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Jun 20, 2016 1:44 PM

Apr 2016
1. Wow! Now they have gas shields? And they erase BEAMS?!?! Well, my suspension of disbelief is shattered. Did I forget to mention this is literally episode 1? (1 sin)
2. Glad to see that the only tech improvement within the last 5 years aside from beam destroying GAS, is the eject button! (1 sin)
3. So wait... Lockon said he had no family left after the bombing so many years ago. THEN WHY DOES HE HAVE A TWIN BROTHER?!?!?! (1 sin)
4. Apparently, they don't like speaking of each other. Lyle does t because he dosen't like being compared to him. How dumb. (1 sin)
5. Also, if he didn't want that, why didn't he change his hairstyle to not look identical? (1 sin)
6. Also, why did he take up the same occupation? (1 sin)
7. Also, why did Lockon not wanna talk about him? Meh, we'll never know. (1 sin)
8. Sooo, Louise is just crazy now? Just like that? No progression or reasonable start from season 1? Chicks be crazy. (1 sin)
9. So, the three world powers joined up to become one super military? How'd they pull THAT off?! (1 sin)
10. You mean to tell me that in 5 years we got our own miniboss squad? And they were never foreshadowed in season 1? This was a problem in Code Geass, but... wait. This is a problem with Studio Sunrise in general! (1 sin)
11. You mean, all you have to do to ditch your other personality is to get shot in the eye? (1 sin)
12. I guess not since he still appears from time to time, and no one acknowledges him. *3= (3 sins)
13. You mean to tell me, Marie, this critical girl, was never mentioned in Allelujah's backstory in season 1? It was already obvious enough to begin with, but it would at least give us something juicy for this season to resolve instead of a quick sequel bait in an already sequel bait season 1 ending. (1 sin)
14. Wait, so Nena did nothing working the span of 5 years aside from joining that one useless chick? Wow Nena. You better have some sort of secret plan for that revenge you wanted. (1 sin)
15. Welp. Guess not. (1 sin)
16. Wait. How'd she find her anyway?! They never knew where to find each other. (1 sin)
17. Wait Colonel Smirnov. You had a son? Why didn't you tell us?! (1 sin)
18. So, your son is an angsty asshole who's only personality is "let go of love and embrace your hatred" and has no character development. Wow. You must be disappointed. (1 sin)
19. I just realized. If they have this beam nullifying gas, why don't these people use it against Celestial Being more often? NO, SERIOUSLY!! It's only shown in like... 3 fights Literally, only three episodes! YOU HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY!!! IT EORKS AGAINST YOUR ENEMIES!!! USE IT!!!*22= (22 sins)
20. Wow Nena. You finally see the bastard you wanted to kill for 5 years now in revenge, but the moment he points a gun at you, you just let him be?! Try a little harder why don't 'ya?! (1 sin)
21. Wait. When Heling care gets cornered in episode 13 and the recap portion during episode 14,she downright leaves, but then appears in the very next shot after the recap attacking before leaving. Wut? (1 sin)
22. Wait, Nena. You mean to tell me, after spending 5 years away from the man you have an obvious crush on, you finally meet him again and give him important information, but when he rushes off, you don't try to follow him? Wow. (1 sin)
23. Come on, Setsuna! Just because Marina and those kids sing their little song from so far away, you waste your one chance to kill Saaches? Really?! (1 sin)
24. Also, how can he hear them from that far away with nothing but their voices? No microphones. No communication methods. Nothing! (1 sin)
25.So wait. So Ribbons piloted a Gundam 11 years ago just to get Setsuna to eventually become a Gundam meisters and kill him off months later, planning out every battle? Wow, Ribbons. You and Aizen from Bleach really need to have a chat. (1 sin)
26. So, in the THREE MINUTES you point the gun at Setsuna, at no point do you go "hmm. Maybe this is the perfect chance to kill him. He's a thorn in our side and he'll likely become our downfall if we let him leave."? (1 sin)
27. Didn't Season 1 establish that you have to be in relatively short (short for mechs anyway) range in order for people with quantum brainwaves to affect each other? How can Ribbons communicate with Anew from Earth when she's IN SPACE?! *4= (4 sins)
28. Apparently this Gundam Setsuna uses can have its particles create a temporary reality between the thought of people willing to share their thoughts depending on when the plot needs them to?! WHEN THE HELL WAS THIS ON THE TABLE?!?!?! *3= (3 sins)
