Hello :)
I'm Ham, the real one.
It makes sense when you think about it but it doesn't really matter to be honest. My name has been thrown between debates for centuries, I've been there in the trenches and passed around at dinner tables.
I am everywhere and no where at the same time.
It is poetic but it is true, for what shall be known are the mere words of those who saw me. That is if they could recognise me, if they noticed me as the real one.
I've seen other names throughout the years. Noticeably as Mr Banana at The Foundation, or by my cousins last name of the family Sandwich.
I make deals with philosophy and in turn it gives me something to read to whoever listens.
I myself am half insane and the other half I still don't know, probably is to do with something with me being here. AKA I watch anime and as a piece of pork I am a binomial construct when it comes to it. I like both men and women even if they are pork eaters, I take many forms after all.
I'm friends with a few reality benders, Dr. Clef, Dr. Edison (I love him and his work), Huske (he's not real), Adrian Brody, and a sentient DVD copy of Casper.
My favourite foods include: Beef, Pork, Broccoli, Lettuce, Potatoes, Gay people, Trans people, Insane people, people, children, and Rouladen.
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Read the GLT manga.
He blew me up like a balloon and popped me, I am a soul destined for the after life but I am stuck here on account of my debts to this individual and have to pay in manual labour. I am here to announce that the notorious "Ham_Real" is a bitch ass motherfucker, who is to NOT be trusted.
Cheese mah, cheese mah, cheese mah bess friend you break his hart. I'll brak ur fasce.
Ham: Under where?
Steed: Jaja, made you say Underwear
Ham: https://youtu.be/M9J6DKJXoKk