Name's Stian, now 24 winters old. I'm from norway and im a projectionist. Love to chat with people, so leave a comment if you want ;)
**Under construction**
I have a very complicated sense of right and wrong, and a very unique code of conduct. To me, there is always something to fix in the world, but the very nature of the world itself has denied me the right to fix it. When im not behind the wheels of my car or behind the monitors of the cimema control-room, i can usually be found online somewhere.
My interests mostly fall in the "technology and research" category, spending hours and hours online reading up on everything from how the technology of the future impacts the masses, to theorize on how to harvest the energy of a star. I'm a creator, in many ways. I'm practical, and preferr fixing my own things over handing them to someone else. I live and breathe for science
I prowl the web for anime almost all the time, as a full-blooded anime-freak. Unlike many anime-freaks, i very rarely read manga.
My favourite sin is Greed, becouse who doesnt want everything in the world? Intellectual diversity, knowledge on a grand scale, money, status, women, power and most of all: Absolute freedom of choice and action.
They say one can learn much about a person from his/her idols and rolemodels. So here is a few of mine:
Richard Dawkins
Carl Sagan
Sir David Attenborough
Dan brown
Stephen hawking
George carlin
Bill Hicks
And many more :)
Current obsession: Sequelitis, and anything Megaman related.
Banned people, Make sure you dont end up on my list O.o
If you're one of my old friends, and want to reconnect and chat about old times or new times, then you can find my Discord username in the bio of this new account. Just click my new username and go to my new profile, and it should be there.
And to all my friends that i let down by vanishing, im sorry. Please add me on discord so we can catch up!
Hello everyone! Sorry nobody has heard from me in so long, but my old e-mail got hacked and they changed my passwords on so many sites including MAL. I tried for years to get it back, but ive been forced to make a new e-mail address and a new MAL account.
Anyway, i just wanted you all to know im not dead! :D
Heisann. Jeg kom til din profil via den norske klubben her. Jeg deler et par av dine forbilder, jeg leser sjelden manga, og jeg anser meg selv som en vitenskapsfrik. :) Så vi har visst litt til felles. Dermed tenkte jeg at jeg kunne legge igjen en aldri så liten melding.
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And to all my friends that i let down by vanishing, im sorry. Please add me on discord so we can catch up!
Anyway, i just wanted you all to know im not dead! :D
*poke poke*
what would be original?
** has an idea **
* poke poke stab twist run *