All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 87.3
Mean Score:
- Watching28
- Completed217
- On-Hold37
- Dropped46
- Plan to Watch101
- Total Entries429
- Rewatched0
- Episodes5,045
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 37.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries138
- Reread0
- Chapters6,723
- Volumes324
All Comments (37) Comments
how are u ? hope ur doing better than me ><
I was just looking at ur anime list
and i noticed that u dropped Aoi Bungaku Series o.0
how is it possible that someone dropped this masterpiece
if it's bec of the first ep then watch the 3rd one
the ep are separated each 2 ep tell diffrent story ...completely diffrent story
and why did u not like it !
wow ...i mean i watched the first 2 ep for about 7 times or even more (except for the sex scene that i skipped) the story is amazing
i recomend the fifth ep
try it its diffrent
its about a love story ... and a man who can't marry the woman he loves ...the story is so beautifull ...give it another try will u ;)
and from ur plan to watch
mushishi is the best
the stories are really warm and if u can acceopt the mushi as a form of live ...ull really like it ...
how r u? i hope u r fine
i just want to came by and say hello
by the way u got really good AnimeList
And Ryougi Shiki is one of ya Fav i like that man
u better watch the last movie Of the Kara no Kyoukai
how've u been fate san?
it's been a while,,
how z ur studies? hope every thn z fine there,,
take care,,
n keep in touch ne san ,, :D
AND... did the manga substitute for the anime? I don’t think so :\
about Valkyria Chronicles, I understood from what did you say that you had played the game, is it enteresting? Do you recommended me about it?
It looks that you have a BAD internet despait you are in Australia ^^"
like what had you said, I don’t like the manga And I will Never like it!
I noticed that you are watching "Shigofumi" currently
Good option from you ^^. I gave it 1010 and it really deserves it!!!
you *really* have a weird list, specially from the dropped animes ~_~
you had dropped Bleach, Fairy Tail, Naruto S. and other *GREAT* animes, does your Internet speed play a role in this xD? (I’m joking)
And valkyria Chronicles... you gave him 4\10 :\
is it really so bad? or you just didn’t enjoy it ’cause it was different from the game (like what you had said before)?
I have create my own profile here today
wana you to visit me ^ ^ !?
did you watch Seikon no Qwaser?
It’s a nice anime, neither Hentai nor Echhi anime like they said.
And I see you that you love Mukuro. Like me Exactly
what A great character that he is :)
I hope to see you Again . .
If you love Gintoki,please join my Lord Gintoki FC:
See you there ;)
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