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Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
Feb 16, 2022 4:26 AM
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btw : Suisei no Gargantia is a nice anime , saw it when it was on air , it's a change of pace somewhat .
As for the new F/SN UBW, I loved the prologue but am having trouble catching up to the latest episodes. >:(
I hope Ufotable can do a remake of Tsukihime and adapt Melty Blood someday. I love how they handle Type Moon material. This coming from someone who doesn't care much for visual novels.
Take your time. I can't guarantee you'll like them all, though. I do love your 5 anime list. As for the Ai Yori Aoshi manga, I HIGHLY recommend you to read it from the start. The anime followed it (I can't remember where did it stop), but some content were cut JC Staff. Don't worry, the full nudity is rather tame, even though Aoi has the best figure, but you already know that. However, JC's take on Aoi's swimsuit in the anime is MUCH better and more her than in the manga. The manga has a more mature feel with the light humour you saw in the anime. It gets darker and more personal later on. Many fans didn't like the ending, but I was fine with it (I was hoping for a big event between Aoi and Kaoru). You should also read Kou Fumizuki's other manga Umi No Misaki. The romance is deeper and more intimate. I hope that helps. Who's your fav Ai Yori Aoshi character, btw?
Anyway, thanks for the friend request. Asa, Chii, L, and Lucy/Nyu are also my fav characters.
Wow. Your birthday's 7 days later after mine! O.O