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Sep 18, 2015 11:59 AM

Mar 2015
MetallumOperatur said:
Nah why should it? BTW already removed the part that might have given a wrong impression in which direction this story might go.

I don't know which part it was.
Sep 25, 2015 2:33 AM

Nov 2013
and caught up
Sep 27, 2015 7:24 PM

May 2013
I am liking this story a lot! The pace is nice and relaxed (so far; I see drama in Erwin's future), and the love interest is most endearing. Undead normally aren't my thing, but I'd be willing to give Tish a whirl.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 29, 2015 7:21 AM

Jan 2015
My previous chapters contained a mistake: I referred to the wetlands as swamps rather than bogs they are supposed to be. I've back edited all notions of swamps to either bogs or wetlands.

I've got chapter 6 for you guys, where the MC and Tish finally move inland; hope you like it.

Chapter 6 – Morning Mood

The next morning I woke up covered in, well, Tish. Her long black hair was draped over my body as was the rest of her. She was playing with my chest hair, but as soon as she noticed I was awake she let out one of her sexy moans and moved in for a kiss. With her hair now all over my face and me not yet fully awake -- I'm not a morning person -- I made a rather silly remark:

“Crow wings… raven black hair… ravens are crows… Hey, Tish you know you got a raven theme going on?”

Apparently sleep drunk me was on to something here; Tish let out an excited yelp and pulled me in a passionate kiss. When she broke the kiss she had this seductive smile on her face that told me I was in for a treat. She slowly moved her head down my chest making sure her hair brushed nicely along, and further down until she had found her target; and a generous treat I received… Well, that was definitely something I needed to remember, for …uhm… reasons. “Note to self: mentioning ravens around Tish gets me head. Don’t know why. Suggest field tests to learn more.”

After the morning surprise I got up, fetched my notebook and measuring tape, and sat down next to Tish.

“You should remember this from yesterday, right Tish?”, I asked.

She nodded. Yesterday before we spent a long time in very close company “preventing boredom”, I had done several measurements to determine every aspect of her breasts, with respect to size and shape, that I could imagine. I certainly had enjoyed taking the measurements, and might have discovered a new fetish, however, the main reason for the measurements was to put my observation from two days ago to the test. The test was straight forward: take measurements; “exercise” with Tish; redo measurements; compare results. So for the sake of science -- and definitely not because I’m a pervert -- I redid the measurements. I concluded that her breasts had grown with nearly half a cup size. I also noticed that her nipples weren’t pure grey anymore; they now had a hint of purple as well. And lastly I noticed that one of her wounds was gone. I examined the spot where the wound should have been, but couldn’t find even the slightest trace of it. It seems that somehow intercourse heals and enhances her body. That was definitely an observation worth writing down.

“Dammit Tish, now I have to lay with you for science too?”, I said jokingly. Tish replied with a moan and a hug, apparently content with my conclusion.

The rain had stopped and our clothes had dried, so we could continue moving today. I got dressed and albeit somewhat reluctantly so did Tish. With only two pieces of driftwood left our firewood stock was dangerously low, nor was there much food left. I tried a raw tuber and quickly concluded they tasted a lot better when cooked.

“We need to gather more food before we can continue Tish…”, I said while I showed her one of the few tubers we had left.

It seemed that she understood the message, because she moaned and was about to leave. Just in time I grabbed her by the arm.

“Can I come too? I would love to learn which plants you gather for us.”, I asked.

I could see her light up and she enthusiastically grabbed me by the hand, apparently eager to teach me. We followed the stream land inwards leaving most of our belongings behind, but as long as we wouldn’t stray too far from the stream I was confident that we would be able to find our camping spot again.

I was a bit weary of the bogs, but I trusted Tish to not lead us into danger. The land around us was quickly getting wetter and the vegetation changed as well. At some point Tish stopped and pointed to a field of generic looking weeds. She walked to them and started to dig. Soon after she was pulling tubers from the ground; they looked the same as the ones she brought with her two days ago. I followed her example and made sure that we got enough tubers to last us at least three days. Then Tish and I removed the greens and washed the tubers. We rolled them in a sheet and continued further land inwards. There we found some cranberry bushes and Tish quickly got to work plucking them. Again I followed her example, but soon was distracted by some of the strangest plants I had ever seen. The plant vaguely resembled a tulip, but instead of a flower had a spherical membrane that seemed to be filled with some sort of gas. The spheres ranged in size between a ping-pong ball and a tennis ball, and seemed to be lighter than air. The plant looked like a small balloon on a string. I plucked one and noticed indeed a slight upwards pull. I couldn't help but let my inner 9 year old out for a moment.

“Look at this Tish! This is awesome!”, and I let go of the plant.

It rose in the air like a little balloon; I could barely contain my excitement. Tish walked up to me, waited a couple of seconds to let me enjoy the sight a little longer, gave me a motherly kiss on the cheek, and gently put me back to work plucking cranberries.

I sighed, “Yeah I kind of deserved that… but that was so awesome.”.

I glanced at Tish; she had a faint smirk on her face. We gathered enough berries to last us several days and then headed back.

Back at camp I put the last remaining firewood on the fire and cooked all the tubers we found. Then we packed everything and cleaned up. I wanted to carry some of our stuff too, but Tish was rather insistent on carrying everything herself. And after how she had carried everything without breaking a sweat, I wasn’t going to press the issue. I glanced at my watch and saw it was already past midday. The preparations had cost us half a day, but hopefully would allow us to make good progress in thefollowing days. I wound up the watch, put on my hat, and then we set off to continue our journey.

The rest of the day not much out of the ordinary happened. We walked for five hours and made camp next to a stream in the late afternoon. Just before we made camp the cliffs had bent towards the South-West. We were quickly leaving the bogs behind. The inland became more rugged and the wetlands made room for much dryer terrain. The streams we encountered grew fewer and further apart. Soon we wouldn’t be able to rely on a steady supply of water anymore, so from now on we should bring water with us. Strangely Tish refused to eat that evening; every time I tried to give her a cooked tuber or a berry she declined. That didn’t seem healthy to me, but I wasn’t going to force her to eat something.

We spent the evening on our backs stargazing. The lack of light pollution allowed us to observe the night sky in great detail. I even spotted a spiral galaxy. In size it was probably larger than the moon, but I couldn’t compare them because the moon hadn’t risen yet. The center of the galaxy was bright and looked like a large star. The spiral arms, however, were faint and a lot harder to spot; I figured that under less than optimal circumstances they would be nearly impossible to see with the naked eye. I pointed out the galaxy and my other celestial discoveries to Tish and told her what I knew about the heavens. Even though all of my knowledge on the matter applied to the earthen night sky, she appeared to be fascinated by my talking. During mu monologue she snuggled up closer and closer. At some point I must have fallen asleep, because that is the last thing I can remember of the night.


The next morning I made the hard decision that with the exception of the smallest amphora, we had to ditch all the oil and use every container we had to carry water. Again Tish refused to let me carry anything other than the few items in my pockets. All the water must have increased the weight she was carrying significantly, but she didn’t bulge. She even carried the pots we couldn’t seal off in her hands without spilling any water. There wasn't much else to prepare, so we continued our journey early that day. We encountered only one more stream, where we took a short break and refilled, even though we had only used little of the water we collected that morning. When it comes to survival I figured that it was better to be safe than sorry.

It must have been around 1 pm when we stumbled upon a small road. The road came from the inland and went zigzagging down the cliffs towards the ocean. Optimistic that we would find a small fishing village or at least a home down there, we descended the cliffs.

“What the fuck!? … You have got to be kidding me! … Nothing!? … Absolutely fucking nothing!? Who the fuck builds a fucking road to fucking nowhere!?”, the disappointment had me fuming.

The road just lead off into the sea. Other than the road there was absolutely nothing that indicated people had ever been there at all. I just couldn’t get my head around why someone would build such a pointless road. Admittedly the road wasn’t much more than a trail of compacted dirt, but still I expected at least something down there; even if it was just a spot to moor a small boat.

It took me a couple of minutes to cool down. It was clear that, unless we were in for a swim, we had no other choice than to go back. I made a quick round to check if anything useful had washed up nearby and picked up a few pieces of driftwood. It was only enough to last us one night.

Back at the top of the cliffs I figured that the road had to go somewhere. I guessed that our best bet would still be following the road, rather than the coast. We said goodbye to the sea and headed inland.

We could move a lot faster now we had a road available. We only walked for three more hours, but I felt we had made good progress. The terrain around us had changed into rugged heathlands; beautiful, but there were few if any sheltered spots to make camp. In the afternoon we found a small depression filled with loose white sand right next to the road. It was probably the best spot we could get, so we stopped and made camp. We laid the blankets on the sand and sat down. I decided to save the fire wood for when we needed it to cook. And thus I ate my dinner cold. This time Tish not only refused to eat, but also refused to drink. Which got me slightly worried, so I decided to speak up:

“Tish, are you sure you don’t want anything to eat or drink? I know we don’t have much, but you should at least drink something; I wouldn't want to lose you, you know?”

The only effect my words had was provoking a smile and a hug. Either this girl was sacrificing herself for me, or eating and drinking were optional for her. Anywhere else I would have laughed at even the notion of that, but here with her being an undead and all I wasn’t so certain anymore. After dinner I laid down. The loose sand formed itself after my back and so was actually rather comfortable. I immediately fell asleep; the sun hadn't even set. In the middle of the night I woke up to a most spectacular sight. Colorful bands of red, yellow, and green danced along the night sky like curtains moving with the wind.

“Tish, are you awake?”, I whispered, and immediately got a soft moan as an answer.

“You see that Tish? The Aurora Borealis… It’s beautiful…”

Again she answered with a soft moan. She shifted a little and I could feel her hair brush the side of my face. We laid there side to side just staring up to the night sky. At some point I slowly turned around and kissed Tish. There was no need for words; Tish immediately grasped my intentions and eagerly joined me.

The sight of her silhouette against the night sky was simply breath taking. Every little detail of her naked body bathed in the continuous changing colors of the northern lights; the paleness of her skin greatly enhanced the reflection of the colors. That was all the stimulation I needed that night. And we quietly melted together.

When we finished neither of us bothered to get dressed again. I pulled up one of the sheets and Tish crawled up close to me and put her arms around me. Just when I was drifting away to dreamland she whispered softly in my ear:

“Love … you … Erwin”

I was already too far gone to consciously process what had happened, but that night I slept exceptionally well.


The next morning I woke up early. Although Tish was already awake -- now that I think about it she’s always awake before I do -- she was still clinging on to me as if afraid someone would come and snatch me away from her.

“I had this weird dream Tish… I dreamt that you could talk…”, I said drowsily.

“Erwin”, Tish replied.

