I've been an avid fan of anime since the first time I laid eyes on an advertisement for posters of Neon Genesis in the back of a now ancient 90s video game magazine. I thought to myself "dah hell? This is so beautiful!!" However, I did take a major break from anime in the mid to late 2000s to focus more on my interest in video games, music, and film. I then realized not only had the medium blown up exponentially since my time away, but a slew of treasures we available to kill countless precious hours of life on!!
Rather than just watch Anime, I preferred to try and commit; therefore my goal is to amass watching as much anime as possible so that in time I will have the best understanding of the medium, and get the most enjoyment out of it as both an art form and integral part of the entertainment industry. Perhaps my anime list will help you just as much as it will hopefully help me enjoy everything that anime has to offer. Below is a guide of how I rank the completed shows I've seen. It is important to note that my ratings are usually more like guidelines than concrete representations of a series itself. I do not always grant a score based on how much I personally like or dislike a series, as this is something I find the passing of time can change depending on if a show can hold up years later to both the anime community in general and myself as a fan of a particular style. So I focus on as many aspects of a series as possible when offering a rating, but there is always a chance for that series to fluctuate. 10 - If I give an anime a score this high, I have practically zero complaints about the series and believe that most others will have little to complain about as well. That's not to say it can be a series for everyone. Most of the time a series of this caliber is firing on all cylinders and there is consistency in quality of animation, story, direction, and most importantly entertainment throughout its run time. In other words... the masterpiece collection. 9 - This score indicates a series that I will have a lot of passion for, and in some respects might indicate a show that has potentially to be made a 10 some day if it can stand the test of time, or perhaps has a different perspective to offer up on repeat viewings. It can also be a series that out of the gate has made it clear to me that it's top notch and said quality holds up throughout most of the series. If it does have any flaws they are most likely made up for with quality characters, a truly intriguing story line, and/or iconic moments. In other worlds... its awesome time! 8 - I can chill with a show at this level. There are some issues I may have with it, but the overall quality is high enough and the show is well rounded so much so that I can feel it worth my time. Not every show can be Cowboy Bebop, but a series to me at this level can someday perhaps meet such a standard through repeat viewings or an equal or better second season. In other words... time well enough spent! 7 - This is around where the mixed feelings start to kick in. A show with this score for me starts to represent a place were some corners seem cut or entertainment becomes inconsistent. Usually harems or magical girl anime fall most frequently into this category for me if they are actually 'good'; which says a lot about how much those types of show need to switch things up a bit for me to take them seriously to begin with. Shows at this level, may also just be anticipated ones that fell a bit flat upon viewing, or decided to dial it in; yet they are not the worst series out there by far weren't. In other words... they all so-so. 6 - I find this score worthy of a series that is mostly average, some-what boring or underwhelming in more ways that not. If a series is starting to have a hard time holding my attention, gets put on hold, or needs to be watched more sparingly to not totally lose interest, this is the number I start to bat around in my head that it will ultimately end up getting. I'm rather forgiving for most anime considering art is a major weakness of mine and I will credit some series more than they deserve for great design choices, so if a series has hit this level you know it's really raking up the boring points with me. Issues I may have with a show at this point are hits in consistency with the story, struggling to develop characters, boring and cliched characters, too many tropes, or serves only as manga/light novel lore that leaves things way too unresolved to feel satisfied with the watch on a whole. In other words... it's beginning to rain. 5 - This score is not one I hand out often. It takes quite a bit to be at a level that I neither hate nor like. Usually an anime has enough going for it that I can find reasons to not score it this low. Other times it's a show I thought would be decent that failed even at that. I feel a lack of connection with characters, story, or even any degree of animation that can save it from the bowels of... 'meh?'. In other words...the void. 4 - This begins the time of great dislike...hate is strong word, so I will go with dislike. An anime with this score leaves me close to no reason to ever want to revisit it. Cliched or bland characters, a non-existent or poorly executed premise. Usually the animation and design choices can buffer the blow even at this level, but does very little to save the series. I can't think of an anime I've seen that's dissapointed me enough to give it this score after expecting to give out a 7, 8, or 9 at first, so at this level of scoring, I tend to understand the risk going in; and when I start to watch a series, I make it a personal mission to eventually finish it. I will not drop a series if I start it! So I have no one to blame but myself. In other words...taking a chance, there might be failure here. 3 - Things become painful around this scoring. I almost wish this is where I talk about handing out the lowest score, but maybe I'm just masochistic at times...or maybe just forgiving? No, a series that I give this score to sucks. It just doesn't suck as much as it could, but only due to possibly having something worse to compare it to. By this time I begin to find zero content to relate with or enjoyment derived from any characters, little interest in the story, animation that is seldom appealing, and a very deprived sense of world logic that constantly pulls you out of the experience. In other words...I might start debating dropping some anime. 2- I begin to pray for things to end quick. A series with this score is one I can't even laugh at for being so bad. I hear the calling of the word 'hate' far from within and try to resist it. These shows genuinely pander to those who have the least to lose from watching them, and everyone else will be left wanting their precious time back to watch close to anything but a show with this score. In other words...oh god why?! 1- I have handed out this score. Not often, but I have done it. A show at this level, represents either one of two things, either a series that lacks total taste, plot progression, appealing characters, structure, and anything that resembles what is generally regarded as quality by any fan of this medium, or a series that tries to be so experimental that it falls flat beyond repair (I'm looking at you 'Colorful', you caused tears of anger that actually hurt to cry). I digress, and this scoring is not that 'it's so bad its good' tier that exists in the mediums of music, video games, and movies either. To me, these represent the bottom of the largest barrel under the smallest rock on the planet furthest from a dying star. In other words...proof aliens exist, I can't accept that human beings make garbage like this. So there you have it, I hope what you find on my anime list is worth your time spend, and hopefully reading any of this has been as well. I try and finish series' regularly and plain to start digging up some of my old reviews to post up on here as well. Perhaps somewhat revisited or altered from their previous posting elsewhere, but nonetheless presented to you at top quality! Peace. |
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 31.1
Mean Score:
- Watching39
- Completed150
- On-Hold52
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch175
- Total Entries416
- Rewatched0
- Episodes2,018
Manga Stats
Days: 3.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries12
- Reread0
- Chapters399
- Volumes59
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All Favorites Favorites
Anime (20)
Shinseiki Evangelion
Cowboy Bebop
Death Note
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Serial Experiments Lain
Mousou Dairinin
Michiko to Hatchin
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
Tokyo Ghoul
Kuzu no Honkai
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Haibane Renmei
Boogiepop wa Warawanai
Character (20)
Ikari, Shinji
Shinseiki Evangelion
Spiegel, Spike
Cowboy Bebop
Souryuu, Asuka Langley
Shinseiki Evangelion
Iwakura, Lain
Serial Experiments Lain
Dragon Ball GT
Ayanami, Rei
Shinseiki Evangelion
Komatsu, Nana
Miyazono, Kaori
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
Sturluson, Celty
Kenpuu Denki Berserk
Tsunemori, Akane
Lawliet, L
Death Note
Son, Gokuu
Dragon Ball
Kenpuu Denki Berserk
Heiwajima, Shizuo
Osaki, Nana
Takanashi, Rikka
Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai!
Haibane Renmei
Laforet, Chane
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