"This well start when everyone are doing their every day life but all conneted in some way but meet again on school ground in the same class(if you want that is ^^)"
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Yuzuki wakes up in her tube and sees that nothing has changed and she curls up into a tighter ball hiding some what of herself....then she hears tapping on the glass which jarred her ears and made them hurt.....
Yuzuki:.....*In Mind* Stop that.......please stop that
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
???: Shall we do the test instructions today on the subject?
Yuzuki: *In Mind* I'm not a subject I'M NOT A SUBJECT!!!!!!! *Wind picks up and slashes through the building and cuts open the test tube allowing Yuzuki to be free* *Yuzuki gets some clothes then runs off out in to the open space and stumbles around then lands near the person on the ground*
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
They hear sirens go off and Yuzuki starts to panic. She gets up and stumbles some more then sees car in the distance.
Yuzuki:.....*Starts shaking then the wind picks up again and swirls around her protecting her some what*
???: THERE SHE IS GET HER!!!!!!! DON'T LET THE TEST SUBJECT DO ANYMORE DAMAGE DAMNNIT!!!!!!!!!*People run towards her* *She looks at the people near her and has a look in her eye that pleads with them not to let them take her away*
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
???: GET THE OTHERS THEY'RE WITNESSES!!!!!!!!!! *Start to go near Jo and the other person*
Yuzuki:.....*Looks at the guy on the ground tears filling her eyes then something hits her in the back making her fall to the ground and then the wind goes psyco and plants start to engulp everything*
???: Damnnit this is not good she's loosing control......
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Yuzuki:....*Opens her eyes and they changed colors* *The wind picks her up and then she's up nearly 20 feet into the air looking down on the people below* *She released wind blades which slashed clean through every person wanting to use her for test and then she passed out falling rapidly to the ground*
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Yuzuki:....*Opens her eyes again and they turned back to normal and she sees the guy holding her*
Yuzuki:...*Lightly whispers* Pl...ease....don't....let...them....ta...ke...me....ag...ain.... *Passes out*
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
???:....she was sold to us she's our property our test subject now please give her back and we will award you fully *^^*
Yuzuki:....*A bunch of needle marks and brusies are shown on her whole body*
Jo: *is noticably angry.* "Test subject? property? who do you think you are?" *she reaches in to her bag and pulls out a gun.* "People like you make me sick, now get the hell outta here or i will kill you."
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
???: *Sigh* I thought this would happen....listen she has no family or anything she's a nobody so why does it matter to you who doesn't know the slightest thing about her?
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care
Guys I won't be on for awhile and not sure when im comming back but plz understand there are somethings that is hard to control in life take time to get things moving so i will see u guys soon but this msg is only when i disappear ok. Take care