That was by far the most effective wakeup call I ever had. “Tish! You can talk!?!”, I exclaimed utterly astonished.

She just grabbed me, pulled me in a hug, and softly said my name a second time. I sat there trying to figure out what just had happened. The only explanation I could think off was our joining together last night. I had already established that it heals her body, could it be that it restores her mind as well? For now she didn't appear to be able to say much more than my name, but it raised the question what she might be able to say in a couple of “healing sessions”. If we still would have been at the alcove, I might have considered to stay put for a couple of days and focus on getting Tish to talk. But with no direct access to water or food we had little choice but to continue onwards.

When Tish released me she handed me the measuring tape. “Oh my.. she’s into this? Or does she want to show me something?” Secretly I hoped it was the former, for science of course. We repeated the measurements and I confirmed for the second time that her body had further healed and grown. I wrote the new numbers down next to the previous measurements.

Then we got to work, preparing to resume our voyage. We still had enough food to last us one day, and enough water for two; perhaps even a bit longer if Tish indeed could survive on nothing but air and nookie. Since heathlands usually don’t provide much in terms of food and water, I wanted to make good progress today. Hopefully we could reach a forest or meadow before our supplies grew critical.

We left early and made good progress that day. In the afternoon we could see a forest in the distance. Eager to leave the heathlands behind, I decided to push it. The sun was already setting when we finally reached the forest edge. We were about to make camp when two tall women approached from the forest. They must have been around my height. They both carried a freakishly large sword on their back and a leather bikini covering their generous bust and a leather miniskirt were the only pieces of clothing they wore; they look like the women in a Conan the Barbarian comic. Their well-muscled bodies were covered with strange tattoos, but their other features were even stranger; they had a thick but flexible tail ending in what looked like a sharp spade and a single horn grew near horizontally out of the side of their head. The horn was bent in front of their forehead resembling a visor.

“What the fuck are they?!”

Progress on the map

MetallumOperaturSep 29, 2015 8:39 AM
Sep 29, 2015 8:37 AM

Sep 2013
Oooh, new people. Just watch out for the definite possibility of death by snoo snoo.

Good times so far. Can't wait to see how this progresses =)
Sep 29, 2015 8:41 AM

Jan 2015
Gave chapter six another read over and made some linguistic corrections.

emeraldtryst said:
Oooh, new people. Just watch out for the definite possibility of death by snoo snoo.
Oy! Quit stealing my lines for the next chapter :-P
MetallumOperaturSep 29, 2015 8:51 AM
Sep 29, 2015 9:00 AM

Sep 2013
Hey, sometimes the comments just call it. Especially when the setup is so perfect =)
Sep 29, 2015 9:13 AM

Jan 2015
Yeah, can't argue against that :-P
Sep 29, 2015 10:45 PM

Nov 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
ravens are crows…

ima nitpick here

no they are not :L

raven's have longer tails as well as other differences :P
Sep 29, 2015 11:24 PM

Jan 2015
Clarus_Nox said:
no they are not :L
Hmm that could be a translational thing. In Dutch crow is both the name for certain species of birds as well as the name for the family of birds the Raven belongs to. If the family is called differently in English, then lets just assume Erwin made a happy mistake :-P
Oct 1, 2015 11:29 AM
Nov 2013
My my, I do like what you have going on here. Well-paced, interesting choice in companion, and now, as Em put it, potential death by snoo-snoo. Good imagery, not a punctuation out of place... Call me a new reader, let's see what you got coming up!
Dec 9, 2015 6:11 AM

Jan 2015
About time I uploaded a new chapter! Since chapter 7 got too big I decided to upload it in two multiple parts.

Chapter 7 - Alea Iacta Est

Part 1

Another time, another place

“You have to act Xaviera, the demon is behaving more hostile by the day; it will only be a matter of time before she comes for us! You want to throw everything we build together away?”

“She won't bother us. I've remained neutral in every political quarrel over the last millennia; she knows that.”

“This isn't some political quarrel you can stay out of, but direct hostility directed at you... at us! Don't you get it? She now wants to ‘inspect’ our home, and you are going to allow her!?”

“Drana, don't be such a drama queen. I'm certain they are only coming over out of scientific interest. A tour around the lab and a drink should clear everything up. You'll see, in less than a month you'll be laughing over how you ever could have worried so much over nothing.”

She sure sounded confident, and for a moment I wanted to believe her. But, for all the wits and insight Xaviera had when it came to trade or research, so oblivious and naïve was she when it came to politics or even her own security. Her obvious lack of interest in politics had allowed her to stay out of nearly all feuds that had played out in the last millennia. Many other powerful mamono had been wary of her at first, but over the years they had learned that Xaviera didn't care too much about what happened outside her own little world -- a patch of land surrounding her mansion. Slowly they had ceased to perceive her as a threat to their own ambitions. In the same time Xaviera had grown to trust that others would leave her out of their political schemes, a status quo she was more than happy with. But it also had made her ignorant and naive to what went on outside. Don't get me wrong, I am happy with the status quo as well, but contrary to Xaviera I kept myself informed on what happened outside. And what I learned doesn’t bode well. I believe that her trust in being able to stay neutral is misplaced this time. Something has to be done, at the very minimum the people that fall under our protection shouldn’t suffer from our incompetence. I hated to go behind my friend’s back, but she left me no other choice.


These women were beautiful, weird, and terrifying at the same time. Since they were armed and we were not, I thought it unwise to piss them off. Being polite and hope for the best or try and make a run for it were the only options I could think of. I strongly doubted that we could outrun them with supplies and we probably neither could without. I felt myself tense up, but decided to take the gamble and hope they would prove to be friendly.

”Oh my, a man and a zombie coming from the heathlands? And a tall one as well; I don’t think I’ve ever seen a man as tall as you... How exiting!” the youngest looking one said with obvious enthusiasm. She had a light skin tone, bright red hair, dark blue eyes, pointy ears like elves, and she had easily the largest bosom of the two, those had to be at least double D’s. The weird features aside she was actually stunningly beautiful. Admittedly I have a soft spot for redheads and large breasts, and even more so for redheads with large breasts. Her demeanor didn’t suggest any hostility, but she had a look on her face that made me feel like I was a donut in a police station; she made no attempt to hide that she was eyeing me up and undressing me with her eyes. I swear she even licked her lips when she looked at me.

”That’s because you’ve never seen a man before Aisly. Though, I admit I’ve never seen such a tall one either. It is still no reason to embarrass yourself!” the slightly older looking woman replied dryly. She had a light purplish hair color, a darker skin tone than the one called Aisly, and pale blue eyes. Aisly looked like she wanted to retort, but a quick stern glance by the other woman made her shut up. It didn’t stop her from violating our personal space while checking us out, though.

“You speak English?” I was surprised; what were the odds that these women spoke English?

My question managed to raise an eyebrow and the older one answered, ”Never heard of this English you’re talking about, we speak common. The name is Frosya, and the one that’s drooling over you is Aisly…”.

”Hey! In my defense he has a nice ass!” the busty redhead interrupted. I couldn’t see her, for she was behind us, but the fact that she didn’t deny the drooling part was slightly disturbing. I needed to remember to wash my coat soon.

Frosya let out a sigh, ”For now, just keep your legs together Aisly!”

“Did she really just say that?!” I was baffled by the directness of these girls, and puzzled as to why this Aisly wanted me in such a way. I mean, it’s not like we’re even the same species. On the other hand, I felt a certain attraction to Aisly as well. First Tish, now Aisly, where did this appeal to these women come from?

Frosya interrupted my thoughts, ”It is getting dark already, so how about you two come with us and stay a couple of nights in our village. I’m sure the chieftain would love to meet you two as well. We can talk while walking, so how about you tell us your names and what you are doing here.” I was not so sure whether going with them was a good idea, but although Frosya’s tone wasn’t hostile, she didn’t leave any room for debate either. Given the huge-ass swords these girls were carrying I was in no mood to argue. Tish didn’t seem to be bothered by them too much, though, so we followed them into the woods.

“I am Erwin and this is Tish, or at least that is how I call her. I don’t know her real name and she can’t seem to tell me. Could you by any chance tell me where we are? I am kind of lost and she just seems happy to follow me wherever I decide to go.” My question again managed to raise an eyebrow from Frosya, but even before she had a chance to reply Aisly had picked up something that had spiked her interest and she was all over me again.

”So you are saying the zombie hasn’t claimed you yet?” she said. At the same time she put her arm around my shoulder and gently tried to pull me away from Tish. Tish in turn reacted by grabbing my arm a bit tighter and pulling me to the other side, away from Aisly. “So this is how those guys in the anime series feel when the girls go crazy and things get awkward…”

“Eh, claimed?” I asked cautiously, while I futilely tried to wiggle free from their embrace.

”She means claimed by a woman; some might call it married. Aisly let Erwin go! I don’t want to have to tell the chief the man got hurt because you started a tug of war with the zombie,” Frosya answered.

Aisly tried to protest, but Frosya didn’t budge. Eventually she gave in and let me go. Tish kept an close eye on Aisly while clinging real tight to me, evidently happy she had me to herself again but weary of the new competition. With the awkward situation temporarily resolved, I decided to pop the question that had been bugging me since I first laid eyes on these women.

“Forgive my ignorance, but what are you? I never seen women like you,” I tried to say as diplomatically as I could.

To my relief Frosya started laughing and replied, ”Well you must surely be a long way from home if you have never seen Amazonesses before!”

“Amazonesses, as in the legendary warrior woman from the Homerian epics?” I wondered. I didn’t have much time to think about it though, because when we rounded a corner I could clearly see the glow of several campfires close by.

”Welcome to Highleigh. You two follow me to the chief; she will decide what happens next. Oh and stay close... some of the other girls might not show the same restraint as Aisly and I do,” Frosya said. I noticed that she emphasized Aisly’s name, probably to send a message to the redhead.

When we entered the village, I immediately realized that even the word hamlet wouldn’t accurately describe the settlement. There were at best a dozen homes build around a clearing in the forest. In the middle of the clearing there was a large campfire and several young looking woman were sitting around it drinking and laughing. A large boar was being roasted above the fire. As soon as the woman heard our group approach one of the woman with light brown braids yelled without even turning around, ”Oy, Fros and Ais, you took your time, come have a seat and drink with us.”

”Sorry, can’t do; we have to brief the chief, we got guests to introduce,” Frosya answered. As soon as Frosya mentioned the guests the whole group of women simultaneously turned around to look at us. It was immediately obvious who they found the most interesting.

”The chief is in the longhouse, how about I’ll show the man around while you introduce the zombie to the chief?”, a woman light purple hair bound together in a long segmented ponytail answered.

