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Jul 25, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
Fun, fun, fun.

Is what can be best described as when it comes to this show. While also being a semi realistic take on VTubers, and VTubing as a whole. As VTubers come in all shapes and sizes. I say semi realistic too, as it's not 100% of what and how VTubing is like or goes. But it's certainly a very close enough take, that it almost feels like it is. If you are a fan of VTubers, then you're going to love this show, and everything that it stands for. Let me explain.

Story and characters: 8
We all dream big. We all do. While again, I ...
Jul 21, 2024
Preliminary (3/? eps)
Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh deer. Oh ...
Jul 19, 2024
Preliminary (6/10 eps)
To think I thought I was done with Batman, or in this case, it's more rouge gallery in anime, but here we are haha.

There is quite an element of weirdness when it comes to 'Isekai' Suicide Squad. Yes 'Isekai.' As it more feels like they threw em into a new world just for the hell of it. As if you're coming into this, expecting a normal kind of Isekai, then you're in the wrong place lol. But that doesn't make it bad at all, more given it's approach and charm. Going for a more fast paced, and wild approach. With the only weird bits seemingly ...
Jul 18, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
What are gender norms.

Seriously. Is it wrong for a guy to like cute things? To seem more girly, and not manly. Can say the same case for girls too. It's quite the thought and topic for sure. Something of which doesn't come up a lot in anime, and with how serious this anime is seemingly trying to portray it from both sides of the argument, where you don't like it and think it's silly, or that you personally would support such, even if it's not your cup of tea. I know for a fact this show will step on toes for these reasons alone. But ...
Jul 18, 2024
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
I parry everything.

I can parry at my braincells more like.

Though for serious, for it's first three episodes of it's lifespan, it's produced quite a promising product, and only time will tell if it actually parrys itself into a decent and solid product overall. It's not without it's hiccups though, that is for sure. Let me explain.

Story and characters: 6
The story can really make itself stand out as different compared to how others of this particular power fantasy genre go about things. Instead of simply being better cause we're gifted. How about we train instead? Work for it all? It's quite a refreshing take which does ...
Jul 17, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
As much as there is going to be a dozen Isekais, or power fantasy shows per season of anime. Romcoms are bound to make an appearance to boot. Now you may be thinking. The high rating? With such a usual simple premise, and simple idea? Well that's the beauty of it. When it's done right, it's done right.

Tokidoki Bosotto while being the norm in terms of a romcom, least tries it's best to be an entertaining product throughout it's run time. Going for a more reactive, and cute option, rather than seemingly being too calm to come off as boring. Giving it that bit of ...
Apr 27, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
When the little things, spark and sparkle into something truly breathtakingly beautiful.

If you want a top tier Yuri anime, that is filled with sweetness and delight. This will be the show to enjoy, and watch.

Story and characters: 8
What I really love about it, is the pacing of the writing. It doesn't just throw in them together, as if it's shoehorned in right away just for the sake of it. Instead it's written at a reasonable pace, that keeps attention, and makes you actively enjoy and want for the ship to boot. What adds extra too, is that both sets seem like genuine people. Making the ...
Apr 27, 2024
Kaijuu 8-gou (Anime) add
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
I'll say it season after season. But when silliness hits well, it hits hard.

Kaijuu on paper looks like the kind of show, that will fill your action serious bubble, and more so. But when you actually watch it, there is more to it. Given it's fun, and comedic reactions. It kinda gives me Little Witch Academia vibes in that sense. Having a serious idea, a serious setting. But go at it with a mix of that tone of seriousness, and general fun. A mixture of styles and tones, that'll carry the series through out.

Story and characters: 8
Where it gives me same vibes too with LWA ...
Apr 24, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
Two sides of a coin.

This is what this show is, a really drama filled roller coaster, that really play into both sides. Which really explains the message within this show. Someone can have perfect in everything, but still have their own faults, and worries. While one who could be seen as plain, or cold, could have larger aspirations, then one may not realize. Something that'll drive this show forward, and keep it engaging from start to finish.

Story and characters: 7
Opposites attract.

Really, that's the common basis for the story. Even within the first episode, there was a foreshadowing line thrown in there, which perfectly captured it. ...
Apr 21, 2024
Preliminary (3/12 eps)
What if the series The Boys met Power Rangers, the anime.

While of course, both are different in their own right, but in terms of the context of it's plotline. There are similarities between them. Which only makes for a more interesting concept. Think of that love one from a few seasons ago. That alone will bring more attention to this show. More eyes on a product, is simply better. As if this was a cookie cutter hero show, it'd be good sure. But it'd be too basic to really stand out. But with the concept that this has, it'll stand out a lot more than ...

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