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deaththekid1893 Dec 22, 2016 8:27 PM
Heeeeeeeeeey! I haven't heard from you in forever so i figured i'd send you a message?? how've ya been? :3
John-Wayne Jul 31, 2016 12:30 PM
When someone who normally responds within 2 months or so doesn't respond in 5 months I just assume they died, or with anyone who just suddenly stops reponding online. Either that or they don't want to talk anymore. I figured you were just really busy like you said you were in that last message but what if you really did die? i'd never have known lol.

There's a place down the road hiring and they pay more and the work can't be any harder than what I'm currently doing.
I have the same problem, I lack job experience, so when I fill out an application there's not a whole lot on it and it just doesn't look good. I thought I got lucky when they called me back and decided to hire me but now I see why, they have a hard time keeping people around with how hard and nasty the work can be and how little they pay. We had a guy start his first day on Wednesday night and he had to do the garbage cans, which are the worst things we can get there, and he didn't come back the next day. Same the week before, some guy had to do the job I do but on another machine and he quit after that night. I want to stick this job out and make it through my first 90 days and see how much my pay is supposed to go up or if they'll have me do something else but I don't know, I complain about it every day and want to quit but can't bring myself to lol.
My dad works first shfit so I pass by his work station every morning on the way out and chat with him for a few minutes. He got hired in the week before me and I think he might be part of the reason the company took a chance on me, even if they are short staffed and knowing I have no experience with what they do. I work in a plastics recycling warehouse/factory.

I used to not mind the dentist as a kid but when I was 14 I had a bad dentist who was not good at what he did, and it was a ohrrible experience for me, so now I have extreme anxiety about going.

My job is very firsty, lots of dust and plastic in the air, bad for the eys and lungs, even if I have my safety glasses on the dust still gets in my eye. I spent a whole night last week basically blind in one eye because I got something in it and it felt dry and irritated and I couldn't keep it open and had to keep blinking. If it wasn't so unbearably hot at work I'd buy a gas mask or a full face dust mask and wear that but with how hot it is in there I'd die if I did lol.

As much as I enjoy alcohol, I'm good at controlling how much I have and when. Believe it or not I'm a responsible adult and don't drink during the week when I have to work and only drink one night on the weekend :P. I'm a small person so strength of the drink doesn't make a huge difference, it doesn't take a lot either way.
I've been around drunks my whole life, and I always swore to not drink it but here I am, lol. The difference is I know what it's like to be around people who drink and I don't like it, so I keep to myself when I do.
I don't do drugs, only those I'm prescribed for my dentist visits lol.

Yes, the cat knows, she cans ee things we can't lol. But there was the one I actually saw at my uncles house in the kitchen. he's even told me about things he was seeing. Are these things real? I want to think so.
That dream sounds terrible. I don't have the same dreams more than once, however I do have some dreams that are similar. once in awhile I will have dreams about planes crashing, and I'm always close by, sometimes close enough that I die as a result of the explosion. Each time it happens it's terrifying. I live close to an airport and can see planes landing throughout the day and night so the thought of them falling out of the sky is... scary.

I had a friend who claimed to be a "Satanist" but didn't believe in any devil or anything, he had that book and it had nothing to do with actual gods if I remmeber right. I wanted to read it but never did. Sometimes I think he pretended to like it because he or some people he knew thought it was cool, I never really discussed those things with him.

I accepted both of your requests on fb and steam, feel free to message me anytime on either, I'm on both most days.

That was very kind of you lol hopefully it won't be another 5 months before hearing from you now we have more lines of communication.
John-Wayne Jul 31, 2016 7:15 AM
I was starting to think you actually died since you didn't reply for so long lol. Imagine my surprise to see an email from MAL saying you left a new message!
The hours are similar to the job I had before my current one, started kinda late int he morning and lasted until later in the afternoon, not leaving much time for much else. It sounds a bit like my current job, except the work is hard, pay is worse and the company is terribly organized that sometimes I wonder how they stay in business sometimes. Since people quit or get fired alll the time where I work they're constantly short staffed so the "training" i get is poor and no one really answers real questions I have about the job. Sure they're really helpful but they don't really -help- in a way they should for my training so I'm always having to ask the same questions as to -why- we do certain things instead of actually learning to be indipendent on the job. It's frustrating. I wish i was better at school so I could instead be doing some comfortable office job somewhere and not the hard labor I do for low pay. I really should be looking for something else but after a night of what i do, bleh. Would rather sleep or do nothing.

Nope, I hate the dentist. my dentist is really good about making me comfortable or feel at ease but I can not like goig to it ever. They even give me a presription to calm me down before going in. And I should probably be going back in for a check up =\ I know there's some problems that will arise if I don't but I keep putting it off.

Most years through the months of May/June I get really bad pollen allergies, lots of sneezing and watery eyes and watery nose. It's like having a really bad cold virus for a month or two. but this year I didn't have that problem, which was funny because from March til the end of May I was working in a greenhouse with plants and pollen all the time and had no problems, and when my normally allergy season came up I didn't have any problems with them this year. We're going into August and only have had one or two days with bad allergies. Last year in the fall they got bad, so we'll see how this year is, hopefully like spring and not any trouble. As for anything that helps? I haven't found anything, the pills only work sometimes so if you have any remedies for allergies during allergy seasons let me know lol, I can use all the help I get from them.

It has been really hot this year, and it makes my job miserable. i work at night, but all of the heat stays int he building witht he machines and it's an oven. The last couple of days have been cool... not hot, cloudy, somewhat raining. A nice break from the relentless heat of this summer.

John Wayne was one of my grandfathers favorite actors, made a LOT of movies, I recently bought a DVD collection with like 30 movies he was in, most of them from the beginning of his career. I actually use him as inspiration to go and work my shitty job =\ lol. He's an American icon.

Whiskey is one of my favorites, also I drink a lot of vodka, if I didn't have to work I'd probably be an alcoholic lol. Just like my dad. I tried tequila once and didn't like it, but I should try it again sometime.

I do not like flies, where I grew up we had these large flies that would bite. Worse than mosquitos, some places you could not go because they would be so bad. That and at my job if you see flies in a bag you know it's going to smell bad and you don't want to deal with them lol. That and they're just annoying. I've noticed here in the city that mosquitos aren't a huge propblem, I don't even notice them, only when I visit family up north in the country.

It's only going to get worse with the "refugees" unless something is done about them. Every day I wake up and check the news and see in Germany or France new reports of attacks, killings, rapes etc. I wondered if Poland started letting them in and something happened to you since I didn't hear from you in such a long time =\ but I'm glad to hear Poland hasn't started letting them in and destroying themselves like everyone else. What gets me is how these "refugees" commit all of these crimes and create so many problems for the people there and people defend them and pretend their behavior towards European people is acceptable.
1. They want to believe they're helping someone or want to only help themselves but what they're really doing is causing more problems for everyone. I can understand wanting to help, but not to the point where it causes our own self destruction.
2. I don't understand how feminists or homosexuals loves Islam or "refugees" so much when their ideoology is excplicit and very anti-feminist and anti-homosexual. They are the very people Islamic people hate. It makes no sense to me.
3. As long as the EU exists and Merkal is der Führer no one will have a choice
4. It's weird, you can look at almost any picture of these "refugees" coming into Europe by boat or by walking and like you say 95% of them are young men who should be at home fighting for their country or land but instead flee to Europe to rape women and create more crime and poverty, and people will claim they're mostly "women and children". They even treat these grown men as childen! Men, not teenagers.

I agree, I've been vocally against it (complaining online so basically I complain to strangers on the internet lol) since it started and could see what would happen if they allowed them in, and now we look at the problems of Germany, France, Sweden and I can see I was right from the beginning. But how do they fight back without weapons? lol ;p

I've never had such experiences with God or anythign else, though in my later years (since my late teens I guess) I have had quite a few confrontatiosn with "ghosts" Like the other night something I couldn't see was chasing my cat and she was freaking out and looking at/running from something I couldn't see. I'm pretty sure it was a ghost, or the ghost I did see at my uncles one night. And last thursday night/friday morning at work I kept seeing something walking around in the corner of my eye but every time I looked up from what i was doing no one was there. And the night before I had a dream that involved a ghost, and it gave me quit the scare in the dream. I tried to explain it to a friend but it's not something I can easily explain how frightening it was until i woke up lol.

I've only read a few stories out of the bible, I have one but never get around to reading it, I have so many books I want to read I keep buying new ones and can't keep up lol. Religion and theology always bored me, and I could never get into it. I talk to an elderly lady from Australia who is very Christian and she always talks to me about God and how she prays for me, I've been meaning to read more of my bible and talk more about it with her but I'm busy working, sleeping, or just forget and start drinking and playing video games lol. I consider myself a non-believer, I don't liek the term atheist, its been ruined by liberals and the like, giving it a bad name, I don't want to be associated with people like that simply because I don't believe in one thing.

I use all of those, Facebook, Steam (been playing Counter Strike a bit these days), Skype, my friends stopped using skype but I still log in to talk to a couple of people. You're free to add me on any or all of them if you wish. I will send you links via private message (not like it matters if anyone on MAL sees them anyway but my skype gets too many spam requests as it is).

And hopefully I'll hear from you sooner than 5 months this time lol.
AltriaPendragon May 21, 2016 9:09 PM
Wow, apparently I never noticed you had responded and therefore didn't respond in kind. I apologize.

I'm not sure what you'd want to know. I have a difficult time talking about myself. I like video games (mostly action, J/RPG, etc.) and anime (of course), and I like to read. I mostly read science fiction and fantasy.

What about you?
John-Wayne Feb 21, 2016 1:36 PM

Glad to hear from you:

Congratulations on the new job. By the sounds of it, it seems like a difficult job to have with all the learning you need to go through for it. I hope that our conversations help you with your English in some way :P. A lot of people I've talked to always complain about having non-native speakers for their support, so work hard at it :P. Though I think most would be happy as long as it's not someone from India, which is what a lot of people complain about. Good luck with your new career.

I'm not sure if I have mentioned if my teeth are straight or not. I was lucky and mine grew in straight, so i don't have to deal with straighteners or braces :P but congratulations on getting that done. I can only hope I do not have to visit a dentist for some time.

