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Jun 5, 2016 12:04 AM

Apr 2016
Well YES!!!!, you should really watch the anime, and you know what, its worth watching.
Well, Season 1 has only 11 or 12 or 13 episodes, I guess and also people are wishing for a Season 2, which also means that the anime is good!!!
You can check out more about the Season 2 of this anime in following link;
Jun 5, 2016 1:24 AM

Mar 2008
just read the manga instead
Jun 5, 2016 2:54 AM
Aug 2015

They just put tons of themes in it without exploring anything. Then the cute bland girl Madoka suffers for no reason while Mami's dead is also cheap and so on.

Your best friend dying means suffering for no reason? How is Mami's death cheap? Not only does is it the turning point of the series, but it also shows how their world is just as cruel as ours and that this isn't your typical anime where everyone survives due to plot armor.

You're simply mentioning two points every single person on this site happens to mention when they want to criticize the anime. "meduka is bland, mami has no head" Very good elaboration.

It's impossible for a 12 episode anime to explore everything about the world it takes place in, however can you please give at least one example where a plot point or theme was introduced and never picked up again? Because I didn't feel that way at all.
Jun 5, 2016 2:55 AM

Feb 2014
hell yeah it's probably one of my favourites tbh
Jun 5, 2016 3:01 AM
Sep 2015
pteroz said:
aicontepig said:

WTF boku dake has only 12 xD I think you have make a mistake

I'm talking about completed anime on your list ...

It was an exageration xD But in my opinion it is one of the best anime I see xD
Jun 5, 2016 9:18 AM

Nov 2015
There are better shows... there are worse shows. I certainly wouldn't call it a must watch and it was a hot topic last season but the hype died out over the course of time. It is an average show in my book if you're willing to suspend your disbelief a bit. If you are reviewing the show and actually pay attention to all the details I would consider it below average probably. I enjoyed it because I just let most of the shows shortcomings go for whatever reason. Also it's a mystery show without a mystery.. very easy to figure out who is up to no good lol. People often say "If you think Erased is good you should go watch Steins;Gate" and to that I'd say they are completely different shows but if you're just trying to watch a show with time travel go watch Steins;Gate instead... that show is great in every sense of the word.
Jun 5, 2016 9:34 AM
Oct 2013
[quote=kamisama751 message=46332431]
Isterio said:

I cannot tell if your purposefully pretend to not understand me or if you actually didn´t understand what I tried to convey. I´ve seen something different in the scene you´ve described than you did.

There are like a million experiments that confirm this behaviour. Wanna know one? Google Stanford Prison experiment

My example perfectly fits the situation! If you need a reaso. Vecause we do not know how long the timeframe of the flashback is. Simply put we do not know the details. It´s a story told through implications.
kamisama751 said:

Your example doesn’t fit this situation since they are threated(treated threatened? what does this mean) over time there but Kayo’s mother is just hit once and divorced. Explain to me where you got those details from. Currently the only source I can think of would be your ass. Maybe it was lost in translation, but that seems unlikely.

You can actually read on that paper (is in kanji) So you´re telling me that you stopped the scene ,to read the divorce papers and that the author went out of his way to write down on the divoirce papers "my husband hit me only once specifically"she got a new “husband” who is just a chunk (what does that have to do with anything regarding the forced tragedy of that scene?.
I haven’t noticed Kayo’s mother getting abused by the new one.[b]( this is why I explained that she´s a nutcase and can´t be forgiven).Better give me a real life experiment result about people like Kayo’s mother.

Did you actually read the Stanford Prison Experiment?
I´m sure you didn´t.
If you cannot draw the conclusion yourself I´d gladly explain to you why it´s applicable to Kayo´s mom. If you´re too lazy to read it yourself though, forgett it.

kamisama751 said:
According to the natural flow its structure it must be the first time she abuses Kayo.

