Senior Veteran anime fan. History Professor. My first anime was Space Pirate Captain Harlock.
I do not write much i terms of reviews but when i do, the point categories i use are as follows:
Story: The literary quality of the story within its genres, including enyoyment, depth, strenght, commitment, develompment through time and arcs, originality and so on. Sometimes, "enjoyment" can go separately as there can be enjoyable stories that arent´t so good, but it is optional and if not covered in other categories.For example enjoyment on a humor work would go included on Script, and if the art is so good that it is enjoyable in itself it would go in Art.
Character Development: How well the Characters are worked, including personalities, learning arcs, etc
Script: How well the story is tecnically writen and devised. Includes dialogue, pace of action, environment, suspense or anything that has to do with the manufacture of the work rather than the idea and development of the history. There are many bad stories that are well-crafted and excellent stories that are ill-made or presented. Script takes into account the historical moment in which the work was aired.
Art: Covers designs, drawing, animation, backgrounds, sourcing and anything in the visual apartment. Music go included here since i´m really not an expert in the field and i just take it as an element of visual rythm
Concept/Worldbuilding: How well the work does it reflecting the concept it states or promises. Usually worldbuilding is included here specially in heavily fictional works
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I am not a historian by any means, but from what I know about history of astronomy I could deduce that the historical aspect of this anime was lacking.
After reading through your analysis, I got very curious as to where/how you aquired that much information; especially about how the church operated and the fact that geocentrism wasn`t important at all in the dogma.
Could you refer me to some books or articles on this topics, please? Would love to learn more :)
Thanks in advance!