”If anyone gets to show him around that will be me. You can help Frosya with escorting the Zombie!” Aisly immediately replied. To put weight to her words she did a step towards me. It was pretty clear that the “showing around” these women were talking about wouldn’t involve a leisurely stroll around the clearing. I couldn’t get my head around as to why all these woman were so interested in me. I wondered what the Amazonian guys would think of that.

”We can show him around together, two is always better than one when it comes to showing around,” the girl replied with a wink in my direction.

“Did she just suggest a threesome?”

Aisly thought about it for a second and then replied, ”You got a point there. So as long as you remember I get to go first, I’m game.”

“Guess with all the crazy things happening, I shouldn’t be surprised by that answer anymore… Where the fuck did I end up?”

MetallumOperaturDec 29, 2015 4:28 AM
Dec 9, 2015 1:36 PM

Sep 2013
Looks like you might be in for a good old fashioned island meet-n-greet. Maybe it's a bit late but I'm sure they're more than willing to make it work.

My guess on Drana...vampire. =)
Dec 9, 2015 2:26 PM

Jan 2015
emeraldtryst said:
My guess on Drana...vampire. =)

Bingo, a cookie for you. A fellow MTG player perhaps? :-P
Dec 9, 2015 4:56 PM

Sep 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
emeraldtryst said:
My guess on Drana...vampire. =)

Bingo, a cookie for you. A fellow MTG player perhaps? :-P

Indeed, though I haven't really played since the Time Spiral block. =)
Dec 10, 2015 9:14 AM

Mar 2015
It was quite a peaceful resolution of the problem. It neither involved scaring the challenging party off nor beating the crap out of them (or setting things on fire). My memories of the other stories are starting to be a little bit fuzzy though.
Dec 10, 2015 9:50 AM

Jan 2015
emeraldtryst said:
Indeed, though I haven't really played since the Time Spiral block. =)

Time spiral, that is a long time ago, even before I started. I played between Invasion and Mirrodin, with a couple of relapses during the later blocks.

Malise said:
It was quite a peaceful resolution of the problem. It neither involved scaring the challenging party off nor beating the crap out of them (or setting things on fire). My memories of the other stories are starting to be a little bit fuzzy though.

Don't be too quick with thinking the situation is resolved already ;-)
Dec 29, 2015 5:32 AM

Jan 2015
Alright here is part two of chapter seven. Decided to change my chapter naming policy, so chapter seven got a new name.

For those interested, here is a picture of how I imagine Aisly. Sadly the picture is without her monster features, so you gotta imagine those yourself. NB technically the picture is SFW, still wouldn't advise to open it on work, unless you're self employed:

Chapter 7 - Alea Iacta Est

Part 2

”For now neither of you is going to show anyone around here, they are both coming with me to the chief,” Frosya stated firmly. She then turned to us and continued, ”Please follow me.” Forsya turned around and resolutely walked to the largest hut I could see. Not sure whether getting double teamed by Aisly and the girl with the ponytail would be a good idea, Tish and I quickly followed Frosya. In front of the building Frosya asked Aisly and us to wait a moment outside while she would announce our presence. Then she entered the building. Left alone with Tish and Aisly I stood there a bit sheepishly waiting for Frosya to invite us in.

After about a minute Aisly broke the silence; the bravado she had showed before was now mostly gone and she almost sounded shy when she asked, ”Ehm, Erwin could you please help me tighten this?” I turned to her and saw that one of the few bands that held her bikini together had sprung loose leaving even more of her smooth skin exposed. Aisly was blushing, but she didn't try to cover herself up. She held the loose band in her hand and offered it to me. I was certain this wasn't a coincidence, but what else could I do than to oblige and tighten it again for her?

“Yeah, sure,” I answered, and I accepted the band from her outstretched hand. Aisly turned around and bundled her hair -- that came well past her shoulders -- together to prevent it from hanging in the way. Her tail was coiled tightly around her hips as if it were a belt. It didn't take me long to figure out where the band had sprung loose; tightening it again, however, was a whole different story. While I was struggling I noticed that the long black arrows on her skin were actually painted rather than tattooed and I wondered what their function was. After I finally had managed to tighten the band again, Aisly turned around and looked flustered. I had no idea how to handle the situation from there, but luckily Frosya helped me out by reappearing and inviting us in.

We entered the building, which consisted of a single large rectangular room. In the middle of the room a large fire burned bright bathing the entire room in a warm glow. On the floor were several large rugs from what looked like bears and wolves. The walls were lined with shelves, each overflowing with all kinds of supplies and weapons. Three Amazonesses sat around the fire and like every other Amazoness I had seen today their clothing consisted of little more than a leather bikini and miniskirt. They appeared to be a bit older than the Amazonesses I had seen outside; they looked more or less the same age as Frosya. However, older was relative here, for they all still looked like they were in their early 30ies at worst. Compared to Aisly and the girls outside, though, who all looked like they were in their late teens, they were the older ones. Frosya stepped forward and greeted them casually. I decided to stay at a polite distance and wait for further instructions. I could see the three women throwing curious glances in our direction, but contrary to the girls outside these women didn’t immediately focus all their attention on me, nor did they offer me suggestions on how to spend the night.

After greeting Frosya, an Amazoness with really long aquamarine hair spoke up, “Please don’t be shy and join us around the campfire, so we can get properly introduced.” She gestured for us to come and sit with them. The three women scooched up a little so we could all fit around the fire. I sat down next to Tish and Aisly sat down, a bit too close for comfort, on my other side.

“Lynn would you bring us the mead and something to eat, it would be rude not to offer anything to the guests.” One of the other two Amazonesses nodded and got up. Then the Amazoness with aquamarine hair continued, “Now that is being taken care off, how about we start the introductions. Frosya?”

”These two travelers are Erwin and Tish. Erwin and Tish these are Aedelind and Kayley. Lynn is the one getting us our drinks,” Frosya said, from her gestures I figured that the girl with aquamarine hair was the one called Kayley.

“A pleasure to meet you and thank you for your hospitality,” I said politely. As long as I had little idea what their customs were I decided to play it safe and watch my tongue carefully.

“A pleasure to meet you too. And don’t mention it; we rarely get visitors here, so it’s always nice to see some new faces. No need for the formalities, though, we like to keep things down to earth here,” Kayley replied with a vigorous laugh. They sure seemed nice, and nothing indicated any hostility towards us, but I remained somewhat weary of these woman especially after what just had happened outside. On the other hand, I knew these women were my best shot at learning anything about this world at all. And at least cutting the formalities would make my talking feel less forced. Before I had a chance to reply, however, Kayley continued, “I like to add to Frosya’s introduction that she, Lynn, Aedelind and I are the village elders. If there is anything you need or if there’s a problem just come to one of us and we'll see to it's solution. Now with that out of the way, I must admit I’m rather curious what you two are doing here so far up North; this place isn’t exactly populated. Is there any specific destination you are heading for?”

”To be honest I have absolutely no clue where I am, nor is Tish here able to help me out with that. But she helped me out big time with nearly everything else, and I would have been in a lot worse state if she hadn’t found me. But, that doesn’t change the fact that we are lost, so the only thing we are looking for is our way back to civilization. Hence we are very grateful that Frosya and Aisly found us and were willing to bring us here,” I replied to Kayley's question. I wondered if I was taking a gamble with telling them the truth, but I figured that lying here would probably be even riskier. I had no idea how well these women could read me, nor had I ever been a good liar in the first place, so the safest option would be sticking to the truth. I glanced sideways and saw Aisly's face torn between several emotions; it looked like she wanted to say something, but at the same time was scared of saying it. I didn't pay too much attention to it for Lynn returned with a keg under her arm and several large pieces of meat. She handed the meat to Aedelind who skewered the meat on a couple of sharp wooden sticks. It was only now that I noticed several narrow holes in the ground around the fire. Aedelind put the sticks in those holes and left the meat hanging over the fire to be roasted. Meanwhile Lynn had grabbed some wooden cups from one of the shelves and had filled each one with the contents of the keg. Tish and I were offered a cup first, then the Amazonesses all got a cup as well. I thought it was strange they offered me a cup before Tish, but I didn't pay too much attention to it. I thanked them for the drink and Tish let out a moan, which I assumed was a thank you. The Amazonesses didn't show any sign of surprise by her moaning; it even looked as if they understood what her moans were supposed to mean.

“Thank you Lynn,” Kayley said. She took a large sip from the cup before she continued, “So before you met Tish, were you traveling alone, or was someone else traveling with you as well?” Kayley then asked.

I thought it was a somewhat strange question; why would we ditch a traveling companion in the middle of nowhere? Well I guess she had to ask those questions to make sure nobody got left behind in that wasteland. ”Well until I met Tish a couple of days ago you could say I traveled alone,” I replied truthfully. Aedelind and Lynn looked as if I had said something utterly ridiculous and Aisly got even more restless. I had no idea why my answer to such a seemingly innocent question provoked such reactions, but I was glad that at least the chief managed to keep her cool. The glare she threw Aisly, however, was chilling.

“Are you absolutely sure you were traveling alone?” Kayley repeated her question.

”They think I'm hiding something?! Do they know something I don't?” I didn't like the direction this conversation was going, but I was kind of trapped here, so I replied a bit defensively, ”Well there might be a possibility I've been followed, but I assure you that if that is the case, it was done so without my knowledge. I’m not trying to hide someone if that is what you think.”

The expression on the face of the chief changed to a much softer one before she continued on a much friendlier tone, “I apologize I didn't want to question your word, it's just that a human traveling alone is rather…” she paused for a short moment before continuing, “... uncommon. But I think there might be an explanation that--" the chief couldn't finish her sentence because Aisly interrupted her.

”You heard him! He didn't have anyone before the zombie, and he only knows her for a couple of days! I'm not going to sit idle and see him send off as easy prey for some succubus, or worse some Loli, to claim and mistreat him! I like him! He is tall, looks good, and is nice! To protect him, I hereby claim him as my husband, anyone who disagrees will have to fight me!”

MetallumOperaturJan 3, 2016 6:49 AM
Dec 29, 2015 8:45 AM

Jan 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
I'm not going to sit idle and see him send off as easy prey for some succubus, or worse some Loli, to claim and mistreat him!

That's racist! :-P
Signature removed. It was too good for this cruel world.
Dec 29, 2015 11:03 AM

Jan 2015
beast_regards said:
MetallumOperatur said:
I'm not going to sit idle and see him send off as easy prey for some succubus, or worse some Loli, to claim and mistreat him!

That's racist! :-P

Let's just say her judgement is somewhat clouded due to personal interest :-P
Dec 29, 2015 7:21 PM

Sep 2013
Heaven forbid someone spike the mead with lolification potion...

Is loli even a "race", either?