29. Also, after Smirnov dies, Marie aka Soma Pieres goes back to a flanderized version of her season 1 self for the rest of the series? *FACEPALM* (1 sin)
30. I guess Tieria can disguise himself as a hot girl with ease? Whaaaaaaat theeeeeee fuuuuuuu... (1 sin)
31. Wow, no time to establish a romance until over halfway into the season and now Anew dies right in front of her lover Lyle? (1 sin)
32. Louise. You are putting your trust in Ribbons. RIBBONS! The man responsible for backstabbing his "children" and his "friend" and being a full blown chess master of life and manipulator of all those gullible enough? Wow. He didn't have to even convince you... You suck. *2= (2 sins)
33. So now, genetic quantum brainwaves come in pills. Not even surprised anymore. (1 sin)
34. Umm, Nena? What did blasting that space colony thing serve? No one died. Nothing happened at all, and not just to the people you now want dead. Hell, you even somehow sneak in there to shoot'em up. Just, what was the point? (1 sin)
35. *flatly* YAAAAAAY! Battle of vengeful hypocrite bitches! Yaaaaaaa- oh wait. Nena dies. *flatly* nooooooooooo- (1 sin)
36. Also, useless Wang Liu Mei is useless. (1 sin)
37. I forgot. For most of the middle of the season, they downright NEGLECT giving Allelujah any screen time! Wow guys! Wow! *4= (4 sins)
38. Also, it is shown that Nena is still using the exact same mech, but in side-material, they show that she actually had a slightly different Gundam Throne. (1 sin)
39. LOUISE, YOU IDIOT!!!!! THAT ISN'T EVEN THE RIGHT MECH GODDAMNIT!!!!! I know this was basically due to side material so it initially shouldn't count on the show itself but still, damn. (1 sin)
40. Wait. Ribbons can clone himself with Veda?! WHEN WAS THAT ON THE TABLE?!?!?! (1 sin)
41. So, when the giant F-YOU laser station fires, it's treated like it was the first time, yet when it reloads, we see two used beam shells behind the one that was just used. The damn thing fired TWICE?!?! WHEN?!?! Oh, you're not gonna tell us? Yeah. F-you too! (1 sin)
42. Now EVERYONE with quantum brainwaves can communicate. Even when they're dead. (I get it happened in Zeta but it was stupid then and its worse here) *5= (5 sins)
43. Except for Nena. Loser. (1 sin)
44. So, despite getting shot in the head, Tieria is still alive and active enough to merge his subconscious with Veda? (1 sin)
45. Also, when was Veda in the moon? It was always treated as something you could access from home or another ship if you had it with you. (1 sin)
46. So now, Feldt has feelings for Setsuna. Was that even neccessary given how she had no semblance of that beforehand? (1 sin)
47. Another ship bites the dust... It seems that almost every possible pair gets extinguished, rather peacefully or with someone dying. *7= (7 sins)
48. How does Patrick keep surviving? Even in season 1 he should have never made it that far. *2= (2 sins)
49. Where the hell did that Gundam Exia come from? (1 sin)
50. Who brought it? (1 sin)
51. There wasn't even a hint that someone should go and retrieve it! (1 sin)
52. Wasn't Exia stored with Celestial being? When did they throw it out?! (1 sin)
53. I forgot to mention. Why was Ms.Sumeragi so pathetic about being forced to join Celestial Being again at the beginning of the season? *4= (4 sins)
54. Why did Billy overreact so hard when he found out she was once working for his enemy? She was over that 4 years ago! *3= (3 sins)
55. By the end, he just sort of forgets what happened, as if it didn't matter in the first place. (1 sin)
56. Saji was such a little bitch about being forced to join Celestial Being up until the halfway point, but as soon has he sees Louise working for the enemy, he's suddenly perfectly understanding and willing to help. (1 sin)
57. How come when Nena's Gundam Throne blows up, if doesn't leave red particles like Johan's Gundam Throne did back in season 1? Throne Gundams are supposed to do that. (1 sin)
58. Soo...apparently there was a 4 month time skip. Why?! No seriously. What was the point of that?! I mean, this show is bad enough as it is, and you wanna pull an unnecessary time skip ther literally affects nothing at all involving characters or plot, making it feel even stupider and more arbitrary that the time skips in Sword Art Online?! Just... WHY?!?! (1 sin)
59. TRANS-AM was described in season 1 to be a mode that temporarily supercharges the power of a Gundam, but season 1 established that every time you use it, your Gundam gets worse afterwards. THEN WHY THE LIVING, BREATHING HELL DOES EVERYONE ON THE PROTAGONIST SIDE USE IT ALMOST EVERY GODDAMN EPISODE TO GET OUT OF ALMOST EVERY SITUATION?!?!?!?!?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING WRITERS?!?!?! *20= (20 sins)

