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Sep 20, 2023 9:23 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
Reply to CreepHazard
ErogakiPatches said:
CreepHazard said:

No they didn't get new animators. They got mostly less experienced animators working with a tighter schedule than S1 with a new inexperienced director
it's actually a miracle that we got multiple high priority episodes this cour

Dang, that is a shame. Do you know why that is?

Onimai ofc. Everything wrong with this season can be blamed on Onimai and the directorial change
i think time is a better metric that's proportional to production quality, as budget doesn't really change anything without a proper schedule. in fact one punch man S1 had a pretty low budget iirc, and it had a healthy production time. Time is more important than budget in the anime industry.
Might not believe me when I say 'high budget' shows like chainsaw man and Jujutsu Kaisen were animated within a span of 8-10 months or even less. Those shows would've looked better with half the budget and twice the production time
@CreepHazard Oh shoot, I forgot about Onimai. Is it any good?

No, no, I understand time is way more important than budget. That is true for almost every kind of media or art. I actually did not watch Jujustu Kaisen and have only read the manga for Chainsaw Man so I cannot speak on the quality of those shows, but I will trust your opinion on them.
Sep 20, 2023 9:25 PM

Apr 2021
ErogakiPatches said:
@CreepHazard Oh shoot, I forgot about Onimai. Is it any good?

uh depends i guess? Do you like insanely well animated loli anime?
Sep 20, 2023 11:03 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
Reply to CreepHazard
ErogakiPatches said:
@CreepHazard Oh shoot, I forgot about Onimai. Is it any good?

uh depends i guess? Do you like insanely well animated loli anime?
@CreepHazard I like well-animated shows, not so sure about the loli part, so I am going to plead the fifth.
Sep 20, 2023 11:07 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
@HatTrkPatrk Except in those scenarios, the background characters are in the not foreground where you can easily see the still images.

Your logical fallacies are boring and your attitude is atrocious. Seems you are married, and obsessed, with this anime, which is very sad. I suggest you get over yourself.
ErogakiPatchesSep 21, 2023 3:41 AM
Sep 21, 2023 12:34 AM

Apr 2021
HatTrkPatrk said:
@ErogakiPatches Did I just called obsessed by someone who's literally acting like out-of-focus characters that aren't moving in a scene (not to mention acting like them being in the front somehow makes them "foreground characters," you're showing off how little you know at this point) for all of 3 seconds are somehow an issue with animation quality?

They are the foreground characters wtf are you smoking
they're not in focus but they're literally in the foreground. Foreground and Background refer to positions not focus or relevance
and yes it often happens with rushed production schedules, except here it was due to a lack of animators
Sep 21, 2023 12:42 AM

Jun 2015
The characters are not out of focus at all, the girl that's is taking the bread to her mouth is static the whole time while Sylphie notices Rudeus and moves out of the frame.
As I said before, the production level of this season was already mediocre, but this episode was a freaking disaster. Even subtle details like the footprints behind Sylphie when they find the cave were wrong. They made a background for the scene with footprints drawn up to their position, but when Sylphie walks out of the frame they forgot to draw the new ones, so we are left with footprints that reach their original position and then a whole lot of snow with 0 footprints, only to find the snow full of footprints in the next cut. These are small detalis, but they pile until you are left thinking if the staff were even willing to do stuff correctly, and this episode is full of these instances.
PerritoSep 21, 2023 11:47 AM
Sep 21, 2023 7:34 AM
Apr 2020
(just for anyone who is curious)

Hiroki Hirano (Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation assistant director) is replacing Manabu Okamoto as the director at Studio Bind. Toshiya Ono (86, Gatchaman Crowds, Land of the Lustrous, The Promised Neverland is also replacing Okamoto as the series script supervisor. Sanae Shimada (Photo Kano, UTOPA) is the new character designer.

Masakazu Miyake returns as the sole art director listed, and Makiko Doi returns as the sole color key artist listed. The returning staff also includes compositing director of photography Shinji Tonsho, editor Akinori Mishima, sound director Jin Aketagawa, sound effects artist Tsutomu Ueno, and musical composer Yoshiaki Fujisawa. EGG FIRM is producing.

Sep 21, 2023 7:59 AM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
Reply to FlydayEthan
(just for anyone who is curious)

Hiroki Hirano (Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation assistant director) is replacing Manabu Okamoto as the director at Studio Bind. Toshiya Ono (86, Gatchaman Crowds, Land of the Lustrous, The Promised Neverland is also replacing Okamoto as the series script supervisor. Sanae Shimada (Photo Kano, UTOPA) is the new character designer.

Masakazu Miyake returns as the sole art director listed, and Makiko Doi returns as the sole color key artist listed. The returning staff also includes compositing director of photography Shinji Tonsho, editor Akinori Mishima, sound director Jin Aketagawa, sound effects artist Tsutomu Ueno, and musical composer Yoshiaki Fujisawa. EGG FIRM is producing.

@FlydayEthan Thank you for the information!

And yes, I was curious. Thanks, mate.
Sep 21, 2023 11:26 AM

Apr 2021
Reply to ErogakiPatches
@ejleon I will go ahead and respond to each of your points.

1. No, I understood the point you were making, which was complaining that I was critiquing something. I cannot handle anyone disagreeing with me? Yet I am responding to you and everyone else. I can handle it just fine and I welcome the discourse. What I DO NOT like is people who go with the argument of "Stop complaining" and "The animators are doing their best". Yes, I know the animators are doing their best, but that does not mean I cannot criticize their work, especially since I am paying to view this media. People need constructive criticism in order to improve, not a bunch of "yes men" who always just tell them how good they are.

2. You clearly want to defend this show, even if we are looking at a glaring problem, while also telling others to stop complaining about things. So yes, you do fit into this fan base.

3. Sure, perhaps I do not look at it that way, but, as someone else pointed out to me, this does not seem to be a budget issue and was a "rookie mistake" with how they put the background characters in focus. Do the scene differently and you will not have this problem. And if you wish to make this your main point, then make that clear in your post without going into the "Stop complaining" territory.

4. That is not how I saw the scene, so I cannot say much to this. Just because you saw it this way does not mean I saw it this way. I tend to look at everything, including the backgrounds, because I want to fully experience the show. I also really like seeing and appreciating the animation they do and the cinematography. This season has had some fine ones (The action scene where Rudy used his mud(?) abilities against the bear things(?) was amazingly done) but it also had some issues.