Well anyway, things have gone a lot better than I expected they would so far. Overall I have to imagine that this tribe is pretty good overall or they could have whipped up some random offense you'd committed like stepping too close to the elders and forced you to atone with snoo snoo.

Curious to see where this goes =)
Jan 4, 2016 3:50 AM

Mar 2015
emeraldtryst said:
Is loli even a "race", either?

It shouldn't be.
It's possible she hates children in general, which includes other young Amazons which are still at "loli age".
*or* She refers to particular individual using "loli" as nickname that has reason to be hated or feared like one from Clarux_Nox story *or* She has issues with monster girl species that have permanently "loli" appearance even as adults. Is Beast_regards story is to be believed they live in quite communal family clans called Sabbaths, so other name would be in place. Same story also suggests reason why they are hated or feared though.
Jan 4, 2016 6:08 AM

Jan 2015
Malise said:
emeraldtryst said:
Is loli even a "race", either?

It shouldn't be.
It's possible she hates children in general, which includes other young Amazons which are still at "loli age".
*or* She refers to particular individual using "loli" as nickname that has reason to be hated or feared like one from Clarux_Nox story *or* She has issues with monster girl species that have permanently "loli" appearance even as adults. Is Beast_regards story is to be believed they live in quite communal family clans called Sabbaths, so other name would be in place. Same story also suggests reason why they are hated or feared though.

I can reveal here she is just referring to Loli's as Mamono that look like children and not specifically a race. Though, small spoiler: she's probably thinking of a Witch there. More on that statement in the next part though ;-)
Jan 17, 2016 1:47 PM

Jan 2015
This chapter keeps getting bigger and bigger...

Chapter 7 - Alea Iacta Est

Part 3

I knew Aisly wanted me, but straight out “claiming me” right off the bat? I hadn’t seen that one coming and was too baffled by her bold announcement to be really angry with her. Frosya’s and Kayley’s reactions surprised me even further: they face-palmed in synchrony. Lynn, on the other hand, looked more surprised at their reaction than by Aisly’s declaration, and Aedelind had smirk on her face as if she had obtained first row tickets to a good show. Weren’t these girls in league with each other? Tish reacted by grabbing my arm as if to state her own claim. I threw a quick glance in her direction and saw that she stared intensely at Aisly, but she actually looked sad rather than angry. This whole mix of reactions was confusing; nothing made sense here. One thing was clear, though: someone had to tell Aisly that a marriage with me was not going to happen.

”First, I’ll decide for myself who I will marry! Second, we know each other less than an hour and you already want to “claim” or marry me? Where are your standards? Third, why would you even want me as a husband? We’re clearly not the same species! Shouldn’t you be chasing some Amazonian guy? And fourth, why the hell would you think it’ll be a good idea to threaten the person you want to “protect” with violence if he refuses said “protection”!?”, I replied.

I didn’t know what kind of reactions Aisly had been expecting, but apparently me objecting to the marriage wasn’t one of them. She even seemed shocked when I mentioned that she should find herself an Amazonian guy. ”How could you even say that?” she said weakly; Aisly looked genuinely hurt by my words. Too bad for her I wasn’t in the mood for sympathy right now; it was my freedom that was on the line, not hers.

Before I could reply Frosya let out a deep sigh and said to Aisly, ”That’s because he’s an off-worlder, a newly arrived off-worlder to be precise. He doesn’t know that the only men are human men, and that we need them if we want to procreate. Heck, with the exception of Tish here we are probably the first people he met on the island, and she clearly hasn’t been able to explain anything to him, yet! Dammit girl! Why couldn’t you just keep your mouth shut?” The frustration was clearly visible on Frosya’s face.

”What?! There are no Amazonian guys, and they need us to procreate? What kind of weird biology is that?” I knew that in rare cases two closely related species might produce living offspring -- the mule being the most notable example -- but their offspring is unable to reproduce themselves. Also such inter-species reproduction rarely occurs outside captivity. I’ve never heard of a species actually needing another species to reproduce; then again I was no biologist. ”Guess this is one of those things that can only be explained with “different world, different rules”. At least it does explain some of the behavior of these girls. It raises the question, though: how desperate must these girls be if they try to lock me down on sight?”

Kayley looked even more frustrated with Aisly than Frosya. “Don’t ever interrupt me again Aisly, unless you want to be known as the hornless Amazoness!” her tone was surprisingly kind for what she had just said, but there was no doubt in my mind that she wasn’t bluffing. She then turned to face me, got a much softer albeit sadder expression on her face, and then continued, “I had hoped it wouldn’t come to this. Although Aisly’s challenge was unwise and done out of naivety, once spoken out loud there is no backing out of it. We shall discuss the terms of the challenge and then Frosya will escort Aisly home!” The chief paused a moment before continuing, “I’m sorry I have to ask you this, but Erwin do you object to marrying Aisly? I really hate the position Aisly put you in, but objecting here will force you to fight her for your freedom. She might be young and a little bit naïve, but she means you no harm. There is no doubt in my mind that she will take good care of you, as will the rest of the tribe. You may even take Tish as a second wife if you so desire, and she will be welcomed into the tribe as if she were one of our own.”

I must admit part of me just wanted to accept this marriage offer, for I had no illusions on how a fight between me and Aisly was going to end. Also an offer to marry two beautiful women at once is something few straight men wouldn’t be tempted by, but if I accepted it would be a marriage out of fear for what might happen if I refused rather than one out of love. What was my life worth if I was too afraid to live the way I want? I was send to this world against my will. I had little hope I would ever see my family or friends again, nor my dog or the woods I so much loved to walk and bike in. But strangely enough these last few days also had brought me a freedom I hadn’t experienced before: there was no job, no study, and no responsibilities anymore, and it was liberating. The fear of having to live in uncertainty was what had kept me locked in a daily grind, and now that living in uncertainty was forced upon me it turned out far less terrifying than expected. In a sense I had enjoyed being out there in the wild. I realized that I couldn’t lose much more than I already had; the only things I had left were my freedom and time. It would be up to how I used those two that would determine whether I might find happiness or misery in this world. I was given the unique opportunity of starting all over, and this time the only rules I intended to live by were my own. ”An appealing offer, but I rather stay a free man. So yes I object even if that means I have to fight,” I answered.

”What! I don’t want to fight Erwin! I want to love and protect him!” Aisly looked absolutely horrified when she finally realized that the person she would probably be fighting was me.

“You should have thought about that before you issued the challenge!” Kayley replied bitterly. “Sweet, sweet irony… Your choice for freedom over being coddled makes you even an even more desirable husband for these girls,”—she sighed—“Let’s get this over with. Anyone else objects to Aisly’s claim?”

”We put him through more than we should have already, so I’m not going to complicate things. Besides, Aisly is a way better match for him than I could ever be,” Frosya said, the other Amazonesses simply shaked their heads to let the chief know that they wouldn’t dispute Aisly’s claim.

After the Amazonesses had made their choice, all eyes turned to Tish. She stood up turned to Aisly and spoke, “Erwin … free”. The words were followed by a couple of sad sounding moans. It took her visibly great effort to speak those words, but she looked determined. Then she sat down again and leaned her head against my shoulder. I had no idea whether that was simply a statement or if that meant Tish was getting in on the action as well, but apparently it was enough information for Kayley to continue.

“Interesting… Tish has chosen to refrain from claiming you herself, but has offered to champion your cause Erwin,” Kayley spoke out in response to Tish her moans.

I turned in surprise to Tish, somehow I had expected her to simply claim me as well, but it seems I had done her injustice with that assumption. ”Are you serious? You would be willing to risk your life for me without demanding anything in return? A kind offer, but I’m not sure whether I can accept, letting someone else fight my battles doesn’t feel right…” Tish looked at me and hugged me tightly before repeating, “Erwin … free”.

“It would be unfair towards Erwin to force him to make any further crucial decisions on the challenge without a good night’s rest and honest information on his options and their consequences. Therefore the final decisions and details of the fight will be postponed two days, so he can make a properly informed decision. Frosya, would you be so kind as to escort Aisly to her home and would you two sate the curiosity of the other girls and make it crystal clear that our guests are not to be harassed.” Kayley ordered. The other elders all nodded and got up to do their tasks. The moment Aisly was escorted out of the longhouse she threw a desperate glance in my direction. ”I’m so sorry Erwin-” She didn’t get the chance to finish her sentence for Frosya had grabbed her tightly by the arm and dragged her resolutely out of the building.


”I know you are only 21 and haven’t learned much yet when it comes to men, but haven’t you been paying any attention at all? Didn’t his behavior strike you as odd? Didn’t you notice anything about his clothing? Didn’t you notice anything about the way he speaks? And most importantly do you have any idea how bad a situation you have put us in?” Frosya said with frustration as soon as they were well out of hearing distance of the longhouse.

”I just wanted him to love me. You know what might happen to him if he falls in the wrong hands. I like him and I don’t want that to happen to him…” Aisly said timidly, all the bravado she had shown when they had found Erwin was now nowhere to be found.

”You sure that’s the only reason? For it seemed to me that you’ve been thinking with your wet twat rather than your head. What did you think how things would work out after you stated your claim?” Frosya answered.

”Well I thought that”—Aisly’s voice broke—”I thought that he would be happy that someone wanted to protect him. I didn’t want to fight him, isn’t there anything you can do?”

As they entered Aisly’s home Frosya could see that Aisly was now on the verge of tears. Frosya guided her to her bed, sat down next to her, and put an arm around her. She let out a deep sigh and then continued on a much softer tone, ”We should have had this conversation much earlier. Tell me Aisly what color eyes does he have?”

”I don’t know,” Aisly whispered between a few sobs.

”Green. His eyes are green and they told me a lot. Either he’s got the best emotional control I’ve ever seen and he has been playing us like fools, or he’s an open book. I’ll bet my tits that he’s the latter,” Frosya paused a moment trying to find the right words. ”You see, men are like bees, not those honeybee girls, but normal bees. Now how does the flower get the bees to do what she need them to do?” Frosya asked.

”She lures them in with sweet nectar,” Aisly quietly answered between a couple of sobs.

”Exactly. They don’t threaten the bees; they don’t bully the bees; they lure them in. And that is exactly how you should have gotten Erwin to fall in love with you, if you want him to be of any use, that is. Believe me when I tell you that it's better to have a single man who chooses to be with you, than to have a 100 man slaves who don’t love you.” Frosya’s tone was almost motherly now.

”But I’m no flower. I don’t have sweet nectar to lure him with. I can’t impress him with magnificent fighting skills like the other girls. All I’m good at is scouting and hunting,” Aisly answered desperately.

