I'm kinda wondering what did u guys think 'bout fanservice and fanfiction...
Since a lot people talking bout it...
And... I'm really wondering about their new single...
I've got SHIVER... But I can't find Hesitating means death...
Since I can't order their DVD's... *crying in some dark alley*
That is why... really need to quickly download it before it being claimed and wipe away by psc or sony music... *sigh*
There's only one thing we can do to get their new single.
That is to download as quick as possible before PS Company and Sony music reclaimed them.
Nowadays, wherever I look for their vid, most of them always being claimed by PS company or Sony music.
Maybe we should used via e-mail to get the vid, like if someone has it, rather than post it to youtube or elsewhere, just send it to the one that want it...
That's easier... Oh well...
Btw, I got Hesitating means death.
If you wanna download it, quick!
Just the songs thou... *sadly*
Don't know if that helps... >.<"
And... I bought Arena for 2008 and 2009, also for their new single, SHIVER.
I'll start scanning and post it if you want. Just said it and I'll post it.
I finished scanning some of it.
But I wanna ask, is there any way we could post up the images without using the URL...
Coz I don't post it anywhere...
So yeah... I need to take it from my laptop...
If anyone knows how, please tell me... Or I can't post it here... TT^TT
choose the online file storage like 4shared and mediafire. Do you have an account with either of the two that i've mentioned?
I don't much like megaupload, therefore, i'm not going to suggest that to you.
If you don't have an account, here's what I need you to do:
2. Sign-up for FREE file sharing. I must ask you to create your account and remember to keep login and password details.
3. Take some time to discover the functionality provided by each online file sharing.
4. Then upload the images you have. Make sure that all of them were in a ZIP or RAR file so that it would be easy for others to download them collectively.
5. Don't set it to private sharing. Always set it to public.
6. When you are about to share the images, look for its corresponding link and paste it here in The GazettE club.
If you don't want to do the online file sharing, you can send all the images to me and i'll do an account for us. I'll try to manage our file repository whenever we have files to share with the others.
Sorry for a long replay...
I just got home from Singapore...
Btw, did u have a livejournal or wordpress account?
If u have, did u know how to use LJcut?
I'm thinking about creating a new page and post... >.>
'bout the pic, I'll try sending it all...
But... it's too many, gonna be super long, u know...
That's why, I'm thinking about making a new page at lj and named it gallery...
Basically there's where I'll put up all GazettE pic...
Still, I'll still try to post it at here so I can share with others thou...
Do whatever you wish that you wanted to do or where you are comfortable at. Somehow, I might be needing somebody to handle on that thing since I cannot be online 24/7.
So, this is just to make sure the non-heresy members know Ruki's condition.
All translation credits to hakitarun.
No reposting, but it is okay if you wanna link or translate into other language. http://hakitarun.livejournal.com/72251.html
Let's pray for Ruki's condition!
P.S > If u don't want this post, feel free to delete it.
I just wanna let the others know, coz there are a whole lot un-heresy members.
Hope this help!
Haven't online in a while. Don't have the time.
I gotta finish my work now. =.=
Or not, I'll become lazy and don't do my homework... @michiru >> I'll sent the next email tomorrow. I'm using my bro's comp right now, sorry... But I got Shiver's scan ready. Thou not in order. >.<
Thank you for your hardwork!
On 14th August (Saturday) during encore at Kochi City Culture Plaza Cul-Port, Ruki suddenly lost his voice. The hospital diagnosed that he is suffering with laryngeal edema due to virus infection. Because of this infection, his vocal cords is swelling and he lost his voice. Ruki will need time off for further diagnosis of his condition and rest is necessary. We went back to Tokyo for another diagnosis and currently he still could not speak.
After discussing with the GazettE members and the staff we have come to the following decision. The following live performances will be postponed.
We were really worried about the fans, who must have planned out everything to attend the following lives but after deep consideration on the current situation, we have will have to postpone the live performances for now. We deeply apologize.
Please contact the corresponding event management to change your ticket dates. Your current tickets is important for the new ticket transfer so please keep it well.
We will have another meeting about the continuation of the tour after receiving the doctor's diagnosis on Ruki's condition on 22nd August. We will update you on the details of Ruki's condition though the OHP.
We deeply and greatly apologize to have troubled you- the fans, everyone who have bought tickets on the postponed days. Please understand our condition and we apologize again for the inconvenience.
I read the blog... Instead of feeling worried and sorry for Ruki, he in returned made us laugh by saying... "... my voice will become better" and "... I'll be more cuter.." stuff like that LOL!
Anyways, get well soon Ruki. We will wait for you.
@Shinigami_hei: thank you also for your hardwork for these posts. I still haven't organize all the pics, therefore, you don't need to hurry to send those pics hehehe ^^
i send two fanmails for Ruki...
did you see Aoi talking about tomatoes with sweetened condensed milk in twitter?
I lold, but now im curious and wanna try it XD
Does that can be called a drink?
I totally can't stand that. >.<
And I believe Ruki would run away all over the world if Aoi gives it to Ruki.
Since Ruki hates tomatoes. But... U know, Ruki does hate a lot of food.
Strawberry, Tomatoes, Mushrooms, SKipjack Tuna, etc.
Now we knows how could he became a chibi like that. XD