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Mar 4, 2018 11:58 AM

Dec 2016
Pretty-Setsu said:
because his power is just on lvl 1 he cant fully use them... but most of all he use air element for moving staff, bu not staff what is tooooo heavy, and about weapons.. he cant take away a weapon what other uses

make sure to write that down in your post
Mar 4, 2018 11:58 AM

Mar 2018
Sakura_megami said:

She cannot be ageless
You can choose for her to teleport either herself or objects for know
She cannot teleport other people.

Ok I fixed it, I just wanted her age to be a mystery, but she is over 18, and I got rid of the teleporting other people
Mar 4, 2018 12:01 PM

Dec 2016

He can only use sound vibes for know
Mar 4, 2018 12:03 PM

Dec 2016

Because of the rules, she cant use her powers on other peoples weapons
as long as we are clear on that
Mar 4, 2018 12:15 PM

Mar 2014
ok.. added already
Mar 4, 2018 12:24 PM

Dec 2016

Mar 4, 2018 12:51 PM

Jun 2017
Name: Kiritsugu Yoshimura
Gender: Male
Age: 17

Magic: Ethereal
Magic explanation and abilities:

Magic Cooldown: 1 Shot - 1 Post Cooldown

Level: 1

Personality: Even though he appears distant, he's very friendly and talkative, but not very good at keeping a conversation going so that part is up to the other person. He's pretty self aware of his tattoos so he tends to get heated should people comment on them too much at least in a negative way. While inexperienced in combat, he knows how to keep his cool and analyze the situation.


Bio: Born into a fairly rich family, Kiritsugu had an easy time growing up, and even though there was no pressure from his parents, he always found himself pondering around books which spoke of magic, and ways to train yourself in its use apart from his usual reading of fantasy novels and so on. The real problems started when he was around fifteen. With lenient parents, it was easy for a boy like him to go out of control, which he did as he found himself in bad company often, especially going to a public school as someone with obvious wealth. From stealing to vandalism, Kiritsugu used his talents to mess around in order to keep his so called friends amused, and at some point he even managed to get persuaded into getting a bunch of tattoos. You thought this was going to be some dramatic story about realizations and reflecting on ones past actions? Not really, after his parents had enough, in order to keep him away from developing any further into this world, they sent him to the Institute in order for him to be able to focus his energy at something he was good at.
Mar 4, 2018 6:19 PM

Apr 2013
Name: Devina Altaris
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Magic: Elemental Wind
Magic explanation and abilities:Razor Wind
Sends razor sharp winds from her twin daggers that are able to minor cuts as if you fell and scraped your knee. In order to use the razor winds it has to come from her weapon, without the weapon she is unable to the razor wind. She’s also able to create a gust of wind in the area (Thread) that she is in.
Magic Cooldown: 2 strikes (one per dagger)per post with a 1 post CD
Level: 1
Personality: Rather relaxed and easy going Devina goes wherever the wind takes her, whether it’s in a town, in a forest or hiking a mountain. She rather enjoys meeting new people and tends to get along with people. Willing to to try most things she keeps an open mind but still has her fears and dislikes such as spider but she tries not to let them get in her way. When it comes down to competing Devina can be quite the competitor while still enjoying all the fun the competition has to offer. At times she can be stubborn and stand her ground but over all gets along with others.


Alice157Mar 17, 2018 12:20 AM

Mar 4, 2018 6:25 PM

Aug 2015
Feel honored as Kiritsugu Yoshimura is now APPROVED
Mar 4, 2018 6:35 PM

Aug 2015
I like a lot enthuastic and free spirited persons.
Devina Altaris is APPROVED
Mar 4, 2018 9:19 PM

Aug 2015
Not bad, just be careful with the "almost imposible to dodge part", it certainly will be a fast attack but don't actually make as fast so that no one will safely avoid it (BTW, don't try anything related to instant kills, just saying) .
Take that into account and Arbus Gruetz is officialy APPROVED
Mar 4, 2018 9:27 PM

Aug 2015
You're welcome
Mar 5, 2018 1:56 AM
Feb 2017

changed it so he can only summon 2 hawks- that seems reasonable enough if i rlly have to i can move it to one. Am i approved.
EagleAssassinMar 6, 2018 11:49 PM
Mar 5, 2018 2:08 AM

Aug 2016

[First and middle name; doesn't have a last name]



Transcendence (Water) -

Sealed form: Gains a humanly appearance with sharp ears;
💧Physical abilities are that of a normal human.
💧Barely controls water's properties, and can only control an existing source.
💧Source must be within 20m radius, and within sight.

