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Sep 23, 2013 3:14 AM

Feb 2013
Drunk_Samurai said:
There are better people than newsWatch9 at debating their side. I wish one of them would actually come here. That sounds hilarious. What forum was it? That's a stupid reason to ban somebody.

I believe it was a gaming forum, specifically for Zelda because I've been an Avid Zelda fan for a LONG time and I had been a member of the forum since like 2006 and got banned in 2011 for mentioning piracy. AFTER I had made site staff for a little while. It was a ridiculous event and I think it was orchestrated by one of the higher ups because they didn't like me. It was probably a clan dispute or something. We were all split up into 3 different clans. Nayru/farore/din, Nayru being the biggest of which I was nayru. Or maybe I'm just paranoid. :P

EDIT: Lol newswatch9's sig. Man he needs to take a chill pill on his "valiant crusade"
TrebelSep 23, 2013 3:23 AM
Sep 23, 2013 3:15 AM

Jun 2013
newsWatch9 said:
that's just unfair.
Welcome to life.
Sep 23, 2013 3:17 AM

Sep 2013
fackifiknow said:
newsWatch9 said:
that's just unfair.
Welcome to life.

Fak your shit, don't "welcome to life" me like that, this one is a choice!
Internet-piracy is the cancer of Anime, leechers need to get caught and die out!
Sep 23, 2013 3:18 AM

Feb 2013
newsWatch9 said:
Fak your shit, don't "welcome to life" me like that, this one is a choice!

Dems fightin' words yo
Sep 23, 2013 3:25 AM

Aug 2007
fackifiknow said:
Trebel said:

Maybe I should look up the forum rules about pirating before I'm so open about it, I got banned from a forum for just mentioning the fact that I pirated material before lol.
Afaik you can talk about it, but don't link to torrent sites or illegal streams and the like, if you really must discuss those kind of specifics with someone you should do it via pm's.

They have yet to clarify if this is a rule or not. I remember the rule before was that you couldn't DIRECTLY link to a torrent file or a download but you could link to the index sites. Unless they changed it. I wish one of the mods would actually clarify this instead of just deleting/ignoring whenever somebody asks.

newsWatch9 said:
I've never said anything about recommendations, OF COURSE I'd watch highly recommended stuff all I'm refusing is this general mentality to, test drive a car for a lifetime!
If you're going to entertain yourself, at least have the decency to pay for it in some way that's actually actively contributing, be it TV, Crunchyroll traffic or like a DVD. If you're uncertain about a series, watch trailers, read reviews or ask people who watched it already.

Look guys, I know this is a fakkn moral issue, I can't understand how people can literally gulp down hundreds of series and only pay for a very small % of those. Feels like a series has to be a 10/10 before people even consider paying IF they have the money and that's just unfair. (if they don't have money this excuse will just get conveniently ignored)

So you admit to being a hypocrite and actually do watch pirated material then.
Sep 23, 2013 3:30 AM

Sep 2013
Drunk_Samurai said:
fackifiknow said:
Trebel said:

Maybe I should look up the forum rules about pirating before I'm so open about it, I got banned from a forum for just mentioning the fact that I pirated material before lol.
Afaik you can talk about it, but don't link to torrent sites or illegal streams and the like, if you really must discuss those kind of specifics with someone you should do it via pm's.

They have yet to clarify if this is a rule or not. I remember the rule before was that you couldn't DIRECTLY link to a torrent file or a download but you could link to the index sites. Unless they changed it. I wish one of the mods would actually clarify this instead of just deleting/ignoring whenever somebody asks.

newsWatch9 said:
I've never said anything about recommendations, OF COURSE I'd watch highly recommended stuff all I'm refusing is this general mentality to, test drive a car for a lifetime!
If you're going to entertain yourself, at least have the decency to pay for it in some way that's actually actively contributing, be it TV, Crunchyroll traffic or like a DVD. If you're uncertain about a series, watch trailers, read reviews or ask people who watched it already.