Total anime sins: 127

Sentence: Messaged by painful quantum brain waves from thousands of miles away

CodeBlazeFateJun 7, 2017 3:36 AM
Nov 24, 2016 10:29 PM

Apr 2016
Turtles_Leader said:
1. Adding a tech is not a plothole. It's sci-fi. plus, since the beams work on GN particle, what so astonishing the guy who worked on GN particle for 200 years find a countermesure in 5 years.
2. how is it a plothole?
3. Last time I rewatched it, I was very attentive to that. He mention a brother once in one discussion with Feldt. plus we see see one memory scene with the 5 plates on the table, IIRC. Also, even if sub say family, he always says his father, mother and sister were killed.
4. Well, ok with this one. But that still not such a big problem. that something possible, family with bad relations.
5. you're totally right on this one.
6. Em, if you're talking about him accepting to be a Gundam Meister, he do it because he is already a member of Katharon, and he is some kind of mole at the beginning. If you talk about being against the government. Well, they kinda had the same story, so it's not impossible they followed a similar way, wanting to change the world.
7. ok with this.
8. Hem, that's not impossible. She saw her whole extended family murdered for no reason. I don't like her evolution neither, but that's still a plausible evolution.
9. Gundam in a nutshell. Never watch wing, the alliance sometime change 3 time under 5 episodes. How? you saw it during the first season. Now, yeah, you may not be a regular gundam viewer.
10. Do you mean the A-Laws? because they're forshadowed at end of season 1, since the conjoint attack, and the moment they recieve the GN Drive Tau. Plus this is a TITANS like organisation, so once again Gundam in a nutshell.
11 and 12. Actually, he only appears when the twin drive is on. It raises consciousness and boost quantum brain waves. I should rewatch it to give decide if it's a plothole or not. But let's say you're right for this one.
13. Don't remember well.
14. Well, It's one of CB supporters. They are the core of CB, they have the money. Without her, I don't how she could have done anything except sit and do nothing.
15. I don't get what you're talking about.
16. As CB always joined their supporters. It's not clearly explained, but it's not a plothole either.
17. ok on this one. On the other hand, we never really went on his background.
18. moderately ok. he is written to be the guy that follow his principes to the end. He freaking kill his father. I don't think the lack of change is a lack of developpment.
19. Ok with this one.
20. same
21. and same.
22. This is not a love story, dude.
23. I think it's more about him putting himself in question, but yeah, you're moderately right.
24. Ok with this one.
25. Well, Aeolia plan was to get human to innovation. Ribbons was a test pilot and an innovade. Obviously he wasn't going to be a master. At that time Ribbons could still follow the plan and not have his own agenda.
26. ok with this one
27. Season 2 also stated quantum brainwaves on humans created by the HLR are joke compared to innovades. But yeah, earth space seems too much. And isn't Ribbons on Celestial Being (the asteroid). The room where he is often seen is there. But it doesn't change, it's a long distance. But maybe with veda. Anyway, even if that's possible, it miss some informations.
28. Naked people in space. Gundam in nutshell.
29. Not really, more like a mix of the two. Which is logical. Nothing to do with gundam, but when Death Note does exactly what you said, nobody has nothing to say against it (for me it's one of the worse problems of DN)
30. ha ha ha ha. I'm with you there. But that was the weird kind of fun.
31. Gundam was never about love. Character that get the girl during the serie are only a handful. and generally it end bad. For the rest, I really liked this part. I don't think it's a plothole. it's sudden, but due to the circumstances, it's not weird.
32. She don't know that.
33. The pills are more tho treat the after effect of her modifications. it's said she was artificially enhanced, and also that was done rapidly, so she had after effects. that could also explain why her brain melted down.
34. ok with this one. Nena should have died in S1. She is useless.
35. don't know which fight you're talking about.
36. she always was but thought the contrary. That's the point of the character, the fact she realise that.
