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Dec 30, 2021 9:35 AM

Dec 2020
I, like many people was disappointed and angry with Higurashi Sotsu's conclusion 3 months ago, however during these 3 months I've had time to think about this series very deeply and I believe that we may have misjudged this series, I will tell you why right now.

Higurashi Sotsu was preceded by Higurashi Gou which was originally advertised as remake until it was revealed to be a sequel, that's actually clever commentary on the overabundance of remakes and reboots that saturate the industry.

Then the deceiving chapters, which are brilliant because you expect them to be different from the original but they're not, you are kept on the edge of your seat waiting for the new story except there is none until the ending of the each arc which are usually capped off with a classic Higurashi gore scene, now some people complained about them being too over the top and ridiculous however that is intended, as satire of the state horror anime's overreliance on gore or even possibly even a response to the dissatisfied VN fans that claimed that the original anime relied too much on shock value.

Now the real divisive part, Satoko's role as the villain, a choice that polarized a lot of fans and some people thought that her motivation was weak. However that couldn't be further from the truth.
After saving the village, Satoko and her friends start to slowly drift apart as friendships don't always last forever something that was expressed by the lack of screentime for most of the main cast besides Satoko and Rika, in a way it's similar to Clannad: After Story where the school friends are absent from the main characters' lifes as they grow older, the same idea was incorporated into the new Higurashi's story and Satoko was clearly hurt by that, especially when her best friend abandons her for fancy rich girl school which made her feel alienated and inferior when compared to Rika's 100 years of experience which makes her fit in a lot better, not to mention that the school itself is messed up like they even have prison cells to punish their students, Rika was looking too far ahead and was inconsiderate of her friend yet who can blame her for wanting to move forward after being stuck in Hinamizawa for 100 years while Satoko wanted keep living her happy countryside life creating a rift between them, then Eua manipulated Satoko's fears of Rika abandoning her to turn her into a psychopath for her own amusement and she saw Rika moving on from Hinamizawa as her abandoning her friends that she went through so much to save and that's how villain Satoko was born.

Now you might have thought Sotsu was a waste of time for its constant recaps and the way it answers Gou's, however that is also intended. The recaps serve to make you understand Rika's anguish after going back inside another inescapable death loop similar to Haruhi's Endless Eight arc which also receives a lot of hate to this day.
The answer arcs are also clever, as it tells us that the answers for some mysteries are not always that exciting or complicated, something that was already incorporated into the original's ending when the "curse of oyashiro-sama" was solved being anticlimactic is indeed the point.
Now for the ending which garnered a lot of hate too, because of its over the top DBZ style final battle but that's also intended as it makes fun of the original's also over the top cheesy ending while being a homage to the original with certain scenes like the rooftop battle and just like the original resolved Satoko's character arc by making her share her problem with her friends and ask for their help, Satoko tells Rika about why she tried to trap her in another death loop while she also understands Rika's reasons for wanting to leave Hinamizawa and she finally accepts being separated from her friends and stops being completely dependent on them.
At last this is why I personally changed my mind on the new Higurashi and finally appreciated for what it is, a brilliant satire and deconstruction of Higurashi and maybe even mystery stories in general, it makes fun of its own series while repurposing its original story to say something new, that the power of friendship isn't invincible and that even the strongest bonds can be broken with miscommunication.

I'd like to thank @EndlessMaria for making me reconsider my thoughts on this series, ever since she called me a fake Higurashi fan I couldn't sleep at night for a few days and so I had to look at the series and understand what it truly was about and thankfully I found its true meaning without being blinded by my intial hatred for it.
CLADDANDec 30, 2021 1:51 PM
Dec 30, 2021 11:14 AM
Dec 2021
The ending is rushed, hope there's more to the main story
Dec 30, 2021 11:59 AM
Aug 2020
Wow, incredible work, you have make me see Higurashi Gou/Sotsu on another perspective. In my opinion, I like more Gou and Sotsu than Original and Kai, the reasons are the once you said, but unexpectedly I didn't realize until now, when you said it.
Sorry if my English is bad