Seems like I have expressed it wrong. What I originally wanted to say with this is that scene being the first time of her abusing makes the most sense. Since this is the earliest time (in show) we see her abusing. There aren’t hints for not being this or anything either.

Human psychology doesn´t make consistent sense. Like I said it´s not a mathematical equation. We are individuals because our psyche works different.
The only thing that changes is the relateability to Kayo´s mothers behaviour.
You could relate "the most" to her during that first incidence.
A psychologist considers her later behaviour more typical for an abusive case.

kamisama751 said:

Then again, Kayo’s mother only got hit once. So her mind can’t go so “crazy” at once.

Where did you get that info from? Your ass seems still to be the no 1 source.

Isterio said:

I never said that she´s depicted as a victim. [b]I do not think the Anime depicts Kayo´s mom as a victim ever, I made this clear in my statement[/b.] I cannot be more clear. Kayo´s Grandmother required a reason for being absent and unaware of her daughters behaviour and her granddaugters situation. We are given a reason that makes sense within the honor driven culture of Japan. Satoru even mentions that the tears of Kayo´s mom were out of selfpity . How do you victimize a person who is depicted as being the biggest prick imagineable? Whose only excuse for being a prick is that she kinda had a bad marriage. I just don´t understand how you understood this scene as a victimization when the narrative and the visual show that this person is nothing but a prick. Kayo looks away with a disgusted look.

kamisama751 said:

They (the creator) blame the fault on the grandmother and showed Kayo’s mother cry. That is how “wtf-like” victimization works, just show the bad guy cry. Then there is this selfpity. She pitys herelf so the viewer should also feel the same about her and pity her.

Wrong, the creator only created a character that blames himself from her point of view. The creator wrote a character that blamed himself for the horrible events that took place, due to her shortcomings as a parent.
Parental selfblame is a common psychological trait. The majority of parents actually distribute it, when they witness their children fail at something.
The viewers are encouraged to sympathise with the main character. Satoru, the main characters point of view towards this situation is disgust, the same ill feeling Kayo has towards her mother and her selfpity. Kayo the character, the audience, was made to care and hope for, for 7 1/2 episodes before this event takes place.

Isterio said:

Oh that´s simple, for the first one enter a first year college course in psychology, alternatively reading psychology for dummies should do too, maybe. Second, yes character development works that way, we did learn something new about her.
This is also the first time, Kayo is shown consistent genuinely happy(How do I know that? The scene was so masterful voice acted and directed that I saw it in those few seconds of screentime)

collinsdictioary said:
the portrayal of people in a work of fiction in such a way that the reader or audience seems to learn more about them as they develop

As they said themselves, character development is when they develop, aka character change over time. What they have done is giving Kayo another personality with a time skip. The problem is we don’t see this so-called development because it happens off-screen.

We do not see her having Sex with Hiromi and conceiving or birthing that child , We do not see her inner monologues during when she´s on screen either, still we noticed the development. Development is noticed through change.
Fact is Kayo did change. We see her being taller, we see her being more feminim and we see her more happy than ever.

It´s character development wether you wanna admit it or not.

The same way we see Kintaro being capable of Karate, a pro in computer science or that he´s a splendind Ramen cook. While we do see him perform some of those tasks many of them develop their details or even whole off screen.

Isterio said:

only ones that have no backup

Yes, forgot that one.

Isterio said:

There are also infinities with higher values still all of them are infinite

So you mean some opinions have higher values but they are still all opinions? I can agree with this but some still got higher values even though they are all opinions. :P

Well there is the negative infinity which should be equally high as the positive infinity, but what about the real infinity? That infinity contains both of them and all the other infinities with the exception of the imaginary infinity.

But all of them are infinite nonetheless.You know why? Cause all of them are imaginary.

Isterio said:

My value of your opinion didn´t increase through your arrogant undertones, it actually went down, through society inspired rules that have nothing to do with objectivity, since they´re historically proven to be either arbitrary choosen or emotionally motivated. Emotions aren´t objective therefore "objectively" I´m right in my subjective opinion.