37. True that.
38. well it is different, no? anyway, in gundam, side materials are not canon. only the animated thing are. not the novels, not the mangas. Unicorn wasn't canon before the OVA. Crossbone is still not canon.
39. every time you talk about a fight without context, I'm lost.
40. just now. It was said they had a special link with veda, and could synchronize with it. There is also Tieria reaction when he is cut from it in S1. there are many clues, and this revelation is in the continuation of what we saw until then. It's called a plottwist. Maybe not a good one, but you can't say it's totally out of nowhere.
41. Well it's later shown firing in the other side. So maybe test? anyway, that's more an animation error than a plothole.
42. If I follow where we are, Setsuna can hear them it's because he's the guenine innovator, and innovator is about elevating one's own consciousness and communicating with each other. If you're talking about after he finished his innovation. It's due to the Trans-Am burst, linked to the twin drive, that provoked this phenomenom. It's still ok by Gundam standard (after all the Zeta Gundam takes power from dead people when it's sychronized with a Pure Newtype). Also, Neil voice is a memory, he doesn't talk for real. it's one of his last phrases in S1.
43. not revelant due to point 42.
44. you can also say he merged when he understood he was gonna get shot. But yeah, once again, it's a little too convenient, I'll go with you for that.
45. It's not on the moon, It's on Celestial Being, the asteroid ship. And it's his core that's there. the other thing are terminals. like you can access a server from your pc on the internet. Yeah, we don't get any expaination on the physics of how it's transmitted, but that's often the case in sci-fi. Hyperspace don't need to explain how it's works but only what it does. Same goes for Veda.
46. that's still don't make it a plothole. Plus I liked Feldt, and she deserved to be happy.
47. who are you talking about exactly?
48. because he is the invincible Colasour. (kind of ok, but still, that's a running gag)
49. From the ptolemy. At the begining of S2, Setsuna still uses the Exia, and CB does get it back. What's so weird about the fact they repaired it but didn't use it because his drive was used for the 00 (as the 0 gundam drive). the fact they brought it when the brought everything for the last battle is also not weird : they did also bring the 0 gundam. They just didn't use it yet because the only one that still was able to pilot a gundam was Lasse, and he took the 0 Gundam.
50. Sumeragi send it. What do you think she was talking about when she said "prepare the R2". On the official site, the wrecked Exia from the begining of the season was called the Exia R, for repaired.
51. As I said, they did bring the the gundam to try his drive on the 00. if it was totally destroyed or abandonned, I would agree with you, but here, it went back to CB.
52. No. Celestial being had many base, and none of the Ptolemy members knew about the Celestial Being Ship. No they used another base, maybe displaced so they wouldn't be found. Plus they build the 00 from scratch, since they found the plans inside the guenine GN Drive. So they had a base somewhere, euiped for reparations.
53. Because she failed, and Christina and I forget how he was called died because of that.
54. Self hate. The fact he gave her informations about the joint attack. And Pride, she used him at the time, used him when she felt bad. Sick kind of jealousy. She left him to go back to CB.
55. I think you missed the point. He just let his resentment about her go, that mainly what push him during the whole S2. I still think it's perfectly ok.
56. ok with that
57. Do every MS with a GN drive Tau does that in S2? if yes, it's an error of animation. If no, maybe a new version of the GN Drive Tau.
58. You talk about the epilogue? so for you, 5 years is not enough for creating an alliance, but 5 month time skip to show what happened is too long? It's an epilogue, it's a show about war, of course we need some time to show how thing evolved. Code Geass did the same. It's not useless at all.
59. Kinda agree with you, it's supposed to be a double edged sword. but at the end the second edge of the sword is pretty much not so present. But it's not used that much. and often by both part at the same time. so they both got the same problem.

