couple is already together, in order to have a story or premise for an episode you need to have some sort of conflict, but you shouldn't depict your main ...
Jun 2, 2024
Death Note (Manga) add
Mixed Feelings
Man I don't even know where to begin.

My feelings on the Death Note manga have been not exactly positive, not exactly negative, sometimes EXTREMELY negative until I calm down and remember AO3 exists and I can just read a way better "what if" ending or sequel that somewhat has the same vibes as the manga story without all the bullshit from the second half.

It starts off as a truly amazing 9/10 story until it trickled down all the way to a 5, part of me even wanted to go lower but that felt too harsh. I legitimately do not understand what went wrong in the ...
May 11, 2024
Pearl Boy (Manga) add
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (90/? chp)
Pearl Boy is frustrating because it gave me blue balls and the ending pissed me the fuck off.

The last season is full of constant whiplash moments, it keeps getting darker and darker until it feels like you missed a chapter somewhere because how tf did we get to this point. Why is this a action series now, I thought this was a drama?

Most of the side characters that were prominent at during S1 and S2 get completely shoved to the side or their little subplots just seem to have been forgotten. SPEAKING OF FORGETTING, wtf happened to Dooshik midway through??? Again it feels like I ...
Apr 16, 2024
Futakoi (Anime) add
Futakoi is difficult to sit through.

The cast is way too overblown due to the gimmick, and because of that some members of the harem basically had no goddamn screentime.

The Chigusa twins for example fade completely to the background once their episode was done and over with. Lala and Lulu were just there for comedic relief, same goes for the teacher twins. The Shirogane twins are the most interesting and overall best girls, but due to them coming into the series late they also very quickly fade as we have to focus on the very, very boring "main" girls.

The Sakurazuki twins have the same gimmick ...
Apr 10, 2024
Aho Girl (Manga) add
It's a silly, stupid comedy that goes all out with over the top reactions and absolute dipshit characters.

Sometimes you might think that a character has a brain but NO, they are just as stupid as the rest of the cast.

Yoshiko manages to be annoying but in a charming way. She's just so highly energetic and constantly gets up no matter how many times she gets beat down (literally) by Akkun. There were certain characters that I wish could've gotten more screentime or perhaps SOME sort of development, since there actually are some storylines that get a conclusion, but overall I think the author ...
Apr 6, 2024
Bucchigiri?! (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
While I was watching the series, I initially thought that it was doing way too much. It was trying to focus on SO many characters and subplots that seemingly don't connect at a first glance. What is Arajin's problem? What is Matakara's damage? Why is Mahoro so obsessed with Marito? It gives us hints and sprinkles but actual concrete conclusions are sparse.

It wasn't until the last episode where I finally understood wtf even the story was about. This whole time I thought it was leading up to Arajin getting over Mahoro in order to connect with his childhood friend again, making me really dislike the ...

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