Thank you!^_^
Thats fine :) I'm glad you remember my birthday ^^ thank you again :)
My birthday was nice but since was so hot outside I couldn't really go out so I stayed at hime and was out only at night...
I replied to comment in MAL even in my birthday since I got so many comments with happy birthday and I had like 3 pages xD
I was really happy to see so many people here remmeber me birthday and even people who didn't talk to me for a long time remmebered it ^^ I try to remember when the birthdays of my friends too but sometimes I forget but when I know some friend have birthday I always make for them cards and gifs as presents :D
How have you been?:)
Btw why you're not active in MAL?????D;
Hackers entered to MAL while you weren't here so they disable the bbocdes too so I can't change the colors or put gifs anymore :/
thanks xD hahaah u're so great friend^^ thanks for trying help me^_^ I really appreciate it ^^
I like comedies too xD not silly comedies but I like comedies like ranma 1/2, lovely complex.....they're were a really funny animes xD recommend!:D they made me laugh so many times XD especially ranma 1/2 I laughed like a crazy when i watched it xD hahaha
yea smart peoples can be sometimes a little scary too but I think that's pretty cool xD like in death note....light was so smart what he did almost scered me xD
lelouch really a genuse too...I didn't finish this anime yet so i don't know if he's really so scary but I know I really like him and almost all my freinds have him in their fav chars xD
ok so i'll try karnaval:D I'll add it to ptw now:D
yep:D there a really big difference between male firends and boy friends xD
thanks but I don't need a boyfriend....I just want to fell in love with boy in the rl and not only from the internet....
I don't have boyfirend yet because I still didn't find someone that I really really love and want to go out with...
I don't want to go out with boy only because I want a boyfirend....that's stupid!
I'll have a boyfirend only when I'll really fell in love with someon in the rl :)
code geass is scary?! xD even death note and bleach more scary xD haha and lelouch is a genius(and looking really good too xD)
steins gate a little boring at the first eps but I think that will be get better after ep7...
they're a good animes? should I watch them too?:)
I like all my boyfriends? O.O
I haven't boyfriend yet....and yea I have a lot male friends in mal....I like them as a firends xD not romance feeling or whatever u think now xD haha
I don't know if I like him but I think I have a little feelings for him...I don't know >.<
yep:D did u watched bokura ga it, kimi ni todoke, full moon wo sagshite already?really good animes! recommend!;D
did u watch code geass already? awesome anime and with a lot of action:D
so what are u wathcing now? I still wathcing steins gate(ep7 now) that's look like a really cool anime and I heard that will be get even better after ep10:D
ok...i'll not cry:) but why u said that I'm cheating on him?:(
my fav are j-pop, metal(power), rock, pop, Classic:)
I like to watch anime romance+drama
I like action+Psychological
I like anime with comedy too:D
and I like animes with mystery:D
My favorite genres: Psychological, Mystery, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Fantazy^^
what about u?^_^
waitttttt! cheating on him?????? w..what? why? :O
I didn't like metal at first too but I started to like it:) I hate black metal(hurt to my ear-screams...xD) and don't really like death metal too...
but I really really like power metal(helloween is one of my fav bands:D)
and I don't like only metal I like a lot of kinds of music:D just started to like metal too:)
we're firends^_^ *big hug*
I don't know xD
I'm fucking don't even know him in the rl how I can love him????? and he's not form my country too:(
but yea...he's one of my best friends here:) he's really always so nice to me^_^
but I don't like him!!!!*blushing* I have a lot of male friends in mal!!!!(started to like metal thanks to them xD)
btw thanks for the friend request:D yay! we're firends now^^
No way! I like chubby/fat people, there's more to love! >.<
Wah, no way! I've never met anyone that also had a crush on someone from Sonic xD
I see, that's a good game ^__^
I know! I love it so much *q* Whaaat? Vaas is awesome! He's such a cool character >.< But have you ever played Skyrim? :)
Yeah I do, silly, I've told you before >w< Sure, I'll tell you when I'm on :D But in all honesty, I've never added someone, so I'm kind of new to this ( ._.)
IN my nose?! Uwah, that's gross! >.< *Pokes your forehead and then your belly*
Sonic! He was my childhood crush :D I played it a lot when I was younger~ What's your favorite Sonic game?
