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- Total Entries27
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- Chapters629
- Volumes106
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I loved the awkward romance arc between Kirito and Asuna, because it shows how Asuna was becoming the downfall of Kirito. He wanted to complete the game, but she was dragging him down because of her selfish ways, and it was great. But then that dumb fucking loli grill comes and and fucks everything up because the story suddenly had shit dumped all over it. Loli grill's backstory doesn't make any logical sense at all, even for such a story as SAO. And the fact Kirito "LE EBIN HAXXXOR XDXDXDXDXDXD" beats the final boss despite actually dying is retarded and not epic as they tried making it. Also, the fact Asuna didn't actually die was a disappointment.
I could write an entire paper about how horrible the ALO arc was though, so I'll leave it at that since I'm guessing we share views on how fucking horrible ALO was.