Ohhh I have seen that you still have Gou and Sotsu with 1, with all this text, they have changed, right?
Dec 30, 2021 12:16 PM
Aug 2021
I liked the DBZ fight at the end.
You mean people didn't????!!!!!
Life is like a tube of toothpaste
Dec 30, 2021 12:36 PM
Dec 2020
HAHAHAHAHA... Story was good, I preferred sotsu's first half(answer arcs) over gou entirely, but oh boy did I not enjoy the DBZ fight between rikka and satoko. Why didn't they just go for the more psychological route like evangelion or fate/zero(referring to kiritsugu's time in the grail) or heck, why didn't they do something like have the 2 girls battle mentally like what evil satoko and good satoko did just a couple of episodes prior?. Having them murder each other time and time again is also not all that crazy in the Higurashi world, but seriously.. Ki blasts and flying around with golden auras? We should have just left that to hanyuu and the other gal

I also didn't like how little the other main characters besides rikka and satoko played in the story, they had 0 purpose besides being victims as always, showing how our characters "grew up", and sending us off with a message at the end of the story. What made the main cast of Higurashi great wasn't their extensive suffering, but the way they develop through those suffering by actually retaining some fragments of what happened in the other.. Well.. Fragments. I get that this is about Rikka and Satoko, but when you develop and tell the story nearly identically to the original but don't utilise the characters the same way(by giving them all a purpose) then some parts will just feel unsatisfying.

Now for a bit of praise so no one will get mad at me:
1. I love how the show baited me during Satoko's "abuse". I remember complaining and being hella disappointed when they ddint show how satoko was being abused(ofcourse me who has seen the original was convinced that satoko WAS being abused regardless of if it was ever shown or not) but then Sotsu came out and dropped the massive bombshell that satoko wasn't actually being abused... That bait blew me away

2. I liked the satoko vs satoko part, it was different but not different enough as to pull me out of the experience.
Dec 30, 2021 1:57 PM
Mar 2021
It was quite alright, pretty decent until turning DBZ at the end.
Dec 30, 2021 3:43 PM

Jul 2007
life_sucks_69_ said:
It was quite alright, pretty decent until turning DBZ at the end.

Sotsu ep 14 is peak Higurashi. If you equate it to DBZ you are incapable of understanding metaphors. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain this, but just because we are shown a fantasy battle doesn't mean that we should take it literally. We see this earlier on in Sotsu with Keiichi's view of him murdering Teppei not aligning with reality. It is cat box logic.
"There's a huge difference between one and infinity.
However, compared to the difference between
existence and non-existence, one and infinite are
nearly the same. I am the child destined to become
the best witch... no... The greatest Creator in the world...!"
-Maria Ushiromiya

Dec 30, 2021 4:52 PM
Aug 2021
Yesyes Im glad to see Im not the only one who was blown away by this brilliant antagonist they built through Satoko. It's (in my opinion) one of the best antagonist I've ever encountered in animes lol
Dec 30, 2021 5:26 PM
May 2011
being intentionally bad is neither subversive nor clever
Dec 30, 2021 7:48 PM
Feb 2021
I think you are giving Sotsu too much credit and for someone to call you a fake fan of the series, presumably just because of being underwhelmed by it is unreal. Many people like myself are disappointed with Sotsu for quite a few reasons, there is no question it is subpar and could have been done so much better in numerous ways.

I am fairly torn on Sotsu, there is a decent amount of things I liked about it, but to me there is no doubt that it was mediocre and only reason I gave it a 6 was because I love the series so much and got the most out of the good aspects of Sotsu, but I admit my bias. Like even the art style from Gou and Sotsu I thought was shite, I hate it but put up with it and you know what, I'll be true to myself and lower my score even further, because it SHOULD have been better, even though it hurts me to do it.

One thing you should never do is go easy on anime and manga, especially because it's stayed so good for so long compared to mainstream media. In this day and age people are far too complacent with bad media and praise mediocre efforts. It is always better to be more strict and be disappointed more often than to lower your expectations accordingly just to be happy, its the easy way out and will solve nothing in improving any medium. So far anime is not too bad, but I definitely feel it is becoming worse. I'm not necessarily saying OP does this, but it's more so a message I like to put out there every once in a while because I feel it's important to stay true to yourself now more than ever.