5. If I buy a video game and that game has bugs, am I allowed to criticize it? I pay for my streaming services in order to view this piece of media, as well as buying some merchandise here and there in order to support the industry the best I can. Animators, while overworked and underpaid, are doing this for money. They are not doing this for free and if they were, I would not say anything about it and just enjoy what they created. I like to watch fan animation projects on YouTube and they are amazingly done. I provide some feedback on it but, for the most part, I just talk about the things I liked because they are free and created by amateurs. This, Mushoku Tensei, on the other hand, is something I pay for. By your logic, no one should complain or criticize anything ever because people put time into it. Everyone should get a "Good Job" award and be patted on the back. Is what they made still amazing? Yeah, it is pretty good but nothing is without flaws and nothing is without criticism nor should it be. The gaming industry is a good example of this. In recent years (Last decade or so), AAA titles have become filled with microtransactions, game-breaking glitches, and poor work. Not criticizing these products, and companies, as well as giving them money despite them doing a poor job is what led to games like Cyberpunk (I am talking about when it launched, not current), ACs having microtransactions in them, the butchering of the Saints Row series, and much more. We still have some great games, but triple-A has gone downhill for these reasons; the consumers are allowing it to happen with this mentality of "Well, they tried and we should just be grateful."

Overall, the show is still pretty good, though there are still problems it has with the story being slow (This is on the writer, not the studio that did the anime) and quality issues like the one above. I still like the show and I still like the series. In fact, it is the first series for me to watch (Well, second actually now that I think about it) where I watched the episodes as they came out, and this was after binge-watching the first season because ei could not get enough of it..I actually got sad when I had to wait for more episodes and another season. This is also why I am so disappointed in this season as I had high hopes in it carrying the series forward more, but I actually skipped certain parts I'm this season just because of how cringe it was (The panty scene and some parts with the beast girls) or just how uninteresting it was to me. I did like the parts where Rudy was in the small town, not so much the school. Anyway, I do not expect you to read all of this fully and this may be my last reply to you because, well, your arguments are annoying and trite.

1. “I understood the point you were making“ [ no you did not ] “which was complaining that I was critiquing something” [ not my point ] “go with the argument of ‘Stop complaining’ and ‘The animators are doing their best’ [ also not my point ] “that does not mean I cannot criticize their work” [ never said you couldn’t ] “especially since I am paying to view this media” [ the creators don’t read your forum comments, we do ] “People need constructive criticism in order to improve” [ true, so why don’t you do that instead, and not just a personal grievances? ] “not a bunch of "yes men" who always just tell them how good they are.” [ never said that ] — You might respond to everyone, but for some reason you did not get my point, could be my fault, could be yours, could be both, I don’t know. But this paragraph shows you still don’t understand.

2. “You clearly want to defend this show” [ I addressed a single scene, not the entire show, because you brought up a personal grievance ] “even if we are looking at a glaring problem” [ you mean, that you think it’s a glaring problem, the creators of the anime and I don’t ] “while also telling others to stop complaining about things” [ I never said those words to anyone, not even implied ] “So yes, you do fit into this fan base.” [ I disagreed with you, so you tried to label me to make me look bad, but you just look silly for even suggesting this about me ]

3. Perhaps they could have forgotten to blur the background characters to give the scene depth of field or contrast, but as is, I still think it was not a problem. I did make this my main point, you just don’t listen and you put a ton of words in my mouth.

4. I gave my own personal opinion on the scene, so I understand, you can see the scene differently. I look at everything as well and I saw that there was no motion on the background characters, I didn’t think I it mattered, but you obviously did. I watched the (about 29, give or take, second) scene again to try to understand this from your perspective, but even then, I did not think it took away anything significant from the scene, hence why I stated it is irrelevant. I think it would have been too much motion and distracting for everyone to be moving and more sound added to fit that. I generally agree with you on the animation this season.

5. I never said you can’t complain, but this is not a “bug”, it is your own personal grievance, the show was made to be this way. And you keep mentioning money, if you paying for the show and you not being satisfied with the quality of the project, shouldn’t your complaint be sent to the creators of the anime, not posted on a forum that none of them will see or read? By my logical points, people would give genuine constructive criticism that improves the show, not personal grievances that are irreverent to the show. I have not babied you and I don’t baby them, you’re not following my point, you’re building a straw man argument. If you actually gave an important criticism and not just a personal grievance, then I would have stop to consider it more, but that is not what happen. Again, I never said you couldn’t say anything or that you should say “thank you” and shut up, keeping on pushing this is pathetically lame and failing. Whether an anime or games, if it is a genuine complaint or criticism I’m fine with it, if you complain the background is not moving on a single scene that doesn’t need to move, I am going say the same thing, it is irrelevant.

I understand your points about the writing and rhythm of the show this season. The first season drew you in and kept you wanting more with its balance and rhythm. I watched every episode of this season, but I was also disappointed, it only started getting back on track in episode 9, except a few sections, the rest could be summed up in addressing ED, “lust reliogion”, Rudeus playing cupid.
ejleonSep 21, 2023 4:28 PM
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Sep 21, 2023 12:07 PM
Feb 2021
SATAN19 said:
what is with these crybabies

who tf cares about the background characters. they are called background characters for a reason bruh

you get awesome animation in fight scenes and important interactions between characters what else do you want?

care so much? go donate a few thousand dollars so they don't need to prioritise the budget on action scenes and other important parts of the future of the anime

I swear people really just complain for the sake of it I don’t really have any issues with this season I’m enjoying it and can’t wait for more to watch
Sep 21, 2023 2:14 PM

May 2015
They're called background characters for a reason chief
Sep 21, 2023 5:46 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
Reply to billybub
They're called background characters for a reason chief
@billybub They are not when they are in the foreground... "chief."
Sep 21, 2023 5:49 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
Reply to ejleon

1. “I understood the point you were making“ [ no you did not ] “which was complaining that I was critiquing something” [ not my point ] “go with the argument of ‘Stop complaining’ and ‘The animators are doing their best’ [ also not my point ] “that does not mean I cannot criticize their work” [ never said you couldn’t ] “especially since I am paying to view this media” [ the creators don’t read your forum comments, we do ] “People need constructive criticism in order to improve” [ true, so why don’t you do that instead, and not just a personal grievances? ] “not a bunch of "yes men" who always just tell them how good they are.” [ never said that ] — You might respond to everyone, but for some reason you did not get my point, could be my fault, could be yours, could be both, I don’t know. But this paragraph shows you still don’t understand.

