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Feb 5, 2013 1:25 AM

Feb 2009
Milo was still trying his best to ignore the meaty mess that gramps had created using his precious powder, when an all to familiar whistling sound made itself heard over the battle. He turned his head just in time to see a quite large part of the area vanish in smoke and fire. It looked awesome. Where could he find a bomb like that!?

His eyes were sparkling as he observed the huge crater when he heard Daisuke yelling something about hearts and pieces. Were they going to dismember more people? He didn't really like that idea but more bombs were coming their way and despite wanting to watch, he didn't really feel like getting hit by one of them, so sticking to this group felt like the best alternative all the same. So long as he didn't have to watch then they could dismember how many they wanted he thought, they were fun people to hang around anyway so it should be allright.

He turned to see where Ringers voice was coming from and immediately saw him some distance off in the crowd. He got a smile on his face, thinking that this was going to be the start of one hell of an adventure as he placed one hand on his hat to keep it from falling off and then he took off running and zagging through the crowd of terrified and screaming people.
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

Feb 5, 2013 5:38 AM

Jul 2008
Ringer showed remarkable agility for someone of his build, weaving through the remaining fighters and bleeding corpses that littered the area with Daisuke and Kagari on his shoulders. He grabbed a quick look behind himself to see if Milo was still with them, and barely ducked away from taking a mace to the face as he turned his gaze forward again. He basicly lifted his legs under him, crashed into the ground on his knees just as the mace flew overhead. After skidding on his knees for a few feet he managed to prop himself back up to his feet as his attackers attention was cut short by a falling shell blowing him up into a thousand meaty peaces.

Even at the very end of his strength, Ringer kept showing remarkable stamina. Someone his size shouldve spent a lot of energy every second he was fighting/running with the adrenaline pumping through him, but still he didnt back down. A little brawl was nothing compared to hammering steel with your bare hands for 2 days straight just to finish a project in time.

As he made his way across the field, he came upon a peculiar sight. A female, wielding a spear, was holding her arm in pain. It had obviously taken some damage, considering the dripping blood and how it hung limp from her shoulder.
"What are you standing there for!? Tag along darnit, this place is going to hell in a handbasket!" He shouted at her as he moved past her.

He was tempted to stop to make sure she was fine, but he didnt have that luxury considering he was responsible not only for his own safety but also the lives of Daisuke and Kagari. He left it up to her to either tag along or make her way out of the carnage on her own. His pace wasnt that quick, catching up to the lumbering blacksmith carrying two people shouldnt be difficult for her even if she was hurt.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Feb 5, 2013 7:51 AM

Jul 2008
Keratani nearly snarls in rage at the large man. "I know, dammit! I just needed some time!" She shouts over the fighting and spends a few moments looking at the sky. Her eyes dart back and forth, painting an image of the stars in her mind. From that, she is able to tell which direction is North.

She hears various people shouting and manages to pick apart each sentence with a bit of concentration. The Northeast was an escape route? Almost too good to be true...

However, considering that she doesn't have any choice, she starts walking and reaches into her pocket. Her fingers trace over various candies she kept just in case. She pulls out none other than a jawbreaker, slowly unwrapping it and popping it into her mouth. She grins wickedly and clamps her jaw right on the hard candy in an attempt to ignore the pain in her arm.

It seemed to have worked considering that she was now sprinting and leaping up and over Ringer, managing to hop, turn towards him in mid stride, and salute him with that grin of hers before she kept on running. She wasn't particularly fast, but her agility was near the standard human maximum potential, allowing her to leap over people and use more heads as springboards on her quest to the northeast.
Feb 5, 2013 3:56 PM

Mar 2009
Now imagine if you will, the madness that was encircling me at this point as I passed by in a brisk jog. The wind brushing up against my hair, the consecutive explosions going off as if it were creating a symphony, and the bottle....WAIT...THE BOTTLE!?

Before his eyes, was a pint of rum, about halfway full, but nonetheless untouched in sometime. Forward he went, bending down as an unknown body flew over him while he grabbed the pint. Personal victories are always the best aren't they? He made it even much more clear, by gently rubbing out what god awful nastiness rested at the rim before raising the glass up to his lips, and chugging the remainder of the contents.

"Kam~PAI!" He yelled happily as his cheeks blushed with a rosy hint of the alcohol flowing through his system. Then another body flew and another ."@$^&@!" It was time to kick start himself back out of this mess, but apparently he had no where to go, but alas there was inspiration! Off in the distance a tall burly looking man carried two people on his shoulders. Surely no one would dare attack a man trying to save another person would they?

While thinking of a plan, and dodging several other unknown bodies flying through the air, a familiar object was closing in on him. "That hat, that feather, that height! It's the @%^@%^@ kid!"

With a devilish grin, Noah turned to the side, unbeknownst to the approaching Milo. When Milo was within a step before Noah, he swiftly turned around and slammed the empty bottle of whisky against Milo's forehead, nearly knocking off his hat in the process as well.

"Oh me! This child has been a victim! My my my this isn't good, I must save him!"

Out cold, Noah lugged the lifeless Milo atop his shoulder next to his guitar and continued forward copying the tall burly man along with his cargo. Confident that his decision was successful, he wore a triumphant smile, ignorant to the blatant stupidity he had just committed.
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Feb 5, 2013 11:27 PM

Feb 2010
Daisuke gave a smile, full of relief when Ringer took his arm. But within seconds the relief drained and he experienced a spike of thrill, confusion, and fear as his body was flung around like a doll. He felt his feet smack something hard, which felt oddly satisfying, and finally the wind stopped rushing past him as he landed squarely on Ringer's shoulder. What a rush!

After gathering his bearings he noticed Kagari had been taken along for the ride and grinned at him, waving slightly. He'd been saved. Have to make this up to Ringer someday. It was odd, watching weapons miss by an inch, moving through the crowd skillfully and all without moving a finger. Daisuke had always been the one keeping himself self and now he had to rely on someone's movements. While it was a bit unnerving, it was also bonding to a way, to have someone to rely on.

As they traveled they passed a wounded girl which Daisuke had a strange feeling they'd be seeing a lot of. Then she passed them. Hopefully they'd get there soon, Daisuke didn't want Ringer to get hurt on his behalf... nor did he wanna get hurt. Since he couldn't do much he looked back to check on Milo, maybe feel useful. What a surprise when the gunner got smacked in the face by a bottle wielding man, who then proceeded to carry him of his own accord. "Milo!"
Feb 6, 2013 11:40 AM

Feb 2009
Milo was swiftly and almost effortlessly making his way through the crowd, mostly due to his rather small size, but also due to his natural agility. He had a big grin on his face since the huge explosions occured every other second now and he had plenty of opportunities to make a small jump in order to have a look at them. Ahhh how beautiful they were. That's the kind of explosions he himself wanted to create one day. He wasn't really paying any kind of attention to the smaller movements of the crowd so he accidently tripped over and bumped into several people every time he tried to watch one of the explosions. But everybody were busy trying to run for their lives so not many paid any kind of attention to him since they mostly didn't even see him.