Sorry to hear you've been sick :(. I haven't had any sickness like that in a long time, I usually don't. Though, sometimes when I babysit my niece she passes some kind of cold virus on to me but lately she hasn't.
Every week or two, or it seems like I do get some really bad allergies and it feels like a cold virus. Lots of sneezing, watery eyes, sore throat, runny nose etc. And usually nothing helps for it. More odd is that it usually only happens furing the months of May or June, my typical allergy seasons, but it's been happening on and off for a day at a time every other week since last fall. I really dread the upcoming spring season because I know I'm going to feel terrible the whole time.

Speaking of my allergies, the weather has been teasing. Some days it gets warm and spring like, like today. It's almost 50F in temperature and feels nice, sun is out. But next week it's probably get cold like it has and start snowing again. Yesterday was very windy, lots of power outtages in my state, luckily, I never lost power. It's still windy today but not so bad as it was yesterday.

That makes sense, if you don't know a word (or anyone) for it, it could get confusing. I do not believe you have repeated yourself yet, so no worries :)

I have not seen the Prince of Persia movies (or played the games) but he was in a movie I liked and watched many years ago. I'm not sure if it could be considered a "good" movie but the only movie I've seen with him in it was "Jarhead".
My favorite movie, I think, it can go by 2 titles, either "PU-239" or "The Half-Lie of Timofey Berezin". I think it's considered a "drama", but I don't know, I've watched it several times and I love it every time. It's a sad one for sure, though. Funny about that movie, and a lot of books, movies and games I watch read or play is that as much as I might like them the first watch, there's always something more I get from it the second and third watches that make me love it even more. PU-239 was one of them, every time I watch it I notice something else that makes me enjoy it so much more.
As for actors, John Wayne. Not sure if you've ever heard his name before, but he did a lot of old western movies starting in like, the early 1930's. My grandfather liked his movies and I have been seeing parts of most of them since I was young, because of him. Every time I hear his voice on TV or see his picture I always say his name out loud lol. They even have a bourbon whiskey with his name on it. I bought a bottle because of that :P it wasn't bad stuff.

I have not seen any of those around here, but the stores I visit get new stuff all the time, so if I'm lucky they'll have something Polish someday.
I can see that lol, I'm a shy person and alcohol definitely does help me be more open and social, though I would think the women who go there would want that kind of attention, if they didn't why would they go? lol.
I didn't think about that, with the influx of of "refugees" it might pose some danger for people that attend.

Sure, everything probably has some reason or purpose for its environment, but I don't think but what harm would come from not having mosquitoes? If anything the world would be a better place without them lol.

I just did some quick reading, you're right. Poland had a fairly large force, just out gunned and didn't have the mobilization the Germans had.
I also did not know the English were do defensive about their queen lol.
To be fair to the British though, and mostly PM Winston Churchill they did a lot of work to help the Soviets during the war, a lot of it in North Africa and the middle east. Helped to divert forces off the Eastern front, though maybe not as much as they wanted. The Soviets would have had a much harder time ending the war if it weren't for allied forces on the West too, no one side can take full credit for ending the war.

The spiders, uh, no real reason for them I guess lol. They were very very tiny, and there were a lot of them, I tried to the best of my ability to get pictures, but the way my camera focuses on objects made it difficult since they're so small. It was more of an "this is interesting" thing lol.

My cat would probably not get along with your Chinchillas :P
I can't relax or sleep with the cat in my room, she wants to mess everything up, claw things, etc. If I do sleep with her in here I need to cover up everything, like cables and cords, since she wants to bite and claw them.
Even with all the mean thigns I say about her and her personality she can be a very loving and cuddly cat. I wish I had a camera that had night vision so I could take pictures of the ways she cuddles at night. Sometimes I wonder if she thinks she's human.

I heard recently that Germany is not sure anymore on what to do with all of their refugees and that it's a mistake to have an open border. Not Merkal, but other German politicians. I can't remember who but another country was going to deport a lot of them. Even in Finland asylum seekers are cancelling their requests because they don't like it lol. Which I thought was funny, they don't like the cold and think its boring there.

Not sure how I feel, I couldn't describe what I was feeling shortly after, even now. Not a day goes by that id o not think of him, kind of hard because I have a couple of his pictures on my book shelf :P that and I have a picture of him and me sitting together during his last birthday on a few profiles and websites.
I personally don't believe in any Gods or follow any religions, and I'm not a spiritual person. The large majority of my family on both sides are Christian, but there's only a few of us that don't follow those beliefs.
So, I don't know about Gods but I'm with little doubt that aliens are out there somewhere int he universe :P.
And even though I said I'm not spiritual, I do believe ghosts haunt my apartment and my uncles house. It gets kinda spooky sometimes.
Like the other night last week or so my cat was watching and following something around the room, like it was a person but nothing was there, I wonder if it was grandpa visiting :P
From my understanding, and correct me if I'm wrong, but is Poland a Catholic country? My mother was raised Catholic and my Grandmother to, so I always thought Poland was a Catholic dominant country, though someone told me it wasn't the other day, or that it isn't anymore.
And what about your beliefs?

I was a little surprised to see a new picture, speaking of, I think I'll be changing my profile name and picture... I'm thinking John Wayne :P
WoopDiDoo Feb 20, 2016 6:28 PM
Hey~ (feels weird commenting back when I talk to you on my phone now lol)

Alright! Hit me with them! xD

I had no idea... I hope that didn't leave any permanent damage to your body or any scarring in your lungs if you were coughing pretty badly. :(
But wow, 7 different medicines? was that even really necessary? I mean I've been through hell like sicknesses and the most I've ever been prescribed would be 1 - 3 different sort of things.

It sounds tough having to memorize all that sort of information just on Microsoft, but knowing that you have plenty of skill with computers I bet you will be able to handle it just fine. I just hope it's not one of those type of jobs that expect a lot from you, but you don't get what you should in return for the work you do.
Lol I'd be more nervous and scared to talk to other people in different countries since I'm not exactly good at handling people on the phone and much less in person as well. xD That's good, improving your English always comes in handy in majority of places, so it will be quite beneficial to you.
Was it hard for you? Also how well are you getting along with the people in your group? Whenever I'm put into groups I always end up shutting myself away from everyone since I just don't know how to interact and I'm no good at it either, majority of the time I always keep to myself.

What is the brace for? Are your teeth not straight? I'll be honest and say I haven't been to the dentist since I was really little and surprisingly enough my teeth have come out to straight even though I didn't take all that good care of them. >.>
Lol okay, but I wasn't expecting you to. xP

This is who I'm talking about from Getbackers:
Character Name: Fuuchouin Kazuki

I see, I don't really have any TV as in cable TV, but that kind of thing is pretty stupid and can give off that kind of message, and they don't exactly have to make it a couple wearing Adidas, I mean they could have just made a commercial of a group of people who work out wearing Adidas, didn't exactly have to be excluded to one of each gender. Plus, commercials can be completely normal with just 2 people of the same gender advertising a certain product/brand just having friendly relations, but they always feel the need to make it in a way where it could most likely be found with fault with a lot of people because they are desperate to get viewers of their commercial. As I said before though, people tend to be VERY sensitive these days and take things the wrong way even though someone may mean no harm. People are always trying to find some sort of fault with whatever it is they hear or see. It's just everything in this generation is a lot stricter (although back then customs were strict, but I'm talking about the system with everything.)

I see, stuff like that however is pretty common behavior in the sort of area I live, well pretty much in the whole state lol
If women are streaming with their boobs out they are most likely doing porn xD
She probably figured that if the costume she was wearing was getting her viewers, than doing a bit of service for the those who were guys watching her would bring in some more people to watch her. When people get the attention they want, I guess as much as possible they don't want to lose the attention and hope that they will invite more with tactics like that.

I don't know why or how people are able to say such things either, but negativity tends to attract company.
It's human nature to sort of go along with whatever it is people are doing, no matter if they are good or bad influence.
I truly dislike it when people are constantly cussing or saying the most horrible things without a care in the world because then I just feel suffocated with all that, and I honestly don't want to be a part of it. That's why I RARELY cuss, and if I do, it's either because I'm PMSing lol or I have a pretty good reason to.

Parenting has just become an idea where if you do certain things, a child will be sure to take it in the way you expect them to. When you beat them, they expect their children to think that they know what will happen if they do them any wrong. If you buy them gifts, they expect that since that is an object of their love, that they will see how much their parent loves them, when all it really is, is just an object, it doesn't give any exact meaning if your child hasn't gotten to know you well enough or understand you well enough to know the things that you do means that you care for them. Also! Parents that force ambitions onto their child like that always are the ones who care about their reputation as a parent because they believe if their child is doing wrong in life it's their fault for not raising them properly. I think there are more people who are started to do what they want these days which is good, and I'm glad that you made a choice of your own and are happy with it. :D
I admire people who know what they want and go after it, and do as they please because they aren't afraid since it's their own life and they feel like they know how to handle it.

Yeah, that's all they feel is necessary to teach you unfortunately, if there is anything besides wars, is how our laws and treaties were established between countries. Majority of boys tend to have aggressive nature to begin with so it's no surprise that they are fascinated with war and things of the like. It's just their idea of what's "cool".
I've also seen a lot of people bagging on feminist movements and such, but more on people who call themselves feminists and their ideas of feminism are things like the way men treat women.

That is why I don't bother with voting because you CAN'T trust people who just know how to say pretty words, now when it comes to election, I think people just pick whoever they think won't make life as crappy as the other. I am strongly against them too, but like you said, they might as well make it legal because people are still able to get it however it is they need to and are willing to pay good money for them, no matter even if we took them away, they would still be able to get ahold of them somehow. The government basically makes things even stricter for the sake of themselves. Like losing belief in any democracy, you'll much less have any sort of faith in the government, and I mean ever lol
If my life is going to be like that, I rather off myself now xD there is no way life is worth living if that's all your going to be doing in life, everything is made in a way where you basically need to struggle and wreck your brain over survival, and there is no way I want to live like that at all. I think it's frustrating that now all the things that you want to do revolves around having money and therefore you can't help but want money and to make more of it or else how are you going to be happy? It's because everything has a price on everything that people believe the only way to be happy and get around in life is by having money.

When you put it that way, I can understand how you feel lol if I wanted to do any sort of thing with my walls though I'd definitely paint it some sort of color that seems easing to my mind because it's my home so I want to be able to look at it and feel relaxed~ or maybe put up some sort of nice design of wallpaper. I agree with your idea though, having color throughout your house is definitely something best to have for sure.