Basically saying “it is subjective so it can’t be wrong”. Am I right?
Only math is truly objective! And even the mathematicians debate that amongst themselves....

Isterio said:

Let´s leave the last part out since that´d just inspire a Sigmund Freud induced headache or a jerk off.

We are talking about anime, not psychology in that part.

I intended to throw in music, music is art, art is culture, culture is based upon the capability of conciousness. I could go on, but that´s what I want to avoid.

Isterio said:

Since we are on the topic of film and to an extend I do consider Anime to be a form of filmmaking. A different example, The clockwork Orange, seen by many as a Kubrick masterpiece, I consider to be hillarious. Specifically the rape scene because of the completely unfitting singing and the hysterical laughing. Millions of other people were terrified by the scene. Who is right?

Haven’t seen that so I don’t know. But I can say that quality of a show is objective. Humans try but never fully completely measured it. However, approaching the objective quality is always possible and there are also standards for it.
In addition, thank you for the unintentional recommendation.

The problem in doing this, is how to measure value?
Animation is a form of art and therefore not objectively graspable.
To give you an example:

Let´s say you have an animation with completely undetailed art, but a topnotch frame rate, but another animation with top notch art with 2 frames per minute.
Which one is better? Can you objectively declare oranges to be better than apples?Sure a biologist can, depending on their nuritial value, but what about taste? Can you measure the taste? What about liquid? How does the amount of water value against the nutrininal values. What if we change the situation? What if a person is thirsty?

I don´t wanna be called a copout so back to the animation example. How many frames can the human eye perceive? What about people with an brain disfunctiont that restricts their perception of frames, will they value the framerate? People will claim how smoothness or the realistic depiction of a scene make up the objective value. Ok, well, but what about surreal scenes. I doubt that animators are restricted by the physics of a demon, a magical dimension or outer space with magical non existing science material. It goes full circle and becomes subjective yet again. It´s all about impressing the masses, if you can do that you´v e won the end. There is no right or wrong, the winners decide arbitrary depending on their own taste.
Jun 5, 2016 10:41 AM

Oct 2013

M8. i'll give you a simple answer.

Watch it and judge for yourself but since your asking my own judgement. I'd say its a fun show to watch that'll keep you on the edge of your seat but its also something where things start to fall apart, especially near the ending. Quite a few dumb ass shit goes on that make you question it but none the less, its a fun ride and I recommend you watch it. Coz Enjoyment is all that really counts in the end and it didn't fail me in that department.

So have fun and watch it and judge for yourself.
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Shabada shabadabadaba
I am DjG545 aka Dj Fo Fo aka The Mutha Fkn Name I'm Usin Now
Jun 5, 2016 11:51 AM
Oct 2013
kamisama751 said:
Are you mad? :D
I can still say that since Kayo's mother is just shown hit once without implying anything regarding over time abuse she just got hit once. (And i can read kanji.)
While I have also gave you an example of objective quality before but you ignored it with "Sigmund Freud jerk off".

What about ending this conversation here? We are just too different and won't understand each other anyways.
Are you delusional?
Don´t dodge the discussion now, i gave you answers to all your questions.
But you give me questions to my questions.

Furthermore it´s annoying to read through an incomprehensible mess that cannot be recognized as English language due to several spelling mistakes (which I´m guilty of myself) combined with false grammar.
As far as I understood the one answer you gave.
You claim, to follow a certain strain of logic, corret me if I´m wrong.

We only see Kayo´s mom getting hit once therefore that´s the only proof we have
for her getting abused.
Ok that´s nice and dandy, but to remain credible in your objectivity you´d have to apply the same logic towards the factual deconstruction of any other series and the rest of Erased. You didn´t do this for any other scene in the series, which makes your argument crumble. You change your self induced rules the way you need them to fit your logic, if they don´t fit you ignore them.

