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Jun 10, 2023
Chihayafuru (Manga) add
There are some things in this world that can give you a purpose and/or save you. We call that "passion". For Chihaya, that passion was karuta. And for me, that passion was Chihayafuru.

It took me a long while to write this review because I felt like I'd never going to be able to put into words how incredible important this manga is for me, and how it changed not only me, but the very competitive karuta scene in Japan and around the world.

Chihayafuru is a story about three childhood friends that end up playing the same thing together: Karuta. It is a real game that's ...
Mar 30, 2023
Lover Boy (Manga) add
Sometimes I get tired when I'm looking for BL. They're either problematic, boring, stupid, predictable or all of the above. Finding a gem like Lover Boy was a pleasant surprise.

The story follows a boy, Eunho, who has been in love with his childhood friend Jaeha for all his life. He knew, however, he was just a kid to the other boy, since their age difference was that of eight years. And so he nurtured this love during his childhood and teenager years... Until they finally met in adulthood.

Now, you may think this will go as the usual. Flirting, silly misunderstandings and just a bunch of ...
Dec 21, 2021
Mixed Feelings
There isn't much to say about this BL. It it's simply a story about two friends that decide to date when one of them confesses to the other. It's cute, so it's nice to read when you just want something light.

There isn't anything innovative and the characters fit stereotypes, but I really like how the black-haired guy really thinks about the feelings of his best friend/boyfriend and slowly realizes he might like him as a partner as well.

The only thing that I can complain about is the panel sequence. Sometimes scenes would evolve out of nowhere, as if there was a scene in-between ...
Sep 1, 2019
I was able to watch this movie in a special exhibition held here in Brazil. I had never heard of it, but since it revolved around kappas, I decided to check it out.

The story revolves around Sanpei, a young boy who lives in the countryside and really wishes to see his mom, who lives in Tokyo and who he hasn't seen in years. One day at school, the principal decides that he will take the students that win a minor swimming contest to Tokyo. Sanpei, who doesn't know how to swim, see in this an opportunity to be able to go to Tokyo and ...
Feb 18, 2019
Mixed Feelings
If you're a long-time anime fan, you surely remember those 2000's romance anime full of ecchi, stupid jokes and a incredible strong love. Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet is just like that.

Nostalgic because of its resemblance with the anime we watched during our younger days, Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet may be seen as something good, or at least tolerable to watch, when it's not.

Sure, maybe the relationship between the two main characters is cute and all that, but it's not worth the watch when everything else (other characters, plot, setting) is plainly mediocre.

The opening deceives (It deceived me) and make you think this ...
Sep 19, 2018
I don't usually pay much attention to character interaction and stuff in hentai. It's usually just something that leads to sex and whatever, the usual. Except this one wasn't really like this.

In Nee Shiyo we get three couples (Brother x sister, classmates and teacher x student) who actually interact and have sex like they are couples. They completely fulfill the role they're supposed to. Even the incestuous couple act like they're actual brother and sister who happen to be having sex.

The couples tease each other, kiss and even do stuff that they know the other person likes (Like licking the ear/nipples, etc). We ...
Oct 22, 2017
Honestly, unlike most OVAs I have watched, I felt like this one was better than the entire original anime series.
It covers only two days in the life of Teko, Pikari and the two middle school friends of Teko, Chizuru and Akane, who came over to visit her during the summer vacation. This short period of time, however, was enough to well develop the two new characters we are introduced to. I fell in love with both of them, mostly Chizuru.
The story also focused more on the characters feelings and the time they spend together other than diving (although it was also part of ...
Oct 27, 2014
Preliminary (1/6 chp)
*This review was originally written for Karisome no Hane, but has been moved due to the merging of entries.*

This manga was indeed something. It was a one-shot, and I wish it had more chapters, but at the same time I got the feeling that one chapter was enough. It was painful and yet beautiful. So beautiful that I felt the need to write my first review.
The art was amazing, and the plastic surgery theme was new for me. The main character was interesting, but I wish I could see more of her development.
"Karisome no Hana" warmed my heart, and I highly recommend it to ...

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