He now and then threw a glance over at Ringers direction, who was incredibly easy to spot since he was carrying two people, just so that he wouldn't get lost or anything. He would soon catch up, it's not like Ringer was moving in a particularly high speed or anything. An explosion suddenly erupted pretty damned close by and Milo immediately took a leap up and managed to see it in all it's glory. He was completely ecstatic from the close up and completely lost sight of what was ahead until he felt a very sharp intuition. Kid? Who're yo calling a *Clonk* Just as he turned his eyes forward he was met with an empty bottle of rum straight to the head. His feet continued forward while his head stayed quite put where it was and they went up in the air while still half-running before he fell flat on his back, sprawled out over the ground. He was completely out cold.

Then Noah picked him up and threw him over his shoulder and all the while being carried, Milo saw horrible dreams about a big, perverted, ugly, guitarr playing alcoholic who kept calling him a small child.
Pantyshots are a different matter entirely

Feb 7, 2013 8:43 PM

Jun 2008
The White Fleet moved impossibly fast, only minutes after their spotting had boarding parties started to climb ashore the arpicheligo, thousands of white garbed marines started to swarm onto the islands, their weapons flashing their obvious intent as anyone who came across them, marine or pirate was turned to a state that no man could recognise as human, some even carried flamethrowers which set the island ablaze, causing the marine landing army to look like an approaching horde of hellish deamons.

The main force spread out and started attacking the whole island chain, however one elite group of about three hundred marines spearheaded the charge towards the old slave theater, the ones still there could now see them come up over the hills, rushing down towards the historic site. By this time, Dobberman had already escaped, his private submarine sinking into the sea along with his elite crew, the rest of the marines however were not that lucky as by this time, there were no more ships on the island, all of them smashed under the White Fleet barrage.

At the very edge of the islands designated point the survivors had started to gather, the place was a large open field bordering the sea, confuzed pirates and even marines were standing there now looking around for a boat they could't find, but without any other hope for escape they clung to this last refuge no mather how hopeless it seemed.

Back inland screams of terrible rage was heard as a little red-haired girl stole her second fruit of the day, leaving no reason to stay behind anymore. But for those distracted by these sounds they might have spotted something as their eyes went towards the white fleet, for in that great light a flash of light could be seen, so bright it was that even under the sun it could be seen brigther than anything. That light was not just an illusion or an effect of the sails, it was a real physical thing and it was moving towards the island.

((Executive Warning: Those who haven't gotten to saftey in their next post will find themselves at risk of character death and will not be able to complain if it finds them.))
Memories are the materials of a Soul, it is what makes and defines you.
And as such, blood is the currency of the soul, the silver plate of the will.

(Work in progress)
Feb 8, 2013 8:22 AM

Jul 2008
Ringer was a bit surprised when the female leapt over his head and continued ahead towards the north-east. She seemed hurt, and this kind of agility despite that was impressive. He wasnt that slow, atleast not for a guy of his build, he was actually pretty fast. But carrying two people and having been in a fight for god knows how long had started to drain even his impressive endurance. He could only run so fast in the situation.

He didnt have time to look behind him. If he did, he wouldve noticed a stranger carrying Milo whom he believed was perfectly fit to run on his own legs. Then again, a good bottle to the face would easily change that. As such he kept running as if Milo was behind him, unaware of the new addition to the little group that was now a good distance away from where the fighting took place. He didnt even notice Daisuke was awake enough to speak Milos name, as Ringers senses had started to dull and he was slowly getting a slight tunnel-vision effect. It had a positive effect on him, as it helped him focus on keeping his legs moving towards the north-east and nothing else.

Around them he saw other people running aswell, but they were so few compared to the amount of people which shouldve also ran. Ringer sighed sadly, as he figured they either went the wrong way or was silenced forever by the artillery-fire. For now however, they were safe, and quickly made their way to the north-east.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Feb 9, 2013 12:13 AM

Feb 2010
Leia offered her cunning smile to Sergio's idea as a way of her approval. He did prove to be a quick thinker when in severe situations like this. Her on the other hand, she's working on it which surprisingly she was not offended by the capability he was showing her.

Her trench coat was dried by now. The one that covered her whole body, hiding her gender. Getting to know Sergio so far since their encounter, she did expect him to know she was not who she horribly said or played out to be in the first place.

Without questions asked, she slipped off the taupe trench revealing her half naked body. It wasn't all bare skin however. The instilled thoughts of a being a respectable lady-like person was still in her, of course sarcastically. She wore a white bikini top, visually the one with two triangles just enough to cup the parts needed to be cover and a mini white short along with other accessories that's used to kill. The excuse was she was swimming to get to this place. Being as light as possible and not adding more weight to the already accessories was heavily required.

She grabbed onto his shoulders as he positioned himself steadily and pushed down, raising her body up and over the roof top. The push was slightly higher than she imagined maybe because he didn't consider the part of her tiny frame, but it was a success. She landed carefully and now bend over with one hand reaching to help him up while the other gripped onto a secure roof tile.

"Come on. Hurry!" She yelled down. "I'm strong enough not to have you slip away once I get a hold of your hand." It was her way of reassuring him that she wasn't weak despite what it looks like on the outside. She was very capable herself and he's already seen it first hand.
Feb 9, 2013 8:02 PM

Feb 2010
Boomie soon found what he was looking for, a few of the large bubble-like containers that he had seen people using for floating shopping bags. Boomie took 3 from the stand quickly, not bothering to slow down, applying his haki to them as he picked them up. He couldn't afford to have them burst from flying debris or projectiles of any sort.

Boomie got back to Levi, Chibi and Miss Music-box swiftly, and without giving them a chance to argue shoved the bubbles over his 2 comrades bodies so they floated. He hesitated at the singing chick but as soon as the white fleet arrived on shore he didn't have a second thought, he pushed the bubble over her too, speeding off with all 3 of them floating in the shopping bag-like bubbles as he moved through the chaos, his jet dials streaming him along faster than an average ship.

In no time at all did they reach their destination, protected by Boomie's haki and the speed the companions were travelling at, they met no resistance.

(sorry, but since none of you were posting i controlled your chars a bit, feel free to control boomie in your next posts to put your chars actions and personality in it, just have it end with us on the ship otherwise there may be trouble.)
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Feb 9, 2013 11:07 PM

May 2010
Sergio was caught off-guard as Leia stripped for a second time right in front of him. She stood there wearing only a small bikini top and mini shorts covering her toned body. He noticed the dangerous accessories she had as well, giving off this aura of sexy deadliness Sergio did not want to cross. He quickly looked down in embarrassment. He thought he felt his wound open up again from the shock. He had never met a girl as brash as this one. Sergio quickly cleared his throat, and waited for Leia to ready herself.

He felt her climb up on top of him. When, he felt she was secure, he pushed off and sent her flying up. It seemed he sent her a little higher than he he expected, probably from the distraction of her stripping right before. Either way, Leia had made it on to the roof. She had then offered her hand down to him. Sergio really didn’t need any help to climb up, but he figured she could have gotten up there herself too. But she took his help, so he would take hers. Sergio took a couple steps back from the wall. Then he charged straight at it and ran up it about a third of the way. Before he lost his traction, he leaped for the roof, grabbing it with one hand and grabbing Leia’s hand with his other. With her help, he managed to pull himself up to the top. Sergio wished he could sit and rest for a bit, as he was getting to the point of exhaustion; but they needed to get to the northeast shore. He could rest then.