True form: Takes on the appearance of a water dragon;
💧All water within 10m is her domain
💧Physical abilities are boosted by 60%
💧Can form water into any shape desired; cannot change properties (steam or ice)

True form transmutation:
1 post activation
3 post duration
10 post cool-down

Brynhildr will regard strangers with the cold shoulder, thus making people mistake that's she's a spoilt, snobby person when in reality, she yearns for comfort. Brynhildr will often say things not meant, and will up regretting it. Once you get to know her, Brynhildr is a shy, clusmy and clingy lady.

Thought to be a disgrace to the mighty clan, Byrnhildr was banished at the age of 3 because of her sickly nature, and lack of ability to manifest water to its full potential. Till the age of 12, Brynhildr grew up in the slums, often picked on children because of her un-humanly looks.

At 13, Brynhildr accidentally activated her powers, going on a rampage with her frightful powers, but went straight into a coma for 2 years. During those 2 years, she found that a fellow exile from a different primal clan looked after her. He took Brynhildr under his 'wings' and taught her how to control her powers, but basically.

Now, Brynhildr wishes to bring out the full potential of her powers and to repay back her foster father.
KyubiTheSnowFoxMar 22, 2018 1:13 AM

Mar 5, 2018 5:36 AM

Aug 2015
She's so beatiful, poweful, and a dragon!!!!
Personally I think that 30 posts coma is too much, it would be better both for your character and friends that she had if it was less, like I don't know, like 10 for the time being (don't go overboard with dragon power and coma, else I'll have to get serious)
Other than that I'm allowing Brynhildr Aglaea freedom, as she is APPROVED
Mar 5, 2018 5:39 AM

Mar 2018
Name: Yuki Terumi
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Magic: Ice Element
Magic explanation and abilities: The ability to rapidly cool the moisture in the air to create ice.

Icicle Spear: Creates an icicle in the air which can be flung at enemies, sharp and deal piercing damage.

Magic Cooldown: 1 post use, 1 post cooldown

Level: 1

Personality: Shy and timid girl, easily spooked, she is friendly, but you need to warm her up to get past her icy shell.

Appearance: Medium length blonde hair, with blue eyes, always wearing a winter outfit, even in the summer due to the moisture in the air around her always causing her to be cold. Has black rabbit ears and a black tail.

Bio: Coming from high on the mountains, Yuki lived an average life. Both of her parents are living and well, she was not poor or rich. She never had many friends because she is too shy to speak to most people, she would rather just create snowmen and play with them instead. She was born like most of the usagans in her village with basic ice manipulation magic, making her average in that too.

Specialities: Nothing
Hobbies: Reading and playing in the snow
Likes: Being warm, Building snowmen
Dislikes: Scary things.
Mar 5, 2018 6:01 AM

Aug 2015
So cute!!!!, to tell the truth I love bunny girls hehe.
Yuki Terumi is APPROVED
Mar 5, 2018 1:13 PM

Aug 2016
YFang said:
She's so beatiful, poweful, and a dragon!!!!
Personally I think that 30 posts coma is too much, it would be better both for your character and friends that she had if it was less, like I don't know, like 10 for the time being (don't go overboard with dragon power and coma, else I'll have to get serious)
Other than that I'm allowing Brynhildr Aglaea freedom, as she is APPROVED

Well, I didn't want her to be OP. She has a double edged sword ability, but I'll lessen it :)

Mar 5, 2018 3:29 PM

Feb 2018
Name: Alucard

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Magic: Water elemental magic

Weapons Curved bladed sword (unlocks at level 2) and throwing knives

Magic explanation and abilities:
Expedite: Alucard's reflexes and movement speed becomes greatly enhanced which grants him the ability to attack faster and dodge attacks more frequently.

Aquakenisis: Alucard has the ability to control a small amount of water to act as a magical shield and barrier.

Magic Cooldown: 2 post, 2 cooldown both

Level: 1

Alucard is an energetic and carefree person. Although he seems like a mature person, he is not as he is mostly childlike and joking. But when the time is right, Alucard is able to focus and clear his head to become a very serious and calm character. He is a very easily approachable person as he is very friendly with everyone. Alucard is neutral when it comes to conflict or fighting as in if he has to fight he will but if he doesn't, he won't. His downfall, however, is when anyone mentions his parents, he turns into an uncontrollable person as his mind is clouded with anger.


