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Apr 6, 2012
I think this show was really bad, compared the original. Even as a Haruka supporter, I couldn't seem to enjoy this show. It felt rushed, and idiotic, and I didn't like the animation at all - its much different from the first series (not same animators)
Somehow they just made it look plain and boring, and changed too much on the characters. The only good thing was Haruka moving on with her life, and she finally got the spotlight to show how strong she are, even if we did see some of it in the original series too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 25, 2012
This is only my third review, and im am not a very skilled english-writer, but please bear with me.
Fairy Tail itself is one of my favorite series. I will try not to compare the anime too much with the manga, since this a a review for the ANIME, but i must note that the fairy tail MANGA is my favorite shounen manga, and i have been following that series for years, also before the anime show started.
Why people should watch Fairy Tail? well if you like the shoune genre, it would really be a waste if you don't! Fairy Tail have all the good shounen
points, amazing characters, amazing fights, comedy, and best of all; no long explanations during every fight and every attack (I am reffering to the big top 3 here).
Story: The Story in fairy tail is amusing, but there indeed is not very much plot going on here. Most of the things happening seems rather random. But the story is set up on a group of people in a mage guild named Fairy Tail, where the series main topic probably is friendship between them. With at story like this, not having any special plot actually works. Instead of plot, we have fun and interesting small arcs all the time, which never makes Fairy Tail boring! And we all have to remember that Fairy Tail is still on-going, and there is lot of unanswered questions yet to figure out, so it is possible for a deeper plot to pop up in the end!
Art: Here i must compare a little to the Manga (Sorry). The manga have AMAZING art, however the animation in the manga is not near as good. This is also the main reason why i won't give this anime a overall score on 10. To be honest, when i watched the first episode of Fairy Tail in 2009, i have been looking forward for it to air the whole day, and i was a little disappointed when i watched it. worse was it, that from episode 2 and on to episode 15-20, the animation keept being bad, well, the little animation there where! Fairy Tail, both in openings/endings and in the episodes themself like to use A LOT of non-moving pictures, which is a shame, because fairy tail haves potentiale to have some really kick ass scenes.
The fights lack a little too compared to the manga, or just other shounen series, because of the BLOOD censur (which annoys be greatly! We can not show blood in the anime, but naked girls is no problem!)
however, the anime still manages to have some good fights, where the Erza arc was animated pretty good, and so some of the other big fights.
also, a lot of people have been talking about Fairy Tail being a rip off or copy from One Piece. that is deffintly not true! Yes, the art is somewhat similar and yes both series are a lot about their "nakamas" for really, its two very different stories. Try sit down and read shojo, i can find over 10 stories with different mangakas, but with similar art and story. Fairy Tail and One Piece are NOT the same, Fairy Tail is NOT a rip off, DON'T compare them, seriously ..
Fairy Tail have without doubt the most EPIC soundtracks! It makes you go "hell yeah, go fairy tail" everytime the main theme for their fighting scenes plays, and it makes you cry, when the sad themes are played during sad scenes.
Fairy Tail also have an amazing Voice Acting cast (In japanese) with some of the very popular seiyuu's, like Happy's voice actor Kugimiya Rie (Alphonse, Taiga, Shana, Louise, etc) and Lucy's voice actor Hirano Aya (Suzumiya Haruhi, Izumi Konata, etc) and my own favorites, Natsu and Gray's voice actors Kakihara Tetsuya (Simon, Amaimon, etc) and Nakamura Yuuichi (Tomoya, Greed, Gai, Ikuto, etc) and there are a lot more amazing voice actors, but that would be too much to list here now. Go check out for yourself!
Character: There are a lot of characters in Fairy Tail, it should be possible to at least find a few you would like. To me, all the characters are very likeable, i specially like our Main hero Natsu, because he seems bold, but he actually isn't stupid or slow or dense like other typical shounen heros are. Also with our characters, fairy tail manage to create some interesting relationships between our characters, both deep friendship, but also romantic ones, which usally is really rare in shounen. I'm sure that there haven't been lots of girls, watching series like Bleach, One Piece or Naruto and just wishing for some romantic relationships to happen. Well i will say that Fairy Tail manages to give you - maybe not fully canon - but surely lots of romantic possible relationship.
Enjoyment: Unless you really have a problem with half naked girls and breasts, which you really cannot escape from in Fairy tail however much i wish for it, it should not be possible for anyone to not enjoy this anime! It is just hilarious and funny but still have its good and serious moments, and even some complicated relationships between some of our characters, and Fairy Tail manage to surprise me lots of times too!
I will reccomend this anime to all people who like shounen, or like a fun anime with lots of comedy.
There might be some girls, like myself, who doesn't find the fan service rather interesting (Yes - boobs, huge boobs and LOTS of them) but i myself just learned to look over it, since most of the times, this fanservice is invovled with something funny, which really just makes you laugh of it anyway. For guys who like this kind of fan service.. so much more reason for you to watch it!
All in all. Wanna watch a funny, interesting and good anime? Watch Fairy Tail.