2. “You clearly want to defend this show” [ I addressed a single scene, not the entire show, because you brought up a personal grievance ] “even if we are looking at a glaring problem” [ you mean, that you think it’s a glaring problem, the creators of the anime and I don’t ] “while also telling others to stop complaining about things” [ I never said those words to anyone, not even implied ] “So yes, you do fit into this fan base.” [ I disagreed with you, so you tried to label me to make me look bad, but you just look silly for even suggesting this about me ]

3. Perhaps they could have forgotten to blur the background characters to give the scene depth of field or contrast, but as is, I still think it was not a problem. I did make this my main point, you just don’t listen and you put a ton of words in my mouth.

4. I gave my own personal opinion on the scene, so I understand, you can see the scene differently. I look at everything as well and I saw that there was no motion on the background characters, I didn’t think I it mattered, but you obviously did. I watched the (about 29, give or take, second) scene again to try to understand this from your perspective, but even then, I did not think it took away anything significant from the scene, hence why I stated it is irrelevant. I think it would have been too much motion and distracting for everyone to be moving and more sound added to fit that. I generally agree with you on the animation this season.

5. I never said you can’t complain, but this is not a “bug”, it is your own personal grievance, the show was made to be this way. And you keep mentioning money, if you paying for the show and you not being satisfied with the quality of the project, shouldn’t your complaint be sent to the creators of the anime, not posted on a forum that none of them will see or read? By my logical points, people would give genuine constructive criticism that improves the show, not personal grievances that are irreverent to the show. I have not babied you and I don’t baby them, you’re not following my point, you’re building a straw man argument. If you actually gave an important criticism and not just a personal grievance, then I would have stop to consider it more, but that is not what happen. Again, I never said you couldn’t say anything or that you should say “thank you” and shut up, keeping on pushing this is pathetically lame and failing. Whether an anime or games, if it is a genuine complaint or criticism I’m fine with it, if you complain the background is not moving on a single scene that doesn’t need to move, I am going say the same thing, it is irrelevant.

I understand your points about the writing and rhythm of the show this season. The first season drew you in and kept you wanting more with its balance and rhythm. I watched every episode of this season, but I was also disappointed, it only started getting back on track in episode 9, except a few sections, the rest could be summed up in addressing ED, “lust reliogion”, Rudeus playing cupid.

Seems you do not listen, tis a shame.

Sep 21, 2023 8:11 PM

Apr 2021
Reply to ErogakiPatches

Seems you do not listen, tis a shame.

@ErogakiPatches You are the one not listening and lying
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Sep 21, 2023 8:45 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
Reply to ejleon
@ErogakiPatches You are the one not listening and lying
@ejleon Hey, I have a WONDERFUL idea. If you are so upset about my opinion, then do not read the topic and do not respond. And how am I lying? Lying about what? Lying about what I think about the scene's animation quality? First, it was "think of the animators", not it is "think of us who HAVE to read this topic". No one is forcing you to do anything, you are doing that yourself. There is absolutely nothing to say here that you would understand.

I am going to block you now and simply not respond to you anymore because, at this rate, this is just ridiculous with how hard you are coping with the scene. It was bad quality and, even if it was meant to be this way, does not mean that it is quality or that it should be that way. I do not think you understood me bringing up bugs in videogames and there is no point in explaining it to you. So below will be what YOU want to hear, all in quotation marks to prove a point.

"Oh my god, you are SO right and I am SO dumb. Wow, please teach me more about how WONDERFUL you are and how SMART you are. I am so wrong about everything and you are SO RIGHT. I cannot handle any criticism at all, which is the opposite of you since you clearly can handle it with the fact of how angry you are getting over this topic, all evident from your very first response to me. Wow, you are just so amazing. Please teach me more about how great this anime is and how it can do no wrong."
Sep 22, 2023 12:36 AM
Jan 2022
ErogakiPatches said:
El001 said:
The whole season had quality issues. They might fix some things in the BD release, but it's still so disappointing, especially compared to how good the first season was.

I, thankfully, have not been bothered so much until this very moment, which took me out of the show so badly. This scene just... irked me so badly. I hope they hurry up and finish this arc because the whole thing sucked with its quality issues and the general school setting that I did not sign up for with my fantasy series.

Though, I did care for some parts like him and Slyphy, even though it took forever to actually happen, and a few nice parts with some side characters here and there. Either way, this season was a bust.

just wanna say, you mentioned you didnt sign up for this with your fantasy anime, but this whole arc is about introducing new characters who are important to the story as a whole (Zanoba, Cliff, the princess, Linia and Pursena, etc.), and also some worldbuilding. The whole point of this arc is to introduce characters, so it is very important to the story and vital to actually care about and understand later arcs in the story. So while i can understand people saying that its slow when coming from watching anime like jjk, aot, or demon slayer, aka, your average action fantasy, this story has a strong focus on characters and world building and less on fighting nonstop, which makes it much more enjoyable for me, sure a fight is nice here and there, but i enjoy the qorls building and characters much more. Imo, this should have been 16 episodes or so because they actually skipped a decent portion of info and other things, then again, i'm a LN reader and we all say that lmao
Sep 22, 2023 1:22 AM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
thomaseh03 said:
ErogakiPatches said:

I, thankfully, have not been bothered so much until this very moment, which took me out of the show so badly. This scene just... irked me so badly. I hope they hurry up and finish this arc because the whole thing sucked with its quality issues and the general school setting that I did not sign up for with my fantasy series.

Though, I did care for some parts like him and Slyphy, even though it took forever to actually happen, and a few nice parts with some side characters here and there. Either way, this season was a bust.

just wanna say, you mentioned you didnt sign up for this with your fantasy anime, but this whole arc is about introducing new characters who are important to the story as a whole (Zanoba, Cliff, the princess, Linia and Pursena, etc.), and also some worldbuilding. The whole point of this arc is to introduce characters, so it is very important to the story and vital to actually care about and understand later arcs in the story. So while i can understand people saying that its slow when coming from watching anime like jjk, aot, or demon slayer, aka, your average action fantasy, this story has a strong focus on characters and world building and less on fighting nonstop, which makes it much more enjoyable for me, sure a fight is nice here and there, but i enjoy the qorls building and characters much more. Imo, this should have been 16 episodes or so because they actually skipped a decent portion of info and other things, then again, i'm a LN reader and we all say that lmao

Eh, that really is not the point I mean when I say that I did not sigh up for this. Also, most of those characters were already introduced in earlier seasons or in the OVA. Some school settings can be fine, such as in Code Grass or Neon Genesis Evangelion. It is the irritating high school drama that exists in here and dumb scenarios, such as the panty scene or the whole waiting around for Fitz to hurry up and tell Rudy. And I did not care for the demon guy or the entire episode where Rudy has to fight other beast people for the two beast girls. I like slower paced shows and character driven ones are ones that I adore (Now and Then, Here and There as well as Neon Genesis Evangelion are two of my favorite series and they are both very slow and character focused), but when I cannot like the characters (Seriously, I do not like the demon lord dude) or what drama they are in, then it becomes a problem for me.