This is hypocrisy and it´s objectively the concept propaganda is based on.

The teacher says no!
Sweettalking won´t give you an A in this exam!

If this was a test about religion you may get it depending on my mood.

I´m curious on your last point. What of anything you´ve said was factually objective? Where did I deny you your answer? Quote this instance please.

I just don´t see why you never point out the objective plotholes the series has, which ask the user actively to suspend his sense of disbelief, but instead focus on the psychological stuff that cannot have a clear answer.

Those are directorial/storytelling mistakes. Some can be fixed because of how unspecific the rules have been set up. Since it´s a work of fiction the author can reestablish his own rules, to fix those mistakes. Because of the how vague the rules are pronounced though, there is also leeway to argue against them.

Nonetheless the one plothole is an objective fuckup and cannot be fixed no matter what.
IsterioJun 5, 2016 12:31 PM
Jun 5, 2016 12:28 PM

Apr 2014
I find it pretty terrible, but it's not that long so you don't lose much from watching it I guess.
Jun 5, 2016 12:36 PM
Sep 2014
I would rather watch Butterfly Effect instead.
Jun 5, 2016 7:27 PM

Jul 2015
I highly recommend this anime, then animation is 10/10 and the story is 10/10
Jun 5, 2016 7:36 PM

Jul 2015
My opinion is this: It started off too good. I honestly thought it was going to be the best anime I had ever seen after 4 episodes, and the crazy thing is that at one point it was ranked higher than Hunter Hunter. Just get ready to be disappointed as the series progresses.
Jun 5, 2016 8:52 PM

Apr 2015
it's definitely worth a watch the ending might disappoint you a bit
Jun 5, 2016 10:32 PM
Jul 2018
People put too much emphasis on the mystery aspect of it, tbh. Most of it's major themes and ideas don't focus on it, so I don't see why everyone else does.

The mystery is really just the setup for everything else that comes along.
Jun 6, 2016 12:51 AM
Jul 2015
well...Its a good anime..go ahead and watch it. But if you are expecting romance between the two main characters just like steins gate then probably just drop it...SPOILERS.....the two main characters do not end up together....
Jun 6, 2016 1:11 AM

May 2015
Well, it depends on what your expectations are going into the anime. Visuals are fine, music is enjoyable, and the atmosphere the show provides is well done. However, the story telling is a lot more linear than what it makes itself out to be. Not that having a linear story is particularly bad, but I found that to work against the show's favor... Still a fun anime, but don't put your standards for it unreasonably high.
EmblemzJun 6, 2016 1:14 AM

Jun 6, 2016 7:05 AM

Jan 2016
It starts brilliantly but it's rushed to the end.
Anyway I've binge watched it so I'd recomend it :)
Jun 6, 2016 7:24 AM

Jul 2015
Watch the first half and stop. Don't ruin it with the later half.
Jun 6, 2016 7:48 AM

May 2009
kamisama751 said:
Isterio said:

I really like this quote gonna steal it!

The problem with your argument lies within your notion of natural flow. Natural flow implies the perception of the narrative "you"´have witnessed.
Meaning you and some others may have interpretend this scene as the from you explained scenario. The amalgamation of experiences with human behaviour led you to read this particular scene in that specific way.

Good that you like that spoiler name. xD
And don’t know how your response counters me. You have also NOT explained how you perceive it different (based on your logic). So I can only be right. The scene is objectively seen forced drama.
Of course there are people who receive certain things different and can’t even justify it.