That's cool, I wouldn't be able to contribute much to that topic though since not only am I not good with words, but I never immerse myself much into the subject of Politics/Government/Law etc. >.>
If anything I could only get excited and willing to talk about hobbies that are the same, but you don't really find many people who are into the same stuff you and I are lol (especially where I live, you have a better chance of talking about anime/manga with a guy than you do with girls)

I think in a way Usui is more realistic in terms of his character, but as for being good at everything and having no flaws whatsoever, that kind of what integrates him into the shoujo manga.
I'd probably shy away if I saw a guy that good looking to be completely honest. xD

I still think it's nice that you both go out and have dinner together and spend some quality time with each other over a meal.
I understand alcohol is expensive so it comes to no surprise that you wouldn't go out that often to drink. lol
But that does sound nice for special occasions.

Really? I have never seen it around at all lol, I'll drop by a convenience store sometime and see if they have it so I can see what it tastes like.
I'm someone who prefers the strong sort of tastes, I never really enjoy anything with sort of bland flavors xD

In my case, my grandma was always making decisions behind my dad's back and she always believed that she was in the right and whatever my dad thought was wrong. Despite having made all those decisions that were ALWAYS mistakes, she still never listened to anybody and that's the main reason why my family and I are stuck in this crappy financial situation we are in.
We're complete opposites in terms of how we treat our family lol I wish I were more like you in that sense, since my mom is always stressing out about what lies ahead of us in the future and how we are able to survive each month because my dad's work isn't exactly enough to keep the household going, I have to help her out with cleaning and whatnot as much as possible, my older brother could care less about what goes on within our family and he doesn't help at all, plus can't do anything for himself so he's pretty useless, my little sister is always caught up with herself and doesn't do much to help out either, and my little brother is basically another version of my older brother.
I hate this feeling of restriction because of my family and our situation and it's seriously frustrating, but at the same time I have anxieties about the choices I make for myself because of how I grew up in my family, I don't know how to deal with a lot of things even though me being an adult I should know already. (I think this is a big part of why I'm unhappy.)
That's pretty stupid of them to think that you should do that sort of thing for them when they have no involvement in your personal life with your boyfriend in the first place. o.e I think your grandma is taking advantage of her situation of being old and having raised your dad, like I mean it's okay to ask some favors of family, but hearing about her from you, she's always demanding things from people when they have no obligation whatsoever to fulfill her needs. If she has a problem with the place she lives in then that is something that she herself should sort out herself, she still seems plenty sane to be able to work out things like that on her own.

Wow, that's so nice :) Awwwww I envy you girl ;P btw do you recall how long you 2 have been together already?
To me it's hard to find any sort of feelings through writing to another person... I think it's sweet how your boyfriend thinks about you and your relatiosnship and actually delivers on the things he says. I wish I had the sort of relationship like you have with your boyfriend in which you plan and do things together, I mean even the big thing being you guys moving out to New Zealand together. Definitely treasure your relationship! No matter if your boyfriend makes teases at you like stuff about you having a round face with your hair up! xD
I think that's healthy and a fun way to flirt when it comes to romantic relationships.

That's fine with me~ lol and it turned out to be +1 xD
That's cool, and alright :D I was wondering if we were going to continue commenting on here now that I can talk to you by phone lol

Nope, your the complete opposite, which is good, I wish I were someone who could talk about a variety of different things like you, but unfortunately there is not much to a boring socially introverted girl like me. >_>
WoopDiDoo Jan 13, 2016 5:28 PM
I sure did ;D

It looks nice, I like it. I know it's one of the characters from an anime called GetBackers in case your wondering. :3
Well I was able to recognize by your username at first and then the long message also gave the hint pretty much xD

I actually have never seen anything like this up until now, but all I know is this is not going to pan out well. :T
Lol it's basically saying that you have to be completely accepting to everyone else's opinion just so there will be no "problems" within that "safe-space" They are trying to make a barrier that keeps out verbal abuse which we all know does not exist and they are being completely unrealistic with this. -.-

I wouldn't like it at all? lol I probably would dislike the idea as you seem to be disliking it. xD
Talking with someone like that would seem like a job so no thank you~ lol

No kidding, that's why I try to avoid as much social media as much as I can these days because I feel like it would corrupt my mind. x.x
That's why the only social media I have is MAL and Crunchyroll although I only use Crunchyroll to watch anime, not really interact with people lol But I think what you described right now is like another form of "Opposites attract" like in terms of that little boy exerting his negative anger and receiving positivity in terms of getting more viewers to view him, but not in the way a person would hope to attract people into viewing him. It's a general fact that people want to be "liked" even if they have to do disagreeable things to get that sort of attention they are looking for. Like it's been said many times before~ people do ANYTHING to get attention because nowadays that's all that matters to people. D:

You could say that's what people find "entertainment" in doing, I remember there being a case in which this girl committed suicide because of the cruel bullying she received and even after she killed herself, those kids that were bullying her even said terrible things about her still, seriously demons. >.> Not to mention, there was just a very recent case of a kid committing suicide because of bullying like I think a week ago. The guy would have sent some sort of message of support or at least give his condolences, and what's worst is that were even people who liked his post. You could say with each coming generation our humanity is growing thinner and thinner because of how much we're losing track of the most important things, and people are growing to become even more stupid, it's amazing~ -.-

WOW. I'm not completely surprised though with the things I've heard some parents had did to their own kids these days...
Parenting is just one of the things that is also going down the crapper, and people don't know the meaning of "responsibility" you get when you become a parent. Like you'll see people being upset over their lives and how horrible it's taken for the turn when you can say they brought it on themselves. For example, you already know how girls like to "fool" around these days and because of that they end up pregnant and everyone and everything is being affected around them because of that and majority of the time they are left completely unhappy with this sort of situation when they could have avoided such a thing if they had been more responsible over themselves. I'm sorry, but it's just so stupid.
Well back on to what you were talking about, there are those parents that really only value themselves and don't care about anyone else as long as they are happy. People really shouldn't become parents if that's their idea of "parenting". I find it so sad because people now just see children as a chore.

Oh, but I was talking about how a lot of innocent people had cruelly died like that, that is something that people should care about and not just take it so lightly. (but like you said before, people are just losing compassion.) I have never seen that movie before actually, it sounds familiar in some way... I'll watch it if you really want me to watch it that badly, I think this is something my mom would be interested in watching too (since she reads a lot of articles and watches movies of the like) so I might be watching it with her as well. It's okay, I don't really watch movie trailers anyway I usually just read the synopsis and see how good it is according to reviews and rating.

To me, it's hard to believe anything that has to do with religion nowadays because of what has happened and is still happening. I mean for starters, I once saw a commercial in which they were advertising their music I think, and using the Pope to do it and putting retro shades on him and stuff. Like wth. Also how they over exaggerate consequences of what happens if you don't come to terms with their "beliefs". It's ridiculous, I mean I used to be Christian, but nowadays I'm left feeling indecisive of whether or not I should believe in old tellings of the bible so now I lean towards the side of an Atheist in a way.

The way the education system teaches History they don't make it seem as interesting as it's supposed to be. History is now taught in a way that it's "Memorize these events and be done with it" and that's pretty much it.
I love learning about Japanese History and culture because I find it more fascinating then American history/culture to be honest. :T
Plus all I can see American culture as is "shallow". I understand why people would hate being told the mistakes and the dark part of history of their country because they see it as people saying it's "their" own mistake, and that's how people take the offense.
To me though I honestly don't care since it wasn't me that made all the choices that brought history to be what it has now, and I know more of the terrible things rather than the good. xD

Yeah, I really don't want to risk anything by having fun in the ocean :P It's one of the main reasons I don't like the beach since shark attacks are "common" so like no thank you lol
After seeing a lot of things having to do with ocean excavations and research, the ocean creeps me out more than ever, it didn't make it any better when one time my little sister showed me this video of the unknown sounds people who were researching the ocean heard as they were deep underwater, they were so creepy, and it made it even creepier knowing that the sound was actually coming from (I forget) but I think thousands of miles away >.>

Voting from now on is going to be voting for the other person who is not going to make life as shitty as the other person plans to make it. It's really sad that we can't find anyone who genuinely wishes to actually change things for the better. You should have heard the very badly worded comment that Hilary Clinton made when it came to a case of which many people had lost their lives, it was just... no. I guess people didn't believe he was going to do all that he claimed because of the vast amount of things he said he was going to do. To me there is really no Democracy anymore lol it's just there in words, but it is now just disregarded as an empty promise. My parents don't believe in anything of the sort anymore either, my mom has never voted, my dad only once when he was a late teen, but now all I hear when they talk about anything concerning politics is just crap and lies.

I'd totally gain like 50 pounds if I went out to eat with you >.> lol It takes me awhile to get sick of some sort of food and besides if I get sick of it I can just order something different for a change from the same place or we could try and explore other good yummy places to eat at. xD
I like walking with friends too, but like you in the Winter I'd be too cold for that and would prefer much more to hibernate under my blankets lol Doing stuff just at a person's place can be equally as fun, plus we could save money by just cooking up a meal together at your place :3

I don't try to look mad so you can say my face just naturally looks that way (although people usually say I just look too serious)
That's not going to be a worry for me since I let my guard down around guys lol I mean it's a given since I've seen the result of girls being "too comfortable" around guys and just men's overall attitude towards women in general. It's only if I know the person really well that I will be willing to be that way around them.

