All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 142.7
Mean Score:
- Watching29
- Completed491
- On-Hold14
- Dropped16
- Plan to Watch208
- Total Entries758
- Rewatched0
- Episodes9,419
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 27.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries44
- Reread0
- Chapters3,459
- Volumes136
All Comments (21) Comments
I'm doing pretty well, except my sleep schedule is messed up because I'm just playing games and watching anime all night. 😹 I also feel a bit lonely coz it's summer and I want to make new friends but my social skills don't allow me to do that. But otherwise I'm fine. 😁😁 What about you? 😼
We have similar tastes ngl xDD
I love Moriarty too <3, I've put Vanitas On-Hold, I'll prolly get back to it later and I've only watched S1 of Bungou and it was good :D
Never seen Cardcaptor Sakura... What's it about?
I love Vivy and the OP of it is just so gooood :D
If you like Vivy, then try "Takt Op: Destiny" which is quite similar and it's a collab between Madhouse x MAPPA.
Ohh that's nice... Was that your 1st dose??
Hopefully, you're well-rested and alright now :)
I finished my 2nd dosage not too long ago but it was alright. I really felt the 1st one tho :D
Nice to meet you and hope you're doing well :)