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Jul 13, 2022 5:12 AM

Nov 2018
    Kirarachin said:
    I really hate that I found this space so late, and I hate that I'm an adult who needs to work LOL, because there are so many things about Arata I want to write about,
    You have no idea how much this is me & my never ending frustrations since I started my job too!

    it's a shame really, I started so many threads about so many things regarding Arata and I couldn't finish any :(

    But you are right, I think sensei found herself in the middle of so many stories that she already started about the people in Tokyo specifically so she didn't want to start anything else about the people from Fukui including Arata, it's a shame.

    And I would love to read such analysis about Arata's family because I personally don't think that Arata got the best of families and/or was blessed with a "way-better" environment than Taichi's (even Chihaya by the way), I think, if sensei wanted to write sad stories about all of their families then it was very possible because they are all packed with suitable material.

    I forgot to share that in yesterday's streaming (as I read from a Japanese thread) a fan asked sensei who she liked more "Arata or Taichi" (I saw the question in the comment section, it's a Taichi fan who named themselves "Chihayaburu 17") and sensei answered that all the characters are the same for her, that she doesn't have any particular feelings for any of the characters, they're all just characters. That she likes Taichi, Chihaya, Arata & Nikuman-kun for example the same.
    She also said that Arata will come to Tokyo and that he seems to be a strong drinker xD
    she also said that Sumire's love doesn't come true but she is proud of her because she didn't run away from it and decided to hold onto it instead
Jul 14, 2022 12:10 AM
Jan 2022
And I would love to read such analysis about Arata's family because I personally don't think that Arata got the best of families and/or was blessed with a "way-better" environment than Taichi's (even Chihaya by the way), I think, if sensei wanted to write sad stories about all of their families then it was very possible because they are all packed with suitable material.

You know, now I feel motivated to write :D I will try to find time!
I agree that all three of them have family issues. Actually, I think Arata and Chihaya's families are similar, with parents that are friendly and well-meaning but essentially focused on someone else: Hajime cast a long shadow over the Wataya family, whereas the Ayase family revolved around Chitose (especially in the beginning).

That's partly why Arata and Chihaya's meeting is so powerful: two kids who were used to being overlooked, suddenly found each other and truly saw each other. Whereas Taichi had the opposite problem, his mum was hyper-focused on him, I think that's why he's more self-aware than the other two.

Aaaaahhhh so much food for thought!

By the way, @MashimaTaichi_, sorry to be a pain, but could you please explain a bit the comment you posted in Japanese in the 'One Mashima Taichi' thread? *puppy eyes*
I used Google Translate but I feel I couldn't understand very well, so I'm curious about it!

Also, thank you for sharing the info from the stream! Glad to know sensei doesn't have favourites, and knowing that Arata will definitely go to Tokyo and is a strong drinker makes me really curious! I really want to read about his adventures in Tokyo.
Jul 14, 2022 3:07 AM

Nov 2018
    Agreed on verything you said about the families. Looking forward to read what you have to write but no pressure, only write when you feel like it!

    I also love what you said about how Chihaya's & Arata's meeting is powerful, I agree. it's like they both had this position in the family that is not really about themselves, Hajime sensei took care of Arata but being the grandson of an active eternal meijin, I know that he felt pressure from the start even as a side character in Hajime's life, and with the conflicts between his father & grandfather, he must have been watching from the side trying to be a good son (we saw him try the sports his dad told him to try despite loving karuta, he tried to please his father at the expense of \ht he himself wanted so as I said, he was like a mere side character in the story of his family like Chihaya was in her family too. That's why I freaking love when Chihaya told Taichi that Arata won't lose to anyone when it comes to karuta and he froze with these words after he was trying to let it go, it's like Chihaya's words suddenly set him as a main character and he felt alive, the same happened to Chihaya, she was nothing but her sistsr's shadow, but then Arata told her she can become the best in the world and she became the main character of her life in her eyes too.
    yes, so strong!!

    For the comment, it's not anything important but ofc I'll gladly help with anything you want to know,
    here is a translation of the comment (as I said, not very important, but my view of Taichi is not like MOST fans so when I read something close to my views, it's nice xD)

    I think Taichi's good deeds are more of a "can't leave them alone" kind of thing.
    Something like a "caretaker"?
    helping Arata find a karuta club, or helping to start a Mizusawa karuta club. are some examples.
    His actions may benefit Arata (as in he wouldn't want it, or wouldn't necessarily aim to help him), but he can't leave just him alone (as in, it's in Taichi's nature to be bothered by someone lacking something so he naturally helps but it doesn't mean that he necessarily WANTS to benefit that person, it's just in the flow of doing what he does)
    That's Taichi's virtue, and people around him love him for it.
    He's already balanced what he's done with what he's getting in return.
    He was rejected by Chihaya because of his cowardly acts, twisted attitude, and lack of passion.
    That's also balanced.

    Finally, you are welcome, I'm also glad she said she doesn't favor any character though I don't bye this xD, she definitely wanted Chihaya to be voted for more than any other character in the last poll as she is the heroine and favoring her means that she succeeded in unifying readers' povs regarding a protagonist which is hard to achieve for a mangaka, And I also believe that she likes to draw Taichi more than many other characters because the nature of his character gives her a chance to be creative in trying many different things, actions and reactions, writing and drawing, it's a rich element of the manga an I definitely think that mangakas enjoy being able to be creative.
    I also have a feeling that Arata is not ordinary to her because he is not ordinary in the world of "characters" (don't ask me to explain more I just have this feeling lol)
Jul 14, 2022 9:47 AM

Feb 2019

Hi guys, I know that I should be focusing on my studies right now but I couldn't stop myself
I made a new edit of my new meijin
check it out
look at it well
and take in that handsome face and that beautiful stare and those deep eyes and get drunk!!
may the last chapter be the happiest for us all
wish me more good luck now
Jul 15, 2022 1:03 PM

Nov 2018
iNameless_ said:

Hi guys, I know that I should be focusing on my studies right now but I couldn't stop myself
I made a new edit of my new meijin
check it out
look at it well
and take in that handsome face and that beautiful stare and those deep eyes and get drunk!!
may the last chapter be the happiest for us all
wish me more good luck now
We missed you being here and we certainly missed your wonderful edits but get out of here, leave, go finish what you have to finish then come back to write those long analysis & comments!
thank you for the edit
and I really wish you the best of luck!
Jul 16, 2022 1:33 PM

Nov 2018
    I wonder if this is accurate:

    Mrs. Inokuma has a model.
    I'm glad to know that the depth of Chihaya is good because of Mrs. Inokuma's influence. It was good for Chihaya's depth.

    Taichi's mother is very proud, so her husband is very nice.
    Taichi respects his father.
    Taichi is not interested in food.

    I was thinking of the story as Chihaya's challenge to Shinobu, so I had decided that much, but not the winner.

    I knew that a luck of the draw in the final battle would be good.
    It took 50 volumes for Chihaya to reach the battle of destiny against Shigenobu.

    Since I used "chiha" at the beginning of the first volume, I needed to use other special cards for the battle of destiny.

    Arata was already decided to go to the Meijin tournament.

    I don't have any feelings for the characters, even though people say "the author likes Taichi" when he is or is not in a terrible situation.
    I like everyone.
    I think it is because there are many people who think about Taichi.
    Of course, there are other characters as well.
    I feel that I don't make my works by myself.

    Sumire's love is a pure love that will never come true. She is a girl who looks forward to the future.
    Sumire is a girl who doesn't run away from fun love and doesn't easily be swayed by those who say they love her.

    Taichi is the first person Sumire has fallen in love with. Taichi became the first person Sumire fell in love with.

    Eromu has no girlfriend. (My dark self is glad for this)

    I want to draw Rion and Makoto's first encounter.

    I wonder what kind of college student Arata will be in Tokyo.

    The work I admire and the work that made me who I am are two different things.

    I haven't decided on a spin-off yet. Should it be a fun story or a story that predicts the future?

    49, The cover will be sunrise, Ren (lotus), and Taichi.

    After the Queen's competition, the examinations are waiting for us.
    It is not realistic to expect all of them to be accepted.
    If they fail, it will be either Nikuman-kun or Chihaya. OH.MY.GOD!!!
    Kana-chan and Desktomu-kun are not likely to fail.

    Also this comment:
    In the extra four-panel omake in volume 49, Hyoro-kun says, "The route for Sudo-san to become stronger is for Wataya to win. The only way is for the disciples to go for revenge.
    I guess Sudo-san will be treated as a disciple after all.


    Also, isn't this cute? even as just mere illustrations sensei didn't forget to make Sumire chan throw loving glances at the cute Taichi above (and someone said as expected Chihaya wasn't drawn in that setting because Chihaya's feelings for Taichi are different from Sumire's and this reminds me of when Taichi started singing in the karaoke battle, all the girls looked at him blushing except for Chihaya)

    only 14 days till the last chapter ...

MashimaTaichi_Jul 17, 2022 3:42 AM
Jul 17, 2022 5:10 AM
Jan 2022
@iNameless_ Rawaa-chaaaaan! *hugs* So nice to hear from you! Thank you for posting the edit, it's so lovely! Hope your studies are going well!

@MashimaTaichi_ Thank you so much for all the updates, and for explaining a bit more about the Taichi comment in Japanese, makes a lot more sense now. I really don't agree with the last line lol I don't think the reason Taichi was rejected has to do with Taichi himself, I think he was rejected because Chihaya loves Arata :D
But, overall, I agree with the comment, Taichi's had his mean moments but I think he is overall a kind person, because there's also kindness in the 'can't leave people alone' attitude. But yes, he definitely gets rewarded from it as well. I have a really hard time understanding the whole 'Taichi is a poor victim' narrative that some fans try to spin...

Thank you as well for the info re: sensei's stream. Not gonna lie, the 'I feel that I don't make my works by myself' scares me: does that mean she lets others influence the course of the story? :/
Apart from that, most things make sense, though I am a bit sad for Sumire, I thought it would be cute if she and Taichi were to get together in the future. But I guess she is a character that really exemplifies the idea that you don't have to 'win' in order for something to be worth it. I still think she's the character that understands Taichi the best.

