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Jul 18, 2024
Black Clover (Anime) add
Preliminary (3/170 eps)
Looks good so I decided to finally start it. But for the first five minutes, literally, one character screams every single thing he says. EVERY SINGLE THING. Screams, yell, bellows... and he is one of the two main characters. Of course the rest of the characters scream back to him, so those five minutes feels like a torture.

It may be a great series, but doesn't really looks that special though. For what I saw in three episodes, dunno, doesn't do anything great.
But mostly, I can't stand those kind of characters and attitudes.
Maybe someday I'll decide to put it on silence and continue ...
Jun 19, 2024
All wrong. Very wrong. Basically the plot is just a big great hole in the script and you cannot follow along without further knowledge of the source material.

The two previous seasons, even when skipping a lot of things, and not developing the plot and characters correctly, could be enjoyed. Even without having read the manga (not great, but still).
But that isn't the case with RE, here's nothing makes sense: characters that were good are now bad, others are friends of those they hated, other characters you don't even know who they are until they say their name and you realize... The story is very ...
Jun 10, 2024
Mixed Feelings
TL;DR: good beginning, bad middle part, worst ending. But art and music make it watchable. First five episodes are really good. And well, it is entertaining if you don't care about many things.

Episodes 1-5: excellent
Episodes 6-9 non sensical
Episodes 10-11 a wreckage

I couldn't recommend the anime, still I had mixed feelings.
The first episodes are great, the characters presented are interesting, the plot intriguing and the realism in the details stand out.
Then, for some reason, since the introduction of the character of "Five" all goes down hill, everything they had done well ceases to make sense. The situations are illogical, absurd and not credible at all. ...
Jun 3, 2024
Akudama Drive (Anime) add
TL,DR: over the top situations full of action scenes, an impeccable visual style, and an interesting non-logical story, but everything's so cool.

First thing first, the show is good, but as good as a good action shonen/movie/videogame, period. The rest is incidental. You should approach this anime as you would if it were a Devil May Cry, if it's cool it's cool, whether it makes sense or not.
So if you are looking for a deep and well tale story, an intriguing with no plot holes and a study of the psyche of its characters this is not that kind of anime (this is not, even with ...
Jun 3, 2024
Leviathan (Manga) add
Mixed Feelings
The premise of the manga is interesting, although the interest of it is diluted a bit as soon as the plot advances for a simple reason: simplicity.
Everything happens too fast, it's as if someone yell "i choose violence" and all hell broke loose for everyone just like that.

The work consists of a total of three volumes (although only one appears here in MAL).

The plot is a sort of "Lord of the Flies", there are touches of all the themes in novel: morality, civility, leadership, society, innocence lost and duality of human nature. But at the end it fells flat in a sort of ...
May 21, 2024
Preliminary (12/17 chp)
This manga is very good. It is incredible that having only four volumes it manages in the first two chapters to create an intrigue that you want to know more about. Also the characters grow on you as if you knew them from many more previous chapters.

It is really well written, condensed into a short manga a complex and deep story with ease. (note that I didn't read the light novel in which it is based. In fact I just discover there is a light novel because of this manga).

The premise is quite interesting and original. And when you find out more about it it's ...
May 21, 2024
Preliminary (5/26 eps)
After five episodes I found nothing to continue watching it. Everything's very typical: the new guy is the best and super pro but he keeps it as a secret. Everyone looks at him with suspicion and tries to provoke him, until he starts to let loose and shows that he is the best and so on and everyone's like "you really rocks!"

He is an alpha male with good vibes: "I'm the best but I'm modest, although I like that you know you can't beat me". Don't have a problem with that, that's cool, but just doesn't work for me in this anime.

I don't know, it ...
May 19, 2024
Mixed Feelings
If we put aside the super sexualization of ALL women.
The ridiculous, bad, and old-fashioned depiction of All women appearing in this season.
The ultra over the top sexualization of the main villain. (Don't get me wrong, a little here and there is okay, it's target demographic is clear, but you know, it rest credibility to the overall product and became even annoying).
The lack of plot, and the nonsensical of the premise.
The eternal main fight that goes on for more than half of the episodes. Tje bad pacing of the script and the constant cuts when the action reaches its climax.
Zenitsu ...
May 19, 2024
Mixed Feelings
TL,DR: Literally everything is the same as the previous arc but worst.

This is gonna be fast, did you see the previous season? This one is the same, exactly the same, but worst. That's pretty much everything.
I'm even mad, 'cause the anime could be much better, it has the characters, the drawing style, the ost, the setting... but still it fell flat.

First the good things:

- The anime is good, the action scenes (minus the 3D) are awesome, really awesome. But even so when a fights last for, literally, eight episodes you get bored of it.
- The back story of Tokito is cool (but ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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