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Apr 13, 2022
i would rate this a 2 if it werent for the connection to to aru
if you dont like or have never watch to aru this isnt for you
even if you like dumb schlock this is not for you
the animation in the first half is so jarring and only get passable in the second half
even the connection to to aru is flimsy at best, last order barely shows up and barely does anything of consequence, accelerator is weirdly passive even for being his nerfed version
this season should've been called "a certain magical necromancer"
almost everything as based around esther and her drama which to be fair is
quite interesting its just too little too late and so much time is wasted on showing accelerator
cackling in surprisingly bad animation for to aru and being very unimaginative with his powers
just rewatch railgun again there is not much interesting to the to aru canon in here
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 4, 2019
first of all, no my categories make no sense and don't question it.
second of all. for some reason some blockhead thought itd be funny to include both the first and the second "season" of this manga in the same entry on MAL. so there are 5 volumes that round up the first and the second is at the time of writing still releasing, i only write this because there seems to be some confusion about that
tl:dr review: you like actual progressing romance and yuri? absolutely read it. its in my opinion the most wholesome yuri romance that was ever put to paper (in manga form
because i'm a degenerate and books are too wordy for me :^)
you dont like romance? why are you even here
Story 8: its a romance that goes somewhere there is not much story to be had but that what i would call a story in here is pretty satisfying, with which i mean that life goes on for the characters and they have to deal with that. that is about the most plot development ive ever seen in a romance so its a good for me. also im biased
Art 7: at first, i hated the art. in the first 2 or so volumes the art can look straight up bad at times especially the chibi art was really offputting to me. but thankfully the art improves considerably over the runtime and in the sequel i would even rank it as an 8 overall. but because its so spotty i wont go into details and just say, i am more than happy that i stayed even though i reallly disliked the art initially
Characters 8: ok, hear me out. ik that all of the 2 people who read my boku girl review are gonna say "ye i see that 8 for characters is really rare for you" and granted, aside from yui the characters can feel rather one note. but i like yui alot and this is my review so sshh.
they are consistent tho and if a character can make me care for someone such as kase who goes against anything i find attractive, im hard pressed to be salty about character writing this solid
Enjoyment 10: told ya im biased.
you read the tl:dr if not let me say it again. i cant point to a single shouji ai romance that left me more cozy and feel good as this one. might be that i was at pretty bad spot when i read it but screw it the manga gets points for it anyway. i just like cute girls being happy and this one is quite good at that soooo uugh yea 10/10 best manga ever
Conclusion : im not gonna repeat myself a third time, read it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 24, 2019
i know this manga isnt done yet, but its a slice of life so dont pretend like it matters.
actually i'd argue that for slice of life manga its important to actually have something to hook you
if that is the case for this manga im here to help you figure out
so lets get it rollin
story: 4
if you are reading a slice of life manga for the story you are already misinformed tho this one has a story that at least goes somewhere at times its still the story of a slice of life and a half assed one at that. i cant really tell you much
about the story without getting into spoiler territory (not that it matters) but its mostly played for drama and to pan out runtime, even tho its a slice of life and panning out runtime is all its good at
Art: 7
its nice and cute, not much to say other than its flowery and pleasing enough, the art is pretty much the only thing that kept me going through these first 13 chapters but that can only get you so far
Characters: 4
tropey, one-dimensional and dare i say it: boring. kayo the one character the manga is not about but is still present enough for me to consider her a character is the only one that actually has any amount of interesting character behind her other than chiru the cute but clueless one and senri the older mature and /angsty/ older sister type character. but even kayo's character doesn't go much further than being a good maid and kind of rude at times.
sure its "cute" but we'll get to why even that doesn't work, don't you worry.