By the by, I have not watched any Jujutsu Kaisen and only watched a few episodes of the first season of AOT. Fast paced action series are not my cup of tea, but neither is school drama or annoying romance tropes. And if it was any longer, then I would likely have skipped a lot of it or dropped the season to wait until Rudeus left the school. And, before I forget, I did like some parts of it such as a lot of the parts with the beast girls, the Japanese girl scene, Slyphie and Rudy finally getting together, as well as the parts with Zanoba. Other parts were just boring or uninteresting, especially with the first season in mind where Rudy was learning a lot about the world and exploring it. My disappointment is immeasurable for this season and my day is ruined.
Sep 22, 2023 1:39 AM
Apr 2018
Without reading the whole thread, I agree.

It is obviously not the A game of the animators. Nevertheless, the animation is still better than 90% of the other anime.

We could make out a butdget problem the moment they started with an opening instead of some worldbuilding shots.

While it is sad, we need to accept the fact that money will always be an issue in the anime industrie.
Sep 22, 2023 3:19 AM
Jan 2022
ErogakiPatches said:
thomaseh03 said:

just wanna say, you mentioned you didnt sign up for this with your fantasy anime, but this whole arc is about introducing new characters who are important to the story as a whole (Zanoba, Cliff, the princess, Linia and Pursena, etc.), and also some worldbuilding. The whole point of this arc is to introduce characters, so it is very important to the story and vital to actually care about and understand later arcs in the story. So while i can understand people saying that its slow when coming from watching anime like jjk, aot, or demon slayer, aka, your average action fantasy, this story has a strong focus on characters and world building and less on fighting nonstop, which makes it much more enjoyable for me, sure a fight is nice here and there, but i enjoy the qorls building and characters much more. Imo, this should have been 16 episodes or so because they actually skipped a decent portion of info and other things, then again, i'm a LN reader and we all say that lmao

Eh, that really is not the point I mean when I say that I did not sigh up for this. Also, most of those characters were already introduced in earlier seasons or in the OVA. Some school settings can be fine, such as in Code Grass or Neon Genesis Evangelion. It is the irritating high school drama that exists in here and dumb scenarios, such as the panty scene or the whole waiting around for Fitz to hurry up and tell Rudy. And I did not care for the demon guy or the entire episode where Rudy has to fight other beast people for the two beast girls. I like slower paced shows and character driven ones are ones that I adore (Now and Then, Here and There as well as Neon Genesis Evangelion are two of my favorite series and they are both very slow and character focused), but when I cannot like the characters (Seriously, I do not like the demon lord dude) or what drama they are in, then it becomes a problem for me.

By the by, I have not watched any Jujutsu Kaisen and only watched a few episodes of the first season of AOT. Fast paced action series are not my cup of tea, but neither is school drama or annoying romance tropes. And if it was any longer, then I would likely have skipped a lot of it or dropped the season to wait until Rudeus left the school. And, before I forget, I did like some parts of it such as a lot of the parts with the beast girls, the Japanese girl scene, Slyphie and Rudy finally getting together, as well as the parts with Zanoba. Other parts were just boring or uninteresting, especially with the first season in mind where Rudy was learning a lot about the world and exploring it. My disappointment is immeasurable for this season and my day is ruined.

fair enough, but as a whole, this season goes a lot more in depth into the characters than the ova did for cliff or the appearance of zanoba in season one ever did. I dont want to spoil, but the characters i mentioned in particular have their own arcs later in the story, plus the whole thing with sylphy and him finally realizing that she is slphy, not fitz, which is character devolopment for rudeus as well. I get it if you dont like the way they handled the school setting, but imo, thats an issue with the anime, the LN handles it better although it is still slow around this part, but due to that, it fleshes out the characters and introduces multiple characters in a way that doesn't feel forced, which imo is a problem with a lot of fantasy/isekai anime i watch, where they just find a character randomly and they immediately become a main character out of nowhere, MT is a lot more subtle in that regard. If you havent already read the LN, i would definetly reccomend it, its better than the anime in the aspect of actually fleshing things out more and explaining why things went the way they did, the badigadi fight for example, its implied in the anime that the reason for him asking rudeus to use one attack is because it damaged orsted, but in the LN, i'm fairly certain he says to use the attack that damaged orsted. thats just one example, but it happens a lot in this season where they cut things out that add more depth to the story to keep the plot moving. But anyway, i respect your opinion, i just dont fully agree. i think it would have been better if they didnt skip the details on things, but screen time becomes an issue at that point, which is already an issue with the seemingly not very generous budget based on some scenes
Sep 22, 2023 4:32 AM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
Reply to thomaseh03
ErogakiPatches said:
thomaseh03 said:

just wanna say, you mentioned you didnt sign up for this with your fantasy anime, but this whole arc is about introducing new characters who are important to the story as a whole (Zanoba, Cliff, the princess, Linia and Pursena, etc.), and also some worldbuilding. The whole point of this arc is to introduce characters, so it is very important to the story and vital to actually care about and understand later arcs in the story. So while i can understand people saying that its slow when coming from watching anime like jjk, aot, or demon slayer, aka, your average action fantasy, this story has a strong focus on characters and world building and less on fighting nonstop, which makes it much more enjoyable for me, sure a fight is nice here and there, but i enjoy the qorls building and characters much more. Imo, this should have been 16 episodes or so because they actually skipped a decent portion of info and other things, then again, i'm a LN reader and we all say that lmao

Eh, that really is not the point I mean when I say that I did not sigh up for this. Also, most of those characters were already introduced in earlier seasons or in the OVA. Some school settings can be fine, such as in Code Grass or Neon Genesis Evangelion. It is the irritating high school drama that exists in here and dumb scenarios, such as the panty scene or the whole waiting around for Fitz to hurry up and tell Rudy. And I did not care for the demon guy or the entire episode where Rudy has to fight other beast people for the two beast girls. I like slower paced shows and character driven ones are ones that I adore (Now and Then, Here and There as well as Neon Genesis Evangelion are two of my favorite series and they are both very slow and character focused), but when I cannot like the characters (Seriously, I do not like the demon lord dude) or what drama they are in, then it becomes a problem for me.

