Mar 27, 2023
"Shiotaiou no Satou-san ga Ore ni dake Amai @comic" follows the life of Oshio Souta, a high school student who is trying to balance his school life with his part-time job at a local convenience store. Souta is a kind-hearted and hardworking individual who takes his responsibilities seriously. As the story progresses, Souta and Satou-san's relationship deepens, and Souta finds himself falling in love with her. However, he is unsure of how to express his feelings and struggles with the fear of rejection. Despite his insecurities, Souta remains determined to pursue his love for Satou-san and is willing to do whatever it takes to make
their relationship work.
One of the strengths of the novel is the way it portrays Souta's character. He is a relatable and sympathetic character who is easy to root for. The author does an excellent job of developing Souta's character throughout the novel, and the reader gets a good sense of who he is and why he acts the way he does. The way Souta handles his struggles with work, school, and relationships is also well-done, and the reader is likely to find themselves empathizing with his situation. Another strength of the novel is its writing style. The author uses a straightforward and easy-to-understand writing style that is engaging and keeps the reader interested in the story. The pacing of the story is also well-done, with enough twists and turns to keep the reader engaged without feeling rushed or forced.
The novel's strength lies in its characters, particularly Souta, and the way it explores the complexities of relationships and the struggles that come with balancing work and school. While the story may not be groundbreaking, it is executed well and is an enjoyable read for anyone looking for a heartwarming romance novel
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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