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Mar 13, 2016
Steins;Gate (Anime) add
Seeing Steins Gate on this list ranked number 2 I figured I must watch this anime. According to everyone its a masterpiece in the same league as FMA Brotherhood. So i came in with high expectations, and I would say they where met, just not in the way I was expecting. The twists were not particularly crazy and the plot wasn't all that amazing. As I started to watch the first couple of episodes I began to wonder what all the hype was about. Though I grew to love the cast of unique characters, who seem to defy anime tropes. Unconventional love story and maybe ...
Mar 13, 2016
Sword Art Online, the anime that everyone loves to hate and for good reason. Sword Art Online II continues the trend of having a pretty good first half, then a very bad second half. The real redeeming quality of Sword Art Online II is the introduction of Sinon. She is maybe the fist character in the series with any real depth and she escalates the plot to new heights. Kirito is the same old predictable character, they attempt to add depth to his killing in SAO but it doesnt really feel genuine. The story is interesting enough in the first half and Gun Gale Online ...
Jan 29, 2016
Naruto (Anime) add
I see alot of reviews on here attacking the "fanboys" and how this show is not any good. Those people who are so aggressively against naruto are the exact opposite of the fanboy and there arguments are bias in the other direction. Due to that fact, they also cant be trusted.

An honest review of Naruto should be mostly positive because the show is pretty good at alot of things. To start, the world building in Naruto is fantastic, the shin-obi world that has been created is interesting and unique. They also capitalize on that world building by making what seems like realistic decisions and ...
Jan 29, 2016
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is truly an amazing anime. It feels like somebody watched Fullmetal Alchemist proper and said, "That was good, but it could be even better." Then they made changes in all the right ways. You want an anime with humor, action, love, unique characters, great world building, and interesting twists and turns, then FMA Brotherhood is for you. Just like everything great, there will be haters, giving it 5's and 7's but thats just not the case. Its not my favorite anime but it is indisputably one of the greatest adventures ever created. There is something for everyone in FMA Brotherhood, and is ...
Jan 29, 2016
Let me start with this, Person 4 Golden is in my opinion the best video game ever made. It stands high above every video game in my mind.

With that said Persona 4 the animation is disappointing, but thats to be expected really. Persona 4 Golden took me 40 hours to complete and truthfully 25 episodes is not enough get the whole plot across. I believe the creators did as good a job as they could have possibly done with the time they had been given. The artwork is phenomenal, the characters amazing and the same great soundtrack carries over. It really falls short because it ...

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