“Thank ya kindly for the help, Miss.” He tipped his hat to her. Then looked in the direction they were heading. “It should be a pretty clear path for us from here to our destination. We better get movin’ quickly.”

He took the lead and started running along the rooftops. Looking down, he saw the huge mass of people heading in the same direction but on the ground. He even saw a few people carrying others with them. Sergio smiled. It was good to see that some people wouldn’t leave their comrades behind. When he looked ahead, he could see the Northeast Shore in front of them.

“We’re almost there Miss! We should be safe. Just a little bit more...” Suddenly Sergio’s smile left him as the world had begun to spin around him. He slowed down, as he could feel himself swaying back and forth. It seemed the exertion mixed with the sudden shock of Leia’s striptease and his earlier wound were finally affecting him.

Youmi Academy ID
Feb 9, 2013 11:34 PM

Feb 2010
Cass gratefully accepted Boomie's bubble and curled up inside while he blasted them away from the war-zone towards the exit point. However, being inside the bubble and curling her body taught also reminded her that something was out of place. She felt a hand on her chest and instinctively moved to slap the owner. But there was no one else inside the bubble. Just her and the severed arm squashed against her chest pushing up in between her breasts and leaking congealing blood onto her lap.


Cass fumbled the arm, dropping it and causing the rigid locked fingers to hook onto her top in between her cleavage, pulling her top down to dangerous levels. After the initial surprise and the Kya'ing was over she stopped panicking, mostly and unhooked the dead hand, locked from the inset of rigor mortis and readied it to be thrown. She targeted the other bubble holding the metal-girl and hurled the severed arm at her, exiting with a pop and entering the other bubble with a glop to land on Jyou.

Cass then turned to Levi wearing a devilish smile and yelled "Fetch!"
Shadow543Feb 10, 2013 1:55 AM
"If you can't accept the worst - what else will you accept?"

"People like to tell me darkness is the absence of light, so i tell them - darkness can only be found in the presence of light" - Amane Chiyo
Feb 10, 2013 12:55 PM

Mar 2009
As Noah's legs advanced further, the weight of Milo's body began to sink in, harshly teaching him that his once thought up brilliant plan was a catastrophic fail. However, a cry for the boy's name by one of his comrades urged Noah to continue running forward. Soon the sky would be painted by a grandeur display of flashing lights, set off by explosions that drowned out all of the yelling, sword clashing, and gun fire.

He was drawing closer to Milo's comrades, but as he drew closer to the husky man holding the other two on his shoulders, a band of pirates began to close in on them. The pirates created a wall in front of the husky man, and in a rare act of compassion, mind you he's going to use someone else's weapon, Noah withdrew one of Milo's pistols from his holster and opened fire upon the crowd of pirates, creating a hole with which the husky man and himself managed to slip through.

No words were exchanged between the two as they continued to race forward, eventually making their way towards the open field of the North East. The sea was just beyond the beach, where many pirates and marines jumped into the water, seeking salvation among the remaining refuge. Noah followed the husky fellow until the man came to a halt. Beside him, Noah stood along with Milo whom seemed to begin waking up. Noah, pulling Milo by the collar, lifted him up with one hand and held him in front of him before letting him go as the boy fell hard on his bottom.

"Well, looks like we all made it," Noah said confidently while dusting off his hands. Acting completely ignorant to the self-imposed invitation upon his newly established "comrades".
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Feb 10, 2013 12:55 PM

Jul 2008
Keratani stpped on the way, finding a few planks of wood. and a few dead bodies. She rips off sections of their clothes and takes a few planks to make a splint for her broken arm, making sure not to move it too much. Then she continues on her merry way. Her little distraction got her a little behind Ringer, but she quickly catches up and stays at his speed. "Name's Keratani D. Lansimm. Yours?" She asks, still trying to keep her mind off of the pain in her arm, stopping when they had reached a safe spot.
TamoballFeb 10, 2013 1:20 PM
Feb 10, 2013 3:34 PM

Dec 2009
Levi chases maniacally after the arm like a rabid dog after, well... an arm. He leaps out of his own bubble, hands snapping at the arm as he collides with Kyou's bubble and is stuck inside with her and the arm. Levi sits still for a moment, the arm lying in Jyou's lap. Levi begins to growl.

"My armmmmm...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

Levi lunges forward with his teeth gnashing at the arm and when he misses decided to uses his hands, reaching forward and grabbing the arm wrenching it back to himself. Only... he had caught part of Jyou's shirt in his grip for the arm and also ripped a large portion of the chest area out of the music box ladies shirt.

Levi doesn't even notice, he simply curls up into a ball and cradles the arm like a child; well a slightly insane and gore loving child but still a child.
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Feb 11, 2013 11:39 AM

Feb 2009
Jyou didn't have time to speak out against the pyro before he threw some kind of bubble on her and was instantly pulled along. Well, now she at least didn't have to do any running. These guys were not so bad. Maybe she would stick with them for a while.

That opinion would quickly change once the midget threw that severed arm into her bubble. "What the fuck?!" She was about to toss it back out, but the necrophiliac lunched and popped into her bubble, staring at the arm like a mad dog. The two kicked and yelled, Jyou placing her foot firmly on his face and pushing him away. Unfortunately, the struggle resulted in the tearing of her tank top with only a bra to cover her breasts.


Jyou repeatedly hit Levi over the head with her guitar like a person smacking their dog with a newspaper.
Feb 12, 2013 9:17 PM

Feb 2010
Finally the North-eastern point was within reach as they roamed through the rooftop without any distractions except what was happening below them. Not only was that a good sign, she was saving herself the trouble of getting through the herd of people fighting for their lives from the fleet. Leia was at a good pace so Sergio wouldn’t feel like he was lagging both of them considering his injuries. At the very least, they were semi-running, a lot faster than when they were struggling to move before.

“Yes. We are actually doing a lot better compared to the rest.” She replied almost as if she was yelling with all the energy she is using up focused on running.

Unexpectedly both of them slowed down. Being behind Sergio, Leia couldn’t really make what was happening in front of him but she came right up behind him to see what it was. She was actually too excited to reach the destination that Sergio’s woozy body was unnoticed also not being able to see his expression was part of it. By the time both of them realized what happened, Sergio had fallen back right into Leia’s arm. She couldn’t even stand up straight with the sudden fall and used her knee for support. It happened so fast that her reaction kicked in which surprised her a lot since her quick reaction skills was never offered to anyone before other than to save herself.

She gave him a what-the-hell-just-happened-I-thought-you-were-stable-look. After recovering back to what was really in front of her, Sergio who was injured and probably even worse now with all the fast moving, she took a peak at his wound. It had gotten worse, opened up more with new blood seeping out covering the dried ones. Unfortunately, she had nothing handy to rip from her body and help with the wound. The thought of even doing so was not even an option she wanted to think about.