Isterio said:

Which is a fine pov towards the series. Though again I do have to disagree in your opinion on what the series depicted. Kayo´s mother didn´t search for her daughter in any timeline. She didn´t mind her dissapearence during the timeline where she died and she didn´t intend to search for her when Satoru abducted her. Neither does the Anime ever atttempt or hint at her asking for, or being forgiven. I don´t see how any author would try to justify redemption arc for Kayo´s mother, which never happened. Kayo doesn´t forgive her neither does she approach her. It´s the grandmother that blames herself for her cowardice behaviour and begs for forgiveness. Which is realistic behaviour imo, parents tend to be more forgiveable towards their childrens deeds than anyone else.
I also do have encountered this specific behaviour within a family I know. The mother of two children was treated ill by her parents and she used that ill treatment as an excuse to treat her own two children like shit. This was literally the excuse she used. "My parent´s didn´t treat me any better".

Showing her crying like a victim is obligatory wanting us to forgive her. Your words abour her behavior only supported me. Then, the grandmother blames herself so Kayo’s mother becomes a “victim”. This is exactly what I am talking about since she still abused her child and therefore isn’t one. Just because your parents threat you like sh*t doesn’t mean your frequent abuse of your child is excused, same with your encounter. “Now show us her crying. Look, she is just another victim. Let’s forgive her.”

Isterio said:

At the same time though we see in contrast Kayo with a healthy baby that she does treat well because she went through that hell. It works as a reference towards Kayo´s character development and as a reference to how people with similar circumstances grow to be opposite people.

Don’t understand how this counters my argument either. If you got abused and still can threat you child well then it only shows how sh*t Kayo’s mother actually is. There is also no character development for Kayo. It is just a character change with a time skip. Character development works different.

Isterio said:

The only thing you showed me was what and how you perceived this Anime. I´m thankful for that. Nonetheless I´m as entitled to my opinion as you´re to yours.
Talking down on people from an arrogant horse won´t change that.

The only thing I have shown you so far is what the show actually is (and your arguments about the show actually supported me). Also, if I back up my “opinion” (which is the truth in this case) then my opinions have more weight than other ones. Therefore, opinions can have different values. Some of them are there for being taken seriously and some of them are there for being ignored. If you back up your opinion, then your words can be right or wrong since you need to do it with objectively seen right or wrong things.
“Talking down on people from an arrogant horse won´t change that.” Proof it or is it just another “opinion” with no weight because it is not backed up? :D

Isterio said:

Kudos for that joke, it made me chuckle


Isterio said:

Can you tell me what music is objectively better?
Well there are some mathematicians that´ll debate that since music is a concatenation of frequencies that sound harmonic if the frequencies are close to each other, which according to them is why classical music is perceived as sounding nice. Now go tell that to an artist who makes experimental music and his fans and try to agree.
Relativism is the only way to look at the universe.
Objectively life and consciousness don´t make any sense.[/

*Throws all the examples out of the window* We are talking about anime here.
Plot holes are undeniably plot holes and always makes the plot worse. If you take a show and fix the plot holes (without changing anything else) then it is objectively seen better. That is an example of objective quality.

On_the_Lam said:

You mean the Kabaneri threads? I still think your points are crap, to put it lightly, but I wouldn't hate on someone who tries to prove me wrong and succeeds, even if you haven't yet. I'm not really a fan of Kabaneri, but it has more plot problems than logical (or "scientific", as you'd call it), which you tend to focus on mostly.

As to your points on Erased's "forced child abuse", I'm quite certain you don't seem to grasp how the human psyche works. You can't criticize the actions of someone who was under abuse as "illogical", just because that person doesn't think the way you do. And I'm saying this from experience.

You mean the "shocked dead"? Man that was just a lame excuse. What could have possibly "shocked" her to dead.

Mentroxene said:

You seem to have missed the part where I said him being a twelve year old's body would affect him. I didn't outright say it there, but that is the indication. and youre right I didn't say becoming a twelve year old, just more like a twelve year old.

I didn't say it automatically means it can't be one, hence why I said make of it what you will. But regardless whether the character in question feels like he's been cheated should matter at least somewhat.

I've realized we're just running in circles, should we just drop this?


On_the_Lam said:

How is it a big non-sense? Everything about it made perfect sense to me.