Enjoyment: 5
if you'll enjoy this manga will mostly come down to 1 thing and 1 thing only. why(if even) do you enjoy reading slice of life manga. and i cant really give you a concise answer for that but i can tell you that if you are here to see cute girls doing yuri stuff you will be sorely disappointed, if you are here to just see cute girls doing whatever then sure, go ahead. but even if you want some more substance to your slice of life like some actual cozy stuff even then you'll probably be disappointed because nothing happens in this manga which shouldn't be a surprise since its a slice of life but its the worst kind of slice of life because its decidedly that and nothing else.
look at me using fancy words
but i just have to call it what it is
i'm pretty sure its no surprise that i did not enjoy this one
but that is simply because it really is not for me
its simply the life of some foxgirls doing things
but if your setup is the wedding of 2 characters i do expect something to happen at some point instead of this 1 step forward 1 step back approach
where all you're going to see is more mundane stuff being done by some cute foxgirl
and if that is your jam there is better stuff out there like Goshujinsama to Issho
this is by far my most content depraved review yet but i think that is a nice fit to the manga its dedicated to because i struggled to tank through these 13 chapters of yuri bait, and i hate to get yuri baited
dont let this happen to you and simply rewatch sakura trick or something
it'll be a better use of your time
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Sep 16, 2019
I know what you're thinking, "a romcom with 107 chapters? how are they going to keep this interesting for that long? and why should i read this, i don't have that kinda time to waste on manga" and to that i say, they don't. and don't lie to yourself, you're reading a review on a gender bender ecchi romcom, don't act like you got stuff to do.
story: 7
i trust that you are observant enough to have read the tag "gender bender" or read the synopsis and gleaned that the main character is going through a gender transformation, which is the main crux of the story.
dragging with it all the good and the bad that such a story construct brings with it. though i would say that the focus lies elsewhere, namely in the romance between our love triangle and the gender bender is merely a device to make our protagonist Mizuki reconsider their way of thinking.
or you could just not overthink it and just take it as it is, that works too.
the only problem i have with this story is its length, not that i didn't enjoy it, even the length that is, but it just sometimes feels like we go off on some unrelated tangent just to have more romcom hijinks, which is much to my dismay also layered with a decently sized heap of ecchi, but if you like that kinda stuff i guess that's a plus. for me it wasn't.
we have some, in my opinion quite random, inclusion of supernatural elements, which i cant really make sense of other than "lol, more random hijinks" but i guess thats just me being cynical again though the supernatural itself is merely a way to move the plot forward it actually brings one of my more liked things into play, but ill talk about that in the character section, other than that its more of the same but this time we get to ignore natural laws.
and in the end all of this culminates to a pretty satisfying conclusion which ties up pretty much everything i had questions about and left little to desire for me, a lesson has been had and characters have their arc end up in a satisfying place. but that is to be expected since they had more than 100 chapters to do so
Art: 7
i'm just going to contradict myself here really quick and say that i don't like the art, its definitely not bad, actually its pretty well made, i just don't like it
it has this glossy look to it which mainly comes from the artist doing those really over exaggerated highlights on the characters which makes their hair look like jellyfish, not for every character but it still put me off. also the eyelashes are really something else.
but im getting really nitpicky so ill just say this
the environmental art is fine
the characters are good if you're not bothered by the jellyfish hair
and the high impact frames are not the best i've seen but they get the job done and the artstyle is overall funny enough to carry the jokes
Characters: 8
"wow, an 8 for characters from you?"
literally no one because no one actually knows me
but seriously if you knew me you'd know how much praise that actually is
ill just spare myself the chore of listing every character here because id be sitting here all day and you wouldn't read that even if i did
you can just assume that for every character motivations and personality are very solid and explored in satisfying detail, character arcs as mentioned earlier have a satisfying conclusion
and as i also mentioned before
the best thing to come from the supernatural element: Loki
Loki isn't as good of a character as i make her out to be but i just needed a setup to talk about this
the interaction between support and side characters is stellar, even they don't get a small cut of the development cake, and Loki is merely the character i remember best for having a pretty heartfelt interaction with our MC.