“It’s okay.” She said trying to calm him down or more likely it was to calm her down with the time they have left to reach the North-east shore.

“We are too high for anyone to follow us, so I can tend to your wound now…within the next second. Just bare with me.” The rush in her voice sounded insensitive but she can careless about that now. There were more important matters. Quickly, she let him lean against her other knee as she plans to deal with him.

Offering a comforting smile, she forcibly pulls a knife on him. It was pretty fast that he probably only caught a glance of the handle to realize that it was a knife. Where she got it from, of course a handy tool from the other accessories she had on her.

It really looked like she was just about ready to stab him to death. A good motive too since his injured body was slowing her down but she grabbed hold of his shirt with her other hand, pulling it and cut it straight down. A clean cut was made and she instantly starts ripping the red shirt sideway until it met up at the point where the cut was first made. The ripped shirt on him did look more feminine being cropped just below chest area but details don’t matter right now. She wrapped the ripped cloth around his body to cover the wound and tighten it to stop the blood flowing.

“This is just until we reach a safe place since we are out of options.”

“And uh…Sorry if I almost scared you there. It wasn’t intentional. Thinking about it, nothing I do is intentional, I just do it.

Come now, we are so close.” She reached her hand to his and pull him up. Not letting go, she pulled him behind her, making their way to the North eastern point. If her dragging him was some motivation to keep going than give in to the pain, it was worth a shot. If she was mistaken, well she tried her best helping.

Finally, they reach the end point. Only thing left was to jump down from the roof and follow the prize like everyone else who made it to the North-eastern point. Luckily, below them was a smaller shack, probably a storehouse. Jumping down will be a breeze. Leia went down first. bouncing right off the shack onto the ground. At least from her point of view she liked to think that and now just waiting for Sergio so they can meet up with the rest who made it.
Feb 15, 2013 7:41 PM

Jun 2008
The fleeing pirates and even some marines scrambled towards the destination set by Fork, those who did't quickly realized their mistake as well placed artillery fire quickly sunk any remaining boats on the island, leaving them stranded and stuck waiting for the white fleet marines to find and finish them off. Though exceptions were legion, everywhere powerful pirates stood their ground with their respective crews, fending off the marines like Greek giants wiping away ants, though even these champions of piracy vanished one by one, flashes of light and the screams of dying throats ripping through the noise of the constant artillery barrage.
The Light that had come from the White Fleet swept through the areas of saobody until no great pirate yet lived, until it finally set its eyes upon the north east point, the light blinking into valley leading down towards the destination point.

The young girl celia or whatever her name was had fell behind the others, unsure of what to do she fumbled around confused and lost, until she finally found something, something which shadow fell upon her and eclipsed the sun. A Giant of a man which body was sculpted like an Astartes straight out of the museum gazed down upon the pirate. He had white/golden hair that reflected light like a mirror, his eyes were equally bright, two spinning orbs of sunlight glowed deep inside his pupils. He wore a white fleet marine uniform with a huge breastplate and armored sleeves, shoulders and knees, interlinked with silver chains, on his back a huge cape wavered in the wind.

The girl tried to say something but she was too stunned by the aura of intimidation that surrounded the giant man(not actually a giant, just a huge-ass man), she could only stand there as a heavy hand hoisted her up by the ancle, causing her to hang loosely in the air before her captor, completely helpless as the man moved his free hand closer and closer until his middle finger met her face. She could only mutter some nonsense in sheer terror as the finger started glowing and glowing until a terrible screech could be heard echoing through the valley, rendering her head into nothing. The man threw the headless smoking corpse away, like some piece of garbage he wanted no more than to get rid off. His face filled with disgust as he scanned the area for remaining pirates, he saw them scurry away like rats from a cat, the sight of such cowardice filled him with hate and fury, his hands and body glowing brighter and brighter along with his burning emotions.

From the North-east point the people waiting was suddenly distracted by a huge-ass explosion of light coming from the theater valley, the whole area had become a dome of blinding sunlight which scorched away anything living and scarred the lifeless ground that was left behind, anyone who witnessed it realized quickly that anyone who had not left for the north-eastern point in time had certainly been killed. ((Thats right, if you were still there you are now very much dead fried barbecue, whatever pleases your fancy, but you are dead, very dead.)) Though while the distraction was grandiose, people quickly noticed that a new horde of arrivals had come, but no more pirates, this time the white-fleet had arrived and soon over a hundred elite white fleet marine swept into the flatland, mercilessly killing the first unprepared pirates.

The nearest pirates quickly took up arms and started fighting, and those in the back would soon join in but before they could, eight big pieces of grassland suddenly flipped open, throwing a few pirates into the air, the flipped grass revealed itself to be the bigger part of a hidden door plate which hid stairs that lead deep into the darkness. And as on que loudspeakers hidden beneath the grass started booming out a message: "Survivors! You have three minutes to evacuate down the stairs before we close! Please act in logical and behaved manner!" The reaction to this was all but mannerly, pirates started stabbing and punching to get ahead as suddenly the entire horde of pirates, thousands of them, tried to get down the stairs at the same time, this allowed the marines the freedom to charge in, causing many to be cut down as they turned to flee. The chaos of marines killing at will as they cut their way behind the pirates and the frenzy of the desperate pirates made trying to get down the stair into a death-trap, many died before they could even take their first step, and those who finally managed to get down were suddenly at great risk of being trampled to death.

One would look at the act of trying to escape down into the unknown a dangerous, maybe even a fools errand, but looking back at the approaching marines, which force were constantly being reinforced, the white fleet slowly encircling the island and the terror of whatever were causing the great light explosions made any other alternative even more unsavory.

There was no choice.. Get down the stairs.
Or die.

((You can't just rush down the stairs due to the marines and the chaos, so be creative in how you handle this, Gl.))
KantarellFeb 15, 2013 7:45 PM
Memories are the materials of a Soul, it is what makes and defines you.
And as such, blood is the currency of the soul, the silver plate of the will.

(Work in progress)
Feb 17, 2013 12:45 PM

May 2010
Sergio had suddenly fell back into Leia. Thankfully, she had caught him and brought him down slowly.

“I’m terribly sorry Miss. I don’t mean to be a burden to ya, but I feel like I need to rest a bit. It shouldn’t be too long.”

Sergio really was sorry for his collapse at such a crucial time. It seemed his wound was a little more serious than he thought it was. He was still ashamed of himself. To show weakness at a time like this was inexcusable. He felt her lift his shirt up, now sticky with blood, to check the wound. Sergio was amazed that Leia was willing to help after just a short time knowing each other. Her words seemed to help him relax a little bit. That was until she pulled her knife on him. At least, that was what he concluded it was based on the handle. She had it up to him before he even could react. Maybe she wasn’t willing to help him after all.

“Now look, ya don’t have to do anythin’ drastic like this. Just go on ahead of me, I won’t bother ya anymore.”