Look guys, I know this is a fakkn moral issue, I can't understand how people can literally gulp down hundreds of series and only pay for a very small % of those. Feels like a series has to be a 10/10 before people even consider paying IF they have the money and that's just unfair. (if they don't have money this excuse will just get conveniently ignored)

So you admit to being a hypocrite and actually do watch pirated material then.

Internet-piracy is the cancer of Anime, leechers need to get caught and die out!
Sep 23, 2013 3:32 AM

Feb 2013
Drunk_Samurai said:
newsWatch9 said:
I've never said anything about recommendations, OF COURSE I'd watch highly recommended stuff all I'm refusing is this general mentality to, test drive a car for a lifetime!
If you're going to entertain yourself, at least have the decency to pay for it in some way that's actually actively contributing, be it TV, Crunchyroll traffic or like a DVD. If you're uncertain about a series, watch trailers, read reviews or ask people who watched it already.

Look guys, I know this is a fakkn moral issue, I can't understand how people can literally gulp down hundreds of series and only pay for a very small % of those. Feels like a series has to be a 10/10 before people even consider paying IF they have the money and that's just unfair. (if they don't have money this excuse will just get conveniently ignored)

So you admit to being a hypocrite and actually do watch pirated material then.

The valiant Crusader has soiled his hands and is unclean! Nay! Unfit for the gates of Heaven I say! Repent sinner!

I by no standards test drive cars for a lifetime. I have purchased MANY things and contributed lots of revenue to the Anime kingdom, including my time working at Sakuracon here in Seattle each year. I believe there is a balance that can be achieved if one wants to. But than again, it is a choice, a matter of opinion. I don't tell you not to eat captain crunch in the morning, or how to take a piss when you wake up at night. I don't think anybody should be allowed to tell me what or what not to download, Even if it is considered "illegal" by half the world.
Sep 23, 2013 3:37 AM

Jun 2013
Just curious Newswatch9, roughly how much have you spent on anime. I see you've got a collection of over 150 disks.
Sep 23, 2013 3:39 AM
Jul 2018
I don't know about anywhere else, but here in Sweden it isn't illegal to stream at all. There's no laws yet for streaming movies, series, etc. in Sweden.
Sep 23, 2013 3:40 AM

Feb 2013
fackifiknow said:
Just curious Newswatch9, roughly how much have you spent on anime. I see you've got a collection of over 150 disks.

Damn that's ALOT of $$, that's like... worth a decent car for me O.O or rent. or my next dinner for a few months (depends on what disks). or my cigarettes for the next few months. I wish I had that kind of money to throw around.

Fexell said:
I don't know about anywhere else, but here in Sweden it isn't illegal to stream at all. There's no laws yet for streaming movies, series, etc. in Sweden.

Can I come visit sometime and bring my 6 terabytes that I have empty? Sounds like a grand ole' time to me! :D
Sep 23, 2013 3:41 AM

Sep 2013
fackifiknow said:
Just curious Newswatch9, roughly how much have you spent on anime. I see you've got a collection of over 150 disks.

Well including all the statues and artbooks, somewhat between $2500-$3500.
Internet-piracy is the cancer of Anime, leechers need to get caught and die out!
Sep 23, 2013 3:42 AM

Feb 2013
newsWatch9 said:
fackifiknow said:
Just curious Newswatch9, roughly how much have you spent on anime. I see you've got a collection of over 150 disks.

Well including all the statues and artbooks, somewhat between $2500-$3500.

Yeh I wish I could spend that kind of money on anime instead of life. Oooooh the joys of being 22... T-T
Sep 23, 2013 3:43 AM

Jun 2013
newsWatch9 said:
fackifiknow said:
Just curious Newswatch9, roughly how much have you spent on anime. I see you've got a collection of over 150 disks.

Well including all the statues and artbooks, somewhat between $2500-$3500.
Should have added this the the previous question, over what kind of timeframe?
Sep 23, 2013 3:45 AM
Jul 2018
Trebel said:

Fexell said:
I don't know about anywhere else, but here in Sweden it isn't illegal to stream at all. There's no laws yet for streaming movies, series, etc. in Sweden.