Oh trust me I love <3 the look you like, and much prefer it over a cottage. I'm just saying that if it were a house that I would be living in realistically speaking I think cottages are much more cheap, plus I like having a lot of greenery around me because the air is much more fresh.
But if I had to say my dream house (▰˘◡˘▰) it's hard to find anything that would give you the picture of what I consider my dream house since when I look up modern houses they show houses that go over the top, and I don't like anything THAT extravagant, but still rather nice and none of the ones which I see appeal to me. xD
Your house sounds so nice D: My living room only has one side of the wall green and the rest of my walls are completely white aside from the bathroom which is light blue. I think white walls in a way leave the room having a nice sort of feeling depending how you coordinate your room. :D

It's more like if you were to all of a sudden have that sort of conversation with someone they would kind of "treat you differently" because the college I go to people there have lighthearted conversations, they never really get into topics of the sort unless they are majoring in a subject that has a lot to do with that sort of thing. Aside from that, all the people over there talk about is really gossip, celebrities, etc. I never have anything to say when it comes to stuff like that which is why I don't bother to talk to people in the first place. >.> Which you can see now why I'm on here since it's a SNS site about "anime and manga" so there is no doubt I'll be able to find people to talk about stuff we share for sure, and hopefully more things as we get to know each other.
I think so too, but I was specifically talking about debating on discerning opinions in which one of us does not agree with the other. xD
We just get can't help but think alike~ ╮(─▽─)╭

I don't really wear jewelry either because of how it affects my skin and my skin is very sensitive and I have eczema on top of it. I'm the same, whenever I get money I usually buy whatever it is I desperately need at the moment, I like to watch gameplays too, although I don't buy them because my brother always end up buying them anyway and he let's me play so I don't have to spend my own money. :D

Wow just from the pictures on the site it looks pretty fancy >.> and the desserts look really cute and delicious xD
He is one of the best looking anime characters there is =////=
I mean when I first saw the first volume cover of Maid-sama in stores, I immediately bought it to read JUST because he looked SO hot. >/////<
This one ->

I mean it's really unhealthy for you too so if you don't like it I don't think you need to force yourself to like it, but people can be illogical I guess~ Lol it really doesn't, but that's the age requirement over here, but like what does it matter if there are 18 year olds who are able to get their hands on alcohol somehow? It's really easy. (Law restrictions like this really are of no use :P) Oh, that's cool, do you often go out drinking with your boyfriend? I envy you! I wish I had someone whom I could go out with often like that D: Always stuck at home lol Maybe I didn't like a lot of the stuff I tried with alcohol because the taste of alcohol was just too intense, if anything I like with alcohol it would have to be foods that consist of wine, REALLY good.
I'd try to make that myself if I could buy some rum lol and I don't know if they sell what you call "Frugo juice" at any of the markets or anything because I've never heard of it before. o.o

I pretty sure everyone loves Italian pasta xD
Not French frogs though, I'd be too scared to eat that. O.o
My favorite food is sushi so DEFINITELY Japanese cuisine, and Middle Eastern food is really good too, in fact it's really popular where I live currently. I like Mexican food too, but to an extent. I also love both Filipino food and German food as it's what I grew up with too. :)

They have a really complicated relationship, I was actually wrong, when I asked about it again afterwards they told me they are still married, but there was a lot of complicated details so I wouldn't be able to explain it to you since I'm terrible at explaining anyway. xD I'll tell you that a lot went on between my mom and my grandma (dad's mom) because she didn't like that my dad was dating my mom and everything and it just became a whole big family thing. The only reason they stay together is because of "us" my siblings and I and because of financial issues. (I won't go into details, but I'll say that it was a lot of drama caused by family) it's really hard to tell how my parents feel about each other because one moment they are fighting and the next they are treating each other normally and it's just completely mixed. x.x
OMG that's almost the same exact situation that goes on with my family, my dad is the COMPLETE opposite of your dad though, he can't believe that he came from my grandma. >_> Also my grandma is (like yours) the main cause of the fights between my parents because she's pretty much the reason why we are in such a strict financial situation and she has left my mom in a debt that's not even hers and it's just ugh... I try to be nice to her because I am her grandchild and because I just can't even act mean to someone I don't know all that well. I totally get what you mean though. (Man we are so alike in aspects it's kind of scary) xD Like your dad's mom, my grandma is always making things worse with the way she thinks and she never listens to anybody when she really should and you get the picture lol

Wow that's interesting to hear about how you and your boyfriend were before, I mean I'd figure you wouldn't want to date someone if they were like that so I find that quite fascinating. When it comes to people like that, it takes one person that they meet in their life to enlighten them about some things they would have never thought about in that way, you happened to be that person for your boyfriend and boy did he get the wrong idea about you at first glance and you showed him. xD If you don't mind me asking~ what made you want to date him if you realized that about him and who asked the other out? You or him? (≧▽≦)

Yeah, you could say it's considered that. I don't like doing the complex type of makeup though since it's too time consuming and I don't want to go out looking too done. xD I always find those type of things a bother too :( I really don't like going out though looking completely ragged and I just want to look a bit more put together you know? because I just look tired when I don't do something with myself. xD
There are so many beauty hacks that you probably wouldn't believe my friend, I mean I saw something where you could make your boobs look bigger with makeup >.> (from the cleavage that is) lol
I think it only appears that way because usually when women wear red lipstick, they have some heavy eye makeup going on there, and heavy makeup like that can give off that kind of image which I understand,but I think it could look quite classy or refined if your wearing very minimal eye makeup. =) Like this ->
AH. Yeah that's the problem with lip colors like that too because it can get on your teeth and be very noticeable. >.> It all depends on how good the lipstick your wearing is though that makes something like that happen.

Oh. Well I meant like the type of movie with an actual story where it's normal for a scene like that to be in there like romance movies. o.o
Yeah, I remember one time I was watching my brother playing God of War and you actually had to control your character when he was screwing someone in the game. -___- I know what you mean, I mean I really can't stand it considering it's like EVERYWHERE and it makes you think that's all that people are really interested in and makes you realize people are really "animals".
Unfortunately over here they have porn rental places and they make sure it's known (they have female manicans in their store window with stripper outfit and whatnot with the neon purple lights) Yup...
From what I know, it's common that men just love getting rough with women, and they just love the idea of dominating over them.
I wish the same too, but it's what guys like... and it's aimed "at guys" >_>

It's all about really making the effort to call and talk to them, I mean a lot of the time I'm unsure of what to say and I think too much about everything and therefore I have nothing to say, but it's fine because your friends. xD

I haven't tried it out yet, since I don't know anyone who really uses Viber (aside from you now lol) Sure, I'll do that. =)
I don't use that app anymore so it doesn't really matter, plus it's not all that good in the first place so it's okay to forget about that. xD

Nah it's cool I completely understand, I rather be able to hear better input on the manga anyway. =)
lol I'm only really able to talk this much because I'm talking to someone as talkative as you xD

I know you did that on purpose =.=
Hope to hear from you soon! xD

John-Wayne Jan 13, 2016 10:58 AM
Hello friend,

Starting early this month, its been snowing, these last few days, almost a week now constant snow. Mostly lake effect which is what happens living next to Lake Michigan. It's almost like we're getting what we should have gotten last month this month lol. I've been using the same pair of winter boots for like 10 years now lol, though I did get a like-new pair last week, which I'll probably start wearing more often when I have to go out in the snow.

Funny you ask that, because my mom wanted to name me after my dad, but my dad hates his name and didn't want me to be named after him. My grandfather on my moms side was named after his father, and my uncle, my moms younger brother is named after him. But that stopped there, I wouldn't have minded having either my dads name or my grandfathers name. I have never met anyone else with his name before, so it would be almost unique to have these days.
I always liked children taking the names of their parents, and I thought if I were to have children, I'd want them to have the same name as me. I don't know why, I just like the idea.

Sometimes it's nice to have a common name, but sometimes people mistake you for someone else. Which isn't fun lol. I don't know if my name is popular or common in England, I just know it is here in the US. The actor is Jake Gyllenhaal, I was surprised when i first heard of him since I don't know of any other big movie actors that share my name. I've only seen one movie with him in it though.

I think it's almost ironic that Germany and Poland have a rough history and my grandmother is half of each lol.
I've had several European beers, some German, and they're either good, or not so good. Depends on the style they are. I don't like Stouts, they taste of chocolate and I do not like chocolate. I'll have to look these ones you mention up and see if they are of any of the beer styles I like. I've only recently in the last two or so years started drinking them. Very interesting and diverse beverage field to experiment with. I'm eager to try every kind from anywhere.
I did not know Oktoberfest was so perverted, I thought it was mostly beer and food, I admit I'm ignorant of it and never looked into it. But beer and oobs isn't a bad mix now is it? :P

You shouldn't feel too bad about not knowing States here, or other countries. I'm within a few hours driving distance from Canada and I still don't know where all of their Provinces are, and forget some of their names.
I do not like spiders, and even though where I live they are mostly harmless, I kill them on sight. I don't like them or being near them lol.
My uncle once told me about a spider he caught and kept as a pet for a short time when he was in the desert during his time in the military and when he had to let it go, the spider wouldn't let HIM go after it was released. Like the spider wanted to get its revenge on my uncle for keeping him as a pet lol.

Depends on who "nobody is", I have a few books about war crimes and the atrocities both sides committed, and I plan to get more (whenever i can get caught up on the backlog of books I have on my shelf waiting to be read). I think a lot of people care and try to get the word out about these things, but no one cares or listens, it was a thing of the past to them. And "history is written by the victors" - only those who really truely care about the truth of the past will every try to find out.
Poland was in a terrible position at the start of the war, weak (or should I say outdated?) military, and placed in between two major fighting powers, Germany and Russia. People will make fun of France/the French for being cowards and surrendering, but that's not exactly what happened. They were victims of circumstances, and during the whole occupation and leading up to the Allied invasion of Europe (against the Germans) the people did what they could to fight back, gather intelligence, help the allies, etc.
You're right, smaller less powerful countries get overshadowed by larger and stronger ones who had the ability to accomplish more. It's easy to forget about the Japanese involvement and what they did in Asia/South East Asia. I'm not sure why, to me the European conflict of it is just more interesting, more relevant to me. Much closer to home.
In Englands defense, they had their hands tied in more ways than one, they had a lot on their plate all over the world and could only do so much at the time. I think if Winston Churchill had his way and didn't have to fight for his leadership to command - the war would have ended much sooner. I believe he knew what was going to happen and what needed to be done but was unable to because other political rivals 9and even friends) did not give him to power to.
After all of my reading, I do not think Hitler was as bad or as evil ad he is made out to be by media and some historians, people or the Jews. I remember reading Mein Kampf and (despite it being dreadfully boring for most of it) I thought he had some good, if not great ideas on how countries/society should be. However, he was more than a little war crazy and screwed everything up. It wasn't just him, but his underlings, Himmler, Goring, etc. that had a huge role in genocide and mistreatment of minorities and prisoners or war.I mean, Stalin killed 50+ million people, many of which were his own just because he was paranoid.But he's less demonized than Hitler, who killed far less. But this could go on forever on how X wasn't so bad because Y was bad or it was X who did more than Y because Z. Everyone was bad on all sides lol.

There's a time for pride and a time for just getting work done, instead of taking the time of trying to figure out how his name is spelled, sometimes you just need to as, or have them do it lol.