Arata being set to be the Meijin challenger has been so obvious since the beginning! I really don't understand people who thought otherwise. I also agree with what you said about Arata is perhaps not as easy as Taichi (and maybe Chihaya) to draw and develop. He is certainly not your usual male lead: he is shy and awkward, but also extremely bold at times. He is calm, but also crazy lol, he is quiet but also straightforward and doesn't mince words. He is chill but also extremely passionate. There's so much to him and I just feel sorry for people who won't take time to really pay attention to him and appreciate him, they're really missing out :)
Jul 19, 2022 2:54 AM

Nov 2018
    Kirara, first thank you for sharing Haley's amazing thread. lol I once again feel sad for my limited English cause I would have written threads like these more often because that's how I also read the chapter but there is no way I could summarize my thoughts in such organized and optimized way so all thanks to them and you for sharing.
    That said, this is why I insisted on the "by our side" translation instead of "by my side" which kind of excludes Arata, it shouldn't because Suetsugu sensei did that before where she used one character's inner monologue to tell us about the feelings of a group like when Taichi was thinking: "what's this burning feeling" we all knew that's how he, Nishida & Komano were thinking all together but alas, some fans actually took the "by my side" as a exclusive ChihayaxTaichi moment saying that it's a response to Shinobu's question which card is by Chiha's side? but that's just limited reading if you ask me, it's true that Shinobu might have concluded that Tachi & Chiha are special for being only between Chihaya & Taichi but what the next panels were doing is that they corrected Shinobu's kind of conclusion by adding Arata in the scene and finally, Nishida made the right conclusion, Tachi is next to Chiha and Chihaya & Arata are also moving like the second half of the triangle, the whole thing makes team Chihayafuru.

    Sharing the thread here, I assume I can share in in Aratafuru FB group?

    I just wanted to add this concerning your pov about why Taichi was rejected, do you think, if Chihaya didn't have feelings for Arata, she would have considered Taichi?
    this is something I never thought about but you might be right, what made Chihaya give her answer right away, is remembering Arata's confession so she kind of knew that she wanted that instead of Taichi's. But I can't imagine her accepting him, maybe she would have been surprised and unsure what to say, Taichi would have told her to take her time and just consider him and then Chihaya either becomes conscious of him or just gets absorbed in karuta and he will have to be more assertive or Kana will do her best to keep reminding her? dunno..

    For sensei, she kept saying that she doesn't create the work by herself many times in the past sometimes referring to fans supporting her sometimes the characters moving on their own, like when she said that she started the manga planning that Arata wins his first match vs Chihaya by taking all 25 cards but Chihaya showed her the determination to take SE, that's how she realized that Chihaya is alive on her own and she will be the one dictating her story on sensei and not the opposite (you are free to understand this the way you want because realistically, does it make sense to take it literally?

    What you said about Smire is so true. I personally never looked at her love as something including Taichi, it was always hers and I never expected sensei to make it happen, sensei doesn't patch things up just like that, I believe that even open endings, incomplete stories can make sense for her and carry a great message so yes.

    Arata being set to be the Meijin challenger has been so obvious since the beginning! I really don't understand people who thought otherwise. I also agree with what you said about Arata is perhaps not as easy as Taichi (and maybe Chihaya) to draw and develop. He is certainly not your usual male lead: he is shy and awkward, but also extremely bold at times. He is calm, but also crazy lol, he is quiet but also straightforward and doesn't mince words. He is chill but also extremely passionate. There's so much to him and I just feel sorry for people who won't take time to really pay attention to him and appreciate him, they're really missing out :)
    I was actually reading a bit in the Japanese thread and the amount of hate I found for Arata was!
    And when anyone tries to explain why they hate him, I feel like they either never tried to understand him or they just read a different manga.
    But you are right, he is not your typical male lead, and as I said, he is unusual. It's a real shame they won't be able to taste & enjoy this part of Chihayafuru.
Jul 20, 2022 12:00 AM
Jan 2022
@MashimaTaichi_, yes, please feel free to share Haley's analysis on Aratafuru, if you haven't done it already! I'm glad you enjoyed the analysis, although don't be so hard on yourself, I think your English is very good and I always enjoyed reading your thoughts as well :)

I generated a big controversy on the Chihayafuru subreddit by going against grain and advocating for the 'by our side' translation hwuwjduejduejdu, honestly, Haley's analysis and the fact that sensei liked it, made me feel vindicated. It really shows that panelling does matter, and even though we see things from Chihaya's POV most of the chapter, the visual composition indicates that Arata is feeling the same, and they were acting like a unit and synchronised, as Nishida pointed out. Therefore, it's a trio chapter not a Taichihaya chapter like many people are saying.

Furthermore, I personally don't think Shinobu and Chihaya's thoughts were connected in that moment, Shinobu was thinking about the cards in historic terms, and Chihaya (like Arata) was thinking about her personal experience. For me fact that Shinobu was happy to keep Se, and wondering whether Chihaya could be as lonely as her, and then Chihaya grins, Shinobu realised they were not thinking the same, that's why she got annoyed lol Apparently the 'proof' that their thoughts were connect, according to some people, is the fact that Shinobu's realisation is followed by Chihaya's, but personally I think this in itself is not proof since sensei often alternates POVs during a match.

I just wanted to add this concerning your pov about why Taichi was rejected, do you think, if Chihaya didn't have feelings for Arata, she would have considered Taichi?

That's a really good question. I think what made the confession/rejection especially painful for Taichi was the fact that Arata was the massive elephant in the room, and it was the thought of Arata that made Chihaya turn him down immediately, and Taichi knew it. So, without that, I would say at the very least Chihaya would have probably not answered the confession straightway, which could have soften the blown for Taichi - it's better to get rejected knowing that you at least have been considered, rather than being rejected on the spot because the person you like is thinking of someone else.

Yesterday sensei tweeted about the retirement of figure skating legend Yuzuru Hanyu, saying that she has been following Yuzuru's career since he was a junior. I know it seems that this has nothing to do with Chihayafuru, but hear me out lol
As a figure skating fan, I always saw some parallels between Yuzuru and Arata: Yuzuru, like Arata, started at age four and was drawn into the sport by a family member (his sister). Like Arata, Yuzuru experienced personal tragedy and trauma at a very young age (survived an earthquake) and was traumatised and had to stop for a bit, but eventually was pushed back to the sport by the people who loved him. Yuzuru's skating is known by being flowy and seamless and he is excellent in all the basics and extremely balanced, just like Arata's karuta. Yuzuru is completely dedicated to skating and even focused his university studies on skating, the same as Arata wants to focus his studies karuta when he starts university.
I can't say if sensei directly copied some aspects of Yuruzu career (probably not), but it does show to me that Arata's journey, his absolute dedication to the sport, and the level of skill he displays are completely realistic when you think of Olympics-level athletes. Perhaps that's why he's not quite as relatable, I believe, this is not an experience that's accessible to most people.
KiraraChinJul 20, 2022 12:36 AM
Jul 21, 2022 7:06 AM

Nov 2018
    I generated a big controversy on the Chihayafuru subreddit by going against grain and advocating for the 'by our side' translation hwuwjduejduejdu
    lol yeah, I hear that you are the public enemy number one there haha
    And I agree, it's completely trio focused, if there is anything between Chihaya & Taichi alone, it'll happen without Arata or with Arata clearly pushing the narrative to that direction.
    You are also right, those were Shinobu's thoughts regarding the cards and from the author at that point it was half the idea, the rest of it is when Arata is added to the panels there to make Shinobu's thoughts what it is, an incomplete information, Taichi was by Chihaya's side but for the whole trio the full info is: Taichi was by his two friends' side in many forms too and both will decide in this crucial moment based on this."

    I checked the Japanese forum and it surprised me to find out that so many (Taichi) fans believed that when Chihaya started breathing like Harada sensei taught he, Arata looked at her, he was watching her as she welcomed Taichi's arrival with her hand and that gave them this stubborn belief that his reaction (Arata looked surprised) is a proof that Arata realized Chihaya's feelings for Taichi and how she was completely engrossed in the world where only him and her existed and that's why lot of them believe that Arata will step back and let Chihaya go to Taichi.. Many fans believed this (I wonder about non Japanese fans?)
    But Checking the chapter again, Arata wasn't even facing Chihaya, and it was like I saw it from the start (Chihaya saw Harada sensei among the audience, she TURNED towards the audience in general and where he was TO SHOW HIM RESPECT that's why Harada sensei's face (and Tsuuboguchi's) lit up, Arata turned at the same time towards the sliding door which was behind the audience and saw Taichi at the same time, he didn't see Chihaya and they sent their cards at the same time he didn't wait to see what Chihaya sent to copy her, he didn't see her breathing and hands, it was a completely parallel movement where both (like in many other cases before) acted together.
    The paneling is really important yes.

    Thank you for your answer about Taichi's confession, i think what you said makes sense yes.

    And thank you very much for all the info on this skating player (I am an illiterate when it comes to it lol)
    it's interesting really and I agree, again I'll call Arata unusual and I agree, people on the top or where no everyone can be are hard to relate to.
Jul 21, 2022 11:01 PM
Jan 2022
lol yeah, I hear that you are the public enemy number one there haha

LMAO yeah, I've always been disliked there for being a vocal Arata stan, but people were REALLY angry when I said that different people can see chapter 246 in different ways and that to me it reads like a trio chapter. Go figure huedkdiekdiel

I also think this theory that Arata was looking at Chihaya doing the breathing exercises makes no sense because of the seating arrangement - he was seating with his back to her, so in order to look at Chihaya he'd have to twist completely to look behind him and we don't see that happening in the chapter lol To me it's clear that they both looked to the door/audience when Taichi came and arrived at the same decision separately, without looking at each other.