Can I come visit sometime and bring my 6 terabytes that I have empty? Sounds like a grand ole' time to me! :D

Well, we have laws against downloading. As said it is only for streaming we don't have any laws. If I wanna stream a movie I usually use one of these sites:
Sep 23, 2013 3:45 AM

Sep 2013
fackifiknow said:
newsWatch9 said:
fackifiknow said:
Just curious Newswatch9, roughly how much have you spent on anime. I see you've got a collection of over 150 disks.

Well including all the statues and artbooks, somewhat between $2500-$3500.
Should have added this the the previous question, over what kind of timeframe?

It's been getting a bit faster since I've started making some money of my own, I'd say like maybe 5-7 years.
Internet-piracy is the cancer of Anime, leechers need to get caught and die out!
Sep 23, 2013 4:09 AM

Mar 2012
newsWatch9 said:
Toucanbird said:
newsWatch9 said:
Toucanbird said:
newsWatch9 said:
Toucanbird said:
I did watch that video and I agree with Arkada, but I also disagree with him on one point. Illegal streaming is probably more beneficial to the anime industry than a harm. While there are legal alternatives to watching anime, that's really only beneficial to those in North America since Crunchyroll is region locked.

I also disagreed with him on his fact that "anime isn't expensive." Not necessarily true. SOME anime isn't expensive. Anyone who wants to go out and buy the Fate/Zero box set knows what I'm talking about. Sometimes, we don't have $400 just to throw around on one box set. Sure, it's inexpensive to WATCH anime, but it's pretty expensive to buy.

Of course, $40-70 for a box set isn't too bad since you can get most American TV show box sets for that price, but once it starts getting up to around $100+, it becomes a pretty expensive hobby, ESPECIALLY if you watch a lot of anime.

Then save up and adjust your viewing habits, it's like that with any other hobby in this world jeez!

If you can't afford it, slow down. I am forced do that a lot!

You're being ridiculous. You do realize not everyone has the best source of income and sometimes "saving up" isn't always an option, right? For the record, I do buy anime DVDs. I don't pull an Arkada where I buy everything I watch because if I did that, I'd be in debt up to my eyebrows. I also don't want to buy "everything I watch" because I'll admit, I do occasionally see a terrible/disappointing show. I do believe in supporting the industry, but why would I buy an inferior product? If I went by your logic, I should go out and buy every box set of every TV show I've ever seen because that's how I would "support the industry." Nobody does that. I'm already swamped with a ton of student loan debt, rent, car loans, and other miscellaneous expenses and I don't have the most income coming in right now.

You've got a very jaded view on how anime fans should act. It doesn't matter if anime streams are legal or illegal. The fact of the matter is, streams create outside exposure to a niche industry. Buying everything you watch is preposterous. While I do believe in supporting the industry, why would you support a company that produced a piece of trash? If you buy the anime you liked, then great, but why would you buy the anime you didn't like? Again, I do believe in supporting the industry, but you shouldn't feel obligated to buy an inferior product because of those beliefs.

Oh that one's easy; I DON'T

I don't buy everything, I don't watch everything. I'd look for a show I feel confident enough to pay some money for, wait for release and/or import/buy the DVD right away and watch. If it's disappointing, fine I won't buy the next one or wait for reviews.

I'm not sitting on my kings throne, entitled to watch everything and give it a thumbs up/ thumbs down after. I don't have much income, I can barely afford 2 $30-$40 boxes every month and adjust my viewing habits according to the money I have.

So, you don't buy everything you watch, but you criticize other people when they do the same thing?

Your logic is actually more detrimental to the industry than helpful. For example, a lot of the anime that I do own now or planning on buying mostly came as a surprise. About 90% of my favorite anime came from recommendations of anime I never planned on watching before. For example, I didn't watch Angel Beats for the longest time because I thought the character designs were atrocious. However, after getting enough recommendations, I decided to give it a watch. It turned out to be one of my favorite anime ever made. I never would've considered buying it unless I saw it first to make sure it was good.