Oh yes, when she was a small kitten she would like to climb up and play with the strings as well. She doesn't do that anymore, but I feel like I caught a special moment with that picture.
I wish I had a better camera so I could have gotten better pictures of those spiders :P even though I don't like them.

I would ask if something with such cute ears could be a demon, but my cat is cute and she can be evil sometimes lol. I want to pet a chinchilla now, they look so small and adorable.

No no, not boring, I look forward to your messages, I don't know why you would think that lol.

I did see what happened, and it is sickening. Every time I see a new article or report of these things happening all over Europe I get angry and disappointed and confused as to why the people let this happen. But I don't live there so I don't know, I just don't like hearing about it, it's upsetting, even for some of us who don't live there. I know I'm not the only person here in the US who feels this way.

In other news, my Grandfather on my moms side passed away on the 4th of this month, barely a few days into this new year. He was in the hospital since the 22nd of December. There's not a whole lot to say about it I guess, other than this was a huge... change for the family. Until now I've had both of my grandparents on both sides of my family. There was a moment towards the end when i was at the hospital visiting with my mom, my aunts, a couple of my cousins, and grandmother and one of my aunts was crying, because he looked so bad and we knew he was dying and there was nothing anyone could do. So my half Polish half German grandmother randomly asked the doctor that was in that evening "Are you Polish?" I didn't look at his name tag until she asked. Turned out he was Half Polish and half French Canadian. After he left I made the comment out loud "Man, you find Polish people everywhere!" and everyone in the room (except my mostly unconscious grandfather) burst out laughing. The comment cheered my aunt up a little bit. And apparently, my Grandmother attracts Polish people. lol.

No worries, I can understand how busy things get trying to reply to messages lol, luckily my niece is back in school and I'm no longer distracted by her.
Have a good day!

also nice new profile picture
John-Wayne Dec 21, 2015 1:53 PM
Maybe, it's a melancholy feeling :P.

It snowed a little in November I think, but it didn't last, and it snowed last week Friday which we got a few inches, but that was gone in a couple of days too. It's been raining a lot lately.

It's about a large family that lives in the mountains of Virginia during the 1930's and 1940's. It's a light hearted comedy/drama about their lives and people they meet, etc. "John-boy Walton" is the main character I'd guess, though the show doesn't center on him later on. He's "John boy" because he has the same name as his father :P. He's one of the better characters, probably a favorite, there's some I really don't like lol.
Lake? lol They're close enough but I don't know of anyone who's named their child Lake. It's a common name here, one of the more popular ones, same with my family name. When i was in school there were 3 of us with the same last name and it was just a small town barely a few hundred students I think.
Ola Tylkowska, a name I have never seen before, how would you pronounce your last name? And how do Poles get "Alexandra" out of Ola? Fascinating and confusing language Polish is lol.
It is nice to meet you too, Ola. I hope it will remain as well. :)

Well, my grandmother is half German and half Polish :P so I do have an interest in it. Though most of my interest of it is the second world war, it's fascinating to read or watch about. I don't know a whole lot about Polish history much other than it gets bullied by their neighbors, Germany and Russia. As much as I'd like to visit and see the countries or areas my families have immigrated from, I don't have a clue what is there that I'd want to see or visit. I'm sure there's plenty of things to see or do. Well, maybe Oktoberfest ;) I'd like to try all the German beers I could. I've never seen a Polish beer, but I've never heard of any. Only vodka.
That's a tad embarrassing on your part, Finland is quite close to Poland.I spent a lot of time in school just looking at maps in the back of my books so I've always known where most European countries were. The only ones I can't remember are the ones east of Italy or Greece, then they get small and weird borders and I can never remember them.
No no :P Australia friend doesn't see any of these things, at least where he is. I didn't spot anything on google maps either when I checked his area out :P
I do always joke with him about going outside and having kangaroos or dingo's in his back yard, and the spiders and snakes out to get him. But he insists that it's not that dangerous and we foreigners over exaggerate. I still don't believe him haha.
That's one thing I like about where I live, generally most if not all snakes are fairly harmless, same with spiders, but I still do not like spiders.
If you were to ask me what Canada is like, I'd probably say the same thing: Same as here in the US, maybe a little cleaner. lol

Simply, I seen you're from Poland lol - I don't think our anime compatibility was very high at the time and I didn't have much of a reason to other than to say "hi" or ask about that one thing I knew that came from Poland. And I guess it just went on from there. That's how a lot of my friendships on the internet start, usually over something small being said and it just goes from there. I haven't had a whole lot of luck with it on MAL, except for a few people, but I've made some really good friends on some games I used to play a lot of. Who says internet friends can't be real friends? Some of the best people I know I only know online lol.

It appears I had talked to them in 2013, it's been so long and most people don't comment to me anymore, I had to check lol.

I think wars are very interesting and exciting at times, usually in hindsight when we can look back and think about what was going on and the decisions that were made and speculate at what could have happened.
Sometimes I wish I could time travel to ask them, get the answers right from them, or wish that they had diaries or something written that gave insight as to why they left, what family they left behind. For all I know I could have some distant cousins in Poland somewhere.

Do French people have different noses? I wonder what my nose would be, since I'm Norwegian, Swedish, German and Polish. And who knows what else that my grandfather on my moms sides family came from. I'm the opposite, I don't know a lot from my dads side, only my moms side is everyone in contact in one way or another. My dads side everyone lives in different states and rarely talk to my cousins there.

Kind of funny, today I was watching a documentary of the second world war and it focused for a minute on Gypsies and how they were victims of persecution, I'm sure it will go on about the Jews, and I get that they were persecuted, but you're right, they're focus way too much on just them, and ignore everyone else who suffered, or at least won't acknowledge it as openly.
It is being manipulated, like they say:" history is written by the victors". All countries involved committed some kind of war crime or atrocities.China and Korea for example are still really pissed about what Japan did during the war and won't let it go. I think it's a bit of hypocrisy, people continue to demonize the Germans for what they did in the war, but turn a blind eye to Russia, or the US for what they did. That's why i wish people would have more interest in it than just believing what they're taught in school :"Germans bad, everyone else good", when it wasn't that simple.

Polish always sounds like Russian or Ukrainian to me, not sure where he gets Chinese from it :P
I laughed out loud watching the video. I probably would have reacted the same way the guy trying to write it down did, confused and amazed. I would have just turned the paper around and have him write it himself haha.

Well, I don't know much if anything about Polands military strength, but history shows you can't just go to war with Russia, Russia always wins lol. Whoever that is is very very stupid to even consider it. I like the Russian leader, Putin. I wish my country and theirs could get along, but my government does not want to, and I just facepalm every time they start causing drama. We have only 2 political parties here, and in this next election we have a guy who's running for president that neither of those parties like. It makes me think he's doing something right.

Most civilians have nothing to do with it, and get punished for poor choices by the government leaders in foreign affairs. Germans have to suffer with this increase in "refugees" in certain areas and some even have their lives completely disrupted because of them, when they had absolutely nothing to do with it. I don't know, i don't live in Europe but I am bothered by some of the things going on there with this whole refugee crisis thing.

She was being really good for a couple of weeks, but today she started being mean again. My niece is out of school for the christmas holiday and my sister has to work today and tomorrow so I'm watching her for the day (I've been trying all day to read and reply but I have to keep getting up to check on her when she calls or needs me). Anyway, my niece has this stuffed toy animal that's a cat that she brought with her and my cat thinks it's a real cat and was being aggressive to it - a toy lol. I had to put her in a separate room 4 times today for a "time out" and let her be alone and calm down. Later when I let her out she gets all lovely and cuddly with me and is nice, until she sees my niece or her toy haha.
I mean, we obviously love the cat despite some of her ill tempers we bought her gifts for christmas as well, she is a part of the family.

Yep, same, unless I actually start a show, I have little or no motivation to start anything and end up doing something else instead lol.
There are people who haven't seen Fullmetal Alchemist still? o_O What series are you guys watching? I rewatched both last year and I liked Brotherhood a lot more, but I thought both series were good. It's one of my favorites, always has been.

I upload what I consider my best pictures here: sometimes if someone tells me I take a really good one I add it there.
Please feel free to judge or tell me what you think about them, good or bad. I usually just carry my camera around and if I see something I think is interesting I snap a pic of it and move on.

I don't normally do much exercising, I'm lazy lol. I do ride my bicycle often in the late spring or early summer before it gets too hot, we have a few walking/biking trails around my neighborhood. Too bad the area here is almost all hills.
I don't know anything about chinchillas, what are they like? A friend of mines older sister used to have some but I never asked about them or got close to them.

I hope I didn't write out too much for you lol. I've lost track of time between all of the times I've had to get up form the computer by time I could finish this.

WoopDiDoo Dec 17, 2015 6:04 PM
People these days are very "touchy" about how you word or phrase things so they immediately assume the worst when you say something. It's their word is just, and if yours doesn't agree with theirs, your the bad guy. lol (although your not, your just a normal human being) xD

Yeah, I swear people should think twice before posting stuff like that for everyone to see, like wow really? No one cares about that kind of stuff. =_= Like good for you! You might have got an STD from one of them!
I saw something like that too when I was so bored and just browsing the front page of imgur :T like someone posted a picture as with the story behind it in the description that was just so sad I couldn't bare it, and other people were giving condolences about what happened, and there was one guy who talked about how he was "wanking" a few minutes ago until he saw it. =_= Like there is a time and place for saying things, but there are also things that you don't just TELL people. People lack delicacy these days. -.-
That's just how people are these days, what goes on in their minds is "Oh that was terrible, I don't think much of it though since it's not directly affecting me in any way, only when something as bad as that happens that directly affects my life will I care, so I'm just going to go about my life and live happily without a care in the world since it's another person's job to help keep me safe from national harm."
I believe you should care to an extent because one) If something like that was allowed to happen, you should be more wary of what goes on around you 2) Death is something you can't brush off or else your not human, especially if it's murder of that mass of people.
Every time I see something like that, I just can't go about my day happily because I feel that is unfair to those who've been lost...