At any rate, I sincerely hope Higurashi picks up in the future.

Edit: Also, I actually like the idea of Satoko being the villain and mostly enjoyed the whole twisted friendship story but my biggest issue was I believe it was overdone and took center stage as well as being rushed. For instance I think there should have been more motive behind Satoko's betrayal other than St lucias academy, as up until that point they were inseparable best friends and to me felt incredibly jarring and cartoonish. It should have been the last straw, not the beginning of the end so to speak as it went from 0 to 100 very fast and I think that's why people don't like her as a villain, because if you think about it it's a little fabricated with little to back it up.
ice-inDec 30, 2021 8:36 PM
Dec 31, 2021 2:37 AM
Sep 2018
Everything was bomb besides the ending. If it had a good ending it would Sotsu would be an actual 10/10 on my list.
Dec 31, 2021 5:24 AM

Jan 2016
Gou yes, Sotsu no (in my opinion)

Sotsu has really interesting ideas that were just very badly executed.

I won't lie, I still get goosebumps from watching the sotsu ending when "You - Sotsugyou" starts playing. Such a beautiful addition to the "you" song series and it almost makes me rethink what I think of the series.
Dec 31, 2021 9:29 AM
Aug 2020
Vell- said:
being intentionally bad is neither subversive nor clever

I was looking for this because I can't believe that people are trying to redeem Gou and Sotsu from the fiery pits they created for themselves.

Also trying to make Satoko seem like this profoundly intriguing character is just whack bc she not only experienced all of Rika's loop but afterwards went on anyways to torture her, and then also make murderers out of people that hadn't killed in previous loops. And wow in the end it wasn't really her, it was an evil her created by ??? But damn, all she wanted was her sweet Hanamizawa so awwww
maki-zeninDec 31, 2021 9:32 AM
Dec 31, 2021 9:40 AM
Jul 2018
Nah, it was shit and I hate it. Lmao.

Actually, shit is an understatement. It is the worst anime of the decade. Yup. Yeah. Worst show of 2020. Calling it now. Nothing can top it. I ain't as angry as I was a few months ago (thankfully) but it still pisses me off when i think more about it so I leave it at that.

Thanks OP for this thread and reminding me that Sotsu fucking exists. Thanks a whole lot, mate.
removed-userDec 31, 2021 9:45 AM
Dec 31, 2021 5:04 PM

May 2012
I like the twist that the story continues with satoko as the true final antagonist... on paper, that is. There was no proper planning, it was a badly written and paced mess with few neat little ideas.

Dec 31, 2021 5:56 PM
May 2021
What? Normally when people say something like new Higurashi is brilliant they're either being sarcastic or just severely coping.

Liebely said:
Nah, it was shit and I hate it. Lmao.
Thanks OP for this thread and reminding me that Sotsu fucking exists. Thanks a whole lot, mate.

I've not responded to Higurashi in forever but thought this thread was worth reminding others: If you were disappointed in the new series (or hated it) just avoid giving it the time of day going forward.

The less people talk about it the less it'll keep coming back. Higurashi Sotsu wasn't just disappointing it made me lose respect in the author and the series as a whole despite going through the VN, manga, and anime of the original. It'll be the next Terminator and the likes of other franchises struggling to go on forever never being as good as the original. Don't give them that by just tuning out.
Jan 1, 2022 5:38 AM

Jun 2017
I hope this post is a troll. The new higurashi is so bad that people think it was intentionally done this way hahaha I cant even comprehend your logic. This season is a disgrace to the OG series and a money grab (just like all the series done after ni, kai and rei)

Jan 2, 2022 1:13 PM

Jun 2019
Very sound satire, I'll give you that much.

It took me reading through certain parts multiple times to realize I have absolutely no idea whether this post is truly genuine and serious or not, but I'm going to err on the side of it not being so.
Jan 2, 2022 2:24 PM

Jun 2012
SmugRika said:
I, like many people was disappointed and angry with Higurashi Sotsu's conclusion 3 months ago, however during these 3 months I've had time to think about this series very deeply and I believe that we may have misjudged this series, I will tell you why right now.