What about "surprisingly" good anime? I'm sure you've seen some anime you never expected to be good and it turned out great. Going by your logic, you'll never own those anime because you're "confident that it wouldn't be good."

The point I'm making is streaming is beneficial for consumers. I'd compare streaming anime to test driving a car before you buy it. 99% of the time when someone goes car shopping, they test drive the vehicle to make sure it's a good fit. Same goes for streaming anime. You're acting like watching streaming anime is a cardinal sin when it's probably a whole lot more beneficial to the industry than no streaming at all.

I've never said anything about recommendations, OF COURSE I'd watch highly recommended stuff all I'm refusing is this general mentality to, test drive a car for a lifetime!
If you're going to entertain yourself, at least have the decency to pay for it in some way that's actually actively contributing, be it TV, Crunchyroll traffic or like a DVD. If you're uncertain about a series, watch trailers, read reviews or ask people who watched it already.

Look guys, I know this is a fakkn moral issue, I can't understand how people can literally gulp down hundreds of series and only pay for a very small % of those. Feels like a series has to be a 10/10 before people even consider paying IF they have the money and that's just unfair. (if they don't have money this excuse will just get conveniently ignored)

Okay, then let's play a little hypothetical game. Let's say you're a president/CEO of an anime production company. You know Japanese adolescents and young adults are the target demographic, but you're looking at overseas sales and viewership. You know your products are being viewed on streaming sites like Crunchyroll as well as other multiple streaming sites. You also know there are people who can't afford to buy your series and are only watching it for free on Crunchyroll or are watching it on illegal streaming sites. As the CEO, what sort of action would you take? Do you try getting the illegal streaming sites shut down? You do that, that leaves just Crunchyroll. What's Crunchyroll's problem? It's region locked. So if you're in a region that is locked, you're shit out of luck.

Honestly, if I were that CEO, I would just be happy that my product is getting foreign exposure. Why? Because even if that person doesn't buy my product, they're exposed to it and if they liked it enough, they can recommend it to other people who might buy it. Like I said, the anime industry is a niche market and foreign exposure is only a plus. Despite common belief, anime isn't "popular" outside of Japan. When I say popular, it's not like it has an enormous demand.

In my opinion, what's important here is the exposure. We can debate this issue six ways to Sunday, but the fact of the matter is, illegal streams do generate enough exposure to draw inquiries about buying a product. As I already stated, if I'm a CEO, I'd rather my product receive extra exposure than fret about who isn't buying my products from a demographic were not even technically advertising for. It's no secret that anime production companies generally don't care about catering to a Western audience. SOMETIMES they do when they have something with a generated interest like The Big O where it's Western popularity caused the creation of a 2nd season...but even then, that ultimately backfired due to poor DVD sales (it didn't help that the 2nd season sucked from a writing standpoint). If nothing else, it should drive production companies to be completely on top of their game when creating an anime.

Oh, and one more comment in regards to the reviews, recommendations, trailers, etc. That doesn't always work. For example, about 6 months ago, I decided to watch The Walking Dead. A bunch of my friends recommended it, the trailers did look pretty interesting, and it seemed to be a highly acclaimed show. So what did I think of it? I got through about 12 episodes of it before I ultimately discarded it from my playlist and called it the most overrated piece of garbage I've ever seen. I'm honestly amazed I got through 12 episodes because the first season (6 episodes) didn't exactly impress me. I can tell you one thing, I am glad I didn't purchase the box sets first because I'd certainly feel like I'd flushed $180 down the drain.

