All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 86.5
Mean Score:
- Watching18
- Completed283
- On-Hold28
- Dropped29
- Plan to Watch353
- Total Entries711
- Rewatched14
- Episodes5,149
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 7.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries32
- Reread0
- Chapters1,113
- Volumes150
All Comments (18) Comments
I've got no clue how to do images tho, the extent of my knowledge is using paint to crop things and resize them
though the one i picked up recently doesn't seem misplaced
also yuh yuh <3 shiro from NGNL
I'd like a Run one but there just doesn't seem to be any :\
do you have one?
do you mean something else and not where you show all of your ratings and currently watching/completed/etc.?
btw pic looks good :P
from what i've read of the manga so far i actually feel like the anime set things up better though
i also hear it becomes more morbid the longer it goes on but that's a good thing imo
I dunno, I'm not really good at recommendations but I do think TLR is something you need to watch more than 6 episodes of because of just how rapidly it evolves throughout its entire runtime, unless you're not just into H/E stuff at which point it'd be futile. If you are, though, then I'd definitely recommend giving it another spin because I'd consider it a flagship of H/E stuff and would be one of the closest things to an essential watch their is. If you're neutral on it, though, then idk, go with your gut. If you do decide to go back to it, remember that the OVAs aren't skippable.
I like it a lot, though. It has one of the most colorful and entertaining cast of haremettes I've seen on top of just being something I found hilarious. The first few episodes of the first season are kind of sloggy, but I found that even the first season came into its own eventually and become a funny bombastic comedy of sorts, even though the popular opinion usually places it as the weakest. Then the OVAs and Motto are really great and then Darkness rolls around and it goes into full swing.
But yeah, unless you're not into H/E, I'd say go for it.
You've watched far more though which is probably why
I like your taste ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)