”There is another reason for you, why claiming him the way you did was a really dumb idea. If any of the girls here would have objected you would have lost him to them. However, on your other points I disagree; you have a lot more going for you than you think. Didn’t I tell you his eyes told me a lot? Now let me repeat to you just a few thing those eyes told me: First, for an off-worlder who just arrived he is surprisingly tolerant of us mamono; even after your stupid claim he still didn’t hate us. Second, he likes that you’re tall, but not taller than him. Third, he absolutely loves your hair. And fourth, he has a really hard time keeping his eyes of these two, no harm in shamelessly using that information to your advantage!” Frosya said while she poked Aisly in the breasts, making her face turn bright red. ”You’re an Amazoness! You’re a woman! Don’t you ever think you don’t have the sweet nectar to lure a man in!” Frosya's enthusiasm quickly tempered when she continued, ”You knowing that you got everything you need to seduce him, doesn’t solve the problem your challenge poses, though. Sadly there isn’t much we can do about that, for now. We can only hope that Kayley manages to take away most of the tension you’ve created, so you actually have a chance.”

”You think he will beat me?” Aisly asked, shocked by the lack of confidence from her mentor.

”Like I said: men are like bees, unless they come in a swarm they can only hurt you a bit. I can tell Erwin has no fighting experience, so beating him should be easy even for someone as inexperienced as you. But, he knows that he doesn't stand a chance against you, yet still decided to fight… that’s the problem; a really big fucking problem!” Frosya answered solemnly.

MetallumOperaturJan 17, 2016 3:10 PM
Jan 17, 2016 8:52 PM

May 2013
Aisly did not get the "birds and the bees" talk. No birds were mentioned.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Jan 17, 2016 11:27 PM

Mar 2015
Well, there wasn't any embarrassing conversation about actual act of reproduction either,hence it wasn't real "birds and the bees" talk. Thanks goodness. As far I understood it, they explained battle strategy rather than anything else. I must applaud for this choice, instead of complex and mostly mechanical explanation of tactics or particular fighting moves, it went for clever allegory: You often think a swarm of bees as a potential danger and you are late to realize only single sting can kill you if you are allergic. I've read enough MSGC stories to know where it leads - main character will curb-stomp the poor Aisly if not entire village next chapter. I feel bad for the girl. I wonder if there is any genre savvy female in the game.
MaliseJan 18, 2016 12:57 AM
Jan 18, 2016 1:43 AM

Jan 2015
tygertyger said:
Aisly did not get the "birds and the bees" talk. No birds were mentioned.

True, gotta think of a way to fit a Harpy in there...

Malise said:
You often think a swarm of bees as a potential danger and you are late to realize only single sting can kill you if you are allergic.

Now that would require Aisly having some really awful bad luck... ;-)

Malise said:
I wonder if there is any genre savvy female in the game.

Yeah, Aisly ain't the sharpest tool in the shed; she's young, though, so there is still a lot of room for her to learn. Tish, on the other hand, seems to always be getting what she wants... ;-)
MetallumOperaturJan 18, 2016 1:49 AM
Jan 20, 2016 12:10 AM

Sep 2013

I love the "behind the scenes" chat for so many reasons, not the least of which was the suspension of the more cordial manner the MC was being presented. I definitely like to see that sort of awareness from the denizens of the land, especially the more experienced ones.
Jan 21, 2016 11:38 AM
Nov 2013
Caught up!
I'm with Em, I really enjoy this sort of self-awareness that we have going on here in this story.
That aside, Tish is pretty gosh-darn endearing. Though as she "heals", I'm wondering just what kind of person she'll turn out to be in the end. As I recall, once she gets enough energy she'll become a Wight...
Jan 24, 2016 3:40 PM

Jan 2015
Glad you liked that "behind the scenes" part between Frosya an Aisly, I really felt it would be nice to give some insight in the reasons as to why they act like they do. Cause let's be honest, this is a rather atypical welcome for an Amazonesses tribe ;-)

Can you already guess which rather obvious fact is going to be "revealed" (or confirmed) about Frosya in the next part? ;-)
Jan 25, 2016 4:10 PM

Jan 2015
I don't know why, but always when I reread the text after uploading it to the vault I tend to find many spelling and grammar errors that I don't notice in my Word-file. Really strange...

Chapter 7 - Alea Iacta Est

Part 4
”Why would that be such a big problem, do you think he will cheat to try and win the fight?” Aisly didn’t get what Frosya was going at.

”Well in a certain sense you could call it cheating. Think about it Aisly: how could you win the fight yet still end up as the loser?” Frosya answered with a grim voice.

It took a couple of seconds for Aisly to realized what Frosya meant, but once she understood her face turned pale. ”Do you really think he would dare to do that? Why would he do such a thing?” she asked shocked.

”I don’t know for sure, but in his mind it might not be the worst possible outcome. We don’t know what his life was before he got here. We don’t know what he was forced to leave behind; for all we know, he already has a wife and children he will never see again. If he doesn’t have hope left that he might find some way back to them, then what is left for him? What does he have left to live for in this world? I might not know what he is going through, but when my husband died the only thing that kept me continuing on were our children and I also had the tribe to help me through it, but who does he have? If you want him as your husband, then you must help him deal with those feelings. Give him a reason not to be reckless. Threatening to take away one of the few things he has left ain’t helping with that.” Frosya answered solemnly.

”I… I never thought about… it was… that was never my intention to… you want me to throw the fight?” Aisly stammered as she started sobbing again.

Frosya couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. She knew how great it was to have a loving husband and it was something every girl in the tribe deserved to experience at least once in their lifetime. She could understand Aisly's eager to get this man all too well, but her approach drove him away rather than bringing him closer to her. ”Now, now, let’s not get ahead of ourselves doing rash things is what has gotten us in this situation; first we should wait and see what Kayley accomplishes. We got at the minimum two days to try and turn the situation around, and let’s not forget the zombie, she might turn out to be an unexpected ally in this situation.” Frosya tried to comfort Aisly.

”Tish? Why would she help us? She even offered to fight for him!” Aisly asked skeptically.

”Exactly, don’t you think her reaction is strange? She has a perfect opportunity to try and claim him for herself, yet refrains from doing so… Now why would she do that? She knows him a bit longer then we do, so she probably has figured a couple of things about him out that we haven’t yet. One thing is for sure and that is that she’s definitely playing her own game of “catching the man” and I would say she’s rather successful at it as well.” Frosya answered.

”How do you know all these things? How can you tell she’s successful at seducing him? And if you are right does that mean she’ll see me as a threat?” Eager for answers that might provide any help for her situation Aisly rapidly fired her questions at Frosya.

”Well most of the things can be easily deduced by carefully observing those two. For example, did you notice how he reached for her hand when we first met them? That tells me that he trusts her. Also her demonic energy is all over him. You’re smart enough to figure out what that means. Now before you start feeling worse than you already do; my husband was an off-worlder as well and that helped with recognizing many of the signs he's been giving off, and more importantly it helped in understanding that he has a different mindset than most of the men born here on the island. Now as for Tish seeing you as a threat: I would say that there is a fair chance that she is willing to share -- zombies are group orientated mamono after all -- if you manage to earn her trust.” Frosya patiently answered all the questions Aisly had for her.


With the others gone, Kayley, Tish, and I were the only ones left in the room. ”I take it from Frosya's reaction and the fact that you even have a term for people like me that I'm not the first person who mysteriously ended up here?”

“It isn't really common, but occasionally someone from your world suddenly appears in this world. No one knows exactly how and why, but a far as I know, they all seem to come from your world. In fact a long time ago I shared a husband with Frosya, who was an off-worlder as well.” Kayley then got up walked to one of the shelves, grabbed a flask from it, and returned to the campfire. She winked at us and said, “We’ve got a lot to discuss, so I figured we better get the strong stuff. Want a sip?” and she offered me the flask. After everything that had happened I could use something strong, so I took a large sip and immediately regretted my greed: Kayley hadn’t lied when she had called it strong stuff. While I was still reeling from the deliciously tasting, but oh so strong drink, Kayley continued, “I have to be honest with you Erwin, it would be in the best interest of the whole tribe if you were to marry one of the girls. On the other hand I am sympathetic to your cause; you didn’t ask for any of this. I'm torn on how to proceed from here. Do I help Aisly win her fight and risk you either recklessly getting yourself killed, or you becoming an untrustworthy husband that might try to hurt her out of spite for what she has done? Or do I help you and risk denying one of the girls a very rare opportunity to get herself a husband?” Kayley was surprisingly honest and open to me. I was surprised that she had immediately recognized the only leverage I might have over Aisly in the fight. Guess that's why she's the chief. “At the least I can give you an honest summary on the world you've found yourself in, so you can make your own decisions based on a little more than just instinct.”

The rest of the evening Tish and I spend listening to Kayley, eating roasted meat, and significantly putting a dent in the Amazonesses’s mead supply. I learned that I was now in the North-Eastern corner of a large island that was at the same time pretty much the entire known world. The island was divided in several territories each governed by an immensely powerful lord; from what I understood a territory was somewhat similar to the concept of a country. The territory I was now in was Elizabeth’s territory, named rather creatively after its ruling lord.

The island and its surrounding waters were mainly populated by many species of what Kayley called monster girls or mamono. There was also a small minority of humans living on the island, but according to Kayley there were few if any settlements that are predominantly human. As their name already suggested all monster girl species consisted solely of females and they all needed human men to produce offspring, though, without a blessing from one of the lords the odds of conceiving a child were low. This all made that human men were highly sought after, and for common girls -- like Aisly -- hard to come by. Which further explained Aisly’s behavior; I started to feel sorry for her that I had so bluntly rejected her, but on the other hand I couldn’t blame myself for doing that either.

Kayley even took the time to describe the most common species of monster girls to me. To my surprise many of these species were rather similar to the mythological creatures from my world. Apparently this world had beings like Mermaids, Dragons, Lamias, Dryads, Succubae, and Elves. Upon hearing Kayley describing all these weird semi-human beings I was filled with a curiosity to meet these monster-girls. I mean who wouldn't want to see a real dragon? But at the same time I also felt a sort of primal fear of the unknown.

After having sketched the big picture Kayley moved the introduction to her tribe. It turned out that the tribe currently consisted of 23 Amazonesses. Five of them were enlisted in Lord Elizabeth’s army and now stationed in Faldarfar -- a large city somewhere to the east. One was assigned a position in the city watch of Westholm -- a young city with a university somewhere to the south. I also learned that Westholm was the nearest place with a significant population. Especially the university part spiked my interest and I figured that if there was a way back to earth, then my best bet would be to go visit Westholm and ask around there. If returning proved to be impossible, then hopefully the city might be a good starting point to find my purpose in this world. Perhaps I could even find a job there.

