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Jul 31, 2019
Foremost, I love the character plot - and it strikes me in the heart because much of it actually falls into the mistakes i made as a high schooler. And in a story whose characters could easily fall out of tune with such fragile character types - it is truly a treat not only listen to the music which defines the characters, but to see the characters define themselves as a result of human wants.

In school I was an even greater INTJ (ie; the silent judgmental type). For a world of extroverts, it's truly a silent punishment, and Aoi Tori doesn't an incredible job in ...
Jul 31, 2019
Among the few things to leave a lasting memory - the setting of Time of Eve is perpendicularly awesome - that is a serene tea-bar like hangout. With that established, it builds upon many peoples dream to have a place that is home away from home - and still a place to converse and contrast with other people.

While the characters and plot particularly is entirely memorable, he entire product is something impressive with it's thought provoking narrative about the humanity of a machine, and trying to understand the creations we may eventually create. It is a definite watch and maybe something that you will ...
Apr 21, 2019
Berserk (Manga) add
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (345/? chp)
What I fail to understand is how this Manga maintains such as high rating as it continuously get worse. My two cents;

The Golden Age, like most agree, was the best part of the whole manga series - great characters, great plot, great everything. Nothing was off the table. It was brilliant and fresh from the typical plot coddling narratives we read time and again.

Then the baseline takes a gradual nose dive - going from raw blood and darkness to sinking into an irritating trickle supply of magical girls, naruto boys with magic fairy daggers, and otherwise characters who are best labeled as unimpacting.

For the ...
Apr 12, 2019
Mixed Feelings
The problem is that the movie lacks in depth character exploration - as if the script framework had been turned into a scene box-check list rather than an organic story. So the good and bad;

-The characters lack defining traits that make them memorable. Nasune is a good character, but she ranks as average - never truly expressing herself in a way that really hits home. This comes from a highschool introvert who went days without speaking. It should hit home, and it doesn't, because the focus isn't about being silenced, which leads to my next point.

-The plot lacks a center focus, that the theme ...
Apr 6, 2019
Made in Abyss (Anime) add
Ranking among few show's I'd consider a masterpiece of anime, and especially when its only 13 episodes, MiA does an absurdly good job with limited time.

Everything has its place and the writers make use of the world itself as exposition rather than killing you with talking like the majority of its lesser peers.

The Abyss; Its huge, unknown, unmeasurable, hardly quantifiable. The concept evokes wonder and underlying foreboding, you want to know what else there is to learn that is hiding, but do you want to actually take that risk? The sound meshes with this perfectly - and kudos for the sound director who replicated ...
Apr 6, 2019
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (3/24 eps)
I understand I watched seldom little, but the point is that within 5 episodes, you already know that the writers failed to write something that'll take another 19 episodes to finish.

Foremost, the obvious plot issues like a normal girl who can heave multi-ton cargoes to the amazement of her peer humans, but doesn't somehow attract the attention of nobles and warriors or accusations of being a demon herself. Following this, they use her asking about a mural to explain back history, with this information being obviously common knowledge for the setting. It's like an adult asking about that yellow circle being the sun and the ...
Mar 26, 2019
Mixed Feelings
As much as I respect the fact that Mobile Suit Gundam is the founding father of the Mecha and Gundam Genre, it hardly makes up for some of the glaring issues that in my opinion ended up ruining some of the better elements.

Foremost, plotwise, the White Base and Gundam duo are nigh unstoppable. If it weren't for those alone, the Federation would have had an exceedingly difficult war, yet the Plot Armor proved god-like, annihilating with ease every Zeon ace in its path. Why? That's explained with even more plot armor. It takes a spanning war and trivializes it as a boy who hates war ...
Mar 21, 2019
There's great things that keep the series afloat where otherwise, in my opinion it should've sank.

Foremost, the characters lack depth and originality becoming borderline cliche- ranking as side-girlfriend, the soldier boy, the pirate queen, and so on. They live in their archetypes and it consequently makes none of them memorable. I see it also as a consequence for including too many characters, and instead of making greater central characters and good supporting characters, all characters instead suffer for lacking depth. Lastly in terms of plot, this comes across as a little version of Macross; packing mechs, man vs. alien-bugs, and deep space/tech concepts.

Converse ...
Mar 19, 2019
I always love being impressed by the vibrancy of something I never expected to impress me, and I regret having not watched NGNL:Z sooner. It is admittedly FAR darker than the (pre?)sequel, but that does little in holding it back from establishing itself as an excellent addition to the lore - if not more than qualified for the context of the setting.

The story goes against the shallow stories of your generic anime - rather than clobbering your way up the totem pole, it instead demonstrates that winning isn't just using strength - it is a matter of perspective, it's a matter of achieving an ...
Mar 19, 2019
I don't know who thought this was a good idea to put together or even air, but they should hang up their hat in the animation industry. This is a rushed, under cooked mess. Calling it an ONA is really a compliment.

I wont spend much time reviewing this, since it was so brief, so in a nutshell, if you are a gundam fan, you will miss NOTHING by skipping this. Don't bother watching it, because you will walk away confused and wondering what even happened.

Regardless, the only saving grace was that the animation wasn't drawn by children with crayons and orchestrated by tone deaf ...

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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