By the by, I have not watched any Jujutsu Kaisen and only watched a few episodes of the first season of AOT. Fast paced action series are not my cup of tea, but neither is school drama or annoying romance tropes. And if it was any longer, then I would likely have skipped a lot of it or dropped the season to wait until Rudeus left the school. And, before I forget, I did like some parts of it such as a lot of the parts with the beast girls, the Japanese girl scene, Slyphie and Rudy finally getting together, as well as the parts with Zanoba. Other parts were just boring or uninteresting, especially with the first season in mind where Rudy was learning a lot about the world and exploring it. My disappointment is immeasurable for this season and my day is ruined.

fair enough, but as a whole, this season goes a lot more in depth into the characters than the ova did for cliff or the appearance of zanoba in season one ever did. I dont want to spoil, but the characters i mentioned in particular have their own arcs later in the story, plus the whole thing with sylphy and him finally realizing that she is slphy, not fitz, which is character devolopment for rudeus as well. I get it if you dont like the way they handled the school setting, but imo, thats an issue with the anime, the LN handles it better although it is still slow around this part, but due to that, it fleshes out the characters and introduces multiple characters in a way that doesn't feel forced, which imo is a problem with a lot of fantasy/isekai anime i watch, where they just find a character randomly and they immediately become a main character out of nowhere, MT is a lot more subtle in that regard. If you havent already read the LN, i would definetly reccomend it, its better than the anime in the aspect of actually fleshing things out more and explaining why things went the way they did, the badigadi fight for example, its implied in the anime that the reason for him asking rudeus to use one attack is because it damaged orsted, but in the LN, i'm fairly certain he says to use the attack that damaged orsted. thats just one example, but it happens a lot in this season where they cut things out that add more depth to the story to keep the plot moving. But anyway, i respect your opinion, i just dont fully agree. i think it would have been better if they didnt skip the details on things, but screen time becomes an issue at that point, which is already an issue with the seemingly not very generous budget based on some scenes
@thomaseh03 Hmmm, I do wish to read the LN, but it is not my priority as of now (I have college and many other series I want to read/watch), but I do want to read it at one point.

It is completely fine if you disagree, I do not have a problem with that. It more than likely is a problem with the anime, and the animation quality is definitely a problem for me at times. Hopefully, I start to enjoy this show again in the second part, though I will say that I still feel like binge-watching it every time a new episode comes out, though that is mostly due to me wanting it to get exciting again or something worthwhile happening. Instead, I am just waiting for something to happen while hoping the second part is better.
Sep 22, 2023 4:52 AM
Jan 2018
When has the foreground characters ever been animated in this series
Sep 22, 2023 2:23 PM
Oct 2008
The season is great. Story is great, it might not be what some people wanted, but it is super important to have downtime to make action have consequences and meaning.

That said the quality of animation and some pacing has been a mess. The scene noted above took me out of the show IMMEDIATELY. Instead of focusing on what was going on I noticed the time stop that seemed to be happening. Good stills go unnoticed precisely because they are good. All people wanted was a repeat of the gold that was Season 1. Regardless of how hard or difficult that is to pull off is irrelevant to the fact that we wanted it. We are allowed to be disappointed that at the end of the line when we look back on Mushoku as a whole (if it gets a full adaption), that some parts of the series just aren't up to snuff.

I love mushoku, I am caught up on the LN english releases. I just wanted the same love and care and attention S1 had throughout. I will continue to watch as long as it dosnt become terrible, because the story is King, I just want everyone else to know its story as well, and by god did the quality of season 1 help people get into the show.

You can watch PVs of this season and see how they had to cut quality on actual release. The addition of an OP and ED was also a sign. The show could have used that 3 mins an episode to help with pacing and the cut content, but that costs money and time they were already short on. I wont say they could have done better, as I think they are doing the best they CAN with what they have, I just hoped they could have done better.
MahuloqSep 22, 2023 3:10 PM
Sep 22, 2023 3:51 PM

Apr 2018
It doesn't really bother me. It's a "sol" scene. Not a fight/demonstration scene who needs a very good animation.
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes.
It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo.
Sep 23, 2023 2:33 AM
Aug 2021
Reply to CreepHazard
ErogakiPatches said:
Nbayungbeard said:

It’s not a budget thing. Season 1 was loaded with big name animators and it had been around in the works for years where as season 2 had a more normal production schedule and a average staff list with only Q Kawa and a few other stragglers left from the production of season 1.

Ah, so they got new animators? That would explain things quite a lot. Thanks for the info, as I do not keep up with these things a lot of the time.

No they didn't get new animators. They got mostly less experienced animators working with a tighter schedule than S1 with a new inexperienced director
it's actually a miracle that we got multiple high priority episodes this cour
@CreepHazard But it's not a new inexperienced director? Hiroki Hirano was the assistant director for both cour 1 and cour 2 of season 1
Sep 23, 2023 2:38 AM
Aug 2021
Reply to ErogakiPatches
thomaseh03 said:
ErogakiPatches said:

I, thankfully, have not been bothered so much until this very moment, which took me out of the show so badly. This scene just... irked me so badly. I hope they hurry up and finish this arc because the whole thing sucked with its quality issues and the general school setting that I did not sign up for with my fantasy series.

Though, I did care for some parts like him and Slyphy, even though it took forever to actually happen, and a few nice parts with some side characters here and there. Either way, this season was a bust.

just wanna say, you mentioned you didnt sign up for this with your fantasy anime, but this whole arc is about introducing new characters who are important to the story as a whole (Zanoba, Cliff, the princess, Linia and Pursena, etc.), and also some worldbuilding. The whole point of this arc is to introduce characters, so it is very important to the story and vital to actually care about and understand later arcs in the story. So while i can understand people saying that its slow when coming from watching anime like jjk, aot, or demon slayer, aka, your average action fantasy, this story has a strong focus on characters and world building and less on fighting nonstop, which makes it much more enjoyable for me, sure a fight is nice here and there, but i enjoy the qorls building and characters much more. Imo, this should have been 16 episodes or so because they actually skipped a decent portion of info and other things, then again, i'm a LN reader and we all say that lmao

Eh, that really is not the point I mean when I say that I did not sigh up for this. Also, most of those characters were already introduced in earlier seasons or in the OVA. Some school settings can be fine, such as in Code Grass or Neon Genesis Evangelion. It is the irritating high school drama that exists in here and dumb scenarios, such as the panty scene or the whole waiting around for Fitz to hurry up and tell Rudy. And I did not care for the demon guy or the entire episode where Rudy has to fight other beast people for the two beast girls. I like slower paced shows and character driven ones are ones that I adore (Now and Then, Here and There as well as Neon Genesis Evangelion are two of my favorite series and they are both very slow and character focused), but when I cannot like the characters (Seriously, I do not like the demon lord dude) or what drama they are in, then it becomes a problem for me.