Indeed I do~ Right now I'm mostly playing Far Cry, also finished with Uncharted 3 soon ^^
All Comments (27) Comments
Thats fine :) I'm glad you remember my birthday ^^ thank you again :)
My birthday was nice but since was so hot outside I couldn't really go out so I stayed at hime and was out only at night...
I replied to comment in MAL even in my birthday since I got so many comments with happy birthday and I had like 3 pages xD
I was really happy to see so many people here remmeber me birthday and even people who didn't talk to me for a long time remmebered it ^^ I try to remember when the birthdays of my friends too but sometimes I forget but when I know some friend have birthday I always make for them cards and gifs as presents :D
How have you been?:)
Btw why you're not active in MAL?????D;
Hackers entered to MAL while you weren't here so they disable the bbocdes too so I can't change the colors or put gifs anymore :/
so how have u been till now?^^
btw last week for me to be 14 y old xD
I like comedies too xD not silly comedies but I like comedies like ranma 1/2, lovely complex.....they're were a really funny animes xD recommend!:D they made me laugh so many times XD especially ranma 1/2 I laughed like a crazy when i watched it xD hahaha
yea smart peoples can be sometimes a little scary too but I think that's pretty cool xD like in death note....light was so smart what he did almost scered me xD
lelouch really a genuse too...I didn't finish this anime yet so i don't know if he's really so scary but I know I really like him and almost all my freinds have him in their fav chars xD
ok so i'll try karnaval:D I'll add it to ptw now:D
thanks but I don't need a boyfriend....I just want to fell in love with boy in the rl and not only from the internet....
I don't have boyfirend yet because I still didn't find someone that I really really love and want to go out with...
I don't want to go out with boy only because I want a boyfirend....that's stupid!
I'll have a boyfirend only when I'll really fell in love with someon in the rl :)
code geass is scary?! xD even death note and bleach more scary xD haha and lelouch is a genius(and looking really good too xD)
steins gate a little boring at the first eps but I think that will be get better after ep7...
they're a good animes? should I watch them too?:)
I haven't boyfriend yet....and yea I have a lot male friends in mal....I like them as a firends xD not romance feeling or whatever u think now xD haha
I don't know if I like him but I think I have a little feelings for him...I don't know >.<
yep:D did u watched bokura ga it, kimi ni todoke, full moon wo sagshite already?really good animes! recommend!;D
did u watch code geass already? awesome anime and with a lot of action:D
so what are u wathcing now? I still wathcing steins gate(ep7 now) that's look like a really cool anime and I heard that will be get even better after ep10:D
my fav are j-pop, metal(power), rock, pop, Classic:)
I like to watch anime romance+drama
I like action+Psychological
I like anime with comedy too:D
and I like animes with mystery:D
My favorite genres: Psychological, Mystery, Comedy, Drama, Romance, Fantazy^^
what about u?^_^
I didn't like metal at first too but I started to like it:) I hate black metal(hurt to my ear-screams...xD) and don't really like death metal too...
but I really really like power metal(helloween is one of my fav bands:D)
and I don't like only metal I like a lot of kinds of music:D just started to like metal too:)
we're firends^_^ *big hug*
I'm fucking don't even know him in the rl how I can love him????? and he's not form my country too:(
but yea...he's one of my best friends here:) he's really always so nice to me^_^
but I don't like him!!!!*blushing* I have a lot of male friends in mal!!!!(started to like metal thanks to them xD)
btw thanks for the friend request:D yay! we're firends now^^
Wah, no way! I've never met anyone that also had a crush on someone from Sonic xD
I see, that's a good game ^__^
I know! I love it so much *q* Whaaat? Vaas is awesome! He's such a cool character >.< But have you ever played Skyrim? :)
Yeah I do, silly, I've told you before >w< Sure, I'll tell you when I'm on :D But in all honesty, I've never added someone, so I'm kind of new to this ( ._.)
Sonic! He was my childhood crush :D I played it a lot when I was younger~ What's your favorite Sonic game?
Indeed I do~ Right now I'm mostly playing Far Cry, also finished with Uncharted 3 soon ^^
so..what's up? ;D