If you think about it, it's crazy. They started off the Queen/Meijin matches a bit awkward, carrying a lot of emotional baggage, and throughout the course of the five matches they managed to face their own issues, help each other and connect to each other in the same way they did in childhood, ending up the match in complete synch. I really don't understand those people who say their relationship has no basis or no development, because to me the whole the final arc has been about Chihaya and Arata getting closer, physically and emotionally, and showing that despite the years of separation, they are still strongly connected through their shared passion.
Jul 22, 2022 11:07 AM

Nov 2018
    Yeah, speaking about the Queen/Meijin matches as the final arc, I created a poll in Aratafuru bc I was curious how much would anyone rate it out of five stars?
    I gave it 3 stars and for an initial idea this is why as I write there:
    First of all, tbh, I don't have an arc that I'd give 5/5, my best arc is 4/5 so this arc which has lot of Arata & lot of grown and strong Chihaya are good but not as good as the ones I preferred before though my most favorite chapter IS in this last arc but I think some things felt lacking to me despite enjoying what is actually there. I especially wanted to see some different things about Arata, and despite what the general readers say, Taichi's role is still far from satisfying, I wanted to see more of Shinobu, tbh I would have preferred if the focus Suo got was rather given to Shinobu but I'm not complaining, Suo was left as the last boss with very little light shed on his real feelings so I understand the spotlight he was given. What I absolutely love though is Sudo's performance, I enjoyed the technical aspect of the karuta games too (which I believe are overlooked by many fans) so all in all is just a little bit less good than the parts I rated as 4/5. I have moments I rate as 5/5 but they are not close to complete arcs with distinct theme but more like small pieces of the arc (Arata's role in ch226 for example) .
    So what about you Kirara chan?
    Also I wanted to know what you think, the number of sold copies for Chihayafuru isn't going up that much and I personally think it's expected because it's running for 15 years and in general manga is doomed to be less interesting with time and adding to it the fact that it's a monthly manga just makes people decide to stop reading till the end. I saw fans who said that even among western readers but even I expected more fans to come back to reading Chihayafuru now that the end is announced, even Taichi fans, it's widely stated that lot of them left around ch205 when Taichi lost to Arata but they aren't returning. Some Arata fans also said that they left after volume 17 and they just came back so why are the sales not getting better?
    Is it because fans are not interested in buying the volumes after reading monthly in BeLove?
Jul 22, 2022 11:56 PM
Jan 2022
So what about you Kirara chan?

I actually really like the last arc, and it's probably my fave :D I'd give 4/5 stars, this is why:

1- Arata! Just his presence is enough for me to give a star, regardless of anything lol

2- The art. Sensei's art has always been pretty, but my god, it's absolutely stunning now and to me this last arc has the prettiest visuals and the most gorgeous panels overall.

3- The karuta. As someone who always enjoyed the sports manga aspect of the story, and also appreciates IRL obscure sports lol, I was really amazed by the level of skill and also the final arc is the one that made me think 'ok, this is really how top-level sport is like'. I enjoyed the earlier parts of the manga, but a lot of it was cute, fluffy sport while the final arc shows sport like it really is, full of pain, sacrifice and loneliness. I know a lot of people didn't like the final arc precisely for this reason lol but to me it was nice seeing an accurate depiction of what it's really like to be at the top.

4- Character development: The main theme of the final arc is 'Face yourself' and I thought this was nicely done in relation to all four players, and I also appreciate the fact that the four of them got the spotlight in relatively equal share. The all had a lot of unpack emotionally and it's really nice to look back and see how far they've come. I know a lot of fans would have liked to see more spotlight on Taichi, but personally I feel Taichi already got a beautiful arc dedicated to him, so it's fair enough that he's been on the sidelines now so other characters can grow, too.

The bit that would get -1 for me is perhaps the pacing, it felt quite slow at times especially in the early chapters of the arc. But I also wonder if the final arc would feel better paced if you read it in one go as opposed to one chapter per month.

I'm now curious @MashimaTaichi_, what's your favourite arc and why? :)

About the sales numbers, I agree with you, Chihayafuru is a really long manga and it's hard to keep on reading especially on a monthly basis. Also, it's not a manga that lends itself very well to casual reading, because although the plot itself is very straightforward (a girl and her dream to be Queen), the narrative style is very intricate, full of symbolism, poems and also internal references so if you don't remember what happened before, your might not understand certain developments. So I think for a lot of people it feels like a series that requires a certain investment in time, which not everyone can or wants to do.

But also, I think a lot of these readers who dropped the manga, are probably waiting to see which boy (if any) will be the endgame lol If their favourite boy is chosen, I'm sure they will come back and read/buy the volumes. I'm saying this because I have two friends who are Chiharata shippers but stopped reading due to personal circumstances (busy with study/work), they asked me to tell them about the endgame, if it's Taichihaya they won't bother making the effort to catch up lol
KiraraChinJul 22, 2022 11:59 PM
Jul 23, 2022 1:22 PM

Nov 2018
    Not many voted on fb (some preferred to wait till the end) but you are among the majority, the results are (until now):
    5 stars (8 votes)
    4 stars (23 votes)
    3 stars (13 votes)
    I understand that many love it like you but there are still expectations that weren't met so it's difficult to give it 5 so I think 4 stars is quite good a rating.

    I'm also glad to know that you enjoy the karuta aspect, you are totally right, I feel like this arc tackled karuta the most seriously compared to many other matches (like one match I keep wincing at every comment calling it good "karuta" match bc t's almost not karuta which is the Yoshino finals between Chihaya & Taichi. That was a match of colors and backgrounds and shoujo effects, if you are not easily hooked by such unnecessary details, the content won't be that interesting I believe & I personally find it the match the most boring of all the manga, hopefully saying this honestly doesn't bother you)

    In fact, one of the reasons I want to reread Chihayafuru for after it's over is to understand what I still don't get in this side of the game, the technical details in the karuta matches & the strategies.

    And you are also right about the pacing I guess but I kind of accepted it the same way I learnt to accept the big fights in shounen manga where there are many flashbacks, breaks to talk, communication through fists, stuff like that. I guess for a manga about karuta, embedding your multiple ideas about your main heroes in the final karuta matches is like those shounen fights.

    I give 4 stars to the elementary school arc, but i'm not sure how I can differentiate the other arcs, should I consider the national tournament every year as one arc each? in that case I like the 2nd tournament till the hospital scene as for why, I think I'll answer that later because even though I have it clearly in my mind that I love this arc, but I'll need to go back and check what exactly made me very interested (apart from everything Arata related ofc lol)
Jul 24, 2022 11:25 PM
Jan 2022
@MashimaTaichi_ Thank you so much for sharing that beautiful new illustration! The dynamics are so interesting, because it looks like Chihaya was giving Taichi a full-on hug - nothing new there, she's done it in the past -and Arata was either pulled in or he tried to give Taichi a bro side hug lol the fact that Taichi's focus is not on Chihaya, but on Arata, makes it so interesting to me.

OMG you mentioned that elementary school arc, actually this one is my fave, 5/5 for me! It was such a great foundation for the story, and once again I feel vindicated LOL because over the years I've seen so many people dismissing the first chapters, saying they were not relevant anymore, it was too long ago etc and now we see in the final arc that the whole point is to make the trio go back to how they were at the beginning, to re-engage with their childhood selves.

I guess you can separate the arcs by different high school tournament years, as well as different Queen/Meijin qualifiers and matches. I also like the second year high school tournament, and the third year too, mainly because of Arata and his efforts to make the team. My least favourite arc is when Taichi was with Suo, mainly because although I've always liked Taichi, his dramatic ways have never been very engaging to me lol and I was never really into Suo. Now after the final arc I started appreciating Suo more, so maybe I'll have a different view once I re-read.

ETA: OMG I have the same opinion about the Chihaya/Taichi Yoshino match! I completely understand that if you're a Taichihaya stan you'd love the match, but saying that was the peak of karuta in the manga... Nope.
Jul 27, 2022 4:54 AM

Nov 2018
    Sorry for the late reply. You are always welcome.
    I shared the new trio illustration on FB and again, I was surprised to see some pessimism. I think in general, chapter 246 shook the two sides, one positively & the other negatively and i'm in the middle wondering why?

    though I got busy with rl I tried to discuss some points on FB, I discovered that I cannot provide quick arguments it's always a full connected chess board to me lol i'm useless.
    a member collected the points that make some fans more positive about Taichiha than Arachiha and the we thought that we (who are more Arachiha positives) could try to convince the other side but it's a mess haha, I really feel like, this is not where you can find a fact here and another there and bring them as proof it's more like a whole story told in segments & separated by big events etc.

    Well, I want to copy the list made by that member here:

    • The two poems (16/17) which are side by side (from ch246)
    • Chihaya's hands clasping Taichi and like eating him after that lol no just joking, she kissed him loool no thi is also joking duh but you understand what I mean also from 246 and all that "By my side" monologue.
    • Winning thanks to Tare after remembering the page where he said his feeling are fading.
    • Considering Se which is a love song taichi's best card while Arata was the one obsessing over it all this time
    • Needing Taichi's presence so much and rushing to see if he sent her a message too.
    • the shrine scenes? like parallel scenes?
    • The strong tears (although I feel like there was thorough analysis about it before?)
    • The Chiha take against Arata
    • And someone added these as they said: "Chihaya using Taichi's headband in the tournament. Chihaya thinking about Taichi instead when Arata was cheering her up. Chihaya feeling upset after hearing Taichi's feelings might fade away. Maybe having a parallel between Chihaya having Taichi between her hands and Taichi having chiha in his. Maybe I can remember more if I check the manga again." (which was strange tbh)

    I already analysed every point but through scattered comments mainly here & on FB and I'm wondering now if I can organize & save the answers in the Data thread?
    I tried with the 1st point but I guess I couldn't include many other and I feel like my writing is superfluous? is this the right word?

    Anyway, I'll share what I wrote,

    first this is about the Trio illustration and why I think it could be a continuation of the hug from ch246 and why is the focus still on Taichi:

    About the the PAIR of cards Tachi & Chiha:

    And this is an answer to a question where someone asked me this:
    And about your last comment I have a question, so, if you really haven't count Arachiha romantic moments in the second half of the story, what makes you so sure it will happen? is just because of what happened in the beginning? Wouldn't it be disregarding many evolutions the story took?

Jul 27, 2022 4:59 AM

Nov 2018
    Also yes, my least favorite arc too is when Taichi was Suo and even after he came back till 205 even though I loved some parts which are not related to Taichi, I remember I was the angriest at Taichi around this time, I kept saying: "disappointing disappointing" haha

    I also love the first high school tournament and Shinobu's appearance , the whole beginning I guess and then more and more elements were added where I was like ..just waiting them to end, like the Yoshino tournament (minus Harada sensei's matches)
    so you can say, I liked things and not as much in other things' case throughout the whole manga.