So in the end, many things are details, not plotholes. Yeah S2 is not as good as S1, but it's not that bad.
Dude, there's a difference between a plothole and something dumb and unexplained. This season has mixed of both, but dumb things and dumb decisions aren't the same as plotholes.

1. How the hell is this allowed to work? GAS that dedtroys BEAMS?! That is the most ridiculous concept I've seen in a Gundam anime to date.
2. Joke entry. Still, it's weird how this is the Gundam that takes advantage of an eject button.
3. Interesting. Still, very little foreshadowing there and could easily be seen as coming outta left field.
4. Somewhat minor, I know, but at least we can agree that this is dumb.
5. Thanks.
6. I should've worded that better. Why take up the same exsct role as him? Couldn't he have chosen NOT to be a Gundam sniper? After all, he doesn't wanna becompated with his brother and his brother did just that.
7. As in you're ok with this being a sin or this being allowed to pass?
8. Not given the emotional trajectory she went in during season 1. Given thet, she should be far more depressed than crazy.
9. Man, I'm kinda surprised at how much flak Wing gets. Is it really that bad? Nope. We didn't see it. Still, part odd observation that feels weird, and part joke.
10. When we're the foreshadowed? Please tell me.
11 + 12. Alright then.
13. She just flat out wasn't in the backstory until the very last episode of season 1 to give us one late hook for season 2.
14. I think you're referring to Wang. Nena's probably broke as far a we know. IT'S Wang that provides financial support and is rich.
15. I meant that Nena should've been working in a revenge plot given how these things go and given how much time she had, but I guess not.
16. They didn't explain it at all. Did Wang even know where Nena was?
17. Alright then. Still, they probably should've alluded to it that way it didn't come outta left field.
18. Did he ever even realize the ramifications of his actions like killing his dad? Did he decide to become a remotely better person? No. If he even realized that he may have been wrong and slowly stated becoming a bit better towards the end to redeem himself a little, then I'dve been fine.
19. As in you're ok with the series doing this? I cannot be fine with this. They got this tech that is effective at messing with CB, so they should have he brains to use it more often.
20. Still, a failure on Nena's part.
21. I'm not ok with this, as this is a full blown error.
22. Dude, she loved him. She should've at least went back to get him. I mean, she had nothing better to do. Besides, if she did, in hindsight, Saaches would be dead, as not only would he have to deal with Setsuna (in which Setsuna almost killed him) but he would've had to deal with a raging Nena that would be relentless, meaning that at least one of them would've killed him. Then again, this is all in hindsight.
23. Alright then.
24. Somewhat minor, but worth addressing nonetheless.
25. You clearly missed the point of that one. The point was about Ribbons effectively sending the protagonist to a new life in which they would eventually be at odds. It's like Aizen from Bleach from what I've heard.
26. It's one of those clichés that bothers me the more I think about it rationally.
27. See? Even you're not entirely sure how they can justify this one. I swear, season 2's writing is careless. More on that later.
28. More like SEED in a nutshell.
29. Nah. She abandons all personalities of Marie, and becomes a less interesting Soma. It's worse how abrupt the shift is.
30. Still, this was one of the weirder things I've seen in Gundam.
31. I'm criticizing the pacing about the tragic love story between the two. Seriously, it's like whiplash. Ka-pow.
32. Still, this has got to be the easiest person Ribbons manipulated. In all fairness, she didn't know that stuff, but still, man it was easy to get her on board into the clearly evil side.
33. Stated to be quantum brain waves, making it easier for Ribbons to get into contact with her.
34. This was just a worthless decision on her part. I simply wish that she and her brothers were better characters in season 1. Also, she's far more useful than 90% of the cast in Second Season, even more so than Allelujah, due to how criminally underutilized he is this season.
