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Jun 12, 2009 11:19 PM

Jun 2009
I'm Jeviherei and I am a female~
I enjoyed 1/2 Prince somehow even thought I don't usually enjoy gender bender+comedy. It reminds me too much of myself on how everyone in cosplay seems to believe that I am a male although female. Getting chased by fangirls and having the video uploaded in the internet wasn't fun either.
One of my favorite part has to be how I can totally relate to some parts. Such as: Wait, I am a female, right? Why am I thinking in a male point of view, type of events.

Well, then skip a long list of eye candies and all such.

You may call me Jevi-chan, or Jevi if you don't feel like spelling out Jeviherei.
However please, please don't call me Jev or Jevil.

A bit of info on my rl self.
I'm Korean with English as second language.
I am a citizen of US though, so my Korean lacks compared to English in some parts.
I was a cosplayer until I decided I didn't want girls flirting with me.
Seriously, getting mistaken as a guy isn't fun.
^ traumatized...
I am a high school student with interest in computer graphics and doing a little twicking on school computer system, but then, who doesn't?
Well, otherwise I am fairly normal, if you call being the only sane person in a classroom normal.

Hmm, I feel as if I wrote a lot, but it's just me overusing the 'enter'.
Well, pleasure to meet you all~<3
Jun 13, 2009 9:54 AM

Nov 2008
wow hello there everyone, welcome! and enjoy going nuts about 1/2 Prince!
Jun 13, 2009 7:50 PM

Jun 2009
Um, i'm Runi. I'm a girl and will enter high school after the summer (does that make me the youngest in the club? xD).
Ah, i'm a girl from Canada. I love 1/2 Prince, and can't stop squealing when i read it.
Seriously. It'd bad for my health.

Now to borrow from Jeviherei up there. I'm a CBC, less of a anime fan than before, and i cosplay once every year.


But i have been glomped. Painfully. To sum it up, many pictures were taken and i was labeled as 'the cute little cosplayer' for a good weekend. >.<

Anyways, again, i love 1/2 Prince. My drawing skills suck, but i could write by commision if needed.

Thank you! Nice to meet everybody anyways.
Jun 14, 2009 12:19 PM
Jun 2009
Hello. I'm BlackPixy13, but I also go by Leigh. I just graduated high school this month and I'm going to collage for english this fall.
I've been following 1/2 Prince since it came out and I love it. It's one of my favorites.
If anyone starts a role play for this, invite me, I would love to join.
Jun 14, 2009 12:55 PM

May 2009
Hi there... I'm Paul and i've been a huge fan of 1/2 Prince since they were scanlating the first volume so... yeah, it's been a long time xDU my favorite characters are LoliDragon and Meatbun (MEATBUN FTW!) and i love role-playing so if anyone starts one i'll join... what else, i'm 18 and currently in 2nd year of college (Human Medicine) and my mother language is Spanish so sorry if there were any mistakes nwnU
Jun 15, 2009 4:57 PM
Nov 2008
Hi, my name's Moon_D.
I'm a big, big, big fan of 1/2 prince, I think it's REEAALLYYY good.
I think it's one of my favorite, because comedy, gender bender et role playing is really a good mix.
By the way, I'm from the province of Quebec in Canada, so my first language is french (sorry for the mistakes) and I don't know in which grade I'm in with high school and all this stuff.
Too difficult for my head. I'll just say I'm in secondary since a very long time.
Just to tell you, the D of Moon_D means dragon.

Anyways, 1/2 prince rocks!!!
Jun 17, 2009 9:39 AM
Jun 2009
Hello everyone, I've been stalking this from the outside, but I got my laziness out and finally joined. I'm not much of a drawer or writer, but I do hope to remain active. At the moment, my main goal is start getting a fanfiction ready, but I'm not sure how to start. I sure hope more chapters come up... 1/2 Prince Forever!
Jun 28, 2009 8:45 PM