He closed his eyes, waiting to feel the cold steel. He felt her grab his shirt again, and then suddenly heard a ripping sound. He opened his eyes to see his shirt was now a few inches shorter. Leia had ripped the bottom of his shirt away and tightly wrapped it around to help stop the bleeding. He felt a little stupid now that his midriff was showing, but he’d take feeling stupid over dead any day.

Leia reached down and pulled him up. He managed to gather the strength he had left to keep going. Not letting himself lose his grip on Leia’s hand. When they reached the Northeast Shore, Leia jumped down to the ground. Sergio was about to follow her, until pieces of the ground lifted up revealing a stairwell. There was an announcement that it would only stay open for 3 minutes. After that, Sergio saw mass chaos below him. The huge crowd of pirates trying to beat each other to the stairs, mixed in with the White Fleet marines slaying anyone in sight. It would be near impossible to try to push through all of that to get to the stairwell. Sergio looked around for another idea. His eye came upon a clothesline a few feet away at the edge of the roof. He smiled a little bit. It was time to see if he had enough strength left to pull off a move as crazy as this. If he failed, both Leia and himself would probably be dead. If he succeeded, then hopefully they would be in the clear.

Sergio untied the end of the clothesline and wrapped it around his arm. He quickly calculated the angle he needed to take, took a deep breath, and then jumped off the roof and swung through the air. He passed Leia on the ground, grabbing a hold of her by the waist and carrying her with him as he continued swinging.

“Hope ya don’t mind me dropping in Miss.” He gave her a wink as he focused his attention back to the crowd of pirates.

He swung them up a little higher, getting just high enough for him to run across the crowd of pirates. There were so many of them all close together that it was like he was running over the ground. He was stepping on shoulders and heads, still holding on to the line in case he lost his footing. When they had almost reached the stairs, he warned Leia.

“Just keep a hold on me. This is going to be the hard part.”

Sergio let go of the line and came down on a pirate that was just about to go down the stairs. He slammed his foot into the pirate’s back, sending the man down to the ground and sliding down the stairs. Sergio and Leia rode him down like a snowboard on a mountain. Surely the man would no longer be living by the end of it. Sergio was sorry to do this, but it was a sacrifice that he had to take. When they reached the bottom, Sergio let go of Leia and ran forward, looking for where they were supposed to go next.

Youmi Academy ID
Feb 18, 2013 11:57 PM

Feb 2010
Wanting to get free, Daisuke began to wriggle around in Ringer's arm without politely asking or anything of the sort. Moving his whole body randomly, Ringer got a bit annoyed and dropped the boy on his face, which hit the floor flatley, followed by his body. He popped himself up and brushed off to pretend the incident hadn't happened, looking straight as Milo plopped on the floor to reveal a man he didn't know at all but was apparently putting himself with his group.

"Who the fuuuuuuuuuuccccck!" What was a question became a panicked exclamation as more marine forces arrive. More! No wonder they were so expendable that the White Fleet fired upon their own men. These guys were infinite, much to the dismay of Daisuke, and these new arrivals seemed even more powerful and closed in fast. Rather opposed to getting stuck in another full out brawl, Daisuke turned away. Hearing a rather rehearsed and smart phrase over the speaker, he found that it was not well-received as none of the pirates cared to band together and instead began killing each other to get through the newly-revealed exit. Morons. He turned back to Noah. "Glad to see you made it buddy. Just a bit more to go so please prove your worth and get Milo through alive." Daisuke smiled at this stranger, preferring a random ally to a new enemy.

Within seconds the marines had rushed in and one of them weaved through a few pirates pushing past each other and slashed at Daisuke abruptly. Daisuke pulled his blade and barely blocked the incoming attack, raising his foot and kicking the soldier back into two pirates fighting. He knew he owed Ringer one and was sure he was getting tired, but on the bright side the other side of those stairs was most likely a haven mostly free of violence. The goal was to get Ringer there soon. Only one solution remained. "Ringer... you've learned Tekkai, correct? Jump, tilt forward, and use it."

Twirling to dodge another attack from the marine, he got to Ringer's right side and put both hands on his sword, turning the dull end forward and, assuming Ringer followed his instructions, dashed forward so the back of his sword connected with the bottom of Ringer's shoes. "Ittoryu: Blacksmith arts:" Focusing all his power in his arms, which hadn't taken too much abuse that day, he swung both of them to force Ringer's body flying straight towards the stairwell, over most of the combatants but frankly right into a few of them, " Iron Ringer Rocket!"

Lunging forward, Daisuke tried to follow after him with a quick release of Soru, but his legs gave out almost immediately, and he hit the ground, barely using the back of his blade to block the marine's next strike. "Fly man fly!"
Feb 19, 2013 9:05 PM

Jul 2008
After this latest development, Keratani finds it prudent to follow after bowling ball ringer since it cleared the way. She does so without hesitation.
Feb 21, 2013 6:17 AM

Jul 2008
Ringer was surprised Daisuke had the strength to pull it off, but as he flew (literally flew) down the stairs he could not deny that he was impressed. The force was almost enough to cause his legs to buckle, and slamming into the first few pirates he hadnt even had the time to activate his Tekkai, and as such took a few blows to the head that knocked him abit silly.

Still, he had the presence of mind to activate it halfway down, and just in time as people that were facing that direction tried to slice at him to make him stop. Their blades fell onto him like twigs upon a semi-truck. He barely even noticed the strikes, curling up like a ball to knock away the remaining pirates.

As he reached the bottom, the entire thing had happened so fast that he did not even realize he was down. Combined with the fact that he was still abit dizzy from using his head as a battering ram, he merely rolled across the ground like a runaway wrecking ball until he was a distance away from the other pirates. There, he unfurled himself and spread out on the ground like someone who had just taken a fall. Arms to the sides and a face looking like he just took a ride on the sickest rollercoaster in existance, he fought to keep his own lunch down.

He failed. Miserably so, and turned over on his side as his lunch told him "fuck you, im outa here".

"Blarghawhargle!! Ugh... not doing that agaiBLARGHARGLE!! ugh... no more, please noBLAAAARGHLE!!"
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Feb 22, 2013 11:25 AM

Mar 2009
"Ah! That was spectacular!"

A joyous Noah beamed as the husky fellow sailed down the stairs, clearing a path through the marines and pirates along the way. Milo was just waking from his nap as the swordsman was about to pass out of conscience.

"I have an i--de--a~~~~~"

He sang whilst swinging out his guitar off of his back, knocking out a marine in the process. Forcefully, he pulled the swordsman up by the back of his collar, then tossed him on top of his guitar (belly down) which was now on the floor at the edge of the stairs. Milo happen to be on full alert, ready to blast a new one into Noah's stomach after a quick draw of his pistol. In reaction, Noah wrapped his own arm around Milo pulling Milo's arm up as the first shot was fired, killing a pirate. He then hoisted up Milo atop his left shoulder which prompted a bunch of kicking and incoherent banter while Noah jumped on top of his guitar facing the opposited direction of the swordsman.

"Surfs up! Ryankyakuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Lifting his right left he launched a roundhouse towards his left side unleashing a small gust of wind that propelled the trio down the stairs atop Noah's guitar. How Noah maintained his balance on one leg? Because he's awesome...duh!