Alucard grew up always playing near water which made him have a close relationship with the sea and ocean. His parents left him with family friends due to work and business at the age of 7 which gave him the impression that his parents never cared for him and didn't want him. Doing so, Alucard grew up with a burning hatred for his parents. He did not have many friends as he always preferred to be with the ocean instead of others but he still developed great social skills with others. He led a normal life just recently at the age of 17, he left home to live his own life and pick his own destiny which led him to the Institute of Magic.

OiKnucklesMar 5, 2018 3:53 PM
Mar 5, 2018 3:46 PM

Dec 2013
Sword won’t be available to use till level 2 (if I’m correct about level unlocks)
As everyone starts with just a dagger or something similar in regards to small blades weapon
Mar 5, 2018 3:53 PM

Feb 2018
Allright so would just throwing knives work?
Mar 5, 2018 4:05 PM

Dec 2013
Yeah that’s fine
Mar 5, 2018 4:06 PM

Feb 2018
@Ze-Lem sweet so that does that mean my character's approved?
Mar 5, 2018 4:16 PM

Mar 2018
Name: Ruze Chafya
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Magic: Wind / Air manipulation
Magic explanation and abilities: The ability to control the air to one's will thanks to the blessing of Fūjin.

Blessing of Fūjin: Creates a gaol of wind around her arms which cause her punches to increase in speed exponentially.

Magic Cooldown: 3 post use, 3 post cooldown

Level: 1

Personality: Not like most monks, this girl is a rebellious spirit, enjoying life with her head in the clouds and the wind to her back. She likes to cause mischief, and has a bit of a cocky attitude.

Appearance: Long red hair which becomes lighter as it reaches the bottom. Always with a sly and smug look on her face. Eye color matches her hair, and she wears a large straw hat and robes, under her robes are a tight form fitting outfit that allows her to move easily.

Bio: A girl born to no family, both of her parents are long deceased due to a war, she was taken in by the local monks and raised to fight. She hates training though, and always beats everyone she fights anyway, so why bother? She has a carefree and cocky attitude that always annoyed her elders. Upon beating the head of the dojo she decided she was going to go elsewhere, in hopes to find people who might actually pose a challenge to her.

Specialities: Punching things really fast and hard
Hobbies: Not much other than training, which she hates to do anyway.
Likes: Fun people, A challenge
Dislikes: Annoying people, Her elders
AlyssamaMar 5, 2018 8:29 PM
Mar 5, 2018 4:39 PM

Aug 2015
You went with pic No. 2, nice choice, anyway, Ruze Chafya is APPROVED
Mar 5, 2018 5:31 PM

Dec 2013

you're approved
Mar 5, 2018 6:53 PM

Feb 2018
Name: Lime Silverlake

Gender: Female

Age :18

Magic: Dimensional Magic


Level 1: Dimensional Shift
By manipulating her own concept of dimension she is able to stretch or compress the space surrounding her within her maximum range of 10 meters, giving the effect of teleportation.
cannot manipulate others own space or dimension
Cannot manipulate dimension of the world in big volume or amount, just enough for her own body to traverse through dimension or space.

CD: 1-5 meters = 1 post 6-10 meters = 2 posts


Tldr; A noble and a war veteran with a strong sense of justice, polite and a kind person with a scaredy cat guts.



HorizonDefaultApr 18, 2018 6:52 PM
Mar 5, 2018 7:02 PM

Mar 2018
Sounds almost similar to my character Rin's ability Spatial Manipulation, but yours seems to work slightly different XD
Mar 5, 2018 7:06 PM

Feb 2018
Alyssama said:
Sounds almost similar to my character Rin's ability Spatial Manipulation, but yours seems to work slightly different XD

ah I just saw your post >_<.... well her focus is "dimension" not really teleportation it is just one aspect of her magic :) and I'm not gonna focus on teleportation as a whole anyways :/
Mar 5, 2018 7:10 PM

Aug 2015
Wow, that was just, wow, sorry I'm back to earth.
I'd say that Lime Silverlake is APPROVED
Mar 5, 2018 7:11 PM