Nowadays people think our history is boring and that is doesn't matter as long as we have what we need to know to go about our lives and be able to survive, and they don't care about it. I can't say I'm exactly interested in History either, but I DO believe that it's important to know since we weren't able to document anything from any earlier times and it's still a mystery as how we came to be.
I'm afraid of the ocean too! I do agree that it does look beautiful in some ways, but overall I find it frightening because of well the common thing. Sharks. lol but also because since the vast majority of the ocean is yet to still be discovered, I'm quite afraid of what other unknown creatures lurk in the waters.... so I understand how you feel about the ocean, looking at the depths of the ocean is scary. >_>
That's why where I live, California is one of the most dangerous places on the planet, probably among one of the most populated places filled with immigrants. I've never liked politics because always the one who is gaining the most is the person in charge, plus they just say pretty words, but don't really mean them. Democracy is only good in terms of the economy because if you see the results of some places that are a republic, people are not that well off. Plus, people nowadays can't help, but push the burden onto someone else's shoulder and rely on them.
I've heard about stuff like that and it's just sick really. It's the most common where there is war and not to mention less secure places.
It's because there is always something for them to gain from whatever they is that they have planned, as long as their fine and happy, they really don't care about anyone else. In politics, there is always greed. >.>

A lot of the time I do, but if they really act all high and mighty I act all sarcastic about saying how right they are and that I'm so wrong and for them to tell me more and enlighten me more because I obviously give a crap lol (that's what usually then turns them off and shuts them up, you should try it.) xD
Lol it's fun to see my dad doing that when my mom is the one arguing with him xD
If you actually meant "hang out" I like to hang out with people who I don't have any trouble talking with and genuinely like hanging out with them, plus people who I've really clicked with and get along quite well with.
(Also there being similar hobbies or likes in some aspects to bond over lol)

That's good, and it's understandable that they would be that way since every country in the world now demands that they incorporate English into their education since it's a common language used by the majority of people. I never have the tolerance of learning a new language or patience though since the French class I took in high school and it was very frustrating. xD At most, I probably will only learn something I would definitely use in conversation or so I would know what the other person is saying.
I don't think that will be a problem though since my mom's side of the family resides in Germany and if I feel like if I ever visit, my family and I will most likely be spending time with them.

I NEVER feel comfortable sitting with a stranger especially if it's a guy because you can never feel safe around men these days. >.>
Usually I don't have to worry though since a lot of people have a hard time approaching me because I've been told I look either mad or serious lol but yeah I will not travel alone, I need at least one other person with me or I cannot feel secure. That's why I usually tag along with my mom whenever we go shopping (although I go off at times so that I may be able to browse what I want while she looks at what she wants)
But yeah if I were ever traveling to another country or some place not near home, I will either go with family (like my mom and my sister at the least) or with my future honey~ xD
That hasn't happened to me either so no sweat, plus like I said before, people have a hard time approaching/talking to me considering the type of aura I give off to them. >.> (I'm really just socially awkward is all lol)

Ha, me neither, I'm always broke, plus most of the time I have school and I don't have my own car and can't drive so >.>

When it comes to something nice like a cottage I was thinking something more like this ->
While I was watching stuff like Howl's Moving Castle, The Wind Rises, and just Hayao Miyazaki movies that had a lot of Western based things, I though about how nice it would be to live in a house like that.
Although when it comes to apartments, I don't like extremely fancy things, I think simple and normal is best because that's basically how I want to live, hopefully in an apartment with an interior like this. ->
Just simple, but also nice in a refreshing way, although something like that is hard to find these days especially with things becoming more and more unaffordable. >.>

Most of the stuff you mention and your opinions I agree with so I don't really feel like we would argue or have any sort of debate on it lol I mean there might be some things that I might not completely agree with only because I have mixed feelings about them and don't want to decide on any discerning opinion at that point, for the most part I do agree with a lot that you have to say about certain topics.
I don't usually talk a lot about the stuff earlier on in our conversation with anyone aside from maybe my mom so it's a good change of things for once.
I'm never good with on the spot conversation unless the other person is very talkative and I have something I feel like I can contribute to the conversation, I do try to ask people questions in which they have a lot to say as an answer, but if they don't really try at all, you run out of things quickly to ask so that you may get to know them better and hopefully have fun talking with them so they become more familiar to you.
I have trouble keeping track of other conversations too especially if they are very similar to others so that's understandable, one time after a long time away from MAL I decided to reply to all the comments I missed and one comment I didn't reply to for a long time and I looked at it and I was like "Who is this again?" I felt so bad >.>
Lol there are times where I have to go look back in the previous comment only because we talk about so many things that I want to make sure I'm replying in the right way to something you say. xD (very rarely though since I usually remember what it was we were talking about before.)

I think that would be really cool since I don't really have many girl friends that I talk to lol I'd probably be very awkward at first because I'm not all that social to begin with and I get shy and nervous for the first time, but I usually loosen up and talk freely if it is someone I get along pretty well with. (that will be no problem with you since we have a bunch to talk about all the time.)
I'm more neutral about shopping, like I hate having to walk around and how crowded things are, and how some things get in the way of me looking at something, but if there are places that I like, I like being able to look at stuff if that makes any sense. xD
LOL You'd make me so fat if you took me there xD I'd probably also have trouble deciding what to get since I'm a very simple person and generally like most foods. :3
I would too xD there would be a lot of things we could do that only girls can really have fun together doing lol
(like watch rom/com anime and fangirl over it together) xD

Yeah, I have a friend who always drinks over the weekend to the point where he forgets what he was saying previously the next day, and he said that at first it tastes bad, but you get used to it, but I don't think that would happen with me since if I taste something bad I never want to taste it again. >.> There are times though where I think I dislike something at first, but after trying it again, it sometimes ends up growing on me to the point where I come to love it.
OOoooooOOh! I love Thai food :3 That sounds yummy, I've always wanted to try some exotic kind of fruity drink like that, but I guess I have to wait one more year since I've just turned 20. xD
I think as long as the alcohol is not "obvious" in terms of taste like to the point where you can definitely taste it, I think I can come to like fruity drinks or cocktails lol

LOL My parents are VERY far from perfect, but when I meant ideal, I mean they are not as loving or caring towards each other like other couples, and only care about us when it comes to the common things that parents usually care about when it comes to their children. (I hope I'm making sense.) My parents got divorced 4 times and ended up with the 4 of us lol They had a shotgun wedding too because my mom ended up pregnant with my older brother, then they divorced, then after that my mom was with me, they remarried and divorced again, my mom ended up with my little sister, and they just stayed together, but didn't get remarried because it's a pain lol and had my little brother later on. (they are still not officially married again, but my mom still has my dad's last name, and they don't really care about stuff like that anymore.) My parents do have BIG FIGHTS, but it dies down after a day or two, but for the most part in every day life they talk normally and always run errands together. (Although they get annoyed by each other a lot lol)
I used to get bullied a lot in school too, but only when I was in elementary school (because I was taller than everyone else, even the boys)
They would call me names and everything and I would get mad, but I didn't think much of it because I knew they were trying to get on my nerves, there was a time though where the boys where pushing me around til the point where I ran and cried in the girl's bathroom.
I overall was fine though because of the girls I was friends with back then, plus I never really thought much about the bullying in the first place since when I was a kid I was mostly focused on behaving and getting good grades and doing things independently because my parents were always busy all the time. (still are today) I did learn a bit of tai kwan do when I was a kid, but I never put it to use, or more like I never had to which is good. (I never physically fought with other people aside from my siblings so I never have to worry about stuff like that since I never do or say anything that would make another person want to physically harm me.)

I did already read passed that in Watashi ni xx Shinasai where she finally decides to set things right, but the main reason I stopped reading is because it is taking forever for new chapters that I forgot a lot of stuff that went on in the story. xD

Yeah, I never put a TON of mascara on like other girls who go overboard and do it like this ->
I have small lips myself, but I only wear natural looking lipstick shades that define my lips in a good way like this ->
I'll be honest and say I do like makeup a lot, although I don't like wearing a lot of it and looking overdone, but I like how it's fun to experiment around with it and make yourself feel and look pretty in all sorts of ways.
Although I always wear natural looking makeup because I don't like looking fake and I want to really define my natural facial features.
For example ->
I do wear other makeup that isn't obvious that makes my skin look better since I don't have to best skin, but not the worse either.
(Like I wear some tinted moisturizer so my skin looks more awake and healthy, and concealer to hide any blemishes that I'm too embarrassed for other people to see, and since I have dark circles too, I try to conceal them so I look more awake than dead lol)
I also wear stuff like bronzer and a little blush to help make it look more natural and balanced. I never do my brows though lol that's one thing I find weird in makeup (I mean it looks natural on a lot of people depending on how they do it, but others make it overdone and look very out there.) I don't need to do that though anyway since I have brows lol
I do like it when I see people with a little something though and would want to wear that on myself too like this (aside from the bright lip color lol) ->
I agree, I think it looks nice, but in a way it just looks a little too much for me lol
Although I do think makeup that doesn't look natural, but more unconventional can look good depending how it's done and how it looks on that specific person. (like red lipstick can suit a person depending how good it looks on them)
I never know if I am making any sense lol xD

I mean sex you see in movies is enough since it's a movie and things like that happen, but when they advertise it in like music and for their products it just. Like now in MV's you see nowadays they don't convey any sort of message now, instead people just put random crap in it along with strippers and things that can be seen in the wrong way to get views. -.-
Sex is something people should have limited to stuff that's known, but not publicly presented. (For example. like porn dvds, there are specific places that you can buy/rent them, but they aren't put out there for everyone to see. They make it known that it's available to see in their store, but they make it so that their store makes that fact known without providing anything too explicit to advertise what it is they have.) Like they aren't playing the porn right in front of their store, but make general things like a poster of a woman in a bikini to get that message across. (I hope you get what I mean although what I'm trying to say seems hard to understand given how I'm bad at explaining.) >.<
Although I think porn should really not exist at all >_> like LIVE porn.
Also yeah, for people seeing how a man aggressively dominate a woman is what's commonly displayed nowadays unfortunately, I mean there have been MANY stories of how some well-known people have been abusive towards their lovers/girlfriends that most of the time are also well-known as well.
(Like how people see a celebrity they like wearing a pretty dress and they want that dress and will wear it too, it's the same as male domination towards a woman, it becomes a trend.) =T

Yeah I love her character although she may have the tiniest flaws. I like how she works hard and does everything for herself and is always true to herself and her feelings. Like how she acted towards the little girl since she wanted to get everyone's sympathy because she was crying and straight up told her that even if she cried it's not like everyone will come to her rescue.
I feel like I can relate to her in a way because I don't have many female friends and she finds makeup to be fascinating like I do xD
(but other aspects aside from that too)

I do believe Attack on Titan is very original in a way and I've never really seen anything like it before, but you know how when you hear about people raving so much about something and make it seem like it's the best thing ever, it kind of affects your opinion/impression of it because of how people exaggerate it, especially when you see how when something like AOT is soooo popular people try to take advantage and profit out of it as much as they can.
These days it has become "Quantity over Quality"
LOL my sister and I ALWAYS got freaked out by how they ran like that, we found it annoying? lol and just eww xD

I don't care what people think about me when it comes to stuff like that because I can't help it if that's me and that's what I do, if I stopped doing that because what they think I wouldn't be happy with my lifestyle at all lol

Let's see... I was quite nervous, but once you talk for even just a little bit, you feel the tension slowly, but surely going away.
I remember I didn't have much to say, but it still turned out fine overall, if you chat with them often over call, it then becomes easy as you get accustomed to talking to them.

