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Kidou Senshi Zeta Gundam
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Kidou Senshi Gundam
Kidou Senshi Gundam
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Arsene_Lucifer Oct 16, 2015 9:33 PM
Yo Movie_Person! How your status. As you can tell from my wordpress site I still got allot of my old content to transfer over. So far, I think only got like 1/10 of it lol. Once I finish that I'll be more aggressive in getting visitors since, as you can tell by the new menu, I want to write about other stuffs. The random list will be on, well, possibly anything which got me excited. Currently I'm research on haunted roads so I could post it around Halloween. Be warn though, my wordpress be an odd collection of reviews, and completely odd stuff not related to reviews or media at all.

I notice there's some wordpress site that more than one writer on them. That's for them, though if all are really active writer I could picture that being difficult to work with. Though, if a wordpress has more than one writer I guess they already worked it out. I try getting a friend who no longer post reviews to work with me on writing about serious issues, but he has yet to replay on my offer.

I recently took up a side thing for some extra cash recently for the past two weeks. Basically I did research on "The Deep Web", and documented what I found to the person paying me. My friend got me the gig, though six other people also did the same. It was mostly a boring experience. I did do something funny when, during lunch, someone was saying Donald Trump would be a good president. While that person was talking, I was choking in the background. The people were frantic and went to my aid. After a couple of seconds I pretended to throw out the imaginary piece of food stuck in my mouth, and then said in a quit room "That was too much bullshit to swallow" lol. Only two laugh, while the rest looked angry at me doing that. Besides that, it was a boring experience, though I earn an extra bit of money so that'll help me in the long run. My research on the other hand, no clue if it'll be use at all.
Arsene_Lucifer Oct 2, 2015 9:34 PM
No problems on the late replies. Aside from the usual which also involves the unusual being common I did not have the pleasure of reading a strange case. It's horrific what happened to the poor man who died from the odd incident. A man rectum was cored out which hurt me to read about. Sadly, that's one thing in the long list that happen in this strange case. Some even put blame on aliens. I'll provide a link so you know exactly to what I'm talking about, but be warned. The article has some graphic pictures of a dead body. Read at your risk.

I'm planning on doing some other things with Personification besides reviews. One thing I'm currently working on is a random list of stories involving Bears. It's silly, but trying to make it an interesting read going from how famous British poet Lord Byron brought a Bear to college campus to how seals and bears are related. It's probably one of the oddest things I'll ever write, but I need a refresher after reading about some crimes in the US and overseas. I'm planning on doing a random list of unsolved crimes since its October.

Fury Road biggest issue for me was the dialogue was redundant as the imagery painted a clear picture of the status of the world, and certain plot points relying on loose connection. If the dialogue was more restraint than I would joined the crowd in singing it praises, but that didn't happen. It's a technical achievement which no one can denies, including those who write negative reviews on it. By action standard I didn't see it coming close to the matching the classics of Hard Boiled, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Ip Man 1 & 2, Terminator 1 & 2, and Bullet In The Head. All of which reach the highest of standards not just for the genre, but as a film in general. So far, my favorite film this year is Mission Impossible 5. However, there's wasn't any WOW factor to it in any area besides one car chase, but I would award my highest rating since it aces all the requirement needed to get one, and fixes problems in the franchise. The other two movies I gave perfect rating too out the movies I've seen this year are Straight Outta Compton, and Inside Out.

No need to rush in watching great anime. Sadly, the ones that came out this year were generally bad. There's only a handful of good titles. Unlike the medium of video games, and movies, anime doesn't have a balance of artistic creations and things that are solely created to pander. It's mostly pandering at the moment. I'm hoping the industry changes, but that's unlikely given how much money stuff like Sword Art Online makes.

I hope you get adjusted to MAL community. So far, all the people I met here are good people, and respectful. Including the ones I debate with. Good luck with school and writing.
Arsene_Lucifer Sep 8, 2015 9:22 PM
Jurassic World is goofy in all the right ways, but the sequels continue to live in the shadow of the first film. Maybe the next one will do better, but if the same writers come back than I doubt that will happen.