Further down they sailed until with a hardy thump the guitar halted, sending Noah and Milo flying towards Ringer and his newly created vomit soup. Crashing them came in forming a dogpile on top of the other.

"How epic was that!" Noah proclaimed as he launched an uppercut into the air.
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Apr 11, 2013 12:33 AM

Feb 2010
Boomie looked at the escape route, the only valid escape route, and disregarding all possible dangers towards the unknown, he directed himself to fly through the gate, his haki still empowering him. As he did so, he continued to drag Levi and friends behind him.
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 12, 2013 7:46 PM

Feb 2010
Sergio’s instinct had saved both of them twice with running on the roof to get ahead and now swinging down on a clothesline. Without hesitation, she locked arms around his neck, possibly dragging down her weight on him as they swiftly made their way across the crowd of panicking pirates and others she had no idea of.

Although she really doesn’t care about other people’s well being, doing such a stunt even prompted her raise her feet a little just as they come down closer, she wouldn’t kick anyone in the face. However, even with that in mind, she didn’t expect Sergio to do the exact opposite. By the time she knew it-so far that is how her relationship with Sergio is, everything by acts of being surprised with his actions but still working in their favor-they were sliding down the stairs as if water was below them making it an easy surf. In that particular situation, she felt horribly bad. It could have been her being that person since at that moment, everyone was fighting with their lives on the line and no one in mind except themselves. It was how pirates always were.

The room below the stairs led to an unknown place. And seeing how things are still complicated on the entrance of the stairs, they was nothing left to do other than keep moving forward. The man board they use, left to die at the bottom of the staircase, by now, stepped on by tons of other people coming down too. Leia couldn’t bear spending more of her mental thinking on the poor guy otherwise; she would have looked back, which would slow them down.

All that was left to do now is to wait for what will be announced. Are they finally going to meet a big ship at the end of the this tunnel looking hallway or was it part of another maze they need to further dive into to get to their destination?
Jun 17, 2013 7:45 AM

Jul 2008
Ringer had just finished evacuating the contents of his stomach, invoulentarily, when he looked up just in time to see the pair of flying swashbucklers before the impact.

It was over before he realized what had happened, and suddenly he found himself the bottom portion of an impromptu totem-pole.

"Eugh.." He groaned. "Get off of me, else i might.."
Ringer stopped to cover his mouth, followed by the sound of a deep gulping noise. It was clear that Ringers lunch didnt appreciate the sudden impact.
"Ugh.. hell if im doing that again.." He said and stood up, albeit abit wobbly at first.

It was around this time that Kagari came down the stairs aswell. Although, he did not do so by the strength of his own back so to speak~
Clearing a way through the crowd, the old man was actually riding on the shoulders of a huge brute of a marine soldier. As the soldier was bashing people around him, both pirate and marine, Kagari was dealing cheap shots with his cane from the high ground. As they came up on Ringer and the rest of them, Kagari kicked his heels into the marines sides like a rider on a horse. "Hooooold it big boy, these muppets doesnt deserve a beating hohoho~" He said, and pointed the cane at Ringer. "I thought i taught you to fight better then this laddie"

"Heh, what can i say, you have ancient knowledge gramps. Aint no way i can compete with that~" He said, waiting for kagari to pick up on the insult. And surely he did. The old man looked like he popped a nerve, as he took off one of his shoes and tossed it square in the middle of Ringers face. "Watch your ass boy!"

Looking around the mess of people scrambling everywhere, Ringers eyes surprisingly locked onto something quite far away from them. One of the ships seemed just a wee bit closer then the others. Just as his mind starting playing with an idea, he noticed a tiny fishingboat tied to the dock. Probably perfect for two people on a relaxing fishing trip, it would be less then optimal for this bunch. Even so, somewhere in Ringers slightly ruined mind an idea was forming. An idea that could kill them all, or be their ticket out of here, depending a whole fricking lot on sheer stupid luck.

"Hey guys" Ringer said with a grin that spoke a thousand words, the grin of a man about to challenge the entire world thinking he can actually win. "Feel like fishing for some real-estate?" He chuckled, nodding towards the fishingboat and the lone vessel chilling in the water.
PsynergiJun 17, 2013 8:43 AM
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Jun 18, 2013 5:54 AM

Mar 2009
As the tower of a man groaned beneath him, Noah hopped off what felt more like a hill than a human body. Triumphantly he waved his guitar about while holding on to his newly formed friend Milo, successfully knocking out an unknown passerby in the process. Taking the combination of events as a double-win, Noah's attention was lost in his own glory until he heard the whimsical proposal from the husk of man standing beside him.

"Feel like fishing for some real-estate?"

That prompted Noah's curiosity to lead him towards the docks where a lone tiny fishing boat remain tied at anchor. With a broad grin Noah answered Ringer's proposition with an equally ridiculous statement of his own.

"What kind of a ma- no wait! I wouldn't be a man if I were to refuse! Aye Sah!"
Did you know every time you sigh, a little bit of happiness escapes? ~Senjougahara Hitagi
Jun 20, 2013 2:30 PM

Jul 2008
As many many people panicked and tried to kill each other, there was a lone figure that remained calm and a calculating. A person who stood tall and proud, certain that she would survive despite all evidence to the contrary. A woman who knew something like this would happen and had a contingency plan. After all, an old pirate that was the chef of the previous pirate king would grab all sorts of marine attention. It's the reason why she paid someone to go in her place while she walked around Saobody. A woman who wore a cape and solid gold bracelet; her hair worn in a fashion that resembled tufts of fur pointed upwards like horns through small holes in her earmuffs.

Like many others, this woman was here for a reason, but her reasons were her own. She washed up on shore thanks to marines destroying her previous vessel, The Sea Hag. They still owe her a new boat and today was the day that one of her plans would be set in motion. First, she needed to secure a boat. Fortunately their happened to be a fishing vessel still at anchor.

Smiling widely, she struts over to it like she owns the damn thing and climbs aboard, looking around to see if she can find anyone on it. Luckily, there are none at this time.
Jun 21, 2013 2:51 PM

Jun 2008
(( First post of a two, potentially three part post that will end the main arc and take the club into a new future. If you wish to post inbetween now and then that would be great but not required, its a chance to grab a good ship though, since all ships of all kinds of sizes are here, anything you can feasibly sail is up for grabs(within reason), use your imaginations. ))

As the tides grew terrible and the fires started to spread so far that even the great titan trees started to vanish in the smoke, the men and women of the island grew more and more restless by the second. Thousands on the move all over the islands met only death as marine and pirate alike was put to the blade by the encroaching white fleet divisions, the precision bombardment of the unbelievably enormous fleet completely obliterated the islands of the greater archipelago, like locust the whitecoated marines would rush into an area and clean everyone out before moving on to the next, shortly after whatever was left would be smitted from the earth by cold heartless cannonfire.