I could get into licensing, but honestly this has gone on long enough. Ultimately, we don't see eye-to-eye where you believe the production company should be compensated for anything and everything whereas I believe it's a consumer market. If you want to sell a product, you need to make something that makes them want to out and buy it, regardless of whether or not they watched it legally.
Sep 23, 2013 4:58 AM

Oct 2010
1) Illegal Streaming and Downloading in USA(and AUS, CA etc) is not necessary, because of legal alternatives which are also free (crunchyroll, hulu and others)

Most legal streaming alternatives still lack what the illegal ones (streaming and downloading) doesn't.
1. Quality. 1080p is rarely being streamed legally and when it is it is just a low quality and pixelated video. The audio quality is also lowered to save bandwidth. Where's my high bit ACC and lossless FLAC?

2. Availability. Most legal alternatives are extremely restricted to specific regions. This have made me extremely wary of legal options as i don't want to be disappointed yet again.

3. Content. Not everything every season is shown on Crunchyroll, Hulu, Netflix etc... CR only show like 1-4 anime each season that I want to watch. That's 1/3 to 1/4 or everything I'm interested in. I can't use Hulu and Netflix here have like 1/10th of the content in the US.

4. Watch when you want how you want. There is no GoG for movies and series. Cheap, DRM-free and high-quality downloading of the content. No need to rely on the Internet all the time you want to watch something.

2) Illegal Streaming and Downloading is „morally“ wrong, and you shouldn‘t do it.

The morality card is a weak ass card! There's nothing morally wrong with it. Legally perhaps (depends on where you live), but not morally.

3) Even if you buy the BluRay etc. later it‘s still bad to use illegal services.

That guy should give me one, just one reason that convince me it's bad to buy things later on. Pig in a poke is all I can say to this.

4) Anime is not expensive, buying things is possible
4.2) Hobbies are supposed to be costly, you cannot have a Hobby that doesn‘t cost money. Anime is also a Hobby so expecting it to be for free is foolish

Anime IS expensive. For example, Full Metal Panic! Blu-ray Box for 368€. That is excluding shipping and issues with the customs that may arise (had to pay 50€ extra for my Xena Warrior Princess 10th anniversary box because of the customs tight ass :/ ).
But yes, most hobbies are expensive. Also, a tiny percentage of those downloading and watching streamed videos expect things to be free. Sadly that minority is loud and rude, trying to speak for all of us like we're some collective hive mind. "we are Borg resistance is futile", right?

5) (partially) Illegal streaming and downloading harms the Industry.

Which industry? The 'Pig in a poke'-industry? That's fine then. We don't need it. :D
To me it seems the entertainment industry is flourishing because of illegal sharing as it forces them to adapt to the market instead of the other way around.

Well this is my thoughts about it. Take it any way you wish.
Sep 23, 2013 5:02 AM

Aug 2013
Fair enough that it doesn't support the industry.

But I am also poor and cannot afford quality food. College and stuff. So. Maybe I should get better at getting free textbooks, and then spend that money on food anime.

I may just be morally apathetic. But my family all uses Netflix, and I've watched a series or two on that.
Mogu-samaSep 23, 2013 5:07 AM
Want to talk?

"Would you like an anti-psychotic?"

*Bonus points if you leave a comment about the meaning of my signature.*
Sep 23, 2013 5:46 AM

Aug 2012
Gotta love how some people conveniently ignore the fact that anime in countries besides Japan and the ones in North America have significantly less legal options. What's the harm in watching something for free? It's not like you're stealing anything from anyone. If content creators want to bitch and moan about piracy while their still making bank, that's their problem. There'd only be one reason why creators wouldn't be making money off their work: because their shit sucks ass.

Having a policy of buying everything you watch is one thing, but forcing other people to do the same when they don't want to is another. Why do you think ACTA and SOPA were shot down and met with plenty of criticism and protest?

That being said, I do find it extremely disheartening when a simple question such as, "Best place to legally watch anime that is getting released each season?" get met with answers such as this, trolling or not:

gamer2710Sep 23, 2013 6:19 AM
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Sep 23, 2013 5:47 AM

Jun 2013
GuttedGnome said:

Which industry? The 'Pig in a poke'-industry? That's fine then. We don't need it. :D
To me it seems the entertainment industry is flourishing because of illegal sharing as it forces them to adapt to the market instead of the other way around.