May 2009
Hello I'm undead slave, I'm 19 and I have just recently gotten into manga and anime. Also I have a Mac because they are the best. edit oh and i'm a guy.
Jun 28, 2009 9:33 PM
May 2009
Hello fellow 1/2 prince members! this is anime_addiction here! i wouldn't call myself that much of an anime addict. i'm more of an manga addict.... well, i'll be going into high school this coming fall. i spend most of the day reading manga..... i can't stop my self.... i'm completely addicted to manga, just like smoking.....i don't smoke......1/2 is my favorite manga...i'll be 14 in july.....thanks for even reading this....and yes i'm a girl
Jun 29, 2009 3:22 PM
Jun 2009
Hello. I´m Jodis from Germany.
Im addicted to Manga and especially gender bender like 1/2 Prince ^^
I also like Dramas, drawing and reading and playing Games.
Jul 5, 2009 10:56 PM
Aug 2008
I'm Ruie_Lyon, a high school senior in California.
To tell you the truth, i actually ignored 1/2 Prince during its early releases but pne day I got bored and started reading through it, and whatdoyouknow i actually loved it!!!

So now I'm going head over heels about it.
Jul 11, 2009 2:50 PM
Jul 2009
Hi! I'm ssj4sailormenz but i go by Menz in both rl and on the internet. I graduated from uni a year ago with a degree in Japanese and Tourism. Umm...i'm from England but i'm originally Egyptian so if you need any knowledge about Egypt, Japan and/or England (langauges too!) then feel free to ask away. I'd be more than willing to help. I adore manga, fanfiction and anime ever since i first discovered them and i doubt that my love for them will ever tarnish! XD

I've just recently discovered 1/2 Prince and i marathoned the entire thing in one night because it was just that awesome and now i'm crazy about it! I've been reccommending it left and right to anyone who'll listen! XD

Oh yeah! I'm female.
Jul 13, 2009 1:52 AM
Jul 2009
Well, I'm a sixteen year old girl who tends to go by the nickname Infinite Inficio or Virelai Nouveau (or any variation of those two). I used to be a pretty active fanfiction-writer (not anymore) and fanartist (not anymore either), but once in a while I still come up with something.

I usually don't like bishonen, but my favourite characters are Prince and Guileastos because I find them both interesting (especially Gui; he's not really the typical cool bishonen... but rather the opposite of it. Haha).

Just finished reading all the available chapters of 1/2 Prince and I really love it~ It even made me draw fanart again after so long... Eagerly awaiting new releases.
Jul 14, 2009 9:33 AM
Jul 2009
yow, and hye I'm leuszen. Still a student. A new member in MAL. Happen to be one of the members in MAL searching for something. Recently I read 1/2 Prince and fall in addiction with it. The manhwa is so good, I mean so great. Well I've just read till 28th chapter. Can't wait to read the next chapters. So....hi to everyone
Jul 14, 2009 3:11 PM

Jan 2009
Hi everybody!!! Guess it's time to introduce myself...
Name, as you can see, is Dz0Rdan991, but I also respond to Jordan (same pronunciation).Like all of us people, I'm here cause I LOVE watching anime and reading manga. Around a month has passed since I found 1/2 Prince while reviewing some manga. First chapter read, and i loved it ^^. Can't wait for new ones...
When i'm bored, either i draw some chars or doin' photoshop.

For gender...... hmm.... *puts his pants down.... congratz, it's a boy*

Jul 17, 2009 12:10 PM

Sep 2008
Hello! It’s been awhile since I joined the site and the club, but just couldn’t bring myself to write something. So, time to start.
Well, my name’s Toha and I live in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. I really like my hometown and I’m a student of one of its universities.
I think I don’t need to say anything about this prince manga, because me being here says everything.
Jul 23, 2009 10:24 PM
Jul 2009
Hello! im Mizukithedead, i an going into my last year of high school and i am a closet anime and manga lover haha ( my friends know they just dont know how much of one i am :) haha ) lately i have been on the net everyday reading different manga and watching anime NONE STOP haha i have no life :) i recently have started to plan a manga that i want to make (again friends dont know XD) anyhow...ummm... i think its my queue to say bye haha
Jul 24, 2009 5:48 AM

Jul 2009
Chelo :D I started watching anime back in '96 and reading it the following year thanks to my older brother. And thanks to my younger siblings I've been introduced to several amazing authors. Of couse when I get hooked on one I look for everything about it that I can and it lead me here.