    BIG EDIT!!!
    Someone just sent me this saying it's taken from BeLove
    It says that after the Queen & Meijin titles are settled, so will be "love", so no open end? is this what this is saying? confirming one of the ships?
    Nono, I shouldn't jump into conclusions yet right? RIGHT?

MashimaTaichi_Jul 27, 2022 9:33 AM
Jul 28, 2022 12:01 AM
Jan 2022
Whoooa @MashimaTaichi_, thank you so much for the updates! The idea that we will get a love resolution is so exciting - that would mean Arata finally getting an answer to his confession!

Like you, I don't see reason for pessimism among Chiharata fans. I mean, if Taichihaya shippers feel confident, good on them, but personally I'm not convinced by their arguments lol

I find lots of their reasoning fairly questionable, for example, this person talking about Chihaya's hand gesture 'you know what I mean', I'm like ???? Because even if you take that as a representation of Chihaya reaching out her hands and pulling him in, that doesn't mean anything romantic (ditto with the trio illustration) considering she has always been touchy-feely with her friends. The only friend she's self-conscious about touching is Arata, I wonder why lol Same with the 'by my side' monologue, as we already discussed here, can be interpreted in many different ways: 'by our side', 'by my side' spoken by both Chihaya and Arata, or even 'by my side' spoken by Chihaya but with a platonic meaning. So it's hardly conclusive proof. Some of the stuff is also straight up inaccurate, such as a Se being Taichi's best card: in the flashback, Taichi says 'it's a card I like' but he almost always loses it to Chihaya, so it's not his best card.

I think the stuff you wrote makes a lot of sense! Here's how I see the situation:

KiraraChinJul 28, 2022 12:35 AM
Jul 28, 2022 2:56 PM
Jun 2014
Guys, if what I just read on Twitter and saw on some Russian Chihayafuru group is correct, then looks like sensei clean bowled us...

I don't know what to say...

I'd like to welcome you Kirara-san, but I'm kinda speechless now! ;)
Jul 28, 2022 10:42 PM
Jan 2022
Avish said:
Guys, if what I just read on Twitter and saw on some Russian Chihayafuru group is correct, then looks like sensei clean bowled us...

I don't know what to say...

I'd like to welcome you Kirara-san, but I'm kinda speechless now! ;)

That's OK, I've seen these leaks too and I'm just... appalled, to say the very least.
KiraraChinJul 28, 2022 10:59 PM
Jul 29, 2022 4:20 AM

Nov 2018
    Oh Avish, I wanted you to come back before, I was soooo looking forward to live this Chihayafuru experience with you but now I wish you didn't come back,
    I hope that staying away for a while will make the blow lighter on you but really, sensei disappointed me so much
    I just read something that disturbed me even more which I hope is not true, that Arata hinted to keep working to be close to Chihaya and be with her at 28 yo instead of now at 18.
    I wish sensei puts Arata aside now and if she wants keep writing about the others as she did for long.
    I really want her to leave him alone

    I say this while wishing that I'm not disrespecting her in the slightest. It's her work, she has the right to conclude her efforts the way she wants.
    I'm a bit stubborn, I was asked about this possibility and I said what I'd feel about it and I -now- really feel that and my impressions aren't something anyone from the happy side will appreciate.
    I'll keep them to myself, I started obsessing over Chihayafuru bc he character of Taichi was a disappointment and Arata was always better in my eyes, and it's both strange & sad that the story seems to be ending exactly as it was when it pulled me in this strongly.

    I'm taking it easy for now but I still want to see the chapter, I want to say goodbye to the Arata sensei drew in this last story.
Jul 31, 2022 1:32 AM
Jan 2022
the roller-coaster of news, discussions, emotions and reactions outside in the fandom only few hours before the last, the very last chapter of Chihayafuru ...
and the peace of this place ...

Sorry :(
It's really difficult to convey in words what I'm feeling right now, as you said, without being extremely negative. For me it's not even the pairing choice, it's the execution, you know? It's hard to be convinced when it's been done so poorly, with the characters acting extremely OOC. From what I saw from chapter 247, it's almost like it's a completely different manga...
Jul 31, 2022 2:32 AM

Nov 2018
    I completely understand you Kirara chan
    I feel way better now (until I see the raws again haha) but seriously, I'm not convinced and I'll probably never be, everything I understood so far just made perfect sense and you are also right, what I read so far was "Chihayafuru" but now it turned into "Taichifuru", everywhere Taichi was inserted, I could give it a good explanation within Chihayfuru from its first chapter to the smallest detail of what he said and what was told him, but those small and halfheartedly added pages about Chihaya's confession and Arata's weird acceptance just colored all those moments as Taichifuru, I'm sad about how Chihaya's character was ruined, and Arata's 'until I am 28 yo" ooc sentence (well as it was transmitted to me I'm not sure if I'll change my mind after I see for myself)
    Anyway, you said the execution and I agree, they are only 15 pages among 80 so ofc there is more, thankfully even Japanese Arata fans say there were some nice things as for the "romance" pages, I'm also glad to see that even some Taichi fans who could be objective, said that it was so badly executed even for Taichi himself ... It looked to me like that, Taichi's fate was disappointing but I never thought anyone would agree with me from his fans because I know how much deprived of him they were so anything would have been good and Chihaya confessing to him even in that scene that was way less than Taichi's confession or the hospital scene would more than enough....
    Ok people are happy with things so be it, I am disappointed. and yes as you said it's not even about the ship even though I always said firmly that my expectations are 90% Arachiha or 10% an open end and you know what? what I felt all this time didn't even crumble now as if it's all a lie but no, it's not a lie, it's the last episode of Taichifuru (Did you read what they shared about sensei's message at the end of the chapter? Taichi's part, god I laughed but then again I remembered that I had expectations and I was disappointed, hilarious but alright, that's what sensei wanted Taichifuru to be so be it) ...
    I think Chihayafuru will forever stay incomplete, it seems that sensei did not REALLY end things for Arata & Chihaya but I'm not ready to be pulled by Suetsugu sensei anymore. I'm gonna say goodbye to taichifuru today I believe then leave
    Yeah, I mean we feel so much now, but the sure thing is that we need to see that last chapter.
Jul 31, 2022 11:32 PM
Jan 2022
I have now seen the raws and some summary translations. I can't even begin to elaborate my feelings re: what Suetsugu did to Arata's character, because it's still too raw and painful.

But let me rant about Taichihaya. God knows I've never been into this ship. But I did care about Chihaya and Taichi separately, so for me if they are going to become canon, I'd like to think they are going to be happy together, and I'm not convinced. Here's why.

Aug 1, 2022 3:09 AM
Jun 2014
Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to bother with the translation after reading your post, Kirara-san. I just skimmed through raws for the sake of it and it seems sensei absolutely shafted Arata in this supposed last chapter. Which, when I think about the whole manga now, has always been the theme, the way she has always kept him so restricted from interacting with others, especially Chihaya. I've complained about this previously but Wataya-san, Taichi-kun, Nameless-san's wonderful writings convinced me that he's just written that way and not to worry. Same with my complaint about Chihaya suddenly turning cluelessly insensitive about Arata after the 'Taichi incident'. But now it seems my reading was unfortunately correct?! I mean just look at this chapter, it's supposedly the last chapter of the manga, and what I complained about is still happening. Despite this being the last chapter, Arata and Chihaya didn't get to have a duo-solo moment of celebration after finally achieving their childhood dream together! We just see them running into Taichi together! Same with their Chiha take. Couldn't sensei draw a single panel of them looking at each other and giving a joyous, proud, meaningful look before she forced Taichi drama into it?! And what's with having Chihaya just forget about Arata's confession and her feelings about him?! Didn't even bother to have her reject him properly?! Arata finds out accidentally?! What was the point of chapter 173 then?! I don't usually swear but this time it's deserving I feel... so, What the F---, 'sensei'?!

Ugh! I hate feeling this way, writing these things... but she has left us no choice.

And Kirara-san, you don't have to explain your frustration to us. Not here. I don't think anybody's gonna argue with you here about what you feel about this chapter :)
AvishAug 1, 2022 6:28 AM
Aug 1, 2022 6:28 AM

Jul 2012
In the end it turned into a story about a girl who's falling for the guys who just suddenly disappear. At first it was Arata who left Tokyo, went to Fukui and didn't answer her calls and messages. She kept thinking about him. She even fainted in the middle of her match when she expected to see him and didn't: so upset she was. Next, Taichi started doing a lot of things in secret and suddenly left the club with huge drama. Now he is going to Kyoto which totally triggered her feelings. We always looked deeper into the meaning of karuta poems which were read in each chapter, and all hints from poetry were misleading.

Frustrated as I am, I'll still watch season 4 of anime when it comes out. We have yet to see some pleasant moments from the last chapters of the manga. Who knows, maybe animators will manage to make this final chapter look more consistent.
Aug 1, 2022 11:21 PM
Jan 2022
@Avish thank you for your kind words, it's great to have a safe space here. I completely share your frustrations, although I was one of those who believe perhaps Suetsugu had a masterplan for Arata and he would have his emotional payoff in the end. How naive I was :(
While I'm obviously happy he is the Meijin, for me nothing explains or justifies the erasure of his relationship with Chihaya, not even at platonic level. Again, it really shows me how forced and contrived Taichihaya is a ship if they can't even handle a moment of celebration between Arata and Chihaya. Sigh.

@Hayama-Mizuki The portrayal of love that Chihayafuru ended up showing is disturbing and unhealthy for sure. Especially with that final message saying 'Taichi's dream was making Chihaya fall in love with him', like wtf? First of all, was Taichi's journey really all about this? Secondly, what kind of message is this: be persistent and the girl will be yours? Yikes...
Aug 6, 2022 2:20 PM
Jun 2014
So according to Suetsugu, Arata was rejected in Ch 173, he knew it and decided to ignore it?! Does that sound like our boy?! She seems to have deleted the tweets, but the damage is done. Well, it was already done, and this is now utter destruction!

So I guess we're just chumps, aren't we?! For reading the story 'wrong' and fooling ourselves for years!
Aug 7, 2022 2:20 AM
Jan 2022
Avish said:
So according to Suetsugu, Arata was rejected in Ch 173, he knew it and decided to ignore it?! Does that sound like our boy?! She seems to have deleted the tweets, but the damage is done. Well, it was already done, and this is now utter destruction!