35. Nena vs Louise.
36. Wait wut? When has she ever realized that she was useless?
37. RIP Allelujah's screen time.
38. Side-material can be cannon if directly stated to be. Just because it's not adapted into anime form doesn't mean it's non-cannon. That isn't a notion that I can agree with to say the least. That's like saying that tie-ins aren't cannon. They are in terms of the universe of the series, but they don't necessarily affect anything involving the series, except in this case. Turns out that this mech was hand-crafted to counter Saaches should she face him again.
39. That wasn't even a fight. I was referring to how she thought that Nena's Gundam Throne was the same model when it's actually different thanks to info mentioned earlier.
40. What? Ribbons cloning? That's not even much of a plot twist. It doesn't change the game in any way. It just means that Ribbons will be effectively be harder to truly kill. Still, when ea ether in the table?
41. Maybe it was the animation' fault, but it effectively is a plothole due to what it contradicts. Still, at least we agree that we can blame the animation team on this one.
42. To be perfectly honest, I cannot buy into the newtypes either. It just feels implausible all things considered. If they did it there, I will dock points in those series too.
43. Relevant because given all of this, why is SHE the only one who doesn't get to say anything when even Anew was allowed to talk despite being dead.
44. Not to mention that they didn't make that clear. Didn't look like he did that.
45. I guess they didn't communicate that well to us. It looked like they were going into the moon. Even dull, where exactly is that ship? If it's in space, how can they arrive there from Earth so quickly? This raises new problems. No, you cannot compare that with hyperspace, due to this reason.
46. When did I ever call it a plothole? Never. Just because it's a moment of awkward writing, doesn't mean it's a plothole unless it directly conflicts with the logic of the show and other events and etc. prior to the event. I'm just saying that is odd seeing her randomly without progression, fall for Setsuna.
47. I should've made that clear. If memory and context clues serve, maybe I was referring to Setsuna and Feldt? Maybe in the movie the end up together? Dunno.
48. More like Sunrise being Sunrise.
49. Doesn't answer my question. Where was it? If someone in CB had it, where did they retrieve it from? They pulled that thing from a clearly unknown location.
50. Really? Also, R2? I don't remember this dialogue at all. (Avoiding both a Code geass joke and a Star Wars joke at the same time).
51. Still. Where was it? Who in CB had it with them and where did they store it? It's that lack of context that crushes this anime for me.
52. Well, they knew as little as we did given that we knew nothing about where these other bases were. This is why context and explanations are important.
53. Even still, it's really not like her. Again, lack of context and progression makes this hard to swallow. This is why I get worried when a series uses a time skip. Because stuff like this can happen.
54. Still, a crazy overreaction when she didn't even know that he was an enemy. Besides, after all this time, you'd think they'd be told each other and have probably been cool about it after that at some point. You know, if they actually used the time skip decently (like maybe, skip about 6 months), stuff like this would be a lot more believable and acceptable.
55. It's so damn abrupt after everything and he just ditched that to become a bland and blind devotee of Ribbons, which is so unlike him.
56. I'm not ok with the suddenness of it all. These things are so sudden that I fail to see how anyone can classify this as actually acceptable drama.
57. Only the Throne models do that, at least, they're supposed to.
58. No. One of my friends informed me that there was a time skip in the middle of season 2. If so, what was the point of it? This show has the absolute worst use of time skips I've seen in any anime to date.
59. It's used constantly; there is at least one CB member using it in every fight minus the first one, and there are a lot of fights. They use it constantly, and the more they do, the more the violate the rules of the Trans-am system in the first place.