By the by, I have not watched any Jujutsu Kaisen and only watched a few episodes of the first season of AOT. Fast paced action series are not my cup of tea, but neither is school drama or annoying romance tropes. And if it was any longer, then I would likely have skipped a lot of it or dropped the season to wait until Rudeus left the school. And, before I forget, I did like some parts of it such as a lot of the parts with the beast girls, the Japanese girl scene, Slyphie and Rudy finally getting together, as well as the parts with Zanoba. Other parts were just boring or uninteresting, especially with the first season in mind where Rudy was learning a lot about the world and exploring it. My disappointment is immeasurable for this season and my day is ruined.
@ErogakiPatches I'm starting you just don't like the slice of life genre.... cus this was favourite my third favourite arc of the entire series and I'm saying that as someone who's well read ahead of the anime
Sep 23, 2023 2:51 AM
Aug 2021
Reply to Perrito
The characters are not out of focus at all, the girl that's is taking the bread to her mouth is static the whole time while Sylphie notices Rudeus and moves out of the frame.
As I said before, the production level of this season was already mediocre, but this episode was a freaking disaster. Even subtle details like the footprints behind Sylphie when they find the cave were wrong. They made a background for the scene with footprints drawn up to their position, but when Sylphie walks out of the frame they forgot to draw the new ones, so we are left with footprints that reach their original position and then a whole lot of snow with 0 footprints, only to find the snow full of footprints in the next cut. These are small detalis, but they pile until you are left thinking if the staff were even willing to do stuff correctly, and this episode is full of these instances.
@Perrito nah you are trippin, the production level for this season is still great. and this episode was nowhere near a disaster like huh???? and what you are describing is the smallest of slmallest of tiniest of details that I didn't even notice on my first or second watch of the episode..... and I can tell that this is not "full of these instances".
Sep 23, 2023 3:28 AM

Apr 2021
rolopolo78 said:
@CreepHazard But it's not a new inexperienced director? Hiroki Hirano was the assistant director for both cour 1 and cour 2 of season 1

His direction and storyboarding is nowhere close to what Okamoto Manabu did for Season 1. This season had a much weaker staff list and people who knew this didn't have high expectations from it. I'm sure cour 2 would look better since JJK will be done airing and Frieren doesn't have the same vacuum effect. Although there are rumours that MAPPA is producing another show through the Seshimo pipeline, which could possibly be CSM S2.
Sep 23, 2023 3:31 AM

Apr 2021
rolopolo78 said:
@Perrito nah you are trippin, the production level for this season is still great. and this episode was nowhere near a disaster like huh???? and what you are describing is the smallest of slmallest of tiniest of details that I didn't even notice on my first or second watch of the episode..... and I can tell that this is not "full of these instances".

and you are not the definition of the general audience. Just because you're fine with something doesn't mean everyone should be fine with it. If it's being released in the form of a visual medium it needs to upkeep a high quality. Nitpicking is when people complain about Chainsaw Man, JJK or One Punch Man animation quality, or even Mushoku Tensei Season 1. With this season however it definitely isn't nitpicking, as there's a genuine quality drop
Sep 23, 2023 3:48 AM

Apr 2021
satchoff said:
It doesn't really bother me. It's a "sol" scene. Not a fight/demonstration scene who needs a very good animation.

The difference between a healthy and unhealthy production is the difference in priority for scenes/episodes. A healthy production has a pretty small priority gradient, which means it has consistent quality. Great examples would be Heavenly Delusions, One Punch Man Season 1, Spy X Family, Mob Psycho Season 1 to 3, Mushoku Tensei S1 cour 1, etc etc etc.

Unhealthy productions have ever expanding priority gradients, which means two episodes have vastly different production quality, which is either done as a measure to allocate budget towards high priority scenes or just because there's a lack of staff/time.
Great examples would be Jigokuraku, Attack On Titan S3, Vinland Saga S1, A whole lot of long running shows like One piece, Naruto, Black Clover etc.
(For long running shows it's a side effect of their airing pattern. You are forced to prioritise certain episodes by sacrificing production quality of low priority ones with shows like One Piece. Black Clover on the other hand had a TERRIBLE production, iirc there wasn't even an animation producer for the show for a while it was just Tatsuya Yoshihara solo carrying the series with his connections)

What we're seeing here is an unhealthy production unlike Season 1. There simply aren't enough animators working on the show to meet the quality requirements of Season 1, and therefore the first 3 episodes looked like it was a whole different show and certain 'priority' episodes had a serious quality bump.

Hopefully they get more animators on board for Cour 2, and it upkeeps its animation quality throughout its duration.
CreepHazardSep 23, 2023 3:56 AM
Sep 23, 2023 4:28 AM

Apr 2018
Reply to CreepHazard
satchoff said:
It doesn't really bother me. It's a "sol" scene. Not a fight/demonstration scene who needs a very good animation.

The difference between a healthy and unhealthy production is the difference in priority for scenes/episodes. A healthy production has a pretty small priority gradient, which means it has consistent quality. Great examples would be Heavenly Delusions, One Punch Man Season 1, Spy X Family, Mob Psycho Season 1 to 3, Mushoku Tensei S1 cour 1, etc etc etc.

Unhealthy productions have ever expanding priority gradients, which means two episodes have vastly different production quality, which is either done as a measure to allocate budget towards high priority scenes or just because there's a lack of staff/time.
Great examples would be Jigokuraku, Attack On Titan S3, Vinland Saga S1, A whole lot of long running shows like One piece, Naruto, Black Clover etc.
(For long running shows it's a side effect of their airing pattern. You are forced to prioritise certain episodes by sacrificing production quality of low priority ones with shows like One Piece. Black Clover on the other hand had a TERRIBLE production, iirc there wasn't even an animation producer for the show for a while it was just Tatsuya Yoshihara solo carrying the series with his connections)

What we're seeing here is an unhealthy production unlike Season 1. There simply aren't enough animators working on the show to meet the quality requirements of Season 1, and therefore the first 3 episodes looked like it was a whole different show and certain 'priority' episodes had a serious quality bump.

Hopefully they get more animators on board for Cour 2, and it upkeeps its animation quality throughout its duration.
@CreepHazard Tbh if people didn't point it, i would not even recognize a big difference. Like it's not big difference.