Higurashi Sotsu was preceded by Higurashi Gou which was originally advertised as remake until it was revealed to be a sequel, that's actually clever commentary on the overabundance of remakes and reboots that saturate the industry.

Then the deceiving chapters, which are brilliant because you expect them to be different from the original but they're not, you are kept on the edge of your seat waiting for the new story except there is none until the ending of the each arc which are usually capped off with a classic Higurashi gore scene, now some people complained about them being too over the top and ridiculous however that is intended, as satire of the state horror anime's overreliance on gore or even possibly even a response to the dissatisfied VN fans that claimed that the original anime relied too much on shock value.

Now the real divisive part, Satoko's role as the villain, a choice that polarized a lot of fans and some people thought that her motivation was weak. However that couldn't be further from the truth.
After saving the village, Satoko and her friends start to slowly drift apart as friendships don't always last forever something that was expressed by the lack of screentime for most of the main cast besides Satoko and Rika, in a way it's similar to Clannad: After Story where the school friends are absent from the main characters' lifes as they grow older, the same idea was incorporated into the new Higurashi's story and Satoko was clearly hurt by that, especially when her best friend abandons her for fancy rich girl school which made her feel alienated and inferior when compared to Rika's 100 years of experience which makes her fit in a lot better, not to mention that the school itself is messed up like they even have prison cells to punish their students, Rika was looking too far ahead and was inconsiderate of her friend yet who can blame her for wanting to move forward after being stuck in Hinamizawa for 100 years while Satoko wanted keep living her happy countryside life creating a rift between them, then Eua manipulated Satoko's fears of Rika abandoning her to turn her into a psychopath for her own amusement and she saw Rika moving on from Hinamizawa as her abandoning her friends that she went through so much to save and that's how villain Satoko was born.

Now you might have thought Sotsu was a waste of time for its constant recaps and the way it answers Gou's, however that is also intended. The recaps serve to make you understand Rika's anguish after going back inside another inescapable death loop similar to Haruhi's Endless Eight arc which also receives a lot of hate to this day.
The answer arcs are also clever, as it tells us that the answers for some mysteries are not always that exciting or complicated, something that was already incorporated into the original's ending when the "curse of oyashiro-sama" was solved being anticlimactic is indeed the point.
Now for the ending which garnered a lot of hate too, because of its over the top DBZ style final battle but that's also intended as it makes fun of the original's also over the top cheesy ending while being a homage to the original with certain scenes like the rooftop battle and just like the original resolved Satoko's character arc by making her share her problem with her friends and ask for their help, Satoko tells Rika about why she tried to trap her in another death loop while she also understands Rika's reasons for wanting to leave Hinamizawa and she finally accepts being separated from her friends and stops being completely dependent on them.
At last this is why I personally changed my mind on the new Higurashi and finally appreciated for what it is, a brilliant satire and deconstruction of Higurashi and maybe even mystery stories in general, it makes fun of its own series while repurposing its original story to say something new, that the power of friendship isn't invincible and that even the strongest bonds can be broken with miscommunication.

I'd like to thank @EndlessMaria for making me reconsider my thoughts on this series, ever since she called me a fake Higurashi fan I couldn't sleep at night for a few days and so I had to look at the series and understand what it truly was about and thankfully I found its true meaning without being blinded by my intial hatred for it.

If it looks like shit and smells like shit, then whether it was intentional or not, it's shit.

I don't think Satoko being a villain was "the real divisive part". If she had been a well realized evolution of the character than people would be OK with it, but she wasn't.

Your defense of her motivation is a recap of the blatant (and shallow) explanation given by the show itself that everyone already knows about. It's like saying "people don't realize that the reason Anakin killed younglings was because he wanted to save Padme"... as if everyone doesn't already know that. You didn't actually defend why it's a good motivation.