The tribe mainly spent their days hunting, honing their combat skills, and patrolling the northern forest edge, keeping it nice and quiet -- a task they were assigned by the local ruler of Westholm, a Dryad called Irene. From what I understood the area they had to keep an eye on was huge; this part of the land was only sparsely populated. It seemed that these girls didn’t mind being so isolated from the rest of the island. Kayley told us that they liked the freedom it provided. Most of their contact with the outside world came from an occasional visit by an Elven patrol from Westholm. The next one was expected to arrive in 8 days.

When it came to the tribe members Aisly was by far the youngest. According to Kayley she was “only” 21 years old, which made her 8 years younger than me. Kayley and Frosya on the other hand were over 500 years old, which to be honest was hard to believe especially when they only looked 30. Kayley told me that mamono usually grew very old and that they weren’t even considered that old according to mamono standards. The only living organisms that could grow that old on earth that I could think of were plants. The good news however was that this world even offered a few ways for humans to reach otherwise impossible ages.

Were it not for Aisly's challenge pressing heavily on my mood listening to Kayley would have been a rather pleasant evening. She was a skilled story teller and had a pleasant and soothing voice, though me being tipsy from the mead might have been an important factor in that as well. I can't remember exactly how the evening had ended but at some point I must have dozed off into a deep sleep.


As soon as Kayley noted that Erwin had fallen asleep, she turned her attention towards Tish and said, “You two can stay the night in the longhouse, I'll get you some blankets and pillows, but first you and I need to have a short talk...”

MetallumOperaturJan 29, 2016 10:13 AM
Jan 28, 2016 8:45 PM

Sep 2013
Little heavy on the exposition but I'd gripe less if it was broken up a bit from that one blob of text.

Sort of getting curious what the chief is plotting but I guess we'll be seeing that soon. =)
Jan 29, 2016 10:16 AM

Jan 2015
emeraldtryst said:
Little heavy on the exposition but I'd gripe less if it was broken up a bit from that one blob of text.

Upon rereading it I must completely agree with that remark. I think I was a bit too eager to upload the next part. I gave that part some love and hopefully improved it significantly.
May 19, 2016 10:58 AM

Jan 2015

Chapter 8 – Pertinax

The next morning I woke up with Tish cuddled up to me. As always she was already awake. I was a bit at a loss, for I had no idea what to do. So I just laid there for a little while longer and let Tish snuggle up even closer. I thought about how weird a turn my life had taken. One moment I had been too busy to even think about a girlfriend and now I was here in a weird relationship with Tish, another girl was willing to fight for a chance at becoming my wife, and to top it off one was undead and the other has a tail.

After while I figured I had to do something, so I gave Tish a peck on the cheek and got up. Not sure whether it would not be a good idea to leave without an escort, I settled for a short round through the longhouse. I stopped in front of a rack filled with all kind of swords and other medieval weapon. I probably couldn’t even properly identify half of them, but they sure looked deadly enough.

“You know how to use a sword?” Kayley suddenly asked. I had not heard her enter the room and her question nearly made me jump out of my skin.

”Never even touched a sword before...” I answered without thinking. I suddenly remembered a quote from Game of Thrones, ”Stick them with the pointy end is the gist of it, right?”

Clearly not impressed she replied, ”That’s the theory yes, but that’s not going to cut it, no pun intended. How about something more basic like a spear?”

”Stick them with the pointy end?”, I tried again, for it was still the best answer I could come up with.

Kayley let out a deep sigh, ”At least your understanding on how to use either sword or spear surpasses that of the average Goblin… Well enough about that. I brought you two breakfast. Come sit down we got more to discuss.”

We sat down and Kayley gave us a chunk of bread, some cheese and meat, and a large mug of milk. She then fished a small vial filled with some kind of pink liquid out of her bra (or was it a top?) and dropped two droplets of the liquid in my mug. After seeing the look on my face she got a smirk on hers as she answered, ”Mermaid’s blood, or more specifically Merrow’s blood. From now on you’ll be taking two drops a day, and with some luck you might even live to celebrate your 200th birthday. Now what do you think about that?”

I was a bit skeptical about 200 year old humans, nor was I too sure about the ethics of drinking Mermaid’s blood, but Tish underpinned Kayley’s remark by pointing at the mug and saying, “Erwin, drink!”

Well so much for having anything to say in the matter. ”With you two ganging up on me like that, it seems I don't have anything to say for that matter... Thanks I guess.” I complained. Somewhat hesitant I took a sip, and to my relief I only tasted fatty milk.

My childish complaining caused both Tish and Kayley to burst out in a hearty laughter. ”That’s because we know best what is good for you, one day you’ll understand.” Kayley replied cheerfully, and she winked at me. I had absolutely no clue as what to think of that, so I just kept my mouth shut and focused on the food.

As I was busy chewing down my food, Kayley took a deep breath and started, ”My husband tried to find a way back as well. Of course we hoped he would decide to stay, even if he were to succeed, but we did not want to force him. We visited dozens of scholars and consulted every library here in Elizabeth’s territory, though, back then it was Dorothy’s territory. We even spend two months under water visiting the libraries in Michiko’s territory. Wherever we went, we only found stories of off-worlders arriving here and not a single account of one leaving. We even tried to arrange a meeting with lord Dorothy, but she refused to grant us an audience.” It was clearly something she was still pissed about, as she grumbled something about Dorothy being a cunt and being happy she is gone, before continuing, ”Long story short, we ran out of places to look for information. Thankfully he could accept his fate and learned to enjoy his new life here with us...“ Kayley slowly trailed off and stared into the distance. Judging by the nostalgic smile on her face, she was lost in happy memories. We didn't want to spoil her happy moment, so Tish and I ate our breakfast in silence.

When we finished our breakfast, Kayley snapped out of her trance. ”I won't say I know for sure that you are stuck here, but don’t get your hopes up. Your best bet is to ask Lord Elizabeth herself. And for that, going to Westholm is a good start; Irene, the ruler of Westholm, is Elizabeth's most trusted diplomat. She’ll be able to arrange an appointment for you. She travels a lot, though, so it might take a while before she can see you. In the meantime you could attend a couple of lectures at the university and learn a bit about this world. Most lectures are open to everyone.”

Useful information for sure, but I had no idea why she was telling me this in the first place. Weren’t these girls going to keep me here after I lost the duel with Aisly? ”Don’t get me wrong I appreciate all the help I can get, but why are you telling me this?” I asked cautiously.

A smirk found its way to her face when she countered, ”Tss, tss, tss, what makes you think you'll be stuck here forever should Aisly claim you?” That was an eerily dead on observation of the motive behind my question. Could she fucking read minds? ”Should she win, then Aisly will be responsible for your happiness and safety.” I noticed that she put a suspicious amount of emphasis on the safety part. ”Besides, she is only 21 years old, and got nearly as much to learn about this world as you. It would do her good to get out and experience what this world has to offer for herself.”

Well this was getting confusing, I was not going to be kept as a slave, even if I were to lose? And what’s with everyone being so concerned about my safety, while obviously the biggest threat to me is that duel that is looming over me. ”I don't get it, everyone here seems really concerned with my safety, but if Mamono girls are so dangerous, then where does that leave you? I get “claimed” against my will, by someone I barely know, under the threat of violence! So what makes Aisly better than those Succubi and Lolies, whatever the fuck they might be?”

”To answer your last question first, Lolies are simply normal Mamono, but they look like children. They are by no means better or worse than any other Mamono. Aisly had a bad experience with one once, but she forgets to mention that it was another Loli who got her out of that mess. And as for Aisly? I guess you could say that she is not better nor worse than most other girls; she’s got her strengths and weaknesses. Most girls are caring and decent. Sure they will flirt with you, they will fawn at you, or try to convince you in any other creative way to spend a night, or better a lifetime, with them, but they won't resort to rape or violence to get what they want. But as with everything, there are always exceptions. That's why your best bet at staying a free man, is to give up some of that freedom and marry a couple of good girls who can keep you safe. Obviously I don't like the method Aisly chose to try and prove to you she's such a girl, and I know she regrets her rash behavior as well. The girl's been begging me all night to cancel the duel.”

I had to give it to them that nobody had harmed me so far. So they couldn't be the worst right? But the duel still remained a mystery to me. Apparently neither of us wants is, so why not cancel it? Since she had been frank with us so far, I decided to ask her that directly, ”If neither of us wants this duel, then why not cancel it?”

Kayley got a bitter look on her face as she answered, ”I wish it was that simple. But, Aisly's challenge invoked an ancient Amazonessian tradition, that I can't simply shove aside. Besides if you can't even beat Aisly, who is trained as a scout rather than a fighter, then you surely won't be able to defend yourself, should you meet the wrong Mamono...”

Fuck why did it have to be so complicated? Apparently the duel was coming, and there is no way to avoid it. I had no doubts as to how the duel was going to end. The more I thought about it the more my “brave thoughts” from yesterday appeared foolish. “I rather die on my feet than live on my knees”? Bullshit. With the prospect of becoming a slave gone, that living on my knees option suddenly didn’t appear that horrible anymore. Perhaps I should just surrender and hope that Kayley wasn't lying…

I had been so engrossed by my inner conflicts that I had barely noticed that Kayley had continued talking, ”... I had a short talk with Tish yesterday and we both agree that you shouldn't be fighting anyone. ”

That sure seemed to contradict with what she had just said. ”You just said that you can’t cancel the duel, and now you’re saying I shouldn’t be fighting?”

”Indeed, Tish offered yesterday to fight for you. Now that is a match where actually some honor is to be gained. Though she didn’t ask anything in return, I feel Tish should be properly rewarded should she win the duel for you… She wins, you marry her instead. Practically that shouldn’t change much for you.”

Before I even had the chance to think about that Tish grabbed me, looked at me with large begging eyes, and said, “Please, Erwin.”

To which Kayley added, ”You're a human with no fighting experience. There is strength in acknowledging you are weak. Except perhaps for Aedelind, nobody here gives a crap about whether you can fight. Men don’t belong on the battlefield or in the arena’s anyway, they’re way more useful for other activities.” The devious grin she threw me when she said that last sentence was rather unsettling. Because of her rather jovial demeanor after the others had left yesterday, I had almost forgotten that she was the chief of a tribe of girls that feel comfortable wielding big ass swords while wearing only a few strips of leather. Also she was nearly a head taller than me, and her arms were nearly as thick as my legs. She was not someone to be trifled with. Something I’d better remember.

On the other hand what did I have to lose, and there was still an important unanswered question. ”Suppose I agree, then what's in it for you? What do you have to gain from swapping me for Tish?”

Her grin was quickly replaced by a smile again as she answered, ”Fair enough question. Letting Tish fight, will for sure greatly decreases Aisly's chances. But if you are the one facing her, there is a chance you get yourself stupidly killed, and you are of much more use alive than dead. Also I doubt Aisly will ever recover, should that happen. She will be disciplined for her stupidity, but completely breaking her is out of proportion. Besides, Tish and I already struck an agreement which ensures we aren't left entirely empty handed should she win, and she won't be left empty handed should Aisly win.”