And if you like fairy tail, i would really reccomend reading the Manga too. But that would mostly be because of the fact that the art is awesome, and manga contains blood, which makes the fighting scenes look a little more badass, and characters like Gray, is often drawn very hot and cool in the manga, where he get less epic moments in the Anime. Other than that, the Anime and Manga is pretty much the same, i'm surprised to have watched 119 episodes of Fairy Tail, and there haven't been any massive fillers yet. i will believe there have been all in all 10 episodes out of the 119 which have contained fillers, and that was not BAD fillers, and it wasn't 10 episodes in a row, so it made a annoying filler arc. Also the Fairy Tail anime likes to animate some of the many Fairy Tail Special/Extra/Omakes chapters and put them into the series or create some amazing hilarious OVA episodes out of them.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 13, 2012
I normally don't write Reviews - and im not good at it either - but since i've readed some of the other reviews for this movie, i feel like i just had to write a short review.
This movie got way too much negative critic. Indeed it wasn't perfect, but it wasn't horrible either.
Story: The film starts out with a good mood, Ed and Al is on the run again.
They get involved with some strange man who escaped from prison,
and end up helping a girl and her village (very very short told)
The problem with this story is that theres nothing new really. They are just
building on from what we know, Al and Ed searching for a way to get their bodys back, they help some random people, theres some awesome fights and thats it.
Sound: The sound was good enough, the song in the start of the film was really good, the fighting scenes had fitting music too and the Romi and Rie is as always amazing voice actors. The other voice actors didn't really stand out in my opinion ..
Art: I personally did NOT like the art. sure it wasn't horrible, i just think its a pity that the animators chose to animate the movie like this, when the series have such AMAZING animations! It's the same animators for this movie and the other FMA movie and series, so why the hell did they chose to animate FMA with the old-style raw animation? I don't get it.
Characters: Well the characters where fine too. I actually kinda liked Julia, she wasn't annoying as the typical shounen-movie chick is. (And yeah, theres always a chick .. Naruto, Bleach, theres always a chick in the movies our heros gotta help) However this movie lack of our old FMA cast. Roy mustang was hardly shown, and on the other hand Winry was obviously only shown for fan service .. fan service is good, but please put it on the right places! Im sure everyone would have LOVED roy to be actually in action in this movie, instead of Winry running around.
Enjoyment: again... fine. I enjoyed it, because i didn't had my hope up for this film to start with anyway. Actually i expected this to be worse.
Overall: I give this movie 7 . It's fine enough. The problem here is that its not near the standard of the FMA series . I myself only watched FMAB but i heard a lot about series one too. This is just a normal filler movie, like the many fillers movies they made for Naruto and Bleach and One piece .. the problem here is just that people expect everything from FMA to be EPIC and this movie was NOT. it was just a standard filler shounen movie, as they make so many of on other popular series. They made this movie to get money obviously.
But overall i will believe that IF you are a FMA fan, you will be able to enjoy this, if you from the start is aware of this being a filler film, and the animation and story not being as awesome as the series. Because this film have all the things we love; Edward and Alphonse, on the run, kicking some ass!
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Dec 15, 2011
This is my very first review, so i'm very sorry if it's not so good :)
When i started reading Ao Haru Ride, my expectations were very high since i LOVED the mangaka Io Sakisaka's previous manga. However Ao Haru Ride still succed to reach my expectations, yeah maybe even more than that. Note: I only read the 11 chapters that can be found on the internet.
Story: 9
I really like the story. I started to read this manga because i wanted a good shojo and that's exactly what i got. The story starts out with showing the past of our two min characters, Futaba &
Kou. Futaba dislikes guys, but she likes Tanaka kou (Tanaka-kun) , he is different to her. Kou also likes Futaba, but overhears her saying she dislikes all boys, and things get difficult. soon after this, Tanaka suddenly transfers to another school and disappears out of Futabas life.
Then we jump forward to 15 year old Futaba whos in high school. Her personality is very much different from the innocent cute girl we saw at first; the reason for this change is that Futabas friends started to dislike her for being cute and taking all the attention from the boys. As a given, Futaba soon meets Tanaka-kun, however he looks different and acks like a totally jerk. And he even changed name to Mabuchi Kou.
I like the story pretty much, since it's a typical shojo story, but not in a bad way. You won't get the "meeeh..." feeling while reading this. If you like Shoujo, there is no way you won't love this.
Art: 10
Io Sakisaka's art is ADOREABLE. I LOVE IT SO MUCH. really, it's just so pretty, shiney-shiney, fluffy and cute without being the usally shojo-style. Io Sakisaka haves her very own beautiful and remarkable drawing style.
Character: 8
The Characters is fine, i specially like our Main hero. Our main heroine, Futaba, is pretty standard shojo girl, She's not too plain and very likeable. At first she's trying to be all un-cutey and such, to make "friends" but soon realizes that she can't go on like that. She manages to make new friends, but is still the lively, not-so-cute girl, but in a way she developed a little. Next time where she develope, -- and this is what make her VERY likeable to me -- is when she realizes she loves - and want to be Kous girlfriend. I can't say WHY this is so special, but read the manga and you will understand, since you will surely think "Oh no.. not this type of manga.. dont tell me she.. oh.. she didn't. YAY!"
I find Kou very interesting. He's not this typical emo-like guy, but he also hides some troublesome past behind him. Everytime i read a chapter, i just want to know more about Kou.
Enjoyment: 10
I enjoyed this manga very much. I looked for a good shojo, and i sure found one! It's also have good comedy in it and good moments between our main characters which just makes you go "Kyaaaa~" (And the art i so pretty too, it's just perfect)
Overall: 10 . I might overrated it a bit, but im just so in love with this manga, i decided to give it 10. And i will recommend this manga to ALL shojo-lovers. Read it!
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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