So I guess we're just chumps, aren't we?! For reading the story 'wrong' and fooling ourselves for years!

Yeah I've seen this. I think the fact that she feels the need to argue with people on Twitter AND to 'explain' the scene already says a lot about the fact that, if that was really her intention, she didn't do a good job in conveying it.

Neither the words or visuals were clearly indicating a rejection, and also their subsequent interactions didn't hint at the fact that was a rejection, including Chihaya's blushing, thinking that 'her worries came undone', the flower framing when she shook his hand, etc. It's really disgusting from Suetsugu to attribute everything to 'Arata was optimistic', when there was literally no reason for him to be pessimistic? He's not blind, he could see Chihaya's blushing and body language towards him.

It seems to me that Suetsugu keeps trying to come up with excuses. First, she said 'I'm not good, but if you re-read, you will feel differently'. Then, 'I didn't have enough time', now this. She seems to really think that we, Arata fans, are that stupid.
Aug 14, 2022 9:41 AM

Nov 2018
    Hi everyone, hope you all feel better now even if it's just a little?
    Avish, you know,the first thing did when I saw the leaks on Aratafuru (On FB) was to apologize because I gave people hope. I guess I forgot about the people here.
    I am sorry
    I know that I would have still believed exactly what I believe now if I was alone or if I had to keep my thoughts to myself but maybe I shouldn't have been as passionate as I was
    But at the same time, Avish, I take relief in the fact that you yourself are a "high quality reader" as @iNameless_ said in one of her great tweets and if I could affect your initial thoughts, I believe that it's because the argument was convincing & the writing backs it up somehow in a way that makes sense, I still am not feeling "fool" for what I thought and understood all along because thousands of readers all across the world, Japanese mainly (who are prone to understand the text, context & culture if I may say of the work better) understood it in the same way as I did, just read their thoughts on 2ch or Twitter, Suetsugu didn't feel the need to make excuses if she was confident in what she wrote, not after so many proved her ability to convey her true intentions as lacking (IF they are really her true intentions because I'm skeptical, especially with the thank you message and what she felt the need to say about Taichi's fate)

    Still I probably have to apologize because I am stubborn but other people might prefer to be careful and maybe I destroyed that somehow, I am really sorry.

    Kirara & Hayama, it's sad that we are talking about Chihayafuru in such a disappointed tone but what can we do?
    All your complaining is valid because the failure IS indeed in Suetsugu's ability to convey what she says now she meant because, seriously? 173 was a rejection?
    even if it's true then we are back to square 1 of the disappointment and the feeling of betrayal because as was said in the tweets before, it means that Chihaya's feelings for Arata faded away between volume 17 & volume 33 (I won't say she realized that they weren't love because sensei in her failed tweets still confirmed her feelings once again) so why did she not draw anything about it?
    Avish you mentioned Chihaya ignoring Arata but was Chihaya drawn as someone who cared for Taichi's "romantic" feelings either? She rejected him and was upset that she hurt him and that he left her after making sure he made her feel it intensely (the pain he felt) and refused to come in days that were so important to her and that friends should have cared so much about but he didn't
    and bla bla she discovered that he was always by her side and wow, Arata is out of the scene (I love everything Kirata wrote about how shallow Taichihaya seems because of this caution of giving Arata & her a special moment together even if to celebrate the long time dream that connects the start & the end.)
    And suddenly, Chihaya forgot everything about it too for 3 months until Komano reminded her of the type of person Taichi was which is a person who would erase a whole friendship as long as that person cannot reciprocate their feelings (and here, if Taichi sensed anything in Chihaya's treatment after the Queen tournament, he would have maybe thought about exploring that change right? but Chhaya was the same to him, she didn't show him anything special which means she acted as the same Chihaya all along)
    That's just Chihaya, and because there was nothing to threaten her with in Arata's case, she didn't end up with him but in Taichi's case, another threat was ready to scare her and a quick confession sealed the whole thing I just wonder how none of the people round sensei, the editorial department, the close readers, none told her about how such end doesn't suit something that could have ended as a masterpiece of 15 years?
    thankfully Suetsugu herself acknowledged that failure and said that she should have done better with the "the most important episode" &s she said ...
    Buuuuut it's all over now right?
    I am sorry again, and go read "The sipirt Queen " Lol!
    I kept recommending it with every opportunity because I really like this manhua hahaha sorry.
MashimaTaichi_Aug 15, 2022 6:58 AM
Aug 20, 2022 5:25 AM
Jun 2014
Feel better about what Taichi-kun? If you're asking about the ending then that's never gonna happen, right?! And you have absolutely nothing to apologize for, so stop it! :) It was Suetsugu that lacked the courage to stick to her story. Wonder how @watanoharaya san feels about her story now...

Even though you guys convinced me to stop worrying there were a few things that always bothered me. For example, Taichi remembering Harada's line about "spending entire youth" before lying to Suo about being Chihaya's boyfriend or that one particular panel from Ch 205 where "the goal to bet my entire youth for" is written right beside Chihaya sitting and watching their hug. And now we have our answer, don't we? Taichi's story was all about getting the girl, so these panels that felt odd then, now fit right in, don't they?!

Anyway, it seems translation is out and from what I've gathered from Twitter, things got worse...

Right after waking up the first thing Chihaya asks is "where is Taichi?"... No thought about the historic feat she just achieved, a lifelong shared dream fulfilled with her "friend" who inspired this amazing journey... In fact, it seems we never get her reflecting about becoming the Queen in the rest of the chapter...

A rare moment we got of Ara-Chiha interacting (a hive-five) is immediately followed by Taichi's "they're leaving me out again"... Seriously, Suetsugu?!

Then we have Taichi passing on the torch to new kohais instead of Chihaya! A guy who disappeared for the most part of the last year and caused all kinds of hurt to Chihaya. Unbelievable!

Taichi not telling her about leaving for Kyoto and Komano saying it's because she's "just a friend"! WTF?! Then Chihaya immediately running after Taichi while thinking something like "I can't compose a poem"... So what were those little beauties from Ch 93?!! Listening to those in Asami Seto's dreamy voice gave me such joy...

Suetsugu really should rename it as "Taichifuru", cause it's no longer "Chihayafuru" that's for sure... To think she was complaining about Chihaya being 4th in the recent poll, then she goes and does this...

Sigh............ What a letdown man... What a letdown.........
AvishAug 20, 2022 5:29 AM
Aug 20, 2022 9:19 AM

Jan 2020
Wonder how @watanoharaya san feels about her story now...

Suetsugu is like someone who drew this:

And after finishing it said that "it is an elephant, it was always an elephant and whoever doesn't see it that way, should leave for a bit then come back and look again".
it's not an elephant
and I don't care about what the artist says.
I can keep it, hang it on my wall and name it "the horse meme"

I still like Arata though and I don't regret knowing this character, he was good till the very end, you see when you give me only half of a candy? it's not as "beautiful" as the whole thing might be but it's still sweet from every angle.

It's not my place to tell anyone how "to feel" but let go and focus on what makes you happy.
I believe that Suetsugu is doing the same, she clearly is not happy with the reactions of her fans, and seeing her "likes" I see that she is checking the tags and searching for the reviews even when there is no tag, she is liking dumb tweets that praise her without making much sense (and they are from the same limited circle of T fans we all probably know). She is desperate for validation.
Aug 21, 2022 5:14 AM
Jan 2022
Right after waking up the first thing Chihaya asks is "where is Taichi?"... No thought about the historic feat she just achieved, a lifelong shared dream fulfilled with her "friend" who inspired this amazing journey... In fact, it seems we never get her reflecting about becoming the Queen in the rest of the chapter...

I came here to vent exactly about this. One of the key aspect of following sports, both in manga and IRL, is having the opportunity to experience the overwhelming wave of happiness and joy that follows any victory. If you follow an athlete, or team, you WANT to see them celebrating that victory, you want to see their emotion, and want to hear their thoughts. This is what makes the Olympics, for example, a very special event, because it's often the culmination of many athletes' careers and dreams. However, in Chihayafuru, the supposedly main character did not have any space to feel or think about her own victory. She fainted, then she was physically carried, then from the moment she woke up it was all about Taichi. WUT? How can a sports manga deprive their protagonist of celebrating their own achievement? It felt extremely anticlimactic.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that Chihaya was the one who got most shafted by this ending. Arata at least got his interview, and although his behaviour in the end was extremely OOC, he is not presented as someone with no intelligence and the social skills of a toddler, like Chihaya. Chihaya not only was deprived of her moment to bask in glory, she was deprived of any sign of intelligence and depth as a character. She was portrayed as someone extremely dumb and emotionally stuck in the Mizusawa room, with serious issues of co-dependency from Taichi and the rest of her friends. The worst thing is that in that final dialogue, it's like both Taichi and Arata know this. Taichi acknowledges he's gonna be the one mostly putting the work into the relationship and I can't help thinking that Arata is cool with it because welp... he realises Chihaya is still incredibly immature and, unlike Taichi, he has no inclination for being a babysitter.

The whole situation is awful, and for what? Just to give Taichi his 'reward', Chihaya's love and, if you think about it, the situation isn't great for him either: he'll be away in Kyoto, busy with med school while simultaneously doing most of the work to keep his relationship going. He knows his gf is extremely immature and he knows Arata is in the same city as her and he hasn't given up on her. I know that Taichi's anxious face and sweat is supposed to be a joke, but is it really?

