Welcome to my page! I'm not sure how you ended up here but I hope u enjoy ur time here.
(RIGHT NOW: Looking to fill my heart with some well-written / mature romance anime (the whole high schoolers with 0 emotional intelligence thing is getting... played out...). Mature themes of love, growing with each other, etc.)
Anyways.... I watch most animes. I've actually watched a lot of different series... like... a lot... (I think I've probably watched upwards of 300 - 500 series at least, but some I don't even remember watching / haven't put on MAL, so who knows) of various quality, and I'm still looking for the best stuff out there! I'm complete trash and love those stupid 13 episode animes with absolutely no plot but loveable characters (D-frag anyone?? no?? just me?? aight.)
Slice of life is LIFEEEEEE (@Sakurasou, Sorata x Aoyama forever)!! wow I'm annoying but i'm also right!
I can't stand the really gory ones - those give me the creeps at night. Tokyo Ghoul, Higarushi - I'm looking at u >_>. Action and shonen are also solid bangers as well.
Fun fact: Lucky Star was my first anime ever! Konata is still the GOAT <3
I don't really rate because i cba at times but if someone asks then I can oblige (not that I think anyone would actually care to ask... but I wouldn't say no.. ^^)
I accept most requests but we should have talked first or something! Talk to me and I'll likely accept (I will accept because I love people and some of yall are really cool and we should be friends!)
anyways thanks for coming to my anime TED talk. peace.
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My new study starts tomorrow so I won’t have much time to watch anime unfortunately :(
Maybe I’ll start reading more manga and light novels, it’s more convenient :3
Fairy Tail was an anime I watched very early in my anime watching time, and might've even watched it as it came out I don't remember. So, that means most anime I've seen, I saw after Fairy Tail.
Please don't hesitate to talk to me anytime. I don't bite and I'm a nice person. Hahaha! Byeeeee!
〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜
Nice to meet you; how are you doing?
We might not share much, but we seem to have fairly similar tastes. We both appreciate Konata, that's for damn sure. :^)
The friendship power was my main reason to stop. I did really like Mystogan as a character and the Battle of Fairy Tail arc, but the show really fell off for me. I stopped watching a long time ago, but a conversation with another user made me remember I never finished 2014 and probably never will so I added it to dropped.