Satoko's motivation is weak because it doesn't hold up in the face of what she does through the course of the show. That motivation would be sufficient for 1 or 2 loops. It doesn't suffice for 100 years of looping, and doesn't explain her sadism. The fact that the solution to this whole thing is the two of them fighting each other and talking it out shows how flimsy the whole thing is.

The DBZ style fighting of the final episodes is not the core reason of why the ending was bad. The main problem is weak and insufficient resolutions to character arcs, and subplots like the whole Teppei arc that amounted to nothing.

FireFistYK said:
Gou yes, Sotsu no (in my opinion)

Sotsu has really interesting ideas that were just very badly executed.

I won't lie, I still get goosebumps from watching the sotsu ending when "You - Sotsugyou" starts playing. Such a beautiful addition to the "you" song series and it almost makes me rethink what I think of the series.

Sotsu had a very pretty ending song, but it rang hollow being shown over a montage of these characters who have been bastardized and turned into shallow charicatures. I saw that part as nothing more than some last second emotional manipulation.
Shoot first, think never.
Jan 2, 2022 2:28 PM

Jan 2016
Haunt-bot said:

FireFistYK said:
Gou yes, Sotsu no (in my opinion)

Sotsu has really interesting ideas that were just very badly executed.

I won't lie, I still get goosebumps from watching the sotsu ending when "You - Sotsugyou" starts playing. Such a beautiful addition to the "you" song series and it almost makes me rethink what I think of the series.

Sotsu had a very pretty ending song, but it rang hollow being shown over a montage of these characters who have been bastardized and turned into shallow charicatures. I saw that part as nothing more than some last second emotional manipulation.

I mean, you're right which is why I'm ashamed that it worked for me as a last ditch emotional manipulation. The "you" songs is funnily enough what makes the original Higurashi a masterpiece in my opinion (not the Anime, which I really didn't like)

It's funny how songs can affect us really
Jan 12, 2022 3:58 PM
Jul 2019
SmugRika said:
I, like many people was disappointed and angry with Higurashi Sotsu's conclusion 3 months ago, however during these 3 months I've had time to think about this series very deeply and I believe that we may have misjudged this series, I will tell you why right now.

Higurashi Sotsu was preceded by Higurashi Gou which was originally advertised as remake until it was revealed to be a sequel, that's actually clever commentary on the overabundance of remakes and reboots that saturate the industry.

Then the deceiving chapters, which are brilliant because you expect them to be different from the original but they're not, you are kept on the edge of your seat waiting for the new story except there is none until the ending of the each arc which are usually capped off with a classic Higurashi gore scene, now some people complained about them being too over the top and ridiculous however that is intended, as satire of the state horror anime's overreliance on gore or even possibly even a response to the dissatisfied VN fans that claimed that the original anime relied too much on shock value.

Now the real divisive part, Satoko's role as the villain, a choice that polarized a lot of fans and some people thought that her motivation was weak. However that couldn't be further from the truth.
After saving the village, Satoko and her friends start to slowly drift apart as friendships don't always last forever something that was expressed by the lack of screentime for most of the main cast besides Satoko and Rika, in a way it's similar to Clannad: After Story where the school friends are absent from the main characters' lifes as they grow older, the same idea was incorporated into the new Higurashi's story and Satoko was clearly hurt by that, especially when her best friend abandons her for fancy rich girl school which made her feel alienated and inferior when compared to Rika's 100 years of experience which makes her fit in a lot better, not to mention that the school itself is messed up like they even have prison cells to punish their students, Rika was looking too far ahead and was inconsiderate of her friend yet who can blame her for wanting to move forward after being stuck in Hinamizawa for 100 years while Satoko wanted keep living her happy countryside life creating a rift between them, then Eua manipulated Satoko's fears of Rika abandoning her to turn her into a psychopath for her own amusement and she saw Rika moving on from Hinamizawa as her abandoning her friends that she went through so much to save and that's how villain Satoko was born.