I just downloaded Viber on my phone so I hope it works properly. There is also this other phone app called Kik it's basically like texting for free and I use it to talk to another friend of mine on MAL although it does become a pain sometimes because sometimes you have to restart the app because it won't let you type any words and doesn't show any notifications sometimes when you receive messages.
That's cool :D I'm pretty much on here every day checking messages so I usually reply within the day to comments (even if it's a really long comment like ours lol but yours is the longest comment I have to reply to so I don't have to worry about anyone else's) xD

Hope to hear from you again soon!
AltriaPendragon Dec 10, 2015 11:03 AM
Nope! I just saw that you were friends with John-Boy_Walton and that we share some interest, so I thought it would be nice to keep up with you and maybe chat eventually. If that's not cool, I can withdraw my friend request!
WoopDiDoo Dec 7, 2015 3:08 PM
I don't think you are, just because you have a way of thinking different from others, doesn't mean you are.
I hope you won't have any trouble at your new job.

It's stupid how people react over the most minor events and when something actually goes down they don't even pay much attention to it and just brush it aside. I do believe there are other life forms like us, I mean there is so much we haven't discovered yet, like we have only discovered a very small portion of the ocean and still have long ways to go. The only time people truly reacted was the Paris attack that happened just last month, it's only when there was a huge amount of killings that people really pay attention. You wouldn't believe how crazy people go over some things nowadays that is so stupid that I cannot even begin to comprehend why people pay attention to stuff like this -.-
People these days are just too lazy to care unless it affects them directly, other than that they rely on what is set in front of them as they go along with their daily lives. =T

Just hope they aren't everywhere where you live. xD

I wouldn't even bother and just walk away xP Yeah I really hate it when people just keep pressuring a subject that you obviously don't care to talk about anymore, and they keep doing it until you suck it up and just let them win it or say something back that their satisfied with.
They are the most stressful people to deal with >.>

I've always wanted to go to Germany D: it looks so pretty there from what I've seen in pictures >w>
LOL yeah I think if I ever were to travel to another country, it'd be with my lover, that way I can feel safe and have him carry all my things. xD
Yeah... you live near more the nicest places or most common places that people want to visit lol

I like to imagine myself living with a lover xD (like every girl does lol) in a nice and cozy apartment/house where I have my own room decorated just the way I wanted as some sort of personal relaxing space, and also traveling around to nice places and see cool things with that lover lol just a life full of happiness that excludes any stress >.>
Oh! I always thought it would be nice living in one of those type of cottage type of houses you see around Germany. They look so lovely~
But if anything else I would want to live in a nice roomy apartment with a good view.

I prefer our long conversations, it makes me feel like we're actually really good friends who have no trouble talking at all and need to wreck our brains like "Uhhhh what should we talk about?" I mean you and I can really talk about just anything and it's fun. With a lot of people I've talked to, they don't really make any sort of effort at all. There are times when I make those kind of responses just because that's all I can think of to say and don't think it's any fun if I just repeat the same kind of topic over and over again like "So what's up with you now?" and all that. =(
I feel like your the only person I wouldn't feel uncomfortable around if we were to hang out in real life >.> like we could do so many girl things you know lol

LOL I know one of my friends does that every weekend since he doesn't work the weekend xD
Yeah, I don't drink at all and not that I should be since I am almost 20 and the legal age is 21 lol but I've had chocolate and stuff like that with alcohol in it, and it was just disgusting, and I didn't like it at all, even sparkling wine, yuck, never becoming a drinker.

I think when you see another person that you don't want to end up like, you try your hardest as to not lead the same life as they have and put more effort for yourself which is why you see kids that grow up to be better parents than their actually parents. My parents aren't the greatest example of a "happy" couple either, and the lifestyle they live in isn't exactly what I call ideal for me so in some aspects I stray from their type of lifestyle and do other things different.
I am worried if I can become the type of parent I want to be, but I'm more worried about what type of child I would have. lol
(like you see young girls who are living very normal and happy lives, and they end up pregnant at 15.) >.>
I don't want to have the kind of kid that if I end up spoiling too much and treat them well that they would take advantage of that since I'm their parent and think they could do whatever it is they want. -.-

Yeah, it's really hard to understand what he is trying to do with the love triangle between all 3 of them, but considering it's a love triangle between 3 people who have lived not so good lives, it's understandable that their feelings will be much more complex compared to that of an average person.
I feel like Griffith has some sort of complicated love towards Guts and I do believe he does care about Caska in some way, but it's not a romantic or sexually attracted way. I believe he only raped Caska because he wanted Guts to feel pain, to feel that love was being taken away from him, just like he did with him. (if that makes any sense?) It's hard to explain.

Yeah, I don't know how girls can wear so much makeup to the point where they don't even look like themselves anymore? you see a lot of girls do that, I do believe makeup can look very pretty in a way, but it all depends on how it's done. I wear makeup myself, but very little. (like mascara, and a bit of lipgloss or lipstick.) People now treat sex as a way to feel good, when it used to be much more sacred and now it can only be seen as something so empty... not to mention, people mistake it as --> sex = love. It is a FORM of how people show they love each other, and it is something you do with someone you truly love, but now it's so people can just get an orgasm. =T
I really find it just so... I don't know, but I don't like the fact people do something like that without feeling anything towards each other, and just do it for pleasure not love. -.-

Skip Beat is probably one of the very little romances out there that is actually interesting because Kyoko is a unique heroine who is very prideful in her own way and is not seeking to fangirl over a boy, but be happy and actually love another person an cherish them. While the generic shojo girl only likes the guy because he's hot. :T
Yeah, Attack on Titan isn't bad, but I honestly don't see what is so special about it...
(like sure it is original in a way, but still)

It really isn't unique or interesting at all xD I feel like it's not different from any other persons sort of life (going to college, coming home, chatting with people online) very common. lol
That's because you always have something to say on a subject that I actually also have a lot to say too lol (I give you most credit girlfriend~) xD Yeah, I don't really need to think at all when it comes to replying to you like I have to do with most people lol because whenever I read your comments, I already know immediately what it is I want to say in reply to them.

I have outlook too actually xD Crunchyroll is basically an anime/manga based website like MAL except you can actually watch and read manga on there plus they have other things, that I don't really use it for anyway lol. (I only have it to watch anime, since I have a paid subscription on there, they don't have the BIGGEST selection of anime, but usually put anime from every new season on there, and I'm able to watch episodes of anime early plus in good quality.)
Yeah... people I meet on here nowadays we talk for awhile, and then just like never again lol which is why I only keep those on my friends list who I talk to regularly/often or at least on good terms with.

I do voice chat on skype when I'm able to (I get very nervous though talking to friends for the first time on voice chat and usually have nothing to say, but still like to call because it's a lot more fun that way) for the most part I talk to people using the chat box though.
(I'd use camera if I didn't look like such a mess all the time lol plus my place is very cluttered and would be too embarrassed for people to see that in the background.) xD

I'll check out steam and viber (heard a lot about steam because heard my older brother talking about it and my other friend mentioned it)
I don't know if I'd be able to get Viber on my phone though because most apps you can't really get on a Windows phone, which is what I have.
John-Wayne Dec 7, 2015 9:09 AM
Strange, though I think it's mixed, everyone I've talked to seem to like different seasons, all for different reasons. I used to like winter the most, cold and quiet.
Autumn is like... nostalgic in a way. Each season is, in its own way, the smell and feel of the air each bring back old memories, both pleasant and unpleasant. But autumn is special to me, and I couldn't tell anyone exactly why because I don't know lol.
It's the same here, I think last month we got a little bit of snow but it's gone now, and so far we still don't have any snow. Seems it's going to be one of those late years for snow. Some years we get snow as early as October, some as late as almost January. No one's complaining though lol since here we sometimes get a lot of snow.
Something like that, to me seasons are a time reference, and the changes in them help me remember times or events from my life. Like i mentioned above each season is almost a reminder of times long past.
What I meant to say was when i was a kid, we used to live out in the country and I was separated from people. Too far away to go anywhere or do anything most of the time.

No no, my current profile name is a character from an old TV series called "The Waltons" - my mother owns all of the seasons on DVD, along with other old TV shows she liked watching long before I was born lol. I like them to, after watching just about every episode - she usually has one of the dvd's playing for background noise and I ended up watching them that way. My real name is Jake Thompson - can I know yours then?
Not many, recently I have been talking with a guy who I think is Dutch and lives in Germany and during our conversations, and one from Finland who doesn't say much about Finland or if I ask quests don't seem to know the answers :P, and a couple from Australia. Majority of the people I end up meeting tend to be from the US or Canada it seems.
MAL or any online community is hard to get along with, at least for me. I'm not a people person, and it's hard for me to find the right words or ask the right questions it seems to keep conversations going. A lot of people seem disinterested most of the time too. I can recall my first comment to you was something cringy But I guess I didn't know how else to break the ice with someone from Poland :P.

My cousin did a little searching and tracing the families back on my moms side, and I'm glad he did because I'm not sure if I would have been able to get as far back as he did. My grandfather on my dads side did some on his side too, up to the point of what year a part of his family had left Norway. He has more information on it but hasn't had the time to share it with me yet,I'm quite excited to learn what he knows. So as far as I know, there's nothing super interesting that my family was involved in, at least during wars.
One of my interests is the second world war, and I have a small book collection on the topic, I'm a little jealous since none of my relatives were involved - at least to my knowledge. Both of my grandparents were too young to be any part of it by time it ended. I don't know many Polish names, but yes, they do seem difficult to spell if I were to try lol. I don't even know how to say Polish names unless someone told me. Polish is a completely foreign sound to me.