Well this is my thoughts about it. Take it any way you wish.
I recall the music industry howling like they'd just been dealt a deathblow when Napster was the big thing, and this was a time when it took 20 minutes to download a single mp3. Damn near fifteen years later we can do a several gig discography in about the same time and those in the industry STILL make money hand over fist.
Sep 23, 2013 7:01 AM
Jul 2018
tfw my crappy hard drive is full of anime and I can't download anymore.
Sep 23, 2013 7:06 AM
Apr 2013
Hades_III said:
tfw my crappy hard drive is full of anime and I can't download anymore.

Just buy a new one if you got the money anyway.
Sep 23, 2013 7:15 AM
Jul 2018
worldeditor11 said:
Hades_III said:
tfw my crappy hard drive is full of anime and I can't download anymore.

Just buy a new one if you got the money anyway.

I'd rather buy anime if I had any money.
Sep 23, 2013 7:16 AM
Apr 2013
Hades_III said:
worldeditor11 said:
Hades_III said:
tfw my crappy hard drive is full of anime and I can't download anymore.

Just buy a new one if you got the money anyway.

I'd rather buy anime if I had any money.

Of course, you can do that too.
Sep 23, 2013 11:30 AM

Aug 2007
Hades_III said:
worldeditor11 said:
Hades_III said:
tfw my crappy hard drive is full of anime and I can't download anymore.

Just buy a new one if you got the money anyway.

I'd rather buy anime if I had any money.

You would be better off getting a better HD. It isn't good to have a HD completely full.
Sep 23, 2013 1:02 PM

Apr 2012
I just want to ask any anti-piracy person this, do you have that ideal for everything, including porn?
MclovinballsSep 23, 2013 2:31 PM
Sep 23, 2013 1:20 PM
Jul 2018
Drunk_Samurai said:
You would be better off getting a better HD. It isn't good to have a HD completely full.

I'm going to download another HD. I can't believe nobody did this before me.
Sep 23, 2013 1:47 PM

Mar 2012
Yeah, you shouldn't illegally stream or download, but what'r'ya gonna do? Sure, people should buy it if they want it, but they don't.

The real question here is why so many people "don't have money".
Let's go bowling.
Sep 23, 2013 2:02 PM

Mar 2013
I watch on "illegal" streaming sites because frankly the pay ones suck and can't translate to save their lifes, and only really cover the more mainstream shows anyway.

If the "illegal" sites shut down I'd probably stop watching anime I'am not that attached to it and in turn without that exposure I'd stop buying the blu-ray from the shows I like.

Sep 23, 2013 2:20 PM

Apr 2012
Meh like I care if its morally wrong or not. If Crunchyroll had more than 100 shows in my region maybe I would consider paying the 8€ a month that it costs, thats not much money, but Id never buy an anime. I dont even care that much about anime, but anime is expensive as hell, and so are movies. They are asking so much money for one time experiences, anime and movies are hardly rewatchable since they are always the same. Unlike games where every playtrough can be different you are basically paying 20 dollars or more for an anime series, which is worth about 5 hours of fun.

If they shut down illegal streams Ill just stop watching anime, who cares anyway...
Sep 23, 2013 2:53 PM

Sep 2013
If you don't have enough money to legally watch anime you are poor... as in homeless poor. A child's allowance of $5 a week could afford subscriptions to both Crunchyroll and FUNimation. If you're an adult and can't afford to buy at least 1 or 2 series a month you should probably spend your time fixing your financial situation as opposed to watching anime.
There's no need for all this tension.
Sep 23, 2013 2:56 PM

Jun 2013
Although I am against illegal streaming, I have no other choice. I live in a small country in south-eastern Europe and there are around 70 anime available in my country on Crunchyroll, and I cannot even become a member on FUNimation because it is not available in my country. In addition, I cannot even buy anime in stores because there aren't any and I don't trust Ebay. So basically, my only choice in order to watch high quality anime shows is illegal streaming sites...
TomislavSep 23, 2013 3:00 PM
Sep 23, 2013 3:24 PM
Jul 2018
I fail to see how streaming online is wrong. Watching shows on TV is perfectly fine apparently, and watching it on the internet is literally just that but on the computer.

