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Jan 4, 2024
Elemental Gelade was a fun journey to watch, this show has many unique concepts and story elements which will keep you engaged for most of the show.

Elemental Gelade is about a guy named Coud, a pirate of the sky in a world called Guardia who discovers a mysterious girl within a compartment of his ship. This isn't just a normal girl as she is what is called an "Edel Raid." These Edel Raids possess a jewel and the ability to allow the user a unique power that is mainly used to aid in battle and combat. The show really takes you on a journey throughout ...
Jan 3, 2024
Kanon (Anime) add
Kanon (2002) is an anime that tells a great story surrounding our main character, Aizawa, Yuuichi going back to a cold little northern town with his aunt and cousin where he used to visit frequently. The story is pretty well done as well as the music aspect of the show, though I can't really say the same thing about the character designs...

Story - 8

The story in this show is a beautiful yet sad one. It tells the tale of Aizawa Yuuichi and his new life living in a wintry small town up in the north. The story mainly revolves around our main character making new ...
Sep 23, 2023
I wanted to like this anime. It looked pretty interesting at first, but instead it did the exact opposite of interesting me and put me to sleep.

Story - 4

The story was honestly pretty interesting at first. You have this girl Honoka who travels around a desert in some kind of tank. She meets a bunch of people along this journey and also happens to possess a third eye. Only problem is that the story goes absolutely nowhere for what is probably half of the series.

Almost every episode is some boring dialogue nobody wants to hear, or a basic fight with no build up or hype.
I ...
Aug 25, 2023
This anime is honestly one of the most boring things I've ever watched. It has barely any redeeming qualities, has too much useless, uninteresting dialogue and only has a small and I mean really small amount of good moments.

Story - 3

Yeah the story definitely isn’t the greatest thing ever told. The story is basically just about transforming this dragon Azalie back into their original form with a lot of magic and sorcery stuff. But this seems to be the only focus of the show, Rushing all the side stories from the 90s original anime. Then proceeding to drag the main story on for the whole ...
Aug 5, 2023
Mixed Feelings
This anime is a combination of being amazing and absolutely terrible at the same time.

Story - 3

This anime sure has a crazy as hell story. Basically there’s this angel from the future named Dokuro trying to assassinate some kid named Sakura who will grow up to commit a bunch of crimes. So Dokuro absolutely obliterates the kid with a metal bat into an explosion of blood probably 50 times an episode, while still reviving him with some kind of magical spell thing. And then beating him to death again and again. Also with some more nonsense happening when Dokuro isn’t beating Sakura with a metal ...
Aug 4, 2023
Madlax (Anime) add
Madlax is honestly a pretty cool anime. It’s got some really cool gunfights and really has quite a bit of emotion. The anime was slow paced but still able to entertain you even with the slow pacing.

Story - 8

The story in this show was really good and I really liked it. You have this girl named Madlax who’s extremely good with guns and another random girl named Margaret. The show swaps between both of them and you get to see both sides of the story. This show is slow paced. It’s pretty dialogue heavy but the dialogue is actually surprisingly interesting. There’s also some absolutely ...
Aug 3, 2023
Story - 7

It’s a decent shounen story. Some kid gains some powers, this time being to turn trash into trees and there’s a whole tournament with everyone fighting to become the next king of the heavenly world. At first it seemed like a regular generic shounen but it really starts to catch on. Everyone has some pretty unique powers that are way different than the generic powers in most shows and gets you hooked to see how the main character Ueki can defeat them.

There’s always something new when watching this show whether it be another fight. Ueki training, gaining new skills or a new character ...
Jul 23, 2023
Kekkaishi (Anime) add
Kekkaishi was a very good and underrated anime. It’s a unique anime of the shounen genre with unique powers and an overall excellent anime. It was both fun and thought provoking at the same time.

Story - 9

Alright so the story has our main characters Yoshimori and Tokine with the power to create a barrier that’s basically a box, it's called a Kekkai. You can do all sorts of stuff with it. For example if they use the different spells they can kill and destroy anything inside the box, make platforms to stand on, make a double barrier, triple barrier and so on. There are so ...
Jul 14, 2023
Busou Renkin (Anime) add
Busou Renkin was truly the average shonen experience.

There were cool fights, cool weapons, explosions and all you would expect when seeing an anime of this genre. There wasn’t anything unique about it but, it really got the job done and managed to entertain you for a long time without having to think about anything.

Story - 6

The story in this show is alright. The story was simple. Some normal guy named Kazuki is well… A normal kid. But he also gains the power of alchemy and this thing called a Kakugane which forms a weapon to fight with. His being a lance. There’s a bunch ...
Jul 13, 2023
Jinki:Extend (Anime) add
Mixed Feelings
Jinki:Extend was a truly weird experience, the show was just all over the place.

One episode you’d be having a great time and get really interested and immersed into the show. The next episode would be an absolutely terrible, confusing mess of an episode that would totally ruin the vibe and I can’t really say if I enjoyed this show or not.

Story - 5

The story begins with a girl named Aoba. She enjoys building model robots and stuff. That is until her grandma randomly dies out of nowhere with no character development.
She then gets kidnapped and sent all the way to Venezuela in a truck somehow. ...

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