When it comes to writing I'm amazed how very few I know talk about their experiences related to writing. Then again, I guess not everyone has a life quite as a crazy as mine. I wished I inspired people, but as an editor I may cause more fear than I do encourage. So far, besides my little brother, no one else who wanted me to check their stuff. I do enjoy it when I get the chance too, but most of the time I'm simply waiting on stuff. Good luck with your classes. It's a struggle balancing everything you want to do against what you actually have to do. Just another part of our stories in life.

Thanks! I know what makes a good story, but like I said before doing yourself it's allot trickier to pull off no matter your knowledge or experience. I'll a watch out for Hibike whenever I got time to watch it. I'm biting far more than I could chew at the moment.

My wordpress is basic right now:

I'll post reviews on their, but right now I'm keeping my other accounts in case I'm unable to draw much of a crowd. Sadly the names I wanted were taken so I made up one from the Persona series. A RPG series whose writing I highly praise. Especially Persona 3 which awoke my interest in gaming again when I played it for the first time.

If you ever in the mood to see more anime try out Berserk and Gyakkyou Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor as well as its second season. Masterful writing from both series and great leading characters. These series make desire to see more adult leading characters in anime, but it's Japan and whatever sells there usually dictate the creative process.
Arsene_Lucifer Aug 30, 2015 5:46 PM
I too was blown away by Cowboy Bebop and Neon Genesis Evangelion. Unfortunately animes like those aren't make often due to the Japanese market being more interested in what sells than whats good. Never heard off Hibike! Euphonium, but might give it a shot when I have more time...whenever that'll be sadly XD. My schedule is fluctuating allot. My personal and also agreeing to help some friends with their writing. It would progress faster they were more willing to share they scripts with me. Then again, they think I hate everything. I saw a bit of Dragon Ball. I liked it, but yeah, it's way too long to make want to go through right now. I too got movies I've been wanting to see. Especially another six hour film called The Best of Youth.

Your thoughts on Yu YU Hakusho are similar to mine. Except I ending up liking it less the more progress. I do like it enough to give it a 7. The characters is kept me coming back and the music was so good dub in English. I prefer the opening theme in English than I do in Japanese. I still listen to it even I finished the series a long time ago. G1 seems like a dream for wrestling fans, than comes the writing part. Having written original stuff yeah the words can be difficult to find. I could go weeks without progressing in something I'm writing.

I do not like Wordpress interface at all. At the moment my free fluctuate allot. I've been going to interviews and agreed to help a friend read over his script and help my little brother write a comic book so he can get more readers. What sucks is my friend is afraid of showing me the entire script simply I review stuff and virtually the only thing he remembers is hating stuff haha. So he's very fearful I would just tear it apart to no end lol. Though, if I did I would do it in a nice manner that is more constructive than hurtful. My little wanted to do comic series on a idea I had for a fantasy series, but I didn't want too. So I compromise to satisfy both of us so I'm writing a one-shot prologue. I suck at writing dialouge XD.

I like Jurassic World. I'm going to give it a 7 out 10, but I do have a list of problems I wrote in my draft. It was both dumber and smarter than I expected it to be. Like the fact the workers open up Indominus Rex cage instead of waiting for the tracking device pin point the exact location. The reason for cloning in context makes sense to generate more revenue, but the people who created Indominus don't know what went into it. I still liked it than it had b-movies sensibility. If it was longer it would have benefited some of the shallow aspects like the kids parents getting a divorce, the pro environmentalist message against cloning, and of course more characterization. It also probably would have helped stand better on its own if didn't rely to much on nostalgia. Still, it was entertaining movie. I wouldn't mind seeing it again, though won't ever become a classic like the original is despite sharing similar writing issues.
Arsene_Lucifer Aug 24, 2015 9:30 PM
Thanks Joseph for the head ups. I've been having issues here for the past 4 months so that's I was unable to provide an update. I travel to another state, worked for months in a bacon factory with terrible co-workers and higher ups that could care less about my health, a university black mailing me into giving them money which failed, snakes attempting to kill me, a bank that refused to close my bank account, and a stalker. All which occurred in the span of 4 months and nearly drove insane or possibly developing insomnia of all things that I dealt with. Plus the process of getting a restraining order took around a month to get because my case wasn't of domestic violence. Still the way I broke the news was enjoyable for me.