I started reading 1/2 Prince a few months ago and was drawn into Second Life's world. I play WoW so I can relate to the storyline, as most of my characters are male... (I mean have you seen how the female form of some of the horde look?). Actually I kinda wish that we had a game out like Second Life, I would so chose to be just like Xiao Lan and do the gender change ;). I really am enjoying the plot depth that is involved with the story (cause a lot of the games do have the female as a weaker form). Of course the characters themselves are wonderfully drawn. My Favorite would have to be Gui with Wolf-nii as second. I just found out that it was based on a novel and I am currently reading it to see how similar they are.
Jul 25, 2009 2:02 AM

Jul 2009
Hey all :)

I just found 1/2 Prince and liked it quite a lot, expecially because of the gender problems that are mentioned there (I used to play a lot WoW myself, so ... *g*).

Well, what else is there to say?
I'm from germany, so my english might not be perfect - but I'm working on it :) - and will soon start my first year at college.
I enjoy reading, writing - mostly german FanFictions for Harry Potter, but I'd really like to try one in english, too -, listening to music and playing games on the PC.
Jul 25, 2009 6:20 AM

May 2008
Hihi~ Teh namez Lina(LOL) I live in Singapore currently a student in a polytechnic(not gonna mention which one)Things I like to do, sleep, play, read manga, watch anime, go cosplay events and take photos xD xD The things I hate the most? Vegetables, exams and homeworks(include tests too and practical.) I am fine with learning theory things >"<

I have read 1/2 Prince quite a while back ago. I found this FC today >"< lolz~ Most favourite character is of course Prince and Gui and pairing is PrincexGui xD xD LOL LOL
Jul 31, 2009 1:55 AM
Jul 2009
hello everyone! my name is mizuki. =3
nice to meet you all!
hopefully, our love for 1/2 prince will will combine together to make a beatiful friendship.
haha, that was so corny. x]
Aug 2, 2009 6:56 AM

Nov 2008
Hello everyone! sorry i was away for so long... with Exams and Odd Squad Scans... i got my work cut out for me. Welcome all new members :) + Nice to meet you
Aug 4, 2009 9:59 AM

Feb 2009
Hello everyone! I'm xmidnightrose22. Though you can call me Kim. I'm 13 years old.
I like to draw fanart and write fanfics. So nice to meet you all
Aug 7, 2009 2:03 AM

Aug 2009
Hi my names Lennehart~
I'm a college student that's pathetically weak Otaku =3=
I'm very musical and I guess artistic and wish draw more fan art of the manga's I love <3
Please to meet you all~!! ^O^
... yeaahh... this is the first club i joined in so ples take care of me~! ^w^
i am invinsible! ~3~
... OK NVM >_>

click or meh egg dies ;-;
Aug 12, 2009 6:03 AM
Aug 2009
hey guys,
I am Happy Fellow.
You can just call me happy.
I am 15 this year.

Just got adicted to this last month.
Finished the orginal novel in three days.( yeap, finished it yesterday)

Well, nice to meet you guys~!=D
Aug 12, 2009 9:53 PM

Aug 2009
Hi, I have been hooked on 1/2 Prince since they had chapter four available in That is where I got hooked. I was thrilled when they started translating it again.

This is also my first club. Hello everyone.
Aug 13, 2009 6:44 AM

Jan 2009
Hi everyone :)
My name is Chaniha and i am a 19 (almost 20) year old university student. Right now i have holidays until October which means i have a lot of time to read mangas, watch animes and go out with my friends (paaaartyyyyy :D).

Nice to meet you all :3
Aug 13, 2009 11:42 AM
Aug 2009
Hello, my name is shirley1101. From my user name, you can tell that my name is Shirley. I just turned 17 on Aug. 3 and I'm going to be a senior in high school. I started to read 1/2 prince ago and thought that it's a great manga. I just joined so there are a lot of things that I don't know so I will ask you guys questions. So thanks for the help when you guys answer my questions. ^_^
Aug 18, 2009 3:37 AM

Aug 2009
hi people i'm fluffball and obviously like everyone else i'm a 1/2 prince fan. i started reading from a few months back and i'm 12 XD
Aug 21, 2009 6:50 PM
Aug 2009
My name's Shouja.
Though most just call me Shou.
I'm an Artist.

uh... Nice to meet you all?
Aug 23, 2009 7:22 PM

Oct 2007
Hello! :D Glad to join the club!