Shows make money off of merchandise, not the show itself. If someone doesn't like a show, they're not gonna spend money on it, no matter where they watched it.
Sep 23, 2013 4:13 PM

Jun 2013
Xybirk said:
I fail to see how streaming online is wrong. Watching shows on TV is perfectly fine apparently, and watching it on the internet is literally just that but on the computer.
Your parents pay the cable/satellite bill, thats why. Of course there is an internet bill too, but often times the cable/satellite bill is double what it costs to connect to the web.

Don't underestimate the revenue generated by advertising when it comes to TV shows.
Sep 23, 2013 5:32 PM

Aug 2012
Majikkusesu said:
If you don't have enough money to legally watch anime you are poor... as in homeless poor. A child's allowance of $5 a week could afford subscriptions to both Crunchyroll and FUNimation. If you're an adult and can't afford to buy at least 1 or 2 series a month you should probably spend your time fixing your financial situation as opposed to watching anime.

I completely agree.
Sep 23, 2013 5:38 PM

Aug 2012
newsWatch9 said:
No, you guys just don't want to lose your instant, free anime and actually work for entertainment. Last time I checked, entertainment is no basic human right, you are NOT entitled for the shows.

You do not NEED TO WATCH every single show, I don't do it.
Why is it so hard for people to understand and accept this relatively easy concept?

Because they are poor and will say anything to justify what they do when they know full well that its wrong.
Sep 23, 2013 5:45 PM

Apr 2012
sasukefan38 said:
Majikkusesu said:
If you don't have enough money to legally watch anime you are poor... as in homeless poor. A child's allowance of $5 a week could afford subscriptions to both Crunchyroll and FUNimation. If you're an adult and can't afford to buy at least 1 or 2 series a month you should probably spend your time fixing your financial situation as opposed to watching anime.

I completely agree.

And how fucking old are you?
Sep 23, 2013 6:14 PM

Apr 2008
I go back and forth. I started off by buying dvds. This was before legal streaming and my computer and internet connection couldn't handle torrenting. I probably spent close to a thousand dollars. Then I realized I was going broke and fast. My internet improved, my computer improved and I started to download. I realized quickly how much the "official" subs sucked. Funimation was one of the worse for this at the time. I appreciated a good fansub group that actually cared how about the anime. Then Crunchyroll became acceptable. I watch what they have from there usually. They don't carry everything though, so those I still torrent. I know that Funimation has gotten somewhat better but... I find myself not able to support them...
Sep 23, 2013 6:16 PM

Aug 2013
It's bad mkay.
Sep 23, 2013 6:18 PM

Aug 2013
I stream a lot and I torrented a few, but only the ones that I REALLY love (e.g. Clannad, Gurren Lagann, etc.)
I HAVE bought anime before, though, but it was stupid now that I think about it. I bought it off ITUNES. Not to say the quality was bad, because it was VERY good, but it's that stupid DRM protection. At this very second, I'm stripping off the DRM out of every singly Full Metal Panic the Second Raid episode. Don't get me started on how long it took me to copy the Steins;Gate episodes I bought.... argh...
I live a very fortunate life, but I personally don't have any money. That's why I don't go out to buy DvDs. I understand that Arkada countered that argument in his vid, but that's really all I've got. Kill me.
Fight Club > Anime
Scott Pilgrim > Manga
Death Cab for Cutie > Yuki Kajura

"Who'd you rather be? The Beatles or The Rolling Stones?"