In the post-chapter note, Suetsugu said 'Taichi's fate was not decided until the very end' and, honestly? I believe it, because it really shows in the chapter. No thought, no depth, lazy panelling, trope-y narrative choices that make no sense with the rest of the manga.
KiraraChinAug 21, 2022 11:34 AM
Aug 21, 2022 3:11 PM
Jun 2014
What do you guys think about the Chitose scene and its implication being she's Chihaya's core? Personally, I don't buy it. It doesn't feel "earned" to me... also, I don't really like Chitose so that might be one of the reasons ;)

Now some rant ;P

Why exactly does Arata become not worth chasing for Chihaya during the later half of the manga?! I'm talking about purely in the Karuta sense. Their "romance" pretty much ended around Harada vs Suo it seems... It can't be just because she won against him in that horrible match. She doesn't even remember it! If we look at the timeline of the manga, up until about 125 odd chapters she wanted to reach him, wanted to respond to his passion, and whatnot. That's about 5-6 years of her life since she met him. The next 120-odd chapters cover just a year in the manga universe and during that time we rarely see those sentiments from her. In fact, I can recall only one such moment: "Let's go together to the lofty peaks of Mt. Fuji". But does "let's go together" mean the "reaching him" part is already over? Now that they're in the finals together? So then, what happened to those sentiments?! Did she let them die because she blames herself for hurting Taichi?! Feeling guilty about thinking of Arata while being oblivious to Taichi's feelings?! It really feels to me like she feels like she owes Taichi... doesn't really look like a girl in love... which is just... really sad... makes me pretty much dislike Komano and Kana...

Another problem I have is that almost all the manga is in the flashback and the story starts with current Chihaya talking about not knowing passion. In the next few chapters, we hear her saying that, on that day in that room she didn't discover Karuta but Arata's passion. But the current Chihaya we saw doesn't seem to match that Chihaya. She seems almost closed off to Arata... which shouldn't be the case because of the way it started. But Suetsugu seems to have forgotten (or ignored) that (important) part of the story...

I hope I'm making some sense...
Aug 22, 2022 8:17 AM
Jun 2014
Very nicely put Wataya-san! You said so much without really saying much :)

Very much agree Kirara-san... Chihaya deserved better... Arata deserved better... hell even Taichi deserved better... I remember Wataya-san wrote something like "Did they really grow up or changed?"... I was reminded of that after this chapter... They really didn't, did they? Their communication still sucks... makes me wonder if they should even be called friends...

Aug 22, 2022 11:43 PM
Jan 2022
Avish said:
What do you guys think about the Chitose scene and its implication being she's Chihaya's core? Personally, I don't buy it. It doesn't feel "earned" to me... also, I don't really like Chitose so that might be one of the reasons ;)

Now some rant ;P

Why exactly does Arata become not worth chasing for Chihaya during the later half of the manga?! I'm talking about purely in the Karuta sense. Their "romance" pretty much ended around Harada vs Suo it seems... It can't be just because she won against him in that horrible match. She doesn't even remember it! If we look at the timeline of the manga, up until about 125 odd chapters she wanted to reach him, wanted to respond to his passion, and whatnot. That's about 5-6 years of her life since she met him. The next 120-odd chapters cover just a year in the manga universe and during that time we rarely see those sentiments from her. In fact, I can recall only one such moment: "Let's go together to the lofty peaks of Mt. Fuji". But does "let's go together" mean the "reaching him" part is already over? Now that they're in the finals together? So then, what happened to those sentiments?! Did she let them die because she blames herself for hurting Taichi?! Feeling guilty about thinking of Arata while being oblivious to Taichi's feelings?! It really feels to me like she feels like she owes Taichi... doesn't really look like a girl in love... which is just... really sad... makes me pretty much dislike Komano and Kana...

Another problem I have is that almost all the manga is in the flashback and the story starts with current Chihaya talking about not knowing passion. In the next few chapters, we hear her saying that, on that day in that room she didn't discover Karuta but Arata's passion. But the current Chihaya we saw doesn't seem to match that Chihaya. She seems almost closed off to Arata... which shouldn't be the case because of the way it started. But Suetsugu seems to have forgotten (or ignored) that (important) part of the story...

I hope I'm making some sense...

I wouldn't mind the Chitose scene if it wasn't YET ANOTHER attempt to insert Taichi into everything Chihaya-related. I like the idea of emotional resolution between the sisters, but the reason the core stuff feels forced is because it's a Taichi thing, and it's presented from Taichi's perspective. Which means, we don't get to see Chihaya's thoughts, and she doesn't get a 'Taichi-free' moment, not even when she has a moment with her sister. It's suffocating.

I completely agree with you as well on your other point. The whole manga is supposed to be a flash forward so the ending is supposed to circle back to the beginning. However, the actual ending is something else entirely, something much cheaper and cliché, and the whole theme of passion through karuta has been erased. Like I said, it's not only Arata who's been shafted but Chihaya herself - at some point, her own passion and dream started to be less important, and her priorities shifted into bringing Taichi back and reaching Shinobu. I thought she was reconnecting with herself in the final arc, by reconnecting to Arata, but the ending throws all that under the rug which means that Chihaya's individuality not important, what's important is to keep Taichi and Mizusawa in her life. That's the message, and I hate it.
Aug 25, 2022 1:33 AM
Jun 2014
Kirara-san, agree about Chitose moment. Hence it no longer feels like Chihayafuru but Taichifuru, like Taich-kun wrote...

I dunno whether you'll agree or not but as far as I'm concerned Chihaya has been shafted for almost half the manga. I mean we've been deprived from hearing her inner thoughts for over 120 chapters just because the author wanted to keep baiting both ships til the end. Who does that to their supposed MC?!

I'm not sure whether you've read the previous discussions in this thread, but some 3-4 pages back I had shared a few random things I noticed when I rewatched 3 seasons back to back. In it, I had written about Chihaya's horrible treatment after Taichi left... like nobody is shown to be bothered much that this lively cheerful girl seems so down and lost. Her Mizusawa buddies spend hours together with her but none asks her what happened. I mean sure they noticed and thought to themselves that she's silent and not playing up to the mark but they did NOTHING about it. Instead, we're shown that Kana was ready to kick her out of the club because she was bringing everybody else down! Her home situation is not even mentioned! So, nobody was there to point out to her that "It's NOT her fault"... Suetsugu made her suffer all alone, as if she deserved it... Btw, I'm also including Arata when I say nobody. I felt annoyed when he's shown thinking, "Why am I always so far away"... I mean dude, how about calling the girl you like once a month or send texts at least! Ask how's she doing! If he had he'd have probably found out how much pain she was in and could have helped... But, Suetsugu never gave him that chance...

Aug 27, 2022 12:04 AM
Jan 2022
@Avish I hadn't seen the discussion, but you are so right.

To be fair to Arata, he was the only friend who helped her in some way, by sending her the picture of his team with the message 'let's meet at Omi Jingu', which triggered her return to karuta. He also tried to talk to her when they met at Nationals, but she was in captain mode and obviously not willing to talk. So while it's true that Suetsugu should have shown him giving her support more consistently, at least he showed genuine concern for both Chihaya and Taichi, not just Taichi.

Her 'friends' at Mizusawa, OTOH, seemed to be only concerned about Taichi and left her completely alone. In doing so, the narrative basically established that the one worthy of sympathy was Taichi, not Chihaya, even though it wasn't Chihaya's fault. Then, the story became about making the 'dumb' Chihaya finally 'understand' and go back on her rejection, so she can make the 'poor' Taichi happy. She needed to 'grow up' and be less obsessed with karuta and finally understand what love is. I always thought these kind of arguments were awful but the ending effectively subscribe to his narrative, so I feel like I was the clown for expecting something better out of Suetsugu.

It sucks so much because we, women, are often taught and internalise that we are responsible for men's feelings. In many situations, we feel scared and guilty about rejecting a guy, many girls and women deal with harassment and even violence when they reject a guy (or break up with a guy), or, at the very least, in many cases we face a situation like Chihaya's in which the friends take the side of the guy rather than us. In making Chihaya backtrack on her rejection, and the way it has been done, Suetsugu is basically invalidating a woman's right to say 'no'. Suetsugu is saying: It's alright because her friends know what's better for her. It's alright because being Taichi's girlfriend will solve all their relationship problems. It's alright because she's immature and Taichi will take care of her.

It's so sexist and disgusting.
KiraraChinAug 27, 2022 12:13 AM
Aug 28, 2022 12:55 PM
Jun 2014
KiraraChin said:
@Avish I hadn't seen the discussion, but you are so right.

To be fair to Arata, he was the only friend who helped her in some way, by sending her the picture of his team with the message 'let's meet at Omi Jingu', which triggered her return to karuta. He also tried to talk to her when they met at Nationals, but she was in captain mode and obviously not willing to talk. So while it's true that Suetsugu should have shown him giving her support more consistently, at least he showed genuine concern for both Chihaya and Taichi, not just Taichi.

Indeed it was his msg that brought her back to Karuta, but I think he was gonna send that msg anyway, so it wasn't an intentional help IMO. Sadly, Chihaya only thought of Taichi after reading the msg, "Taichi will come back for sure and I'll wait for him while keep getting stronger"... as if she was avoiding thinking about Arata... I remember Arata didn't appear nor even mentioned in the next 7 or 8 chapters after that one...

At Nationals Chihaya seemed like her usual self until Arata mentioned Taichi. And as far as I remember, he only mentioned Taichi quitting, and didn't ask why she had quit too. Not really sure if he would have but as usual, someone interrupted them and Chihaya walked away without sparing him a second thought...

To be honest, considering Chihaya came all the way to Fukui to check on him, I expected Arata to do more than just a few texts and a single phone call in the entirety of the manga. And it's not just about supporting her. He could have made a bit more effort just to stay in contact. Chihaya tried her best in the beginning as we've seen how many msgs she sent him about almost everything! How utterly sad she must have felt sometimes that she never got a single reply back... no wonder she stopped msging him eventually...

Another example I remember mentioning in that post was when Arata noticed Chihaya's injured finger. We never see him showing much concern about her injury. He never asks her what happened. Just watches when she removes her bandage to play against Queen. Shouldn't he ask her not to take such a risk, and show some actual concern?! But he was quick to check Shinobu's temperature! ;P So yeah, I hate that Suetsugu wrote him so passive when it came to Chihaya most of the manga. And if "he was always there" was the criteria for Chihaya's heart then he never really stood a chance... or rather Suetsugu never gave him one...

Her 'friends' at Mizusawa, OTOH, seemed to be only concerned about Taichi and left her completely alone. In doing so, the narrative basically established that the one worthy of sympathy was Taichi, not Chihaya, even though it wasn't Chihaya's fault. Then, the story became about making the 'dumb' Chihaya finally 'understand' and go back on her rejection, so she can make the 'poor' Taichi happy. She needed to 'grow up' and be less obsessed with karuta and finally understand what love is. I always thought these kind of arguments were awful but the ending effectively subscribe to his narrative, so I feel like I was the clown for expecting something better out of Suetsugu.