At night, when we're alone in some random park. After giving her some flowers I spout some BS about second chances. I make it appear like I'm going to confess to her with a poem before opening it up and saying in a over the top manner "RESTRAINING ORDER BITCH" shoving the papers in her face. Her face went from being happy to being absolutely shock to looking like she was about to cry. I still go on, telling her if she ever follows me around, my family, appear anywhere near me intentional or not I will call up the police and have her arrested. Her dad would help me out because of some unknown family issues. When she was about to show what I assume was her showing some humanity and getting the point that we never were a couple says why to me. The only thing that came up to my head at that time was the last time I broke with a girl by saying she's a Clingon. I'm pretty sure it went over her head like everything else she disliked hearing, but that seemed to have resolved it. She stopped bothering during the rest of my time their.

If you finished Yu Yu Hakusho how did you like it? The first season was the best since it didn't make any case overstay its welcome. Also, the subject of death was expertly handle in the first early episodes before it pulled a DBZ started resurrecting dead characters multiple times. I've only seen the first half of Ufotable Fate Stay Night adaptation. I liked it, but it didn't stray off enough for the first adaptation. I get around to seeing the second half and I'll tell you what I thought about it.

Good luck to you. I started a wordpress account, but don't have it worked out at the moment so I didn't make it public. I got to settle things here first before considering buying a domain name for a website. Unfortunately the site name is unrelated to what I post haha. Late on the bandwagon.

Thanks for the encouraging. I'll be getting in posting reviews regularly here on MAL and I'll tell you about anything I post on lettetboxd. I've seen a couple of films this year, but I think Jurassic World will be a good way to return into reviewing movies on Letterboxd. Though, I want to prepare reviews of the other film in the series. I can't guaranteed, but do have plans to continue reviewing no matter what my personal life throws at me. Including dozen of deadly snakes that I unintentionally kill.
Arsene_Lucifer Jan 3, 2015 10:19 PM
I've been doing fine in the anime community. I can safely say I was able to get into it allot more easily than expected. I've met allot of cool people and it's fun discussing something other than movies with friends. Can't forget my anime reviewing has gotten an improvement since starting here. Instead of recycling and doing minor editing changes I doing them from the ground up. For the most part I manage to write reviews I'm happy with. For feedback I rarely get it, though the times I do their rather positive, though for some reasons it seems like none of the readers in disagreement with me even bother to post a comment stating their feelings on them. I get plenty of suggestions for watching and reading that it's a blast to explore a whole another medium with (mostly) fresh eyes.

Two of the first friends I've made here, Apolex and dex_mt are pretty cool. They were among first I engaged with in discussing anime. We had some disagreement, but the discussions were always interesting and engaging no matter what they were on. Then there's Kira_Yagami who got me into reading manga. His suggestions were the first manga I've ever read to completion and from there had a blast finding new material to read in the world of manga. I've also met other like richard_maximus who's a talented individual. Along with writing reviews, he balances making music, drawing, work, and college all together. He's rather friendly to all people. Plus, having a similar interest in certain never hurts either. There's allot of cool people to meet in the anime community the more you get into it.

Movie community on the other hand I don't have the same passion in writing like when I started. I won't give it up entirely because I like discussing it, though won't be as active like my old RT days. Same goes with how active I am. Since everyone moved to Letterboxd they layout makes it more complicated than needed to when it comes to following friends and receiving updates. I'll still review movies, but not as frequently and not in the same quantity as I use too. I'm like 50 something shy reviews away from reaching 600 written movie reviews. Can't exactly quite now haha. Abandoning the movie community at this point would be a ignorant move on my end.

In personal life I'm moving stuff around and so I won't be as active as I'm currently am. It's a drag moving from storing spaces to storing spaces and organizing stuff. It's good to hear from you again. How have you've been doing in your time off from the internet?
Arsene_Lucifer Oct 12, 2014 10:19 PM
Welcome to the site man. Cool to have you on here. How are you liking it so far?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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