My name is Lessthan3. You can also call me, Mii. :] I'm a 19 year old Uni. Student. I just encountered 1/2 Prince today from my younger sister who told me that I might like it.

She was right, I love how the story is going so far... and have managed to read all the chapters in one sitting ^_^;

:] Can't wait for the next chapter.

Sep 2, 2009 5:15 PM

Jul 2009
Hello everyone,

I'm Coffee-Star, and as you can probably guess, I'm always drinking coffee. I LOVE 1/2 Prince and need more. I work at a Child Care centre with preschool and elementary school children. I also started playing an MMO because of 1/2 Prince. I'm playing Perfect World International. I was so intrigued by Prince's idea of making your own legend that I'd like to try it online. So far, unsuccessful. lol

Anyway, nice to meet you and please take care of me.
Sep 10, 2009 12:18 AM
Sep 2009
Hi guys, Im Yue, that's my online name and has been stickin to me for 6-7yrs. Am 23 and pursuing postgrad studies in research field. I'm a real manga maniac to appease the stress that has been building up. I fall in love to 1/2 prince and this is by far the first time for me to be so attach to a manga until I wanna join the fan club :) Although I might not be that active I will always watch the progress of the club.

Nice meeting you guys *bows*

Pushing the boundary of knowledge is tough T_T
Sep 24, 2009 12:59 AM

Sep 2009
Hello, I'm Ikari....I started reading 1/2 prince yesterday afternoon and I just couldn't stop! I love anime and I read manga here and there....I'm 21 and a college student( Just like the Prince ^^)...I'm up to chap.36 and I (like everyone else) can't wait for the next chapter...

btw I heart Meat cute!
ladyikariSep 24, 2009 1:23 AM
Sep 26, 2009 5:42 AM

Jul 2009
Hello everyone, Shin here (:
I've been reading Half Prince for quite some time, and I'm really glad to find this club here!

Btw there is an art book of Half Prince in Taiwan, full of bishies!!

And Feng Lan looks prettier in that artbook (:
Oct 4, 2009 12:44 PM

Feb 2009
Hi everyone! I'm Finarien but you can call me Fin. My real name has nothing to do with my nick.:D It's Lilla by the way. :D I have this nick from a long time ago and I play with a character by this name in every MMORPG or RPG I'm playing with. And it's generally a wizard or magician or something like that.:)
I'm 21 and I'm studying economy and management in the uni.

Nice to meet all the other 1/2 Prince fan!^^
Oct 6, 2009 7:49 AM

Oct 2009
Hello everyone! I'm Liloo, so you can call me Lils or Lil-chan - whatsoever you like! I'm 1st year university student :) when I have free time I like play MMORPG and read manga! and of course 1/2 Prince is THE BEST OF THE BEST for me :D
I've already read 36 chapters and can't wait for new tom to come out!!
So nice to meet all of you and let's wait together! :)
Oct 7, 2009 2:05 AM
Oct 2009
Hello :) My name is _Yenn_ and im new here. Im 19 and I just started study in university. I`m from Poland and i hope you can understand my bad english =D Its my first club here. I love 1/2 Prince.
Oct 8, 2009 7:34 AM

Feb 2009
Maybe I shouldn't ask this question here but what kind of MMORPG do you guys play ?

@_Yenn_: don't worry about your english. Mine is bad too but I don't care until someone understands what I wanna tell. ^^""
Oct 25, 2009 12:49 AM

Oct 2009
Hello everyone!

I'm Teiza, pronounced Tay-Zah. That is in fact my real name :)

I was introduced to 1/2 Prince by my younger sister, I thought it sounded really lame. After reading it I fell in love with the storyline and the characters.

1/2 is best
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Oct 27, 2009 12:55 AM
Oct 2009
Hi everyone, I’m Clementine, ive been a 1/2 Prince reader for a year now, and found this fan club through Wikipedia ( searching for more chapters of 1/2 Prince )
Im 17 and in high school. I love to draw, listen to music, and read books, as well as manga.
I've been described as friendly and a little unpredictable...(cough)...sometimes.
Well, i will enjoy getting to know you all. C ya!
Nov 7, 2009 7:30 AM
Nov 2009
I'm Arai_Zo... Actually, my name supposed to be backward (Zo Arai), but since I've got this username on other site, I'm gonna use it anyway..

