skrublordFey said:Here is the thing. The LN was the original first release, and despite only having two volumes at the time of release, it was adapted into a heavily rushed 12 episode Anime. Everything in the Anime was from Chiyo's head, as later confirmed in the Visual Novel. Now, the thing is, while the Anime is an adaptation to the LN as well as the only complete version of it, the VN is the LN... But actually takes place within the SciAdv universe (Persumably). The originals were meant to be in a universe more similiar to our own (Which is why the characters actually used 2channel and Twitter) but in the VN, they use the VN terms, and Shun, a character that made S;G references in the LN and Anime, doesn't anymore.
Here's a thread more detailed on that.
The status of the LN is unknown at the moment. It's probably cancelled but we're still unsure. The VN is supposedly recieving an expanded version sometime soon, since it was released unfinished. I don't think that even Chiyo really knows what exactly he's doing with the series as whole.