Now you might have thought Sotsu was a waste of time for its constant recaps and the way it answers Gou's, however that is also intended. The recaps serve to make you understand Rika's anguish after going back inside another inescapable death loop similar to Haruhi's Endless Eight arc which also receives a lot of hate to this day.
The answer arcs are also clever, as it tells us that the answers for some mysteries are not always that exciting or complicated, something that was already incorporated into the original's ending when the "curse of oyashiro-sama" was solved being anticlimactic is indeed the point.
Now for the ending which garnered a lot of hate too, because of its over the top DBZ style final battle but that's also intended as it makes fun of the original's also over the top cheesy ending while being a homage to the original with certain scenes like the rooftop battle and just like the original resolved Satoko's character arc by making her share her problem with her friends and ask for their help, Satoko tells Rika about why she tried to trap her in another death loop while she also understands Rika's reasons for wanting to leave Hinamizawa and she finally accepts being separated from her friends and stops being completely dependent on them.
At last this is why I personally changed my mind on the new Higurashi and finally appreciated for what it is, a brilliant satire and deconstruction of Higurashi and maybe even mystery stories in general, it makes fun of its own series while repurposing its original story to say something new, that the power of friendship isn't invincible and that even the strongest bonds can be broken with miscommunication.

I'd like to thank @EndlessMaria for making me reconsider my thoughts on this series, ever since she called me a fake Higurashi fan I couldn't sleep at night for a few days and so I had to look at the series and understand what it truly was about and thankfully I found its true meaning without being blinded by my intial hatred for it.

Unbelievable levels of cope. I hope you can finally accept how garbage these new seasons were.
Jan 12, 2022 9:18 PM
Feb 2021
Beside the ending it boring, The question act and answer act of higurashi Gou and sostu is awsome.I like how it bring back old memory of the original anime but changed a little bit.The question arc it a little bit boring beacause it so similar to the original( it feel nostalgia).But the answer arc with Satokoa being the mastermind is freaking awsome.The only thing that i feel dissappoint is the ending and the fact Hanyuu have so little screentime( i love hanyuu so i feel a little bit sad when she only have like 5 minute of screentime).I mean i love a happy ending but this ending is just boring and lazy writing.I think they done pretty good job linking the firrst 2 original seasson with this new seasson to prove that this is a sequel).So beside the ending i think Higurashi Gou and Sotsu done pretty good job as a part of higurashi franchise.It very entertain and i admit in some scenes i actually scare (like the akasaka scene)but the ending it very boring.
Feb 13, 2022 4:53 AM
Mar 2021
EndlessMaria said:
life_sucks_69_ said:
It was quite alright, pretty decent until turning DBZ at the end.

Sotsu ep 14 is peak Higurashi. If you equate it to DBZ you are incapable of understanding metaphors. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain this, but just because we are shown a fantasy battle doesn't mean that we should take it literally. We see this earlier on in Sotsu with Keiichi's view of him murdering Teppei not aligning with reality. It is cat box logic.

Man, can you just shut your condescending @ss up, you can be entitled where else, but not with me :)

The entire point of that scene is to show that their ideals are different and they don’t have to align, the message is so to-the-face, why the need to be a DBZ-like battle?

I was minding my own damn business, didn’t even say anything offensive about anything and you out here spoon feeding your “explanation” as if I’m a toddler and you think I don’t understand a thing or something. Stop being ridiculous and accept the fact that I can dislike your garbage piece of fiction.
Feb 25, 2022 8:14 PM

Jan 2021
I for one, love it. I loved the ending.
under”Mebius” is my salvation

Feb 25, 2022 8:21 PM

Mar 2019
life_sucks_69_ said:
EndlessMaria said:

Sotsu ep 14 is peak Higurashi. If you equate it to DBZ you are incapable of understanding metaphors. I feel like I shouldn't have to explain this, but just because we are shown a fantasy battle doesn't mean that we should take it literally. We see this earlier on in Sotsu with Keiichi's view of him murdering Teppei not aligning with reality. It is cat box logic.

Man, can you just shut your condescending @ss up, you can be entitled where else, but not with me :)

The entire point of that scene is to show that their ideals are different and they don’t have to align, the message is so to-the-face, why the need to be a DBZ-like battle?

