Honestly im just here to say that i really enjoyed this manga, i feel like i appreciated it more since i actually got to read it in physical form, which i havent been able to do with any other manga before. I feel like it made me appreciate the art alot more than just reading it online, and I must say that the art is incredible. All of the illustrations between the ''episodes'' as the author calls them, are really well made and just add to the characters.
This isnt a heavy romance manga. It's more lighthearted, theres no drama and everything goes in the way
Feb 28, 2022
ok so this is a pretty strange one, mf gets locked in his own home by a highschool girl while she cooks for him and he draws his manga. I'd say its pretty enjoyable and a short read since the chapters are like 4-5 images long. Also the art is amazing, i really like that the artist includes really well drawn art of the girl (konata) at the end of each chapter. I recommend you guys give it a try since it only has 38 chapters right now and i feel like it could become the next big thing for a couple of months.