I'm reading 1/2 Prince just recently and now expecting new chapter.. Can't wait to see if Feng Lan will be discovered as Prince...

O, ya.. I've only read the manhwa, coz I dunno how to get the novel, but I'll google it later.. That's all from me :)
Nov 14, 2009 11:03 PM

Sep 2009
Hello! hehe^^ im CoolNerdNaty (naty for short) im in highschool. i wanna be an animal surgeon in the future^^.lets see i like reading manga more than watching anime i just feel its easier. i like 1/2 prince alot however my all time faves are Kaichou wa maid sama hehe^^. Also i'm like in love with sora from kingdom hearts <3 btw my real name is Natasha and i live in the US of A hehe^^
Nov 16, 2009 5:21 AM

Nov 2009
Hi :D I am tiggipi! I'm 19 and on my second year of college, studying art. I'm pretty quiet, I like reading (manga :P) and drawing.

My real name is Bronwyn, but most people can't remember it so just call me whatever is easiest for you to type, hehe.
Nov 17, 2009 6:51 PM

Nov 2009
Hiya everyone~! I'm SkyCirculation, but shorten it any possible way you can think of for the sake of not having to type out my SUPER-DE-DUPER long name. = w =;;
I'm 13 years old, currently in my second year of middle school, and nothing really changes in my life too much from my day to day things. I stumbled upon this club from nearly the beginning of when I started reading 1/2 Prince, but was too nervous and scared to join this club thinking I'd be kicked out by my first post in here. (Haha, I guess I'm one of those people who just can't seem to think like nothing really will go wrong. ;D) I guess I better stop talking before I get rants on my long, talkative comments now. C;
Nov 22, 2009 10:24 PM
Nov 2009
I am TwilightHeroine (aka PrincessHeroine from the shout box ^0^ ), after LoZ:Twilight Princess (NOT the Twilight series >_< ).
My real name is Jessica (or Jess, please not Jessie XP ). Huge Gui fan, so much so that I have plans to cosplay him. Hope I do him justice ^^;
Forget how I started on 1/2 Prince....even tho' it was only a couple weeks ago XD
Hmmm, I think that's it. Nice to meet everyone ^_^
Nov 23, 2009 10:21 PM

Oct 2008
Hello hello, or so I say, shaking your virtual hands.

I'm Lily_of_Fall. What is there to know about me?
First year University student, majoring in English Lit./Creative Writing.
Aspiring Writer. Avid Reader. Unconsequential Singer. All-Star Philosopher. Wishfull Artist. Rocking Skiier. Swimmer by Habbit. Lover of Winter, the Sun, Cherry Pie, Horror Movies, and Sewing.

I started reading a 1/2 Prince not too long ago, and of course, got hooked right away. Honestly, when I read 1/2 Prince, I save the pages with smoking hot bishies - because drooling over them is part of one's healthy weekly routine - and hilarious dialogues - just to read them again and start laughing so loud that my roomate is... well, I think that she's just plain scared of me when I do that. ^^
Don't worry though, I'm not scary. Partly crazy and demented...maybe, but definitely not the kind of psychotic yet also rational cannibal serial killer. That part just stays in my head. Mwahahaha.

1/2 Prince will take over the world! Mwahahah.
Nov 24, 2009 9:40 AM

Aug 2008
^Wow so you turned into a Half Prince rabid fan? WoW... XD.... And A writer... Heck If you love the manga then I'm pretty sure you'll die with the novel... Just for you to know Lily.... The manhua is originally a novel... So go read the novel @ princerevolution.wordpress... I'm pretty sure you'll love it to no end!

I like your profile ;)

rebwatersNov 24, 2009 9:43 AM
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Dec 11, 2009 6:45 PM
Dec 2009
Hello im sylphprince and im an 8th grader and ya
Dec 12, 2009 6:54 PM

Dec 2009
Hi :D
I started this a week ago and I'm already obsessed XD
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