Apparently those two had already planned everything out. Was my agreement only a formality? I had always been rather stubborn, or at least I used to be. But it was obvious they were not going to let me fight, no matter what. With Tish on their side I figured they would keep postponing the duel till they manage to convince me to let Tish take my place. Objecting would only postpone the inevitable. And well if there was no way to change it, then it was better to just get it over with. And besides how bad could being married to either Tish or Aisly be? I was already in some sort of relation with Tish, and Aisly was willing to risk everything for me, that should count for something right?

”Fine, with you two ganging up on me again, it's not like I'll be fighting the duel myself even if I were to say no. No use in dragging this on then.”

I didn't get the chance to further complain, because my voice was smothered as Tish locked lips with me and kissed me. From the corner of my eyes I could see Kayley getting up with a triumphant smile on her face.

”I am glad you saw your situation with such clarity. I told you we know best what is good for you.” She winked at me again and walked to the door of the longhouse. ”Now you two go have some fun, while I'll inform Aisly the duel will start at noon. Also I'll get the arrangements made for your marriage to Tish.” With that she turned around and left.

Wait what!? Today!? Marriage with Tish!? What is going on here!? I didn't get much chance to think about that though, because Tish had finished unbuttoning my pants.

MetallumOperaturMay 20, 2016 4:54 AM
May 21, 2016 11:23 AM

Mar 2015
MetallumOperatur said:
Hide spoiler
To my shock, I discovered that January was the last time I updated my story.

It is almost the same amount of time it took me to update mine :-)

MetallumOperatur said:
Wait what!? Today!? Marriage with Tish!? What is going on here!?

Beats me. I thought whole conflict was about tribe's attempt to keep the Tish off the loop. Whole duel is largely pointless if protagonist can be married to Tish straight away.
May 21, 2016 1:33 PM

Jan 2015
Malise said:
Beats me. I thought whole conflict was about tribe's attempt to keep the Tish off the loop. Whole duel is largely pointless if protagonist can be married to Tish straight away.

Well lets just say that probably the only two who know exactly what is going on are Tish and Kayley ;-)
May 21, 2016 7:01 PM

May 2013
Heh. Plots and plans, and plans within plans. No wonder Kayley is the chief.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
May 22, 2016 6:24 PM
Nov 2013
What a clever zombie Tish is... She'll make a fine Wight one day. I'm curious to see how she handles herself in this... Sort-of duel.
May 22, 2016 6:33 PM

Nov 2013
great chapter and story so far, looking forward to more
Jun 1, 2016 2:26 PM

Sep 2013
Couldn't quite tell if she was saying that marriage was supposed to happen before the duel or after...but the secret planning has me convinced that it doesn't matter.

Of course...then I have to wonder how Tish talked the chief into making a deal in the first place...either the chief is fluent in zombie, or Tish is being a lot more quiet than she needs to be...or, I suppose, she's reaping some serious benefits from her improved diet.
Sep 18, 2016 2:12 PM

Jan 2015

Chapter 9 – Clever Girl

Another time, another place

“Drana! Where is everyone!? The whole village is empty! The mansion is deserted as well!”

I knew that Xaviera had been too busy with her experiments to leave the lab these last few days. I had used the opportunity to contact an old friend of mine to help relocate the entire village. Nahoko was a well-connected Otohime who lived in a spacious Ryugujo far of the coast. She was the only person I knew, other than Xaviera, who both possessed the authority and the means to house and protect the nearly five hundred villagers that lived under our protection. If Xaviera was right, then this would just be three weeks of vacation on our tab for everyone. And if I was right... well Nahoko had given me her word that she will personally take over our oath of protection should anything happen to us. Nahoko wasn’t someone who gave her word lightly, but she was also one of the few people I knew whose word was her bond. Which was why I had asked her. Her loyalty and integrity had gotten her to the position of governor over the bay between Yara’s and Kaori’s realms. That position guaranteed that any attempt to harm those under our protection would face the same consequences as if they had attacked Michiko herself. For this huge favor Nahoko had demanded nothing in return, although with over half of our villagers being human that came as no surprise.

“They’re gone, and I alone am responsible for that.” I answered. There was no reason to lie. I had made my peace and I knelt in surrender before my lover.

She could have easily erased my existence for backstabbing her like that. But rather than getting angry, she surprised me as she just sank to the ground and asked with teary eyes, “You really believe I failed my vows so bad that you felt you had to act behind my back?”


After the quality time with Tish, I laid on my back wondering about what Kayley had said. My train of thoughts was brought to a halt when Tish handed me my notebook, pencil, and the measuring tape. With everything that had happened in the last day I had completely forgotten about my ongoing little science experiment, but apparently Tish had not. After she had handed me my things she turned around and lifted her hair for me. I still couldn’t tell whether she did this it because she wanted to tell me something, or because she simply liked the attention. I did the familiar measurements and inspected her wounds. After comparing the results to my notes, I found that most of her wounds had now either closed or had shrunk significantly and her bosom had again grown fuller. If things would continue like this I figured all the wounds would be gone within a week. I wondered if then other things would start to change or if this strange “healing” process would stop.

There was a loud knock on the door and Kayley walked in a few seconds after. ”The duel starts in a few hours, you’re expected for the final preparations. Erwin I’ll send someone to escort you.”

Tish got up, put on her dress, gave me one last kiss, and then left with Kayley. Now alone in the longhouse I had nothing better to do other than putting my thoughts on paper. It felt as if only a few minutes had passed when there was another knock on the door. Immediately after a familiar Amazoness entered the longhouse.

”Already dressed, that’s a shame. I had hoped that our proper introduction would be a little more… adventurous.” the Amazoness with the long segmented ponytail – the one who had suggested a threesome yesterday – said.

She was quick, I had to give her that. Before I could answer, or even put away my pencil, she had already closed the gap and sat down right next to me. Any chance for me to back away was cut off by her tail that had immediately coiled around my waist as if it were a belt. Then with a simple flick of her tail she effortlessly lifted me up and put me on her lap.

”What the heck?! How fucking strong are you?” Guess being scared or offended would have been a more appropriate response to this sudden violation of my personal space, but I was too amazed by what just had happened to bother about that.

She played it off, as if lifting me was a mere trivial feat not worthy of any praise. ”It wasn’t that impressive… Besides you’re not that heavy. You should see me when I’m lifting tree logs.”

”Not that heavy? I’m well over a hundred kilos. I would have to train for months and still wouldn’t be able to move something that heavy so effortlessly. You make it look like I don’t weight anything at all! I wouldn’t call that not impressive. That’s amazing!”

”Alright. Alright. Perhaps I was showing off a little,” she admitted.

”Well you most certainly impressed me. But why would you be showing off in the first place? It’s not like I’m getting married off in a couple of hours…”

”Don’t tell me about it. Kayley specifically instructed us all not to force you!” She said in such a way that it seemed most unreasonable what Kayley had instructed. Then suddenly I felt her breasts press against my back as she put her arms around me. She leaned in and whispered in my ear, ”She didn’t say anything about seducing you into agreeing, though. So what do you say about…”

I cut her off, ”Admitted, I’m not exactly thrilled about this whole marriage thing, but I don’t think either of them deserves to be cheated on!”

She let out a disappointed sigh, before she continued. ”I guess they don’t. But I didn’t hear an explicit no from you either. So a threesome then? Of course with your wife’s permission; it would be rude to deny her some good fun on her own wedding night. Or do you need some more… convincing.” As she said it I suddenly felt her placing a peck in my neck.

This girl sure was bound on getting herself that threesome. It was not that I wasn’t physically attracted to her – all the women I has seen here were quite the lookers – but usually such arrangements would lead to trouble. I didn’t feel like getting myself even more tangled up here than I already was. Nor did I want to raise expectations I couldn’t live up to. Yet it was hard to say no to a woman who basically got me in a full nelson. ”I suppose if no further strings were attached, I probably might perhaps refrain from objecting…” I tried.

She let out a chuckle and whispered seductively while at the same time giving me a peck on the cheek, ”You’re so cute! No strings attached, fair enough. I already look forward to tonight...”

”Tonight?! How do you know so sure Aisly’s going to win?”

She chuckled again and gave several more pecks to my cheek and neck. There wasn’t much I could do about that, but I can’t say it was an unpleasant sensation. ”I don’t. That’s why I asked them both! The name’s Esme by the way.” She answered with a most devious smirk on her face.

Checkmate. Clever girl! I couldn’t help but laugh. Tricked into a threesome, now that was something you didn’t see every day. ”I walked straight into your trap didn’t I? Well under the no strings attached condition and apparently a wife who’s totally cool with it, I’m not going to be a bad sport and back out of it. Who am I to reject a threesome anyway? I’m Erwin. Nice to meet you too.”

She gave me one final peck, this time on the lips. Then she put me back on the ground and released me from her grip. ”Don’t worry Erwin, I’ll make it worth your while. Now I believe I still owe you a tour around the village.”

”Yeah, I guess you do.”

The tour through the village was a short one, because the village was literally just ten log cabins and a longhouse. Esme showed me the inside of the cabin that was her home. She shared it with Aisly, which might explain why those two were so quick to settle on a threesome yesterday. The log cabin was rather spacious, and would definitely qualify as cozy if one didn’t mind the numerous animal rugs. There was only one bed, though it was large enough for at least five people to sleep in comfortably. I figured that this would become my home should Aisly win the duel. I wondered whether they would live up to their word and let Tish stay with us as well.


I looked over the dueling area as I was seated next to Kayley. It felt really weird that in less than a minute two women would fight over the right to claim me as their husband. By the looks of it, it wouldn’t be some friendly play fighting either. Aisly was holding a spear and what looked like a round Viking shield. She wore what appeared to be leather armor and an iron or steel helmet. The armor was a huge contrast to what she had been wearing earlier; it was functional, rather than revealing. I remembered Aisly was blessed with the largest pair of the tribe, but the armor only showed a minor bulge at the chest. She didn’t look too comfortable, though, which I interpreted as her not wearing armor often.

Tish on the other hand didn’t wear any armor, nor seemed to wield any weapon. She wore a short plain black skirt and a plain black bandeau. I noticed that she wasn’t wearing any shoes either. There was no doubt in my mind that her garb allowed for excellent freedom of movement, but the clothes she did wear would not protect her in any way should she get hit by Aisly’s spear. That got me worried. I turned to Kayley and asked, ”You going to let her fight the duel practically naked and without a weapon?!”

Kayley shrugged, ”She refused everything we offered and if it is by her own choice then I see no reason to not let her fight.”