More than a few of the great trees fell to the ground as a result of the cannonades, creating huge waves that almost threatened to sink several of the white-fleet ships, though while some of the ships took quite a beating, in the end, the island took the worse of the punishment, the once varied smelting pot of a beautiful paradise that had housed such a vibrant dark underbelly was now quickly turning into nothing but a series of ash stained wounds and burning giant limbs that now was starting to look more and more like giant fiery fingers giving god the finger.

The remaining pirates that had chosen to flee to the island designated by Fork was all mostly alive in the belly of a giant tortoise shaped ship/submarine thing which size made most of the new inhabitants mistake it for a underground base of sort, its underbelly was filled to the breaking point with ships of all types and sizes shored in a artificial dock, huge gates blocked the exit to what could only be perceived as leading straight into the heart of the sea, the coating on each and every ship did nothing but back that theory up, the thing was a giant ship carrier.

Fork and his closest crew had already arrived at the bridge of the ship, far above the chaos that was taking place in the ships belly. "She is ready to go sir, the hatches have all been closed. Should I signal for go?" Fork stepped over to the great span of small windows that together formed a beautiful vista of little living pictures of the sea, every once in a while however a great white blur would rip apart the beauty as a the white fleets barrage crept ever closer.

"Ah, yes, and drop the locks on the hangar ships."

The ship-hand who had been addressing fork from his little navigation booth over to the far right of the room looked confused at the dead mans request, his face crested with the kind of unsurety that only comes when a mans carefully laid plan suddenly is forced onto a new and strange track.

"We have more pirates in our hold than all of the major marine prisons combined, if we loosen the safeties surely we will also lose the ships."

The old cook scratched his old fruzzy beard, the dead hair making a soft crunching noise as his bone fingers ripped across its surface like a eerie comb through fried onion, a mad smile slowly forming across the mans hollow face.

"He's here."
Memories are the materials of a Soul, it is what makes and defines you.
And as such, blood is the currency of the soul, the silver plate of the will.

(Work in progress)
Jun 22, 2013 8:46 AM

Mar 2009
The grand battle between marines and pirates had quickly turned into a battle of survival. It was no longer a fight between marines and pirates but more of a purge of all life by the so called white fleet. The rumours that Kuro had heard of the White Fleet during his short travels failed in comparison to the real thing. They were beyond his wildest expectations if anything they stood above all before them like gods or perhaps demons of the sea depending on if they were coming to kill you. “Time to run...” Kuro might as well not spoke with his voice being drowned out by the cannon fire and screams that surely followed. There wasn’t anything anybody could do but run away if they stood their ground then death surely but awaited them. Running through the endless piles of corpses amidst the chaotic explosions and gunfire, Kuro soon become covered in blood from flying body parts as they sailed through the air. One might find it disgusting but truthfully nobody noticed or seemed to the face of survival nothing else seemed to matter to anyone!

Dropping down the only safe place or at least safe for now Kuro quickly looked around not that he moved to much it was more his eyes flicking side to side...they seemed trap down this rabbit hole...was it a trap? At first glance it certainly seemed to be but then again these were also pirates so why would they go out of their way to trap them instead of just leaving everybody trapped above for the White Fleet. The sounds of the White Fleet grew closer and closer the sound of impending death marching closer with every passing second even if they were muffled sounds they still held a terrifying feeling. Yet Kuro didn’t seem as afraid as one should he still held onto that tiniest feeling of hope that lingered deep inside his heart it was the hope that he would escape and survive...hope that his goal and dream were still waiting for him...if only he could just escape from this White plague of death!

Before he even realised what he was doing he found his feet were moving on their own, step by step his body was carrying him closer to a ship without him thinking about it. Ships of all sizes and shape were here some being the biggest he had ever laid his eyes upon...if only he could snatch one of those he would be set for life! It was pointless though seeing as he wouldn’t be able to manage one of that size. Instead he needed a smaller more manageable one it was only to escape from this place and he would be able to upgrade to a bigger better ship when the time was right. His bloody hand ran along the smooth yet rough sides of the various boats the larger ones seemed to be at the front or at least to Kuro they did. Several boats later he had found a nice sized boat for his current predicament it wasn’t exactly massive or great on the grand scale but it was a nice size perfect for him...and to Kuro the ship looked marvellous, it was a beautiful shining ray of hope that he would cling onto with all his ferocious might.

“Anybody that needs a ship...or crew...come here now!” Kuro shouted out at the people who had also clambered down into this rabbit hole. The tone of his voice was strong even in such a hopeless situation. The cry wasn’t of a man looking at death but one of a man that would fight to live no matter how hopeless it was.

Alone Kuro could only hope that a few of the pirates would come with him or even one would do...just somebody to help him get the ship up and running the rest would be down to a bit of luck. The small ship itself could probably house up to 8 people but could be sailed using less than that if needed. The sails looked plain well they were a dark beautiful silky black color but they had yet to have the mark of a pirate, a blank canvas for the crews very own Jolly Rodger. Kuro hadn’t thought about forming a crew and wasn’t in the mind to think of it right now either! The rest of the ship seemed to be in well order as well although he had yet to look at the finer details of the ship instead he looked out at the crowd hoping one or two would take him up on his offer...

“Come on you you want to stay and die like cowards! Or do you want to climb up on this ship and fight for your dreams!?” one last cry out to the crowd that had gathered below him was all Kuro would do...if nobody would dare take the chance to grab onto the ray of hope then he would leave them to their own fates...
Jun 22, 2013 12:27 PM

Jul 2008

The sheer scale of the ships interior, or the fact that they actually entered a moving vessel at all, took Ringers breath away. It had not become clear to him until now due to the chaos and commotion going on, but this thing was HUGE. And whats even better, it had SHIPS.

Despite the chaos, Ringer was actually zoning out for a moment. He stood in awe, not only at the number of ships inside of this thing, but also at a particular vessel bobbing in the water amongst the others.

Not too big, not too small, it looked to be a steam-sailor. Ironclad class, it had to be one of the smallest ships in its class. Stretching about 80 feet long, with its single chimney sticking up between two tall masts almost making it look like the ship had 3 masts instead of 2. It probably wasnt the fastest, or strongest ship in the area. But darnit, it had something Ringer appreciated. It was STERN, a sturdy veteran vessel that showed signs of years of seafaring. Any ironclad to survive this long in service had to be either extremely well taken care of, be uniquely sturdy, or both. It didnt matter, the sight of it was like magic to Ringer, and it lit a fire in his gut when he spied the name on the side of this proud old vessel.

"Sanity's Edge"

Ringer couldnt even speak, he was THAT in love. For a moment he even forgot about his companions, and simply started walking towards the vessel until he accidently stepped off of the edge of the dock and went headfirst into the water next to a certain lone Fishing boat. To Kagari's astonishment, the cold water didnt even dent Ringers trance, as the old man could only watch as the burly bear of a man begun swimming towards the ironclad with fervor in every stroke.