Mar 2018
HorizonDefault said:
Alyssama said:
Sounds almost similar to my character Rin's ability Spatial Manipulation, but yours seems to work slightly different XD

ah I just saw your post >_<.... well her focus is "dimension" not really teleportation it is just one aspect of her magic :) and I'm not gonna focus on teleportation as a whole anyways :/

Oh no it's totally fine, I was just surprised to see a similar magic :D
*high five for teleporters* LOL
Mar 5, 2018 7:13 PM

Feb 2018
YFang said:
Wow, that was just, wow, sorry I'm back to earth.
I'd say that Lime Silverlake is APPROVED

Thank you so much! :O
Mar 6, 2018 11:27 AM

Mar 2018
Name: Kathy Fanny
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Magic: Summoning an Ice Phoenix (OR a fire Kitsune who can create spiritfire (and illusions whe it has leveled up even more (at the highest level she can summon both at once)) at later levels) which can be ridden at lvl 2 but can also deal ice damage. (ofcourese according to level) It freezes everything at touch exept Kathy herself.

Other abilities: She isn't very athletic but can punch really hard if she has to. She also knows how to shoot with a bow but doesn't allways have one with her. She knows an astounding ammount of kurse words (which of corse she wont use in this chat ;)
Weapon: Dagger
Cooldown: lasts 6 Posts but also needs 7 Posts to be used again

Level: 2

Personality: Kathy is a lazy but friendly person you can rely on when it matters. She is intelligent but a little dense when it comes to other peoples feelings and she often forgets things. She is kind and a little mean (in a friendly way) to the people who are nice to her but vengeful to anyone who hurts her or her friends. She has a little anger-managment problem because if she gets angry, she totally loses it; and if nobody stops her, she will end up hurting herself and/or others. When Kathy is calm she tries to be funny but only succeds in about 50% of her jokes to make others laugh. She is sort of a lone wolf who tries to make friends desperately. She is a little saddistic and perverted but never crosses THE line. (She is a virgin and never has had a boyfriend) She loves cats.
She just wants to enjoy live and help others while surpressing her saddistic side.

Appearence: She has medium-long light brown hair and green eyes. She often wears cat ears or devil horns in her hair. She is 170cm tall and chubby (she doesn't like spots). She wears glasses and has a small scar on her left cheek. She likes to wear medium long skirts.

Bio: Kathy grew up in a normal familie as the only child of her parents. They weren't rich but a little weathier than the average people. She always had the dream to become a doctor but one day she acidently sommoned a little blue Phoenix who allmost killed some klassmates. She got expelled and had to go to another school. After she finished her parents thought it would be the best to send her into a magic collgedge were she learns to contoll her pwers appropriatly. She just stated there and has trouble making friends there.
(Pls forgive me my mistakes in english... I hope you can understand it)
Anime_CatgirlMar 31, 2018 4:46 AM
Mar 6, 2018 11:54 AM

Aug 2015
Okay @Kathy_Fangirl_3 let's begin:
I'm gonna limit you to just one of the beast as you are just level 1, you can add the second as you level up.
Also remember to especifie how much time the beast can stay summoned before disapearing, until it dies or limitless just won't do.
Also if you could use an image it would really be appreciated.
Feel free to private message me if you have any doubts or if you need help with something.
Mar 6, 2018 12:42 PM

Aug 2015
Now thats much better, Kathy Fanny is now APPROVED
(advice: careful in how you manage the fenix, don't go overboard)
Mar 6, 2018 12:45 PM

Mar 2018
sorry but what is a fenix? my english is not so good... my guess is that you mean the fox but I better ask because google translate is not good :)
Mar 6, 2018 12:50 PM

Aug 2015

I meant phoenix, I don't get why you say fox though?
Mar 6, 2018 12:53 PM

Mar 2018
a Kitsune is a 9 tailed Fox-spirit or am I wrong? As I sayed my english is not that good I am sorry :(
Mar 6, 2018 12:56 PM

Aug 2015
No, you are right, sorry my bad, at any rate you are good to go
Mar 6, 2018 12:58 PM

Mar 2018
Mar 7, 2018 1:23 PM
Mar 2018
Name: Asami Hitsuka
Gender: Female

Race: Kyoutsuan

Age: 389 (Appearance: 17) (She is not immortal, her kind can live up to 800 years)

Magic: Void Magic (Elemental)