now but an 8 is not a 10 so whats bugging me
well, first of all its a romcom, which makes characters routinely do stupid stuff just to have stuff be more funny
which works for being a comedy but you can make comedy work without making your characters look stupid or mentally challenged
also there are some character specific things that i just don't like
like Mizuki's stereotypically incessant desire to point out how unhappy they are that they turned into a girl
i don't find it funny in oniichan wa oshimai and neither do i here, but at least here its more vague as to how Mizuki actually feels about the situation which is actually rather subtly explored through small tidbits
if you don't mind Romance being dragged though the mud that is half-assed comedy and ecchi, and also don't mind the gender bender tag, i see little that will make you regret the time you spend with this manga
and even if you do there is still enough solid character exploration here that even i felt satisfied
and the comedy while uncalled for in my opinion is solid enough to not be too off putting, tho the ecchi always bothered me
so sure, go for it
if you can tank through 107 chapters of teenage angst
i'd say there is a good chance you'll enjoy this.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Aug 11, 2019
my feelings about this manga are weird
i hate it
but i love hating it
not to say it is bad, as you could probably tell by the fact that i rated it a 7, but it just ticks me off in all the wrong places
i just cant turn off my writer brain which wants everything to be a serious interpersonal focused character study
but enough of that
lets get on with the review already
Story: 6
the thing that most annoys me about the story of this manga is that the writer doesn't seem to know what to do with it
things are hinted at and then just kind of glossed over in order to give the main characters more incest stuff to do
or the side characters to do something tangentially related to the "meaning" of the manga, which is most offensive
in my opinion when it comes to Mikoto's (the titular imouto) crux in the story which feels so tacked on that i cant help but resent it
sure it is hinted at but they just drop the ball instead of doing something with it, its like they just wanted the manga to have some drama at the end
but then its just over and the drama wasn't even relevant in the end
the plot is not particularly good or bad
its just passable
Art: 8
damn, along with yagate kimi ni naru, ookami shounen and some other manga which name escapes me at the moment
this has to the the nicest looking art i've seen in a long time. but, and this is not a criticism, but i feel like the artist would
fare better in a horror and/or psychological drama because their frames of intense faces in this manga are bone chilling at times
(slight exaggeration) but there is plenty of cozy heartwarming and cute frames as well and they manage to make it look stunning
most of the time, but as with most manga there is almost bound to be quite a lot of just standart looking art just to fill the pages
which contain the more mundane parts
Characters: 6
Sayuri: she is every main character of every shoujo ai/ shounen ai manga ever, she has some personalization of her own but just saying
that you feel unwanted because so and so wont earn you any goodwill form me especially since her hangup that causes this just
feels silly to me (also its not explained which is also why i rensent the ever living hell out of this story)
Mikoto: shes the comedic relief in a romcom.
why? if you romcom has 1 character being funny why make it a romcom just leave it at romance idgi, but if you like that kind of stuff
i guess she works, i mean, i liked her and her jokes but, i cant help but feel confused as to why she was made the "funny one"
her personality? what, she wants to bang her sister and does little outside of trying her best to achieve that. i would be hard pressed
to tell anyone anything more substantial about her
if you are not as much of a cynical asshat as me you can just enojy this one for the sake of being cute and kinda funny, and if you are not
that fast on the uptake you are even in for some light drama, its nice to look at, its not too long and, most importantly, it has gay girls in it
and who doesn't like that
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Nov 30, 2018
so, this is my first review. but i couldn't help but express my dissatisfaction with this manga
when i first started this the first comparison i made was to Prunus girl, and in a way it had a better chance as it doesn't fall into the slice of life drab like prunus girl does. it still has plenty of somewhat boring stuff going on but at least the shorter runtime severly limits the time it has to waste one inconsequential stuff
However, that same runtime shortage also cuts all the time of exposure every character has which leads to situations like "here is this character that you
wont see for the rest of the manga" and that will be the entire chapter, i dont mind using other characters for the sake of developing other characters, but this Manga has the gall to pretend like they are going to be more important that they are
and now im left with characters that im interested in but i wont get to know anything about them other than, thats their name, and they are vaguely related to the """plot"""
but the worst offender by far is the end. which so, incredibly ungracefully and lacking any subtlety whatsoever, just says "screw your expectations" its like they setup to an end just to ignore all of the setup to have the manga end of the biggest lowkey note ive seen to date.
even ookami-san (the anime) left me more satisfied, because at least that one was stupid.
but this is.
this is just boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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