"Oh for Rogers sake.. HEY you lot!" Kagari shouted as he turned away from the hopeless Ringer and faced the motley group of ragtag pirates they had accumulated in their little group. "That idiot is gonna leave without us! Get a move on!" he said, raising his cane over his head before kicking the poor marine he was ridin into gear. They headed to the fishing vessel they had seen earlyer, now occupied by some strangelooking female wearing a cape.
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known" -Carl Edward Sagan
Jun 22, 2013 2:29 PM

Jul 2008
"Hooooooohohoho~" Diana laughed boisterously, spotting a few people coming her way. Lucky her, considering that anything larger than a rowboat would be impossible for her alone to sail. Her smile spreads across her face, beaming an aura of warmth as she walked to the port side, resting one foot on the edge and leaning on her knee. She watched a mountain of a man swimming towards the ship.

Soon Marines. Soon you will know the wrath of Diana Marsaad and her soon to be new companions...whoever they were.
Jun 22, 2013 2:42 PM

Jun 2008
- A Few Minutes in the past -

One, Two, Three, Fire!

One, Two, Three, Fire!

One, Two, Three, Fire!

One, Two, Three, Fire!

One, Two, Three, Fire!

One, Two, Three, Fire!

Like clockwork the artillery crews fired in rapid succession, ship after ship blowing their deadly load towards the defensless island shores, the constant whistling of the canon balls created a eerie symphony, every individual cannon a instrument adding its own sound to the harmony, every volley a crescendo.

"Use more gunpowder.."

At the very tip of a quite large destroyer there was a giant cannon purposed for doing long-range strikes, useful mostly for attacking large islands, otherwise the gunpowder demand for its use made it obsolete for purpose when faced with a island where the smaller cannons could be more efficent, however this cannon was operational and in full swing; as a whooping artillery crew of twelve men was striving to follow the demands of their chief commanding officer who had promptly taken up place inside the giant mortar.

"More! You think I can fly with just this!?
I have a meeting to attend, hurry up!"

A Bulky yet fit man with a large chest cavity and stiff muscular neck shouted orders at the men from within the cannon, he was a huge man, so tall that even if the cannon was twice the size of the men manning it, he was somehow able to stick his head just far enough up to stop his voice from comically resounding within the barrel, ironically while his stern battleworn face would otherwise inspire fear, peeking just barely out of the cannon made his scarred visage look hilariously out of place, the laughter of the men crewing the mortar held in check only by their own inability to take a second break without being chewed out and back into the last decade.

"You sure it will work sir" said a particularly brave marine of the longarm tribe who were otherwise was busy shovelling gunpowder into the hatch. "If not just you, your weapon must weight a ton." Wrapped around the chiefs chest was a long chain, each link was twice the size of a fishermans fist, its greenly color giving away its salt-water properties. The massive seastone chain was about six meter long and at its very end a huge slab of metal was fastened with four massive bolts, the slab itself was of some other form of metal, however lines of sea-stone ran through the slab in a rough pattern, making the slab more than just a piece of metal.

"She will fly if I want her to fly."

Get ready! Several men shouted warnings to the others on deck which promptly send their own warnings further back into the ship, anyone who heard the call quickly found something to hold onto while others prioritised plugging their ears. Eventually the call came all the way up to the bridge where the standing captain was overlooking the situation taking place below. "After so many years of prohibition he goes ahead and does this the first moment he is allowed back into the fray, how hopeless!

The Vice Admiral dragged his lithe fingers through his long neon blue hair while tapping his finger on a electronic console, a modern invention that allowed the captain to control the main gun of the ship, namely the mortar. The destroyer was not a normal destroyer at all, in'fact it was the second flagship of the fleet, a secret command vessel disguised as a regular destroyer, beneath a coat of paint the colours of the feared hunter division was "proudly" displayed, a shark devouring a ship in the shade of a great white sun.

"Take care..."

With a press of a button the great mortar roared into life, the blast shook the entire ship so hard it almost capsized rigtht then and there, the shockwave caused by the blast rocked the ship deep into the water causing a huge wave to form around them, pummelling nearby ships, sending a smaller one right into the hull of a nearby cruiser, and one man thousands of feet into the air.

Piercing the sky, the vice captain looked more like a arrow of wind as the atmosphere broke around his hardened flesh, the giant anchor of weapon looked more like the tail of a metabolic dragon, soaring unhindered through the heavens. The human missile could be seen from the other side of the battlefield, yet none could have guessed it to be different from the hundreds of cannonballs that flew by his side, and as one with the volleys he crashed down towards the pirate flag-ship, hurling his weapon ahead of him like a vengeful god out for blood, the metal slab slammed into the grassy roof, shattering the beautiful illusion like if it was made of glass, sending tremors upon tremors down the ships exterior, slowly breaking the ship apart.

As the dust cleared the giant vice admiral stood alone on the bridge, his chain hanging daftly in check by the mans left arm, the weapon itself dangling somewhere below in the main hull. For the men and women on the bridge this had been a shock, for all but Fork who without a moment of pause charged the man, his own weapon, a great silvery trident flung out ahead of him, the old withered rack of bones moved like if it was second nature of him to flow like water and so it was that before anyone could even register that a huge vice admiral had suddenly arrived on deck, the two were clashing weapon to weapon, Forks trident caught in a deadlock with the unwelcome guests right arm and a piece of chain.

Took you long enough, Brat!
You won't escape me again, Fork!..!

- Meanwhile, below in the docks and central stating areas, a female announcer suddenly calls out to the passengers through a series of loud-speakers, those that were still working that is. -

Attention, all passengers please seek out emergency escape routes, we are currently located over a underwater stream known only to the Fork-Pirates, it leads to many smaller streams that lead in wildly different directions, but all of them will take you to the new world! Fork wishes you all luck in your endeavours, and umm.. eehh! -Sounds of splintering wood and crushed metal- Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz-

((The stuff in the spoiler is for Psy and anyone interested))

At this time, several great ships had already started to escape, marines were already flooding down through the ruined upper roof but for the pirates that was just a minor concern as the giant ship they were in was already sinking, huge gaps caused water to flow into the lower decks, drowning hundreds before they could even get close to a boat. Epic clashes was rampant as big names squared off, stars falling like wheat as the bell rang one final time, destroying hopes and dreams while ambitions and oaths of revenge was formed, some believing in everything made as far as the docks before the water or man grasped their lives, dragging them home.

For those who made it, the underwater streams embraced them and sent pirates and bastards alike out towards a new dawn.

And a New World.

End Of Arc
KantarellJun 22, 2013 3:03 PM
Memories are the materials of a Soul, it is what makes and defines you.
And as such, blood is the currency of the soul, the silver plate of the will.

(Work in progress)
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» The Revolution Pirates (travel thread) ( 1 2 )

Haissem - Jul 13, 2013

75 by Haissem »»
Sep 22, 2013 7:38 PM

» (Free-roam) The Goldforge Pirates (Journey Thread)

Psynergi - Jul 19, 2013

30 by Tamoball »»
Sep 22, 2013 5:42 PM

» Pirate-arc | Chapter 2: Voettfang ( 1 2 3 4 )

Beyond - Jul 9, 2013

189 by Haissem »»
Sep 22, 2013 5:25 AM

» Shipwreck Island ((Midnight Pirates Island. If you want to join then shoot me a message.))

baxter09 - Sep 15, 2013

1 by ender95 »»
Sep 20, 2013 6:36 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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