Magic explanation and abilities: The Manipulation and control of every aspect of the Darkness and Unholy Elements/Creatures. Although a Void Scholar may not summon any creatures from the Unholy Realm, they can acquire the power to control, tame and charm these beasts (Advanced Levels Only).
Starter Ability:
Unholy Emulation (The wielder is able to copy its adversary's ability [That has been used at least once in the same battle] with 50% the strength [For Opponents of 1-2 lvl higher], 35% [For opponents 3-5 lvl higher], 25% [For opponents 6-9 lvl higher], 15% [For opponents 9+ lvl higher], 100% [For same lvl], 125% [For 1 lvl lower] and 125% + 5% for each additional lvl lower [e: The wielder is lvl 10 and his opponent lvl 5, the Emulation will have 125% + {5% . 4} = 145% the strength of the original cast by the opponent]
Since the emulation is made out of Darkness, its cosmetic aspects would be the same shape as the original ability cast by the opponent but its colors would be Black/Purple looking.

Magic Cooldown:
Unholy Emulation: 1 post cooldown for 100% ability effectiveness.
It can be used without a cooldown, but every time it is used before cooldown its power will be decreased by 50% for that use. (e: The ability has been used once and it should be on cooldown but the wielder decides to use it before cooldown, the ability will have its effective power decreased by 50% so instead of the damage given being 50% of the opponents damage, it would be 25% and if used once more in a row it would have an effective power of 12,5% > 6,25% > 3.125% > and so on until the wielder decides to wait a full cooldown period)

Level: 1




Asami_HitsukaMar 7, 2018 2:20 PM
Mar 7, 2018 2:07 PM

Aug 2015
So doing some last second changes eh, no just kidding, just kidding.
At any rate, I like the whole concept, bio, personality, power, it's one of my favorites, just careful in how you mamage in the future her powers, buy personally I would say that Asami Hitsuka is APPROVED
Mar 7, 2018 2:10 PM

Feb 2018
how would you calculate dmg of the percentage if, the only dmg we have is a solid one for each hit? or am I misunderstanding our fighting system?
HorizonDefaultMar 7, 2018 2:17 PM
Mar 7, 2018 2:23 PM
Mar 2018
YFang said:
So doing some last second changes eh, no just kidding, just kidding.
At any rate, I like the whole concept, bio, personality, power, it's one of my favorites, just careful in how you mamage in the future her powers, buy personally I would say that Asami Hitsuka is APPROVED

hehehe... I've probably read my entire character app about 7 times after posting it to make sure there are no misunderstandings, but do not worry because I was just changing minor details
thx for the approval btw <3
Mar 7, 2018 8:16 PM

Aug 2015
HorizonDefault said:
how would you calculate dmg of the percentage if, the only dmg we have is a solid one for each hit? or am I misunderstanding our fighting system?

It would be like a 50% would be a hit at half it's normal power, a 90% would do almost the same as normal but a little weaker, but you don't have to worry that much as asami will have to take that into account while rp, not you horizon, but if you detect any problem let me know
Mar 7, 2018 10:20 PM

Dec 2012
Name: Rita Star
Gender: Female
Magic: Earth Soul
Magic explanation and abilities:

Mud golem:

Magic Cooldown:Mud golem: to cast 4 posts, last 7 posts and a cooldown of 6 posts.
Level: 1
Personality: Kind and happy most of the time. However, let very little of her shelf be known to others. She often looks and acts with confidence however she has very little of it and often put herself down when she is alone. She does not want others to find out about her past and what family she is truly in. She hates it when she is too far from the earth and will often sweet and looks for a place she can go to touch it.

Bio: Rita Star was born into a family of wind mages. Due to her connection to the earth and having no ability at all with wind she was shun and was not even spoken of. The acted as if she was not part of there family and even had her name change so others would not know what family she belongs to. That being said she had lots of free time to learn about this cures she believe at 1st. Over time she no longer saw it as a curse and ran away to study and learn more about herself and her power.
frogotenMar 8, 2018 12:37 PM
..... :'(
Mar 7, 2018 11:27 PM

Feb 2018
YFang said:
HorizonDefault said:
how would you calculate dmg of the percentage if, the only dmg we have is a solid one for each hit? or am I misunderstanding our fighting system?