They just put tons of themes in it without exploring anything. Then the cute bland girl Madoka suffers for no reason while Mami's dead is also cheap and so on.

You two sure are entertaining.

It really is up to you if you want to watch the show. It was a decent watch.

ἡ φύσις οὐδὲν ποιεῖ ἅλματα.


Jun 6, 2016 4:25 PM
Aug 2015
kamisama751 said:
On_the_Lam said:

Your best friend dying means suffering for no reason? How is Mami's death cheap? Not only does is it the turning point of the series, but it also shows how their world is just as cruel as ours and that this isn't your typical anime where everyone survives due to plot armor.

You're simply mentioning two points every single person on this site happens to mention when they want to criticize the anime. "meduka is bland, mami has no head" Very good elaboration.

It's impossible for a 12 episode anime to explore everything about the world it takes place in, however can you please give at least one example where a plot point or theme was introduced and never picked up again? Because I didn't feel that way at all.

You mean a random girl who you met for only a few days is automatically your best friend? No.
The cheapness of Mami's dead has also to do with what comes after it since it is what the dead is for. Look, their world is "cruel" but then they completely failed for showing us that (explain it afterwards). Therefore, her dead has no meaning. While just because someone actually dies in this show doesn't mean it is automatically good.
Now the themes: They have thrown in many interesting ones such as "If your soul is no more attached to your body, are you still yourself?" or the position of females in society but they never explored any of them.
Then Madoka suffers for no reason. She suffers from deciding between becoming a magical girl or not till the end of the series (and also does nothing till then) but why? Why does she even suffer from this? What merit has she if chooses to? No acceptable words given. Also if you want to say Madoka isn't bland then you should describe what personality she got besides random suffering for no reason.
Kyoko's choise of dying with that blue hair girll is also illogical. Why des she even decide to die with her?
Additionally, the length does not excuse the quality. You can still tell a wonderful story with this length (throw some sh*t away) or expand it to two cours.

By "best friend" I actually meant Sayaka, but whatever. There are many people who get sad and depressed when someone they've barely known dies, and in Mami's case it was even worse because nobody would even remember she existed. Madoka's reaction to her DEATH seemed pretty plausible to me. You can also compare her reaction and Sayaka's. Sayaka is just saddened for like one episode and then she's back to how she used to be. But that isn't because she didn't care, she's just not the type to live in the past like Madoka in this case.

While just because someone actually dies in this show doesn't mean it is automatically good.

They all die, honey. Kind of a hypocritical statement about meaningless deaths when you've got Berserk in your favorites list. But that's none of my business, I guess.

Also if you want to say Madoka isn't bland then you should describe what personality she got besides random suffering for no reason.

Experience the death of a relative or close friend, and then let's talk about a person's emotional and mental state.

They have thrown in many interesting ones such as "If your soul is no more attached to your body, are you still yourself?" or the position of females in society but they never explored any of them.

What was there more to explore about them? The fact that Madoka's mom goes to work and her father stays at home, or that the human body being more of a puppet for their convenience was enough exploration. It would have dragged on if they focused more on those two particular "themes", honestly.

Kyoko's choise of dying with that blue hair girll is also illogical. Why des she even decide to die with her?

The way I understood it, she connected with Sayaka, who was probably her one and only real friend, so she didn't mind dying with/for her. These two got the most fleshed out relationship in the series, imo. And it didn't feel forced at all, but I'm sure you think differently.

Additionally, the length does not excuse the quality.

That's true, but if Madoka had been 24-25 episodes, then we would have gotten 13 episodes of slow SoL (a la Steins;gate) and then people would have bitched about the tone shift even more. It was very well paced the way it was, imo.
archaaiJun 6, 2016 4:30 PM
Jun 6, 2016 4:33 PM
Aug 2015
Sukeroku said:
kamisama751 said:

Good that you like that spoiler name. xD
And don’t know how your response counters me. You have also NOT explained how you perceive it different (based on your logic). So I can only be right. The scene is objectively seen forced drama.
Of course there are people who receive certain things different and can’t even justify it.