With that she stood up and addressed the two duelists. ”The rules for the duel are as follows. First rule, stay in the dueling area! Should any of you leave the dueling area for whatever reason, then I or my lieutenants will throw you back in. Keep in mind I haven’t instructed them to do so gently. Second rule, the duel only ends when one of you is fully incapacitated. No chickening out by forfeiting! Third rule, everything that isn’t explicitly covered by the first and second rule is allowed. Though using lethal force is allowed, we all would strongly prefer to see a non-lethal ending to this duel!” After that Kayley gave the signal for the duel to begin and she, as well as the other elders, all took position at the edges of the dueling area.

I felt my heart starting to race as Aisly immediately went on the offensive throwing a series of quick jabs at Tish, while using her shield defensively to cut off any possible retaliation. Tish was surprisingly slow given how little armor she was wearing. I gasped when one of Aisly’s jabs cut clean through Tish’s bandeau and glanced of her ribs. As Aisly withdrew her spear one of the barbs at the side of the spearhead got caught in the bandeau tearing it apart and leaving Tish topless. The jab had left a deep cut in her right breast and side. It was evident that the barb had not only torn through the bandeau, but through her soft flesh as well. Given how deep those gashes must be it was all the more surprising that her wounds barely bled, nor did Tish seem to care even the slightest for those injuries.

The next few jabs were only barely dodged by Tish. Then after another one that just missed her by mere millimeters, Tish stepped forward before Aisly could withdraw her spear. Aisly still had her shield, though. She used it to deliver a powerful bash in Tish her chest, knocking her back.

I heard Aisly apologize with a broken voice that betrayed she was crying when another jab left another deep cut in Tish’s unprotected side. It seemed Tish was not able to defend herself adequately and was slowly going to be cut to pieces by Aisly. It was horrifying to watch, but there was nothing I could do. I quickly glanced to the sides to see that the other Amazonesses were just as horrified as I was. There were no cheers, no shouts, no screams; everyone was dead silent.

Then suddenly Tish stepped back with a nimbleness nobody had expected of her anymore. Aisly too was taken by surprise as her next few attacks hit nothing but air. Tish looked Aisly in the eyes and spoke up, “Sorry!”

What happened after went so fast that I could barely follow it. Tish suddenly grew some kind of massive white ghost claws and charged at Aisly with such great speed that she could not even lift her spear in time to defend herself. With a single strike Tish cut through Aisly’s shield, armor, and body. The claw had passed through her completely and Aisly immediately collapsed. Tish stood there for a second. I noticed that the ghost claw that had cut through Aisly was now jet-black. Then the claws disappeared and Tish too collapsed.

I didn’t even wait for Kayley’s signal that the duel had ended as I Immediately jumped up and rushed towards the two. Esme had already proven that these women were a lot faster than me, but I was still the first to reach Tish and Aisly. Even though Tish had taken a beating and didn’t look so well, Aisly seemed to be in an even worse shape. Surprisingly Aisly’s armor and shield were still intact. How that was even possible after Tish had torn clean through them I did not know. Aisly was completely unresponsive, though. Half in a panic I tried to remove her helmet when someone firmly grabbed me by the wrists.

I looked up to see Kayley smiling down at me. ”Don’t worry she’s just knocked out and drained of energy. Nothing she will not recover from within a few days. Tish will be alright too; Zombies can take a hit. She probably needs some spirit energy injections to help close those nasty gashes up, but that is a problem for later. Now I believe you owe somebody a wedding!” I was still too much in a panic to fully register everything she said.

”What’s spirit energy?! And how do we get it?!”

”No need to worry about that for now. The best way for you to help Tish is simply getting ready for the wedding. Esme will help you with the preparations. We’ll do the same for Tish. Cheer up! Tonight you are going to get married Amazoness style!”

I quickly looked over at Tish who was already sitting up again, but still looked rather dizzy. Apparently she could not decide whether she should be looking at Aisly or at me. Frosya helped her up on her feet and then led her towards the longhouse. Meanwhile Aisly, who was still unconscious, was being carried away by the other two elders. I wanted to object, but for the second time that day a familiar tail lifted me off the ground and this time carried me off into the woods.

Edit - Moved part 2 of chapter 9 to its own chapter hence removed part 1.
MetallumOperaturNov 24, 2016 1:41 PM
Sep 19, 2016 8:44 AM

Nov 2013

The only new thing i got from the chapter was a smidgen of Xaviera and Drana and a confirmation of a upcoming threesome. Everything else is old news.

I gave the feedback in pm already. But seriously, I forgot you hadn't posted this yet metal.

I want the next part now, this chapter was too short to be a 2 parter.
Sep 19, 2016 11:40 AM

Jan 2015

Well nox I warned ya that proofreading would pretty much spoil most of the chapter for you :-P

But it is great to see that your eager to read more.

As for the chapter length, this chapter part is roughly 3.3k words which makes it one of the longer walls of text I've posted so far. I try to limit the chunks to roughly 2-3k words to keep it manageable. Seeing that I'm already at 1k words for the next part and still quite a lot has to be added, this chapter would have easily become a 6-7k word wall.
Sep 19, 2016 2:10 PM

Nov 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
6-7k word wall.

That's a cute chapter size :P
Sep 21, 2016 4:26 AM

May 2013
Okaaaaay... remind me to never piss Tish off.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 21, 2016 8:26 AM

Jan 2015
tygertyger said:
Okaaaaay... remind me to never piss Tish off.

Nah she ain't so bad. She even said sorry!
Sep 21, 2016 3:35 PM
Nov 2013
I caught up! Can't say I didn't see that coming...
Sep 22, 2016 2:57 PM

Sep 2013
I wonder how different their wedding style is. So many possibilities but I don't want to guess and accidentally spoil I'll just wait patiently. =)
Sep 25, 2016 12:54 PM

Mar 2015
Character bonding ahead! I am not quite sure what else I should comment here.
Dec 6, 2016 9:40 AM

Jan 2015

Chapter 10 – A strange world indeed

”You want us to do what!?” I turned towards Tish. ”And you agreed to this!? Are you nuts?!”

I still couldn’t get my head around what just had happened. After the duel Esme had carried me to a nearby creek. I had tried to convince her to let me walk by myself, but apparently that was “no fun”. She then had cut my hair and trimmed my beard. I was surprised that she had then backed off and allowed me some privacy to wash myself after the grooming session. When we got back to the village she had brought me straight to the longhouse where Tish and Kayley had been waiting for us with an utmost strange request. Apparently, an Amazonian wedding included a public consummation of said wedding.

Tish responded to my outburst with shrug and a moan that I could only interpret as a “perhaps”. Despite that answer I highly doubted that fucking me in front of the whole village was her idea, though. So, I figured that if I wanted some answers I had to be addressing Kayley. ”I don’t know what kind of agreement you and Tish have made, but consider everything that involves me void. You want to make deals that involve me, you negotiate so with me!” I lashed out at her.

Kayley chuckled. Without showing even the slightest annoyance by my refusal to play along with whatever games she was playing, she cut straight to business. ”Very well, I’ll “negotiate” with you then… Let me enlighten you on an ancient Amazonessian tradition. We claim our husbands by riding him Amazoness style in front of our tribe sisters. It is something every Amazoness strives for from the day she’s old enough to understand the concepts of having a husband. This not only emphasizes her claim and allows her to boast her talents, but she also serves as a role model inspiring the other Amazonesses to better themselves, so that they too will one day claim their own husband. It has been way too long since our tribe had such a ceremony. My girls could use a reminder. That is why the first thing I ask is that you and Tish honor this tradition.” she stated calmly. All the time she was observing me closely; undoubtedly gauging my reaction.

”If that is so, then why us? Tish is not an Amazoness. As far as I know, you didn’t even know her before yesterday. How would her riding me Amazoness style serve as anything other than rubbing in the fact that Aisly, and by extend the tribe, lost the duel?” I asked skeptically.

Kayley’s lips curled up in a slight grin as she replied, ”Oh, what makes you think the tribe has lost? I would say that with Tish being an honorary tribe member, the tribe has gained both a respected new member as well as a husband today.”

What!? Tish an honorary tribe member? What the fuck is going on here?

Seeing the surprised look on my face Kayley’s grin broadened as she continued, ”Tish and I agreed it is in our mutual interest that she becomes an honorary tribe member. With her being part of our tribe now, there is no reason for her not to get married in Amazonessian fashion.”

II didn’t know whether I should be amazed or frightened by the lengths these women were willing to go just to see me and Tish getting it on. What strange world had I found myself in? Thrown off balance and not sure how to proceed I opted to change the subject, for now. ”Tell me, why should I agree to let Tish “ride me Amazoness style” when I don’t even know what that is. What is so special about it that you have to keep mentioning it?”

Just when I though her grin couldn’t widen further, she proved me wrong. ”It is special because it is an ancient tradition. As for what it is… I think you should learn from experience. No need to worry, though, it won’t hurt; heck I even bet my sword that you’ll like it! Now for my second request... I would do my girls a great disservice if I did not ask you to lay with at least the ones who have not yet had the opportunity to claim a husband for themselves.”

The high word was out. The jack came out of the box. The rarity of men had already been explained to me, but the practical implications of that fact hadn’t sunk in yet. ”You seriously want me to fuck, like, half the village?!” I asked in disbelieve.

”Not to dishearten you, but I’m asking you to fuck even more than half of the village. Only the elders have had the honor to ride a man Amazoness style. Even with Aisly’s… state of incapacitation, that still leaves twelve girls. They probably won’t be getting another chance to lay with a man for years or even decades.” Somehow I got the feeling that her concerns for her girls were genuine. Even if I was a rare opportunity for these girls, it didn’t change the fact that she was asking a lot from us, especially from Tish.

”Even if I were to ignore the morality of fucking a dozen other girls on Tish’s wedding night, there is still the problem that I can’t “perform” that often. I don’t know what you’re expecting of me, but I’m not a miracle worker.” I stated.

She suddenly got a devious twinkle in her eyes as she replied with a sugary sweet voice, ”Oh, do not let such trivialities get between you and a dozen pretty and willing girls. Tish won’t mind; she’ll even be joining in on the fun! As for your fear of not being able to perform…”—she threw me a small vial—”Alraune Nectar, it tastes great and you’ll be “performing” a new record tonight.” I sighed. I should have known that she had an answer for everything.

I looked at the vial, ”Yeah, about that… I haven’t agreed to anything yet. I would like an hour alone with Tish, so I can discuss your requests with her in private.” I made sure to put extra emphasis on the last word.

”A wise choice! It is always good to discuss important things with your wife before making a decision.” The emphasis she put on the word discuss and the blatant wink she gave Tish made me cringe.
MetallumOperaturDec 6, 2016 10:24 AM
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