A big difference would be The devil part timer season 1 vs season 2. Huge gap that can trigger/damage the enjoyment/experience of the watcher.

-- I didn't suffer with season 2 animation of Mushuko compare to season 1. Maybe yes i'll notice a lil bit difference if i'm really picky, but tbh i'm more focus on the plot and the enjoyment turns around that.

You can have the best animation with a really bad story and it's really bother the watcher.
On the other hand you can have a bad animation, if the story is really great than people in general will still like it. ( the best example is Kingdom Season 1. )

or people not really like 80-90's show, but stories are so good that they by-pass the animation.
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes.
It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo.
Sep 23, 2023 4:50 AM

Apr 2021
satchoff said:
@CreepHazard Tbh if people didn't point it, i would not even recognize a big difference. Like it's not big difference.

A big difference would be The devil part timer season 1 vs season 2. Huge gap that can trigger/damage the enjoyment/experience of the watcher.

-- I didn't suffer with season 2 animation of Mushuko compare to season 1. Maybe yes i'll notice a lil bit difference if i'm really picky, but tbh i'm more focus on the plot and the enjoyment turns around that.

You can have the best animation with a really bad story and it's really bother the watcher.
On the other hand you can have a bad animation, if the story is really great than people in general will still like it. ( the best example is Kingdom Season 1. )

or people not really like 80-90's show, but stories are so good that they by-pass the animation.

Yeah I mean I really loved Re:Zero season 2 but COVID Absolutely obliterated that production
I love MTS2 as well but the quality drop is real
Sep 23, 2023 6:01 AM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
Reply to rolopolo78
@ErogakiPatches I'm starting you just don't like the slice of life genre.... cus this was favourite my third favourite arc of the entire series and I'm saying that as someone who's well read ahead of the anime
@rolopolo78 I don't know. I rated Non Non Biyori a 10 out of 10 for most of its seasons and the film, Akembi's Sailor Uniform was an 8 for me, A Place Further Than the Universe was a 10, I am loving Monogatari which has a lot of slow moments all centered on characters, I quite enjoyed Hyouka and gave it a 10, I really enjoyed Kaliedo Star, Kodacha is still one of my favorite manga/anime, and I enjoyed Yuru Camp, among others. So I cannot say that I dislike the SoL genre, but maybe all those do not count to you.
Sep 23, 2023 6:26 PM
Aug 2021
Reply to ErogakiPatches
@rolopolo78 I don't know. I rated Non Non Biyori a 10 out of 10 for most of its seasons and the film, Akembi's Sailor Uniform was an 8 for me, A Place Further Than the Universe was a 10, I am loving Monogatari which has a lot of slow moments all centered on characters, I quite enjoyed Hyouka and gave it a 10, I really enjoyed Kaliedo Star, Kodacha is still one of my favorite manga/anime, and I enjoyed Yuru Camp, among others. So I cannot say that I dislike the SoL genre, but maybe all those do not count to you.
@ErogakiPatches I haven't really watched most of the anime you mentioned. I've seen a little of yuru camp and hyuoka and they seemed like SoL to me. I have watched and re-watched the monogatari series and that is DEFINITELY not a Sol anime. Let me rephrase what I said earlier , this season is more Sol, a lot more slow paced(although LN readers would probably disagree with me on that) has a lot more set up that gets paid off in later volumes[in anime terms it would be that some will get paid of in s2 cour 2 and most of it in S3 and first few episodes of S4(if that's ever coming)] This arc sets up a lot of characters that becomes really REALLY important later which is why it's one of my favourites also I just like arcs where the protagonist is actually taking their time to strengthen their power. So maybe you just don't like a lot more slow placed anime? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sep 23, 2023 6:34 PM
Aug 2021
Reply to CreepHazard
satchoff said:
It doesn't really bother me. It's a "sol" scene. Not a fight/demonstration scene who needs a very good animation.

The difference between a healthy and unhealthy production is the difference in priority for scenes/episodes. A healthy production has a pretty small priority gradient, which means it has consistent quality. Great examples would be Heavenly Delusions, One Punch Man Season 1, Spy X Family, Mob Psycho Season 1 to 3, Mushoku Tensei S1 cour 1, etc etc etc.

Unhealthy productions have ever expanding priority gradients, which means two episodes have vastly different production quality, which is either done as a measure to allocate budget towards high priority scenes or just because there's a lack of staff/time.
Great examples would be Jigokuraku, Attack On Titan S3, Vinland Saga S1, A whole lot of long running shows like One piece, Naruto, Black Clover etc.
(For long running shows it's a side effect of their airing pattern. You are forced to prioritise certain episodes by sacrificing production quality of low priority ones with shows like One Piece. Black Clover on the other hand had a TERRIBLE production, iirc there wasn't even an animation producer for the show for a while it was just Tatsuya Yoshihara solo carrying the series with his connections)

What we're seeing here is an unhealthy production unlike Season 1. There simply aren't enough animators working on the show to meet the quality requirements of Season 1, and therefore the first 3 episodes looked like it was a whole different show and certain 'priority' episodes had a serious quality bump.

Hopefully they get more animators on board for Cour 2, and it upkeeps its animation quality throughout its duration.
@CreepHazard but there wasn't a drastic difference between the first 3 episodes and the rest of the show that made it look like it was " a whole different show" tho
Sep 23, 2023 6:48 PM
Aug 2021
Reply to CreepHazard
rolopolo78 said:
@Perrito nah you are trippin, the production level for this season is still great. and this episode was nowhere near a disaster like huh???? and what you are describing is the smallest of slmallest of tiniest of details that I didn't even notice on my first or second watch of the episode..... and I can tell that this is not "full of these instances".

and you are not the definition of the general audience. Just because you're fine with something doesn't mean everyone should be fine with it. If it's being released in the form of a visual medium it needs to upkeep a high quality. Nitpicking is when people complain about Chainsaw Man, JJK or One Punch Man animation quality, or even Mushoku Tensei Season 1. With this season however it definitely isn't nitpicking, as there's a genuine quality drop
@CreepHazard First I was saying that the guy who I originally replied to was describing something really nitpicky and that you have to really look at specifically just to notice it(and AINTNOWAY the "general audience" are gonna notice it) and second " Nitpicking is when people complain about Chainsaw Man, JJK or One Punch Man animation quality, or even Mushoku Tensei Season 1 "what? huh? Nitpicking is when you point very minor faults in a pedantic way for any show/thing in existence doesn't have to be these exact shows, it can be any show including MTS2 so it is actually nitpicking.
Sep 23, 2023 7:33 PM

