Mar 1, 2011
Just a heads up to potential readers, since I totally wasn't expecting this in the book. If child molestation and incest severely disgust you, do not read this book.
This is not going to be a long review:
(I am not going into the details of the characters, since this is the second book.)
Plot/Story: 8
At the beginning of this book, I had trouble getting into it, but once I started reading more & got to the plot twist, I couldn't put it down. I don't want to spoil anything, but the plot twist was very uncalled for. From reading the previous book, I would NEVER
begin to guess that something like this would happen in the second book. I found this book very interesting, and enjoyed it. The author still loves talking about people eating cakes though. Though the picture scenes have gotten better (in what they are of), and the "sexy time" has gotten more detailed too. If that is what you care about.
Art: 9
I just love her style. The characters look "natural" I guess you could say. They don't have eyes that are as big as bowling balls or anything too flashy. They look simple, but in a good way.
I am glad to see that they changed the person translating this series in english. THANK YOU JUNE. This book doesn't have the horrible spelling errors (yes, cell phone is finally spelled correctly), random cut off of sentences or wrong capitalization, like Cold Sleep did.
Overall, I am rating this a 8. I actually was not a huge fan of the series when I first read it, but when I re-read it later I ended up really enjoying this series. This is definitely for more mature audiences, rather than someone who is looking for some cutesy love story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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