Oct 22, 2019
So Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Part 7 : Steel Ball Run
tHIS mANGA this amazing Manga Is by far the best manga ever in my opinion its so well crafted Araki Is on a diffrent Level when he wrote this Manga
Story 10/10 : one of the greatest and most orginal jojo story
its set in 1800's In america a horse Race a cross america and the winner Gets 60 mILLion dollars pretty generic Right Wrong
Minor Spoilers Ahead :
STANDS arent intreduced untile after a whole volueme 3 wich means this manga takes its time, what i love about it so much its that it
gets rid of its Worst Arcs right away, and then Boom amazing arcs start flying left and right Mandom Fight - Catch the rainbow and more and more
Art 11/10 : Araki's Best Yet No nore Said cuz we all know that Man is THE ARTIST
CHARCTERS 11/10 : it doesnt have your typical Jojo story of 5 people Trying to catch A main Villain
Instead we get Gyro And Johonny wich Is the Best DUO EVER
the comidic Moments Thier serios Moments and more and more
They Have one of the best chimistry i have ever seen
vILLAins :Funny Vallentine Is probbly my Fav JoJo Vellain After DIO He is Practicly a hero or thats what he bealive and His Abbility D4C is Just So amazing
Dio(Part 7) Dio We Love As a dinosaur What is More To Say
The Side villains in here aren't The Best but they Have such Creative and Cool Stands
Enjoyment 9/10 :i will admit at first i was so not into it cuz its such a change from your typical Jojo Story and it had the Slowest start Yet
man does it grow on you evrything gets so much better it unbealiveble that when i finished it i was jumping and sying this is the best manga EVER
Overall : My Fav Part IS always Part 5
but if you ask me what is the best Part I will always Answer Part 7 its So Good iam honstly WRITING my first review becaues of my love for this Manga
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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