Jan 13, 2025
I seriously do not understand how it is possible a show this bad can be this overhyped.
After watching 10 episodes, I seriously couldn't tell you the actual plot of this show. Sure, the goal is to collect all 20 of Sukuna's fingers but apart from that, what is it these sorcerers do? Randomly fight for a couple minutes each episode to desperately try and hold the viewers attention? The fights aren't even that enjoyable. I'm expected to care for those fighting even though I've seen them on screen for a maximum of 10 minutes beforehand. I honestly couldn't care less for any of the characters
even after watching almost half of the first season.
This is just a money grab that Mappa pulled out of their ass and crossed their fingers that attention deficit 12 year olds will consume this happily like little piggies to a trough. Sure, if you like mindless fighting with ZERO connection to the characters then this will easily be a 10/10 for you. I thought this would actually be a great show, Mappa's Chainsaw Man is honestly one of my most favourite animes of all time and in one episode I was immediately into it - I'm surprised the same people that made Chainsaw Man are responsible for this abomination.
Non-existent plot, 1/10 (This doesn't mean that if an anime has a loose plot it's automatically bad, for example Baka to Test is an anime with very little actual plot but it's still good)
Oh my. They could not be anymore boring if they tried.
Megumi - I don't have anything to say about him he is that boring. Nothing stands out about him (which applies to every character in JJK tbh).
Gojou - Looks like a rip off Kakashi who is not nearly as entertaining to watch. If I wanted to see an OP character slam everyone I'd watch One Punch Man or The Eminence in Shadow not some Bleach/Naruto fan adaptation.
Yuuji - Please tell me what actual purpose he serves. I understand MCs are meant to have some plot armour but come on. From the first episode he already experiences extreme luck; Megumi says eating Sukuna's finger and surviving is a 1 in a million chance, and guess what? Of course Yuuji survives! Only repercussion being now that Sukuna lives inside of him but oh guess what? Yuuji can control him anyway! Would it not of been better to just feed each finger to those who are dying for example? That way Sukuna's power would permanently be gone. Sure the fingers would be hard to locate but it would be way safer than just feeding it to some guy because he didn't die the first time when he ate one.
Nobara - Similar to Megumi only that they needed to add a female lead somewhere because this anime is full of men.
Toge - What a stupid character. It's like they tried to be funny and failed terribly. 2020s humour has now devolved into "saying ingredients = le funny" and it could not be anymore painful to watch. At least this isn't like DanDaDan where you can't go without an episode that doesn't have some terribly written "weenie" joke in it. I'm convinced the writers had a character to fill and couldn't be bothered writing him a proper story (like they did with the rest of the characters, only this one is worse) so they gave him as little lines as possible. And I'm sure if I watched further I'd learn the "deeper meaning" of this stupidity but if after 10 eps this same unfunny gag is still being used - I don't care anymore.
Panda - This was the only character from the whole show that was slightly enjoyable to watch. The rest of the characters are plain and 2-dimensional (and this one is too to some extent) but at least it's funnier to see a panda running around more than a guy who can only list ingredients for rice balls. Reminds me of Kon from Bleach.
There are obviously more characters but I'd be sitting here forever.
Characters lack depth, 2/10
This is a essentially a guarantee with Mappa but the animation is very good. Everything moves smoothly and the fights scenes do look nice - even if I couldn't care for the people in them. If only they were animating something better.
Best part of the show, 8/10
It's good, but definitely not great. Outro has to be my favourite, even though it has nothing to do with JJK at all.
Meh, 6/10
JJK is an awful anime that only has some strong points because of the studio responsible for it. It it wasn't for Mappa having good animation and decent soundtrack choices, this easily would have been a 1/10 or 2/10.
Plot - 1/10
Characters - 2/10
Animation - 8/10
Music - 6/10
Total: 17/40 or 4.25
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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