Hello, I'll be trying to explain how my list works to you and along the way you might learn something about me too.
To start off with, my scoring is based purely on how much I enjoyed that particular anime and it follows the MAL scores of 3=very bad, 5=average, 7=good and so on. This is why some anime that are technically quite good (as in animation quality, music, setting etc.) have gotten a low score from me since they did not appeal to my personal tastes. I try to keep my list as personal to me as I can since I'm not trying to review anime for other people but it is more of a tool for me to show what I like and don't like.
So what are my tastes? Its a good question that I haven't tried to ponder too deeply before but I will try to answer it here. Looking at my list, it is filled with random genres of anime at both ends of the scoring system which seems to say that the genre is not a major deciding factor for me except for the ones that I try to avoid such as shoujo.
Music has a good impact on me depending on how well it has been woven into the anime highlighting scenes, moments and characters. Now I do prefer some types of music more than others but I won't get too much into that since it would make this text quite longer.
Good action can make me like an anime much more if it is done smartly. Having action without consequences is not interesting to me. It has to have purpose and meaning and it needs to be portrayed well (the more you see in a fight the better). Also if it is the type of anime to have power rankings/levels then they should have obvious and noticeable gaps between them.
An engaging story is a must and for this the anime needs good characters and character interaction. A good character to me is smart, relatable and multidimensional. Not everyone in the story needs to be like this since you need to have contrast between characters, but these are the ones that keep me watching to the end. Characters and the story are most often the biggest deciding factors for me when deciding how much I enjoyed an anime.
Well that got a bit long but you're the one who wanted to read about me heh. I probably didn't even write half the things I was supposed to but its a good start.
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