Jan 2020
Reply to Haruki_Vansh
El001 said:
The whole season had quality issues. They might fix some things in the BD release, but it's still so disappointing, especially compared to how good the first season was.

this arc is not worth a high budget, you can see as it has very less fight sceans and even use of big magics or bg. in season one they were showing a adventure with different different bg and a lot of fighting sceans. just wait for 1-2 more episodes then the next arc will start and it will be back with its quality level. and compare to other animes, this arcs quality level is not that very bad
@Haruki_Vansh if the staff doesn't change that's high amounts of copium
Sep 23, 2023 8:06 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
rolopolo78 said:
@ErogakiPatches I haven't really watched most of the anime you mentioned. I've seen a little of yuru camp and hyuoka and they seemed like SoL to me. I have watched and re-watched the monogatari series and that is DEFINITELY not a Sol anime. Let me rephrase what I said earlier , this season is more Sol, a lot more slow paced(although LN readers would probably disagree with me on that) has a lot more set up that gets paid off in later volumes[in anime terms it would be that some will get paid of in s2 cour 2 and most of it in S3 and first few episodes of S4(if that's ever coming)] This arc sets up a lot of characters that becomes really REALLY important later which is why it's one of my favourites also I just like arcs where the protagonist is actually taking their time to strengthen their power. So maybe you just don't like a lot more slow placed anime? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

When did I say that Monogatari was an SoL? I said it was slow and centered on characters. I gave Neon Genesis Evangelion a 10, Samurai Champloo a 9, FLCL a 9, A Place Further Than a Universe a 10, Non Non Biyori a 10, etc etc. I am repeating myself at this rate. And Mushoku Tensei is not SoL.

I like slow driven shows and shows centered on characters. I do not watch shonen normally ever (No JJK, AoT, Bleach, Naruto, etc.). I normally do not like isekais, but I like this show despite it being an isekai, same with a few others. Utena is one of my favorite anime and that is very slow, character driven, and takes place in a school with a lot of romance. The difference is that they have a lot more mature romances happening in it (There is a lot of mature themes concerning these relationships) while still having shoujo manga moments. Hyouka has a school setting with character driven plot, as well as very slow pacing but the dialogue is great, the characters are interesting the whole time, and the romance is more mature. Mushoku Tensei fails at this because of the dumb cliches/tropes that are wedged into the romance (I still liked Slyphie and Rudy getting together but was really annoyed that it took forever for Slyphie to say something) and the fact that the school is just boring. There is not much there, though there were a few interesting parts but the Fitz and Rudeus parts bogged down the whole school arc with the annoying tropes, and there were a lot of cringe crap as well.
ErogakiPatchesSep 23, 2023 8:11 PM
Sep 23, 2023 8:10 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
rolopolo78 said:
@CreepHazard First I was saying that the guy who I originally replied to was describing something really nitpicky and that you have to really look at specifically just to notice it(and AINTNOWAY the "general audience" are gonna notice it) and second " Nitpicking is when people complain about Chainsaw Man, JJK or One Punch Man animation quality, or even Mushoku Tensei Season 1 "what? huh? Nitpicking is when you point very minor faults in a pedantic way for any show/thing in existence doesn't have to be these exact shows, it can be any show including MTS2 so it is actually nitpicking.

It is very noticable in the mess hall scene, to the point it looks like time has stopped.
Sep 23, 2023 9:18 PM

Jun 2015
Reply to rolopolo78
@CreepHazard First I was saying that the guy who I originally replied to was describing something really nitpicky and that you have to really look at specifically just to notice it(and AINTNOWAY the "general audience" are gonna notice it) and second " Nitpicking is when people complain about Chainsaw Man, JJK or One Punch Man animation quality, or even Mushoku Tensei Season 1 "what? huh? Nitpicking is when you point very minor faults in a pedantic way for any show/thing in existence doesn't have to be these exact shows, it can be any show including MTS2 so it is actually nitpicking.
I mentioned that the footprints were just a subtle detail among many.
The dining hall part is not subtle, it's in your face for the whole scene and it's a freaking disaster.
It's not worth debating with anyone defending the choices that led to that scene being produced that way.
PerritoSep 24, 2023 4:54 PM
Sep 24, 2023 12:06 AM

Apr 2021
rolopolo78 said:
@CreepHazard First I was saying that the guy who I originally replied to was describing something really nitpicky and that you have to really look at specifically just to notice it(and AINTNOWAY the "general audience" are gonna notice it) and second " Nitpicking is when people complain about Chainsaw Man, JJK or One Punch Man animation quality, or even Mushoku Tensei Season 1 "what? huh? Nitpicking is when you point very minor faults in a pedantic way for any show/thing in existence doesn't have to be these exact shows, it can be any show including MTS2 so it is actually nitpicking.

@rolopolo78 1) The first three episodes had innumerable amounts of off-model frames it was ridiculous. There is a drastic quality difference

2)"Not these shows specifically" anyone with average human IQ could've figured out what I meant with this, but for some reason you couldn't. With the "example shows" I listed there're almost no major flaws with animation (except JJK I guess, Season 1 had pretty major flaws with the backgrounds) and if you were to be complaining about those you'd have to be pointing at some very minute details. With Mushoku Tensei Season 2 however you can see visible cracks in the production like the scene OP mentioned, Rudeus's stiff ass 3 frame loop running sequence in the very same episode, the insane amount of off model frames in the special episode and the first three official episodes (it still lingers if you look closely but not as bad as it was before), overused grain filter, generic storyboards and weaker character acting. This season was a step down from S1 in every way and it's obvious people would be comparing, but boy did it turn out way worse than expected!
In short this isn't nitpicking, it's more like pointing out the obviously visible flaws and a part of the fandom coping because of it.
Sep 25, 2023 3:27 PM
Jul 2021
it was extremely jarring to me and I literally paused to laugh at it. Definitely broke immersion for me and felt like something that even a fan animation wouldn't do.
Sep 27, 2023 10:40 PM
Degenerate Queen

Jan 2022
brandon08967 said:
it was extremely jarring to me and I literally paused to laugh at it. Definitely broke immersion for me and felt like something that even a fan animation wouldn't do.

For sure. I have seen some AMAZING fan animations that would never do something like that. I thought for sure I missed something and that time had stopped, though I had no idea why it would. I loved how Julie(?) never moved an inch and the Zanoba and the demon guy barely moved at all. Not to mention the background noises were not good either.
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