I've always noticed how the anime I'm watching tends to affect my actions a little bit, but recently it's become much more apparent. I've been watching Fruits Basket, whose main character is a very upbeat but ditzy character. To her, it seems as though if she can enjoy herself by making those around her happy then she can be happy too. I have always been a glass-half-empty type of person, yet since starting Fruits Basket, I've been able to be the life of the party. I was basically partying for 5 days straight and was able to maintain a positive attitude the entire time, despite constantly being around a lot of people (I'm a huge introvert), little sleep, and me being a typically negative person.
TL;DR - My life has been positively impacted due to me adapting traits from a show I was watching. Has this ever happened to anyone else? If so I'd love to hear some stories about it!
That's quite interesting! Personally, I haven't been effected by an anime to the point in which my actions consistently changed, but a few shows have made me more cognizant towards certain issues or aspects of human nature.
That's really cool that Fruits Basket was able to help you be happier!
In some ways, absolutely! Never so directly or strongly as you noted, but shows like Gurenn Lagann and the Mumen Rider Vs. Fish King scene from One Punch Man have been a huge factor in keeping my spirits up and hope alive over the past few months. My Roommate is a Cat was also a big part of, though in no way the only reason for, me getting back into the habit of communicating with other humans.
Some shows, like Land of the Lustrous, have been rattling around in my brain for years and I'm still working out why.
I think that's the power good art has, to leave an impact on you beyond the experience of just watching, looking at, or listening to, it