I agree, and I think a lot more Europeans are starting to agree if they didn't. It looks like every country who let them in without any restrictions is seeing a high rise in crimes, making neighborhoods that were once safe to walk around dangerous to be around now. That guy I mentioned earlier who moved to Germany told me the same thing, some places where these people settle are more dangerous to be and people avoid going to/through them. Though it sounds like some places here in the US, there's neighborhoods that are dangerous and full of crime, drugs, etc so we avoid them too. Harsh or not, I think it's true, and it puts pressure on the native people of your countries. Makes me wonder why they don't seek refuge in a country closer to theirs, in their region. Why Europe?
A lot of people blame my country - or more correctly the government leaders of my country. But I don't see why Europe should have to take in so many people at once.

I like to chop or dice some potatoes, slice the kielbasa (or any sausage, bratwurst works too) dice some onion, add a little oil and fry them in a pan. I like it when the potatoes are soft. I used to add ketchup to it when it's on my plate but now I just add some salt and pepper. It's nothing fancy or complicated at all but it's probably my favorite meal.

That's funny, because if someone is over we do have to put her in a separate room and calm down. She sometimes likes to be alone, I find her sleeping under one of the beds often enough, but at night when I'm sleeping she comes in my room and cuddles up with me and sleep for a bit. She can be a really sweet cat, very loving, but only when she chooses to. It's strange, you and someone else i know think the same thing of cats, but I think my cat is an anomaly - most cats I've had have always been friendly loving cats, rarely ever mean. It's been said she might be jealous of my niece whens he's over and that's why her attitude becomes mean, she doesn't like sharing the attention lol.

After watching so many shows, nothing is new or exciting, they're all basically the same thing. Every season is that way, so each season i watch less and less. I look at a show or read what it's about and most of the time it sounds like any other show. I just assume someday I'll tire of it completely and stop watching completely - maybe :P.

Nothing exciting lol. I read, play games, play with the cat, chat with some friends, listen to music just indulge in my various hobbies.If it's nice out I'll take a walk, or go ride my bicycle. We have a few trails around here, secluded enough that you can almost forget it's the city. I have a small interest in photography, so I'm always taking pictures of the cat, clouds, anything that catches my attention. I think if anyone watched or lived my life they'd die from boredom haha. Sometimes I get bored of it, but I don't really have anything I want to do.
John-Wayne Dec 1, 2015 11:02 AM
Good to hear from you, you're still alive! lol. Life can be very busy, not that I would know I live a mostly quiet and uneventful one, and I'm glad for that lol.

I prefer fall, something about the smell and feel of the air that I really like. Before it gets too cold, before the snow, though i like the first snowfalls of the year.
Spring is nice after a long winter, though i don't like how muddy and wet it gets with all the melting snow. I don't know how much snow you get there, but here we sometimes get a lot and it's a mess during spring. As I get older I'm liking all of the seasons and their vast differences. I don't know if I could enjoy living somewhere that wasn't so dramatic in its weather changes as it is here sometimes.
I used to live outside of a small town, I was out in the country, the woods. Most of my neighbors kept to themselves and we rarely spoke to them, though it seemed like everyone knew everyone. At least everyone knew my grandparents because they lived there for 50 years.
I'm the opposite, living out in the sticks, distances between homes of my friends were too far apart and rarely if ever got a chance to visit or hang out, which I think is why I'm a bit of a shut in, over time I grew to like being away from people.
Every time we have family reunion things or just regular visits I get exhausted after a day of talking with them, more so than if I was out doing hard work. Which I think is weird.

I think I tried that one during a weekend when they let people try it for free, it seemed to have a small learning curve to it, and I didn't have much time or patience to get into it. If you think it's good and recommend it, I'll see about giving it another try. My cousin has it but I don't see him play it often.

Of course! It's nice to speak to people from other countries, especially ones that my families have come from. It's always interesting to know what life is like in there or the culture. My name isn't really John-Boy Walton, I hope you know lol.
That reminds me, one of the last few times I've visited my grandparents my grandmother has a paper of her family tree of her mothers,mothers, mothers, mothers side lol. So my Great Great Great Great Grandmother. It's interesting to see all of these different names, the family names, how large the families were, etc. But still no definite time when and who immigrated here to the US. Going to look up these names and see if I can get any information on them.

The refugee crisis doesn't affect me personally, though it seems to be causing a lot of problems in a lot of parts of Europe, Germany, Sweden, France, even England. I think it's dangerous to let so many people in so fast without a clear plan for them, and I think the attacks in Paris show this. I'd like to hear your thoughts on it as someone who lives in Europe and is in the center of it. What's Polands place on it? I don't think I've seen much of Poland mentioned in any media, it's mostly about Germany and France these days. I

Bold flavor? Yeah, that will do it. I can't eat too much of one thing either, as much as I've grown to like Polish sausage (kielbasa?) though there seems to be a variety of kinds and I don't know what the kind we get is exactly. But it has a nice flavor. Kinda strong, or bold, and can't eat it by itself for too long.

Nope, my cat has problems lol. It's only my legs she attacks, and she will go for my arms or hands more often than anyone else.
My cat hates other people, and other cats. My brother's friend brought her cat over which is about 2 months younger than ours and she hated the other cat in the apartment. She stalked it wide eyed and hissed and growled every time they looked at each other.
She doesn't even like my sister or my niece. She just turned 7 last month and my cat growls and hisses at her, chases her around. But she is very very slowly starting to get used to her and has been behaving better lately. But she still has a mean attitude sometimes.

I've been really lazy about watching stuff lately, instead have been reading some books, but one day I'll watch it - kuroko no basket that is. I have a lot of stuff to watch that people recommend me but I think sometimes i'm getting tired of anime and have been finding other things to entertain me.

Well, I'm doing fine, and as I said at the start things are how I think they should be lol. I live a boring life.

WoopDiDoo Nov 30, 2015 1:15 PM
Of course I do :P (it has been awhile though)

Lol okay~

That's good to hear, glad you found a job that people won't give you a hard time about your English for and as well as something your sure you'll be good at doing.
From what I heard about before I understand why =T WOW that goes to show how social media and whatnot affects people these days... people can't seriously believe whatever it is that's announced to them, I mean there was this incident just this month where there was some something in the sky over this one part of LA (that was pretty much seen by everybody as something like a UFO), they tried to brush it off as they were testing one of their new missiles or something like that, and they had that whole area shut down for a week.
I'm pretty sure everyone is free to their own opinion, there was obviously something wrong with that woman if she was threatening you and insulting you like that. At least you won't have to ever see her again.

That's good in some ways besides the taxes xD
But there is always some crap going down with something in another country so no surprise.

I find arguing with someone I don't like makes me feel as though I'm about to get a peptic ulcer -.- I luckily don't really argue or dislike anyone outside of my family since I don't talk to many people in the first place lol

That's good, and you sure move around a lot :P but in a way that's cool, I mean I have never gone outside of the country once in my life >.>
Hopefully New Zealand will be a good place to live and better survival wise lol

I guess when I'd try to "run away" I'd sometimes take walks, but most of the time lie in bed and close my eyes and pretend I'm living some sort of other life. xD
We should, although hard when you don't get on that often xP
(Your the only one I have lengthy fun conversations nowadays with, most people I talk to now is like one or two sentences.)

Wait... did you use to do that? O.o because you said that not doing that was "normal" for the moment, or were you just giving an example? o.o
Pretty much, they don't like going outside at all, as much as possible they prefer to stay home although they do like going to places when their in the mood or always planned to but never have the time lol

Well if my kid turns out to be one of those "screaming creatures" I'd understand why you wouldn't be able to show any love to them xD
I just really hope my kid would be one of those well-behaved kids and not the ones that would throw a tantrum on a store floor. >.>

The manga is actually back from Hiatus, it released like 2-3 new chapters so far. I don't think they should end it just LIKE THAT to get it over with, think about how many people will be disappointed especially if the manga ends up with a crap ending. >.>
Yeah... I think she's mistaking "obligation" to Griffith as "love" since he's the one who saved her and all so you'd think it'd be natural she was in love with him. I still think it's total bull how she treated Guts despite what she did to him and him trying to help her in his own way, and after seeing Griffith (once her mind was lost) she still treated him kindly after he I don't know raped her? and caused her to lose her mind with literally putting her in that hell hole?
I know because since The Skull Knight was there when Casca gave birth he noted how it was Guts child. (Not Griffiths)
It's entirely his fault that he lost any chance of achieving any of his ambitions because he did that to himself and blamed Guts for it. I understand he was sad that Guts left, but he didn't have to go and do that to himself and make it seem like it was Guts fault, all on him.

No it did not... I've stopped reading it because 1) no new chapters for a long time 2) I don't think I can keep reading it when all it has is disappoint me. -.-
Don't bother my friend. *pats*

She must have gone through menopause that day because I was OBVIOUSLY not wearing any signs of make up at all.
I was a freaking TOMBOY for gods sake, there was no way I would be wearing make up. Ugh...

Yeah, I still have yet to learn to drive, but there is helping out at home and school. Plus, my parents haven't had anything set in place yet to teach me. (like what place would be good to teach me how to drive in a nice open space.)

You need to! Your missing out on something SO good right now!
That's nice :D

That's what "shoujo" is all about most of the time lol rarely do you see something that even implies a sex scene lol
Oh my~ xD Well he is the perfect being who can do anything so it wouldn't be surprising >w>
Yeah that would be nice, although nowadays I stray from romance manga, I mostly read psychological manga these days.

LOL that's all on you~ you've really been doing the talking while I've just been kind of replying? I mean you have so much going on in your life and talk to me about it, while mine still just remains the same. >.>
I only have you and one other friend who I have lengthy conversations who also doesn't come on here that often lol plus actually one other so that's 3 lol Since it's been so long since you've been on here I don't remember if you did either xD
I don't have a facebook or anything, but what is something that you get on often?
(only real social media I have is MAL and Crunchyroll)

That's cool, I may try playing it once my winter break gets here.
For the most part, things have been pretty much the same, just doing what I have to do as I always have, met a few new people who I talk daily to on skype. (which is what I do mainly nowadays instead of watching anime, just chatting on skype with people)
I really wish things would change though for the better, my life is so dull... x.x

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