Mar 25, 2021
This is my first review but I hope I save some people with this.
Overall rating: 2
Some analysis contains **spoilers**
Hortensia Saga is a run-of-the-mill fantasy anime with nothing special whatsoever at all.
Story/Plot 4/10
The plot is more generic than a fairy tale story, mainly because it is based on a game instead of a manga or LN. The plot is just the princess gaining enough courage to say "Yea lets take back the kingdom" after 9 episodes because at the start there was an unjust coupe that killed her father (the king). Oh yeah, and there are also monsters because it is fantasy after all. The
evil holy church trope is back in action and hitting the same way by trying to manipulate the throne from the shadows. Nothing about the plot is unique but it isn't that poorly executed.
Art and Sound both 4/10
The art was nothing amazing it was just generic enough to be able to look at without being bored and the sound was definitely not poor in any means but was nothing remarkable or that Id want to listen to again.
Characters: 1/10
Oh god where do I start, the princess tries to be a "normal squire" but just his half-ass useless and needs Alfred to help her every time she tries to fight. She has no courage or any redeeming qualities like cuteness or charming quirks, just very annoying.
Alfred, this dude is dense as a rock. The princess puts her hair in a bun and wears a hoodie and this dunce can't tell its a girl. This dude is a knight with the plainest characteristics "I see people in danger we must help them" type beat.
All the side characters are so forgettable it's not funny.
Enjoyment: 1/10
I only keep watching because I keep an oath to rarely drop shows and its airing right now otherwise I would never add this to my list.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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