Don't have access to facebook so I'll say this here, I am stressed as hell, don't think I've ever been this stress about anything in my life, just want these three exams to be over, all must be passed, this isn't gonna be as easy as I thought.
@.@ oi,the feesh takes offence to tha..was going to change to fringe to fridge,forgot all about that..due to exams or some logical excuse =D
Managed to memorise most of what I needed to know for the 2nd exam,worked if I studied one lecturers stuff (16 lecutures) then I could miss out revising the other stuff.
But an answer to each question,should be okay with that exam and did okay in todays exam,just need to wait for results.
@.@ ah,so I did
Mudkips!! (the mud fish pokemon)
Nope,have no idea why each one of those have my eyes closed ?_?
I've done one of 3 exams so far,should be okay but then my next exam is monday leaving giving me around 4 days to study for it,don't know how they expect people to study for more than one exam at a time :/
:/ the AI are too good (at shooting anyway), when your the special zombies you could be hiding at the top of a building far away from them and they snipe you with a pistol.
I remember the first boss Sheva kept running upto him (chainsaw guy) so had to cover her,you would think the AI would be smarter than that lol
I meant the fish in ponds,rivers and the ocean,all this fish consumption and eventually you'll have an angry (fishy) mob after you ^^'
o.o i'm amazed some people can actually draw such detail without references,i'm forever needing them since I don't draw constantly enough as it is.
^-^ thanks,the only colour i've really added are for t-shirts,grass and roofs since i'm not all that good at colouring.
lol least i'm not the only one who has the settings low,somethings the sheer number in the horde is too much not to mention the amount of times special zombies appear.
:/ factor that in what bad players/NPCs and you just lost the game lol
<.< stay away from the fish
o.o your animal drawings have uber detail especially the dragons and tigers, you can definately colour alot better than me
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Think its because most of your list is something I've seen that counts it as being high,something like that.
:/ the compatiblity doesn't work most of the time for me though.
Must. Relax.
*Deep Breathes*
Plus these people WILL. NOT. SHUT. UP. >.<
:/ atleast its better than trying to learn them all at once,then again your exams on mostly on the same day which does not help whatsoever.
Your face looks like computer text o.0 lol
?_? I did what now?
Mudkips will have you for dinner,then the leftovers for breakfast :D
@.@ who is this "Bob" person of which you speak?
The fish that you devoured and whose family has sworn revenge against you or something else? ><>
Managed to memorise most of what I needed to know for the 2nd exam,worked if I studied one lecturers stuff (16 lecutures) then I could miss out revising the other stuff.
But an answer to each question,should be okay with that exam and did okay in todays exam,just need to wait for results.
@.@ ah,so I did
Mudkips!! (the mud fish pokemon)
Nope,have no idea why each one of those have my eyes closed ?_?
*looks in fringe,theres a muffin*
I've done one of 3 exams so far,should be okay but then my next exam is monday leaving giving me around 4 days to study for it,don't know how they expect people to study for more than one exam at a time :/
?_? reply and a half?
SEEEEAKING!! (Its an evolution)
Guess so lol
Yes,what about the fish you devoured in batter @.@
Black Magic FTW lol
=D atleast your learned
Magicarp digivolved into SEADRAMON!!
Or is it =D
Yes,what about the fish who you devoured in batter.. @.@
:/ that and they they don't listen you any instructions you give them,they just do want they want.
o.o tell that to bob
xD holy crap,no wonder he can do this being black and all
^^' sometimes when I add colour the image sometimes looks worse,well I feel it does atleast.
(@.@)b mud fish pokemonz
:/ the AI are too good (at shooting anyway), when your the special zombies you could be hiding at the top of a building far away from them and they snipe you with a pistol.
I remember the first boss Sheva kept running upto him (chainsaw guy) so had to cover her,you would think the AI would be smarter than that lol
I meant the fish in ponds,rivers and the ocean,all this fish consumption and eventually you'll have an angry (fishy) mob after you ^^'
o.o i'm amazed some people can actually draw such detail without references,i'm forever needing them since I don't draw constantly enough as it is.
^-^ thanks,the only colour i've really added are for t-shirts,grass and roofs since i'm not all that good at colouring.
=D go you!
mudkipz ><>
Think it was Overlord: Dark Legend ?_?
lol least i'm not the only one who has the settings low,somethings the sheer number in the horde is too much not to mention the amount of times special zombies appear.
:/ factor that in what bad players/NPCs and you just lost the game lol
<.< stay away from the fish
o.o your animal drawings have uber detail especially the dragons and tigers, you can definately colour alot better than me
cool pokemon pic ^-^
I got the game as a present but its next to Onechanbara,Mini Ninjas and Overlord ^^'
Sounds like an awesome game =D
o.0 I had difficulties playing L4D on normal let alone expert
I've saw that video before,it was very awesome the VGcats comic for L4D2
0.0 you fish eating fiend!!
?_? got a cold while still recovering?
Eat chicken soup,it had less fish for you to devour :D
d(@.@)b kirby thumbs up