You seem to misunderstand me. I'm not saying that all of these are plot holes. I'm saying that almost everything here is an error in terms of writing, weather that be in the character department or the story department. Honestly, this show was lucky to get a 5 and it was close to a 4. It's pretty bad, especially compared to season 1.
Nov 25, 2016 10:09 AM

Apr 2016
Turtles_Leader said:
I'll go come back to some point later, but everytime I say ok with this one, means yeah, it's a problem.
Alright then. You said you're rewatching it right. Care to count every time someone uses TRANS-AM? Never once does anyone suffer repercussions for doing so, but nonetheless, do you think you'll be able to do that?
Sep 27, 2017 4:06 PM

Feb 2016
CodeBlazeFate said:
Turtles_Leader said:
I'll go come back to some point later, but everytime I say ok with this one, means yeah, it's a problem.
Alright then. You said you're rewatching it right. Care to count every time someone uses TRANS-AM? Never once does anyone suffer repercussions for doing so, but nonetheless, do you think you'll be able to do that?
Or how many times Marina looks in the void and says "Satsuna!!" :v
Aug 14, 2018 1:29 PM

Sep 2017
OP, how are you able to write walls of text?

Aug 14, 2018 1:38 PM

Apr 2016
DepravedMagi said:
OP, how are you able to write walls of text?

One can never underestimate the determination of a passionate autist dissecting media
Aug 14, 2018 1:40 PM

Sep 2017
CodeBlazeFate said:
DepravedMagi said:
OP, how are you able to write walls of text?

One can never underestimate the determination of a passionate autist dissecting media

>Allelujah not having screentime
Aug 14, 2018 2:07 PM

Apr 2016
DepravedMagi said:
CodeBlazeFate said:
One can never underestimate the determination of a passionate autist dissecting media

>Allelujah not having screentime
Yea he was one of the better characters and he got fucking shafted this season
Oct 9, 2018 1:37 PM

Sep 2017
CodeBlazeFate said:
DepravedMagi said:

>Allelujah not having screentime
Yea he was one of the better characters and he got fucking shafted this season

Edit: Nah, only Hallelujah was shafted, Allelujah got less screentime, but he wasn't completely shafted. He's not as good as he is in combat without Hallelujah. All that screentime wasted on useless Marina and Shinji wannabe Saji should've went to alle and halle.
Oct 9, 2018 2:22 PM

Apr 2016
DepravedMagi said:
CodeBlazeFate said:
Yea he was one of the better characters and he got fucking shafted this season

Edit: Nah, only Hallelujah was shafted, Allelujah got less screentime, but he wasn't completely shafted. He's not as good as he is in combat without Hallelujah. All that screentime wasted on useless Marina and Shinji wannabe Saji complete went to alle and halle.
Allelujah was entirely shafted due to the conplite dearth of screen time he has after that terrible arc. Hallelujah was suppose to be dead (or just no longer a personality Allelujah had) in the season 1 finale, so them just haphazardly bringing him back was dumb. Ultimately Allelujah was downright irrelevant in season 2, especially after that awful arc.

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Poll: » Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season Episode 25 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 )

TechnicsMKII - Mar 27, 2009

227 by LotteGiants »»
Mar 1, 10:00 AM

Poll: » Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season Episode 21 Discussion ( 1 2 )

psygol - May 29, 2009

50 by LotteGiants »»
Mar 1, 4:39 AM

Poll: » Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season Episode 20 Discussion

kage-bunshin - May 20, 2009

38 by LotteGiants »»
Mar 1, 4:27 AM

Poll: » Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season Episode 19 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

TechnicsMKII - Feb 13, 2009

111 by LotteGiants »»
Mar 1, 12:32 AM

Poll: » Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season Episode 18 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

TechnicsMKII - Feb 7, 2009

130 by LotteGiants »»
Mar 1, 12:06 AM
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