It sucks so much because we, women, are often taught and internalise that we are responsible for men's feelings. In many situations, we feel scared and guilty about rejecting a guy, many girls and women deal with harassment and even violence when they reject a guy (or break up with a guy), or, at the very least, in many cases we face a situation like Chihaya's in which the friends take the side of the guy rather than us. In making Chihaya backtrack on her rejection, and the way it has been done, Suetsugu is basically invalidating a woman's right to say 'no'. Suetsugu is saying: It's alright because her friends know what's better for her. It's alright because being Taichi's girlfriend will solve all their relationship problems. It's alright because she's immature and Taichi will take care of her.

It's so sexist and disgusting.

It's really sad and unfortunate that Suetsugu wrote Chihaya this way, but on the other hand, there are many strong, admirable women in Chihayafuru, I mean Taichifuru. Like Sakurazawa-sensei, my favorite Inokuma-san, legendary Watarai-san, Kyouko-tan, and her reader friend whose name I'm unable to recall. But in the end, she undermined it all by writing Chihaya in such a way...

You know I had really thought that Ara-Chiha would follow in Sakurazawa and her husband's footsteps... Both played Karuta with each other since childhood and are actively involved in Karuta as adults. A perfect example for Ara-Chiha to follow and improve upon... but...

Aug 28, 2022 1:33 PM
Jun 2014
Forgot to add this...
KiraraChin said:
It sucks so much because we, women, are often taught and internalise that we are responsible for men's feelings. In many situations, we feel scared and guilty about rejecting a guy, many girls and women deal with harassment and even violence when they reject a guy

Like Taichi forcing an almost kiss?! I avoid talking about that cause it's a controversial topic, but it's there, it happened and it seems that Chihaya didn't even realize what it was, otherwise she wouldn't do what she did in the end. And Taichi never apologized for that as far as I remember...
AvishAug 28, 2022 1:36 PM
Aug 29, 2022 1:52 AM
Jan 2022
Avish said:
Indeed it was his msg that brought her back to Karuta, but I think he was gonna send that msg anyway, so it wasn't an intentional help IMO. Sadly, Chihaya only thought of Taichi after reading the msg, "Taichi will come back for sure and I'll wait for him while keep getting stronger"... as if she was avoiding thinking about Arata... I remember Arata didn't appear nor even mentioned in the next 7 or 8 chapters after that one...

At Nationals Chihaya seemed like her usual self until Arata mentioned Taichi. And as far as I remember, he only mentioned Taichi quitting, and didn't ask why she had quit too. Not really sure if he would have but as usual, someone interrupted them and Chihaya walked away without sparing him a second thought...

To be honest, considering Chihaya came all the way to Fukui to check on him, I expected Arata to do more than just a few texts and a single phone call in the entirety of the manga. And it's not just about supporting her. He could have made a bit more effort just to stay in contact. Chihaya tried her best in the beginning as we've seen how many msgs she sent him about almost everything! How utterly sad she must have felt sometimes that she never got a single reply back... no wonder she stopped msging him eventually...

Another example I remember mentioning in that post was when Arata noticed Chihaya's injured finger. We never see him showing much concern about her injury. He never asks her what happened. Just watches when she removes her bandage to play against Queen. Shouldn't he ask her not to take such a risk, and show some actual concern?! But he was quick to check Shinobu's temperature! ;P So yeah, I hate that Suetsugu wrote him so passive when it came to Chihaya most of the manga. And if "he was always there" was the criteria for Chihaya's heart then he never really stood a chance... or rather Suetsugu never gave him one...

I think that's a bit harsh on Arata, personally. I do think he sent the picture intentionally, because it was a direct reference to the picture Chihaya had sent him early on in the manga and that helped him to go back to karuta. I also think that Chihaya's reaction when he broached the subject at Nationals made it clear she wasn't willing to talk about it. Takes two to tango, you know?

Should Suetsugu have shown Arata supporting Chihaya more directly and consistently? Maybe. But one of the things I always liked about their relationship is how subtle it was, how a lot of their communication was done through karuta and how they would support each other quietly or with very few words (the worries get undone like ceremonial robes etc). Perhaps if Suetsugu had shown Arata overtly supporting Chihaya like Taichi did all the time, I wouldn't have been so into the ship, because I think the whole 'he's always been here' criteria is incredibly shallow and cliche. I liked Chiharata for being 'different' and less based on acts of service and more based on similar values and passion. But I'm in the minority, I guess :(

Avish said:
Like Taichi forcing an almost kiss?! I avoid talking about that cause it's a controversial topic, but it's there, it happened and it seems that Chihaya didn't even realize what it was, otherwise she wouldn't do what she did in the end. And Taichi never apologized for that as far as I remember...

The forced kiss is an old shojo cliche and it serves the same purpose of making the 'dense' heroine 'understand' the guy's feelings, even if it's by force. It's an incredibly pervasive and toxic mentality that has very serious repercussions IRL. I was willing to forgive Suetsugu for this because I thought in the end she would show both Taichi and Chihaya renegotiating their friendship on a healthier basis but how wrong I was... In the end, Suetsugu just legitimised Taichi's toxic behaviours.

For me, this is a very hard pill to swallow and I don't know if the other female characters make up for the fact that Chihaya was treated like this. I guess it depends on the reader...
Aug 29, 2022 4:04 AM
Jun 2014
It seems I failed to present my case effectively... and as I don't have the energy to do it again, I'm gonna leave it at that...

Hope everybody manages to leave this bitter experience behind and finds something positive to obsess over :)
Aug 29, 2022 4:24 AM
Jan 2022
That's OK @Avish, we can agree to disagree!

I relate to the lack of energy. I had so many ideas for analysis and things to write about the story, and now it just feels pointless because my view is obviously so different from Suetsugu's. A friend of mine likened the end of Chihayafuru to a bad breakup, and it really feels like that :/
Aug 29, 2022 1:25 PM

Nov 2018
    I'm not sure how I got over Suetsugu's ending to invite you guys to do the same thing but I'm over it and it pains me to see fellow Arata fans in such pain, it pains me to read gloomy thoughts again from you Avish, or maybe they are the same thoughts all along but I always had a strong hope in the "end" that's why I could always fight the gloominess
    but you are right
    Suetsugu simply did NOT put much efforts into Arata's character & relationships
    But you see, despite that I ended up rejecting everything about the "perfectly developed character Taichi" and i'm still obsessed with the half-product, Arata, even a month after Suetsugu landed her last blow confirming how little she cared to be creative with him like she "thought " she is with Taichi.
    Heck I think they should invent a word stronger than obsession to describe my liking for him!

    I've said it before, part of what was hypnotizing about Arata is the many holes in his story that kept me "waiting" for a day were they'll be filled with Suetsugu's skill, I had so much faith in her after all...
    I was waiting but my imagination kept wandering too in the vast space of possibilities, my mind was always busy, I said it before yes, that one of the visual elements I love the most in Chihayafuru are Arata's silent stares & the lot of empty bubbles he was given, like there is SO MUCH he doesn't say but thinks & feels, until it gets unveiled later, it should be guessed & I enjoyed doing that!!

    I agree with Kirara about the way Arachiha is beautiful because it's unusual and TOTALLY DIFFERENT FROM TAICHIHA!
    There are people who said that if they didn't like Arachiha more, they would have liked Taichiha, it's not the case for me, I avoided talking much abt it maybe because it didn't matter much to me but Taichiha was never a romance between two people for me but when I force myself to consider it as such, it is very boring and full of unhealthy concepts & degrading many special aspects I loved in so many characters & themes in the story. Taichiha is not only Cliché it's boring & fun-killing. It would have made Chihayafuru really boring if it was clear from way before the end.
    the most boring thing about it for me? it's too detailed and overly described AND over dramatic, Chihaya is written as always receiving Taichi's favors (which are not convincing to me by the way bc Chihaya was before way more capable but she was told to step aside for Taichi to do things for her and I always saw it that way, as Taichi's role alone so it never looked to me as a romance between two as I said)

    I never wanted Arachiha to resemble this.

    You spoke about how Arata was not allowed to act more like a normal person who is interested in a girl (I believe that's what you wanted to say and not particularly blaming Arata the character but the author who cut his scenes and wrapped his moments hurriedly as if she didn't have time for him or she had other things she wanted to focus on which are for her more important than Arata and giving him a "full depth-ed" story if I may say) but you know what? I heard this complaint a lot and I thought that it'd be cute stuff to see but I personally never thought it's needed.
    Arata for me is like Murao said at the beginning: "minds his own business", like he himself said in the very beginning, "a man hwo won't go easy even on a 5 years old", he is a boy who only faces the real you when he needs to + he is not romantic so ... there is this major theme in the manga where Chihaya needed to catch up to him to be able to communicate her feelings and I could easily see them meet not in the middle but at the end of their road, C who is willing to work hard first (AND FOCUS ON THAT) to be on the same page & A who decided to change prefectures to be next to her instead of starting a relationship over phones, ofc I don't mean this as a complete disconnection but I can't see "using the phone much to ask about Chihaya & feel closer to her" as something In Character for him .. Arata always looked at Chihaya as someone who can take care of herself (and I believe she could if Taichi gave her space to), she faces what she doesn't like, she finds ways to be happy and she was always honest about her thoughts and desires, someone like this was bound to be received favorably by people who want to teach & guide her she never really needed a certain someone to be by her side so Arata looked more at her as someone who is running ahead and he himself also kept running ahead.

