All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 326.7
Mean Score:
- Watching33
- Completed1,078
- On-Hold12
- Dropped69
- Plan to Watch28
- Total Entries1,220
- Rewatched7
- Episodes19,625
Manga Stats
Days: 94.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries845
- Reread0
- Chapters11,458
- Volumes1,659
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We want to Invite you to Join Akise Lounge?
Is it a Fan Club For Akise?
Nope, it was called Akise Lounge because I like Akise Aru
What kind of Club is it?
This Club is a Card Shop and also a place where we play games and meet new people .
So if you like collecting cards, making cards, or if you just like to talk and hang out come and Join us !!
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Hi would you like to join us?^^
i kind of forgot the animes you recomeneded >.<'' .. can you please remind me *^*
يب يب، والله نفسي لو أمسح بيهم بلاط التويتر بس مدري شلون @.@"
كيف الأوتاكية بس *^*
نفسي أمحق الي في تويتر يتابع ناروتو ويوم يختمه يكتب في بروفايله أوتاكو، بجد نوعية تقهرني من البشر &_&