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Jul 12, 2024
Sunroom ni te (Manga) add
i was torn between an 8 and a 9 for this one , but i decided to give it a 9 . its a bit hard to rate the whole thing when some stories are better than others , but overall this was enjoyable

id have to say my least favourite story was 20 Days And Nights , mainly because it was so confusing . i think it would have helped if it were easier to tell the characters apart / to tell who was talking , overall i couldn't really follow what was going on or even get a grasp on the ...
Jul 11, 2024
Mixed Feelings
this was . . . disappointing . it started off really strong , i actually thought it would end up being one of my favourites . but towards the end , they introduced some weird plot twist that wasnt fleshed out nearly enough , and overall the ending was just really unsatisfying . i understand that there was supposed to be a secret , but it could have been about a million and one better things than what they decided on . . . i guess on the bright side this has made me want to take the premise of this manga and write my ...
Jun 15, 2024
Bikini! (Manga) add
Mixed Feelings
this was okay

i was really enjoying it towards the beginning , it was basic but in a charming sort of way . as i got towards the end though , i found myself kind of tired , like ' when is this over . . . ? ' . the plot also got a little . . . silly ? i couldnt follow it , in part due to me not being able to tell certain characters apart , which i guess is more of a problem with the art / character design . but like , umi will be fine for a ...
Jun 10, 2024
since its not warned anywhere ( on MAL or the site i read this on ) i feel the need to warn people that this is incest

MAL wants me to add more words but theres not much else to say . its porn , and porn without much plot . a guy who works at a video store has a threesome , you knew that from the synopsis blurb

art is okay , characters are kind of unlikable honestly ( and i thought that before the reveal ) . theyre pretty plain and ...
Jun 10, 2024
Mixed Feelings
tldr; this is very short so if you want to read it go ahead , its not like youre wasting a lot of time or anything

okay , this is a oneshot so theres not a whole lot to say about it . the art is pretty , i thought the teddy bears were actually really cute , and i liked the girl's outfit . the story was a cute idea , the premise being set in some kind of amusement park / play room / parade attraction ( ??? its kind of unclear , in one part theres a parade ...
Jun 10, 2024
i really thoroughly enjoyed this manga

this review will have spoilers ? sorry . i try to be as vague as i can but the manga is only 5 chapters so its hard to not talk about what happens lol

though i beleive that i should add these trigger warnings in case anyone wanting to read this is triggered by these things : there is domestic abuse , and mentions of ( but no actual ) incest

art : 7 out of 10 . i really like the old ...

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