Good day Mayrionettes! I recently left a survey in a comment in most every club member's profile, but some folks have disabled comments and others *may* want to discuss things with the club publicly, so here's a copy of the questionnaire:
What was your favorite part of May Month?
What changes would you like to see made to the May Month celebration if it happens next year?
Did you have any success in spreading the joy of May to other individuals on MAL or elsewhere?
What future events would you like to see in the May/Haruka club in the future?
What is your favorite thing about May?
I suppose I should answer my own questions publicly, rather than just keep them to myself.
1). The calendar was cool and telling others about May is always awesome!
2) We should do something. We didn't really do anything for May Month other than spread the joy of May, which is something we all do anyways. We're going to need a BIG event next year.
3) I reached out to many members and told them about how amazing May is. How well I did at helping them see her perfection is uncertain.
4) I'm thinking contests and activities that involve us talking to others about May. I do have an activity planned for July we can all participate in too that involves a little writing about May awesomeness.
5) She's so energetic. She's curious and outgoing. She likes spooky things. She loves and respects her friends and family (even her loser brother, Max). She's an awesome Pokemon Coordinator. She's brave. She's kind. And her fashion sense is on point - coolest outfit in anime!