Sep 23, 2013 6:24 PM

Sep 2012
I got a 2 TB External HD filled with my favorite anime in 1080p. No regrets or guilt baby!
Sep 23, 2013 6:34 PM

Jun 2012
I buy my favorite anime and manga, but other than that, why spend money on a show I'll only watch once or pass off as average?
получить деньги моего друга
Sep 23, 2013 6:37 PM

Aug 2012
Mclovinballs said:
sasukefan38 said:
Majikkusesu said:
If you don't have enough money to legally watch anime you are poor... as in homeless poor. A child's allowance of $5 a week could afford subscriptions to both Crunchyroll and FUNimation. If you're an adult and can't afford to buy at least 1 or 2 series a month you should probably spend your time fixing your financial situation as opposed to watching anime.

I completely agree.

And how fucking old are you?

Apparently older than you (and makes more money than you) if you have to ask or disagree.
Sep 23, 2013 6:41 PM

Nov 2012
I collect anime and buy it consistently. So streaming illegally and downloading it is pointless and out of the question. Besides, there are plenty of older shows I could watch legally I still have not seen.
Sep 23, 2013 6:42 PM

Apr 2012
sasukefan38 said:
Mclovinballs said:
sasukefan38 said:
Majikkusesu said:
If you don't have enough money to legally watch anime you are poor... as in homeless poor. A child's allowance of $5 a week could afford subscriptions to both Crunchyroll and FUNimation. If you're an adult and can't afford to buy at least 1 or 2 series a month you should probably spend your time fixing your financial situation as opposed to watching anime.

I completely agree.

And how fucking old are you?

Apparently older than you (and makes more money than you) if you have to ask or disagree.

Let me rephrase it, are you living on your own and paying for your food, bills, taxes, etc., or young enough that parents pay for all of that?
Sep 23, 2013 6:54 PM

Sep 2013
rederoin said:
Majikkusesu said:
If you're an adult and can't afford to buy at least 1 or 2 series a month you should probably spend your time fixing your financial situation as opposed to watching anime.

You're poor if you can't afford to spend over 300 euro per month on a 10-13 episode series?

Do you have any idea how much money your average person makes? You really think most people also have just 1 hobby? No need to spend money on any other form of entertainment?

Lol, so you only buy super fancy collector's edition releases? You know that figure is ridiculously bloated.
There's no need for all this tension.
Sep 23, 2013 7:07 PM

Sep 2013
rederoin said:
Majikkusesu said:
rederoin said:
Majikkusesu said:
If you're an adult and can't afford to buy at least 1 or 2 series a month you should probably spend your time fixing your financial situation as opposed to watching anime.

You're poor if you can't afford to spend over 300 euro per month on a 10-13 episode series?

Do you have any idea how much money your average person makes? You really think most people also have just 1 hobby? No need to spend money on any other form of entertainment?

Lol, so you only buy super fancy collector's edition releases? You know that figure is ridiculously bloated.

No, that is the actual price of imported BD's.
You know, the kind you buy if you actually want to support the series you love.

Not to mention how a lot of series never get licensed anyway.

I think this reflects more what you want to buy and can't afford than what most people actually do buy. No one said you have to take the most expensive path to legally watching something.
There's no need for all this tension.
Sep 23, 2013 7:39 PM

Aug 2012
rederoin said:
No, that is the actual price of imported BD's.
You know, the kind you buy if you actually want to support the series you love.

Not to mention how a lot of series never get licensed anyway.
There is no tangible or practical benefit to buying imported discs minus the unlicensed series. The only difference that matters here is how much it costs the consumer, assuming we are only talking about legal avenues.
This topic has not been locked and is still available for discussion.
Sep 23, 2013 7:49 PM

Sep 2013
I never paid for watching anime but i pay to buy their merchendise.. At least I'm somewhat helping the industry.. but why pay for watching anime? some people can't afford to pay for subscription.. With watching anime for free, everyone is happy!!
はじめまして。おかざきです、どうぞ よろしく。
Sep 23, 2013 7:51 PM

Aug 2013
Nagisa_Okazaki said:
I never paid for watching anime but i pay to buy their merchendise.. At least I'm somewhat helping the industry.. but why pay for watching anime? some people can't afford to pay for subscription.. With watching anime for free, everyone is happy!!

Plus netflix is garbo.
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