Showing her crying like a victim is obligatory wanting us to forgive her. Your words abour her behavior only supported me. Then, the grandmother blames herself so Kayo’s mother becomes a “victim”. This is exactly what I am talking about since she still abused her child and therefore isn’t one. Just because your parents threat you like sh*t doesn’t mean your frequent abuse of your child is excused, same with your encounter. “Now show us her crying. Look, she is just another victim. Let’s forgive her.”

Don’t understand how this counters my argument either. If you got abused and still can threat you child well then it only shows how sh*t Kayo’s mother actually is. There is also no character development for Kayo. It is just a character change with a time skip. Character development works different.

The only thing I have shown you so far is what the show actually is (and your arguments about the show actually supported me). Also, if I back up my “opinion” (which is the truth in this case) then my opinions have more weight than other ones. Therefore, opinions can have different values. Some of them are there for being taken seriously and some of them are there for being ignored. If you back up your opinion, then your words can be right or wrong since you need to do it with objectively seen right or wrong things.
“Talking down on people from an arrogant horse won´t change that.” Proof it or is it just another “opinion” with no weight because it is not backed up? :D


*Throws all the examples out of the window* We are talking about anime here.
Plot holes are undeniably plot holes and always makes the plot worse. If you take a show and fix the plot holes (without changing anything else) then it is objectively seen better. That is an example of objective quality.

You mean the "shocked dead"? Man that was just a lame excuse. What could have possibly "shocked" her to dead.


They just put tons of themes in it without exploring anything. Then the cute bland girl Madoka suffers for no reason while Mami's dead is also cheap and so on.

You two sure are entertaining.

It really is up to you if you want to watch the show. It was a decent watch.

He's rather confident for the non-stop nonsense he spouts half the time.
Jun 6, 2016 11:16 PM

Jun 2012
I just finished watching it like 10 minutes ago. This is after pretty much not watching anime aside from the occasional episode since October '15, so I was out of the loop of what was in the spotlight for a while. I heard about ERASED from some coworkers and thought the premise was interesting enough to warrant a look.

To keep it short and sweet, I enjoyed it. I love murder mysteries and thrillers and with time travel in the mix there wasn't much the show could do to disappoint. Granted, the first 5 or so episodes are easily the best and most suspenseful, and the plot does feel like it meanders and deviates from what's important at certain points - hell, right from the jump, come to think of it really, the premise meanders, but I can't expound on that without going into spoiler territory so I digress. The identity of the culprit is also heavily telegraphed with minimal attempt at subversion but oh well, such is the nature of the genre sometimes.

I don't know how I would have felt about this anime had I been watching it whilst swept up in the surrounding hype during its run. What I can say is that it was an enjoyable binge and I'd recommend it to anyone that's a fan of works in its genre.
Jun 6, 2016 11:25 PM

Sep 2015
Go watch it, just don't expect too much out of it. It goes downhill
Jun 6, 2016 11:54 PM

Apr 2012
I mean, if you're into that kind of anime than sure.

I feel like it's all about the genre, you can't be into a different genre and just expect to like this show
Jul 22, 2016 4:05 PM

Oct 2009
Why it has so high score when reviews for it are medicore? I don't know should I watch it?
Jul 26, 2016 9:28 PM

May 2013
hasyly said:
Why it has so high score when reviews for it are medicore? I don't know should I watch it?

Reading the manga is probably better if you're curious about it. The anime is overrated.
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Poll: » Boku dake ga Inai Machi Episode 9 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

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504 by Sun_Chan »»
Sep 14, 10:18 PM

Poll: » Boku dake ga Inai Machi Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Feb 25, 2016

586 by Sun_Chan »»
Sep 14, 9:52 PM

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