    People mentioned that he should have told her when he came to practice at Shiranami but why? didn't Chihaya say she wants to FOCUS FULLY on training and he told her he would do the same? I didn't expect him to cut this kind of agreement in the middle, he said that the next time he will meet her will be in the meijin tournament as a declaration that all the time they have until then will be fully dedicated to preparing and that's what he did!
    He came to waseda, he was serious about coming to Tokyo even though he knew he wasn't that rich to waste money on living outside of his prefecture and he was always a considerate boy in his family so he wouldn't make that decision & persist if he wasn't serious, when TC told him about them going out he said that he thought that he "will give his best" after coming to Tokyo that's how relationships are taken for him, that's the "serious" he was offering but alas, Suetsugu invented that ??? excuse at the very end to change things and I wonder what you think about it? because I feel like you accepted it?
    Taichi was always by Chihaya's side, she was always aware that he worked hard with her, that he was caring, he took care of her a LOT! she was really really aware but that didn't stop her from loving Arata (because Suetsugu still confirmed that Chihaya did bc you know, in the way she planned things at first she put enough facts & hints to, even in the comic book & the art exhibition and interviews) So she couldn't just deny it

    How do you see this "by my side" thing?
    Does it make sense to you in some way? like Oooh I love A, I'm dumb I can't write poems but I wrote poems about A, and i'm dense and I don't understand relationships & indirect messages but I understood A's let's play karuta together as let's live together which is only kana's level of understanding - anyway I rejected T because of A, but T refuses to talk to me, he is caring and hard working and sweet & I will put his head on my shoulder despite liking A because I recognize his kindness and I believe that he deserves to be cared for, he is my friend who is sweet & loyal to his closest people me including -wait he is here- no he was always here, my friend told me I can't communicate with him like before because we are just friends, wow, we are not just friends, thanks to my friends who understand my feelings for me lol, I'm in love with him????? like yeah?
    good for anyone who can consume this comedy. I got over sensei's end and i'm not going to reread to see the "elephant" (thank you very much Wataya san for the very accurate description)
    I also decide to end it here with what I got, what I enjoyed and what I still want to see, if Suetsugu doesn't want t give it to me, I'm easily ready to consume anyone's creation that doesn't contradict what I got so far.

    Speaking of which, I'm glad that @iNameless_ is also doing better, she wants to write the fanfiction I want to read lol

    no seriously, I had fun discussing with her what kind of ending would have been satisfying and how it would have played, what details would have been delightful to see apart from the romance and we imagined some really fun things, it would be very nice if anyone could write them as a fanfiction, Rawaa is trying but it's not easy, especially that it's her first try, I don't know anything about ffs either.

    Sorry for the very long reply but I couldn't express myself in a while and I like to talk to you Avish, really & despite everything
    and it's so nice to read your thoughts too Kirara.
    I really don't know how to help you guys if I can do anything just let me know but please get better, the ending really doesn't deserve your uneasy feelings, no, it's not even the whole ending, it's the last 20 or so pages (and what they color in black in Taichi's panels in the last part of the manga I guess)
Aug 29, 2022 1:32 PM

Nov 2018
    By the way @Avish, did you check the Japanese hashtag?
    if you didn't please do
    you'll find it amusing that lot of your thoughts are already expressed in Japanese, i find it healing to know that there are so many who feel very similar feelings for very similar reasons and who read Chihayafuru in a very similar way, who analysed it the same, who read the "hints", the poems, the visuals & every hint the same we did
    You'll know that we weren't delusional, the writing lead us where we arrived and made us think & expect what we expected and the ending IS made at the last minute.. well Suetsugu already almost said it
Aug 30, 2022 4:15 AM
Jun 2014
Well, Taichi-kun's very long post gave me some energy to reply, so would you quit apologizing already, Taichi-kun?! :D

You guys... don't you think you're exaggerating a bit of what I said?! I kept shaking my head while reading your replies... How did you manage to get the idea from my posts that I wanted Ara-Chiha to resemble Tai-Chiha in any way, shape or form?! You both have made almost the same point, so I'm kinda lost about that... All I wanted or expected was some semblance of normalcy and balance between the relationship of two of my favorite characters... I mean, Mr. 'minds his own business' (;P) did text Chihaya asking "did you have fun?" and I loved Chihaya's emotional reaction to it. So why do you think that a few more such instances where Arata reaches out as the dear friend he's supposed to be, would turn them into Tai-Chiha? They are fundamentally so different that it's impossible for such a thing to happen! If you remember Taichi-kun, that I had 'objected' against the cute stuff in the later half of the manga, so that's not what I particularly wanted.

I'm totally with you Kirara-san about their quiet and subtle moments and I love them. And maybe you'd disagree, but I really wanted to see some pure unbridled emotions, especially from Chihaya... Oh, the hug that could have been...

Also, there's a reason I give specific examples to get my points across... So if you guys are okay with the Arata who 'minds his own business' after seeing his dear friend's injured hand, and (apart from the initial shock) doesn't or isn't allowed to show any concern about it, then the only thing we can do is 'agree to disagree' ;) Or maybe you think I'm making an issue out of nothing? I'm not sure...

I'm a very sarcastic person by nature. But because many a time I've experienced that people either don't get it, dislike it or take it literally, I try to tone it down considerably. But sometimes it slips through and I wonder if that's what happened in your case Taichi-kun, otherwise you wouldn't be asking me if I have accepted Suetsugu's sorry excuse of an ending! :D

I don't know why Rawaa-san's only talking to you about all that and not posting here, but all I can say is I missed reading her thoughts and 'objecting' to them whenever I could ;D

And yes, Taichi-kun, I did check out that hashtag, but some of the translations were really wonky and didn't make much sense, so I went back to reading Haley-san or Court-san's thoughts, which really echoed some of mine (and ours) as you said. Like Court-san's recent tweets about how Kana was partial to Taichi and ignored Chihaya's strong feelings for Arata. But it seems she's a better person than me, cause she still likes Kana! Hahaha! :D
AvishAug 30, 2022 6:45 AM
Aug 30, 2022 6:42 AM
Jun 2014
You guys can totally ignore at least half of my last post cause I think it's getting kinda repetitive...

So this "a man who won't go easy even on a 5 years old" that Taichi-kun mentioned reminds me... How do you guys correlate this ruthless guy with the Arata that Suo eventually saw... a child-like, optimistic one... I'm kinda confused about that part...
AvishAug 30, 2022 6:50 AM
Aug 30, 2022 1:41 PM

Nov 2018
    I can't write much right now but just about Rawaa, I talk with her occasionally on Fb messenger, she lost her MAL credentials and the last time she mentioned it she was super busy with her graduation project so I don't know if she recovered them yet or not, she is still active on Aratafuru especially after the last chapter (and she says something about waiting for her professor's review of what she did or something like that), she was angry with the last chapter but I feel like now she rather wants to create an alternate ending or fix the issues in a fanfiction... she has more energy than you that's for sure lol

    Will be back to write longer posts to give you more energy :D i'll do it with pleasure cause who can refuse an energized Avish? xD
    And I'm also sarcastic by nature but usually not with people I care about, coming back to give you more stuff to object to haha
Aug 31, 2022 12:36 AM
Jun 2014
Hey, being an introvert HSP living in probably one of the noisiest countries is extremely tiring! But yeah, most of the elders (some of them 70+) in my house are more energetic than me, so no argument there! Haha! I did read some of her thoughts on Twitter, but I'm sure she has more to say, so I hope she manages to get her MAL credentials back, but until then, my bestest wishes for all her endeavors, including the fanfic :)

I look forward to your longer posts! Bring it on!! :D

The way you said that, do you think of sarcasm as something negative, Taichi-kun? Cause I personally don't. Some of the biggest laughs I've shared with my friends or family were caused by sarcasm, usually mine! ;) But it's a double-edged sword, so better to use it carefully...
AvishAug 31, 2022 4:13 AM
Aug 31, 2022 11:47 PM
Jan 2022
@MashimaTaichi_ I'm impressed and NGL a bit jealous that you are over the ending already! You're amazing.

@Avish I think I understand a bit more what you were trying to say. It's true that there has been always an excessive sense of distance in Chihaya and Arata's relationship. Looking back, I think I overlooked this because I thought it would be something addressed in the end, and the final arc would be exactly about this - Chihaya and Arata finally getting the chance to fight side-by-side and help each other in practice. In some ways, this was exactly what happened but of course, Suetsugu's ending made it look like nothing between Chihaya and Arata ever mattered. SIGH.

Your question about Arata's ruthlessness is very good and in the past I would have had a field day with it, in fact I had my own theory about it, but now I can't help feeling cynical and think it doesn't mean anything, it was just Suetsugu writing stuff on the fly without any thought or care for Arata. This is how I feel right now and it's really sad because I followed Chihayafuru for 10 years, it was my favourite manga, I always recommended it to friends, I used to love it so much. But now I can only feel sadness and regret for having dedicated so much time and energy trying to analyse this story.

I know some would say I'm only feeling that because my ship wasn't endgame, but it's not about that. It's about how the themes that I loved - inner passion, karuta as a means to connect people, friendship, female empowerment - were completely discarded by the end. It's about how Chihaya and Arata's relationship, the relationship that kickstarted the manga, was completely swept under the rug, even at a platonic/friendship level. In some ways, the fact that there's no emotional resolution for Arata means that I can't have emotional resolution myself, I can't walk away from this story with acceptance let alone satisfaction.

The only silver lining in all this is the Arata fanbase. Thanks to the Japanese fan tag, you guys and other friends, I can see I'm not alone and that is invaluable. I am REALLY looking forward to reading Rawaa's fan fiction, because Arata is amazing and he deserves to be written by someone who truly loves and cares about him, unlike Suetsugu.
KiraraChinAug 31, 2022 11:51 PM
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221 by iNameless_ »»
Nov 4, 2023 6:48 AM

Poll: » One Mashima Taichi โ˜พ, FANS ๐Ÿ‘ฅ & ARATA ๐Ÿ‘“

MashimaTaichi_ - Apr 24, 2020

34 by iNameless_ »»
Nov 4, 2023 6:44 AM

» ๐–๐ก๐š๐ญ'๐ฌ ๐”๐ฉ, ๐‚๐ก๐ข๐ก๐š๐ฒ๐š๐Ÿ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ฎ? ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

MashimaTaichi_ - Jul 12, 2019

263 by MashimaTaichi_ »»
Jul 27, 2022 10:13 AM

» โ†ณ Data & Analysis โœ

MashimaTaichi_ - May 23, 2020

38 by KiraraChin »»
Jul 18, 2022 11:29 PM

» โ™ก Head-canons โ™ก Fan-Comics โ™ก Fan-fics โ™ก

iNameless_ - Mar 13, 2021

18 by MashimaTaichi_ »»
Jul 17, 2022 2:46 AM
Itโ€™s time to ditch the text file.
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