It would be like a 50% would be a hit at half it's normal power, a 90% would do almost the same as normal but a little weaker, but you don't have to worry that much as asami will have to take that into account while rp, not you horizon, but if you detect any problem let me know


first of all I'm not going against you or other adim, now that said and done....let just get right down to it

just woke up and read the ability again.....personally I think it's broken......first of all 50% weaker means 1 hp no matter what according to our "constitution" or "holy book" aka system unless I'm wrong about stronger attack can actually hit more than 2 points and we are actually allowed to have a value of less than 1.

2nd how can someone calculate powers like mine.....Alyssama's Rin or Valkan's Hector.....which all doesn't possess dmg.....and the copy can become stronger than the orginal or just as strong at the same cooldown doesn't do justice....specially with abilities with more than 3 post because generally those abilities are quite powerful even at 50% reduction this is why creator put such a limit on them.

3rd what about summoning skill? ..... doesn't she suffer with some compatibility issue? especially with "smart" summon like no one can touch this besides me?.....with that said into what extent she can copy? the ability that she copied are the summon, so what about summon's abilities? since she copy the summon will she be able to use all of the summon own abilities? even unused? since she copy the summon no one can say she can't do it.....that lead to the many skill she can copy at the same time and at a single fight? copying a summon is like copying multiple skill at the same time...since she copy the summoner's summon and summon's abilities.....but then again I'm not an adim or anything....this is just my thoughts on the matter :O not here to change the decision
HorizonDefaultMar 7, 2018 11:53 PM
Mar 8, 2018 2:36 AM

Aug 2016


21 (Actual age: 1, 216)

Unholy Oath (Darkness) -

Has the ability to call upon an ancient pact to summon unholy beasts;
👑Must be a contracted beast
👑Bets is the ritual needed to enter a contract; a set of conditions with a winning and losing side. It can range from a battle to a simple coin toss. Rules are created by the contracted beast, but agreed on by both parties; conditions to create bet must include: a chance of one side winning - must be possible to fulfill and within the parties' abilities. Failure to clear all conditions result in contract annulling, and both parties receive punishment.
👑Contracts with a beast cannot be cancelled; it forces the contracted to be a slave for eternity.
If the deal is fulfilled and Mithridates is the winner, unholy magic is forcefully entered into the soul of the contracted and a mark will appear randomly on the contracted's body.

If the deal is fulfilled and the initiate is the winner, Mithridates receives an unholy backlash and is forced to comply to the conditions set out for him.
👑Contracted beasts take up a certain number of contracts depending on race, called 'Intraque'
👑Cannot exceed 3 Intraque (subjected to increase).
👑Beasts must be summoned within a 3 post waiting period;
if summoned beforehand, Mithridates suffers unholy backlash (can be fatal)

Commoners - Demon-possessed humans, Gnomes, Were-beasts
One Intraque
Magical - Nightfallen [Evil / dark dryads], Abyss residents [Evil mer-folk], Dark elves, Forest Guardian (must be bad or neutral)
Three Intraque
Verteris - Humans over 200 years-old (possessing magic), Magic-possessed items (conscious), Demons, Blood elves
Four Intraque
Ancient - Dragons, High elves, Fallen, High human (over 1500 years-old)
Eight Intraque

[Before you ask, humans are considered beasts]

Chryseis - Abyss resident

2 post activation
-duration depends on summoner and summoned beast-
3 post intervals between summoning beasts instantaneously
cannot summon any more beasts when waiting period is more than 3 posts
5 post cool-down

Mithridates is an apathetic and sarcastic being who cares not but for his end goal. He treats his subordinates fairer than his multiple wives. As he has lived a long enough time, Mithridates seeks for excitement and pleasure - and will pursue at any costs. Views everyone as disposable pawns, even those who hold the same amount of power as him. To Mithridates, nothing matters but himself.

KyubiTheSnowFoxApr 1, 2018 7:34 PM

Mar 8, 2018 6:16 AM

Aug 2015
The thing is that I do not know what Sakura and the other admins think about passive skills, so I might as well could give you a temporary approval until @sakura_megami or @Ze-Lem give me their thoughts, just don't get involved into fights during the meantime, what do you say?

Could you mention exactly what beast he can summon right now and what abilities it has, just saying a beast doesn't tell me much.

Lets continue this on pm
Mar 8, 2018 6:57 AM

Dec 2012
@YFang okay got it
..... :'(
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