Jack! Thank you very much! Truly heartwarming.
Happy, Happy New Year to you and your family, my good friend.
May your home stays happy and bountiful for the whole 2018!
Jacky! Merry, Merry Christmas to you, my sweet boy!
I wish you'll have a wonderful celebration of the holidays. Something that's as wonderful as you are, Jack.
You stay sweet and nice always, okay? You are such a blissful encounter! Lots of love! <3
You know where to find me if you need me! ^^
How are you?????
I haven't been here for ages so was very surprised when I saw this.
Merry X-mas to you too.
Hope you are well.
let me know if you use skype. We can connect again :)
hi my dear! you can always txt me here - I dont go to the chat where we met cuz there is no one there :P
Im ok - Im working out right now and making a lil brak cuz Im dead hahaha how are you?
Yes Ive seen fairytail an I love it - I see you have Mystogan as your avatar I love him - I love the entire guild !!!Ill check out to see what you ve seen so far so that I can recommend smt :) What genre do you like? I see you like shounen :P i like that as well smt else :)
Kisses + love take care (and get ym or smt like that lol)
All Comments (9) Comments
Happy, Happy New Year to you and your family, my good friend.
May your home stays happy and bountiful for the whole 2018!
I wish you'll have a wonderful celebration of the holidays. Something that's as wonderful as you are, Jack.
You stay sweet and nice always, okay? You are such a blissful encounter! Lots of love! <3
You know where to find me if you need me! ^^
How are you?????
I haven't been here for ages so was very surprised when I saw this.
Merry X-mas to you too.
Hope you are well.
let me know if you use skype. We can connect again :)
Thank you for accepting the request, fam!
Im ok - Im working out right now and making a lil brak cuz Im dead hahaha how are you?
Yes Ive seen fairytail an I love it - I see you have Mystogan as your avatar I love him - I love the entire guild !!!Ill check out to see what you ve seen so far so that I can recommend smt :) What genre do you like? I see you like shounen :P i like that as well smt else :)
Kisses + love take care (and get ym or smt like that lol)