but dude your missing the point....school in its attempt to oppress you have made you come up with this...thus it succeeded in its goal of making you believe you came to this conclusion under your own steam when in fact you have bee subtly manipulated to think just that, what you just said.....product of American schooling..its very incedious like that ya know ..sorry dude....gotta try a little harder :P
If i was lost on the road of life.. i think it would look something like....
Kinda like that scene from a harry potter book that you would get in your imagination if it was raining and dark and foggy and during fall and i was walking over the fields mindlessly.
As am I, although I continue to have these extremely optimistic episodes every so often, like the one I had about a hour ago, it was the very feeling I had when this all started, pure bliss, then I forgot it XD
But now that I read my message to Renzokouki it still makes sense to me, so time being I think I was on the right track. Again I'm still learning
XD I get ya, I'm not really in the situation to kick back and relax, since I've thought about this shiz I think if I just give up on it then it will find it's way out of my mind and I'll start to become what I am against through not caring... of course that's a rather paranoid reason to freak out over everything XD
But yeah... my thoughts about life tend to be very melancholy XD
When speaking of the existence of humans I'm a nihilist
then your not able to express yourself to any but girls....this is sad...only men can understand men...girls can offer you a pat on the head and tellyou they love you and give you a hug...im not gonna do any of those things but i undertsand ALL emotions men or women
i dont know how much physical contact you can get on the net, and personnly the true sign of manliness is being able to express your self but with acting needy
Nataseno... -_-... please don't say things which make it look like I'm gay -_-. I = guy, which = I'm not gonna find a "guy I like" cuz I only have eyes for women >_<.