I was minding my own damn business, didn’t even say anything offensive about anything and you out here spoon feeding your “explanation” as if I’m a toddler and you think I don’t understand a thing or something. Stop being ridiculous and accept the fact that I can dislike your garbage piece of fiction.
i hate higu sotsu but i agree that Eps 14 is peak fiction, eua's reaction was basically me watching that episode

I play BanG Dream! Girls Band Party

Garupa EN ID: 10759829
Garupa JP ID: 36753163
Feb 26, 2022 10:28 AM
Mar 2021
JulietBestGirl said:
life_sucks_69_ said:

Man, can you just shut your condescending @ss up, you can be entitled where else, but not with me :)

The entire point of that scene is to show that their ideals are different and they don’t have to align, the message is so to-the-face, why the need to be a DBZ-like battle?

I was minding my own damn business, didn’t even say anything offensive about anything and you out here spoon feeding your “explanation” as if I’m a toddler and you think I don’t understand a thing or something. Stop being ridiculous and accept the fact that I can dislike your garbage piece of fiction.
i hate higu sotsu but i agree that Eps 14 is peak fiction, eua's reaction was basically me watching that episode
JulietBestGirl said:
life_sucks_69_ said:

Man, can you just shut your condescending @ss up, you can be entitled where else, but not with me :)

The entire point of that scene is to show that their ideals are different and they don’t have to align, the message is so to-the-face, why the need to be a DBZ-like battle?

I was minding my own damn business, didn’t even say anything offensive about anything and you out here spoon feeding your “explanation” as if I’m a toddler and you think I don’t understand a thing or something. Stop being ridiculous and accept the fact that I can dislike your garbage piece of fiction.
i hate higu sotsu but i agree that Eps 14 is peak fiction, eua's reaction was basically me watching that episode

You can have your own opinions, and I respect that, but for me, that episode, apart from the jarring animation, was overdone, overused and tried too hard to be philosophical, in actuality, it’s garbage and not even the so-bad-that-it’s-good type of garbage, it’s just garbage. But it was an ah-ok revisiting of Higurashi as a show.
Feb 28, 2022 5:51 PM

Jun 2009
I was originally going to give this a 5, but the last two episodes brought it up to a 7. Kinda wanna see what would happen if Ryukishi07 did the same thing to Umineko now. The despair of diehard fanboys and fangirls is just too delicious.
Mar 1, 2022 9:43 PM
May 2021
Kinzo said:
I was originally going to give this a 5, but the last two episodes brought it up to a 7. Kinda wanna see what would happen if Ryukishi07 did the same thing to Umineko now. The despair of diehard fanboys and fangirls is just too delicious.

How contrarian of you and many others to feel this way about this series, unfortunately I don't think even people like you won in the end. I'd say the "tears" was minimal at best and people overall just... stopped caring and moved on. Casuals back to AoT and Demon Slayer, fans back to past works.

It was just a fart in the wind that blew away. I don't think enough fans or fans of being haters are going to fund much else with this franchise at this rate so don't hold your breath.
Mar 27, 2022 8:41 AM
Mar 2022
PinkShibaInu said:
Kinzo said:
I was originally going to give this a 5, but the last two episodes brought it up to a 7. Kinda wanna see what would happen if Ryukishi07 did the same thing to Umineko now. The despair of diehard fanboys and fangirls is just too delicious.

How contrarian of you and many others to feel this way about this series, unfortunately I don't think even people like you won in the end. I'd say the "tears" was minimal at best and people overall just... stopped caring and moved on. Casuals back to AoT and Demon Slayer, fans back to past works.

It was just a fart in the wind that blew away. I don't think enough fans or fans of being haters are going to fund much else with this franchise at this rate so don't hold your breath.

It was rushed and bad. Keichi was beat up and knocked out by a nerd but somehow 2 episodes earlier he can get stabbed 37 times by Rena and he just wakes up? How does that track
Mar 27, 2022 8:42 AM
Mar 2022
Also how did satoko inject Rena without her waking up? Watch mr hunters vid on it. It’s bad
Apr 4, 2022 5:09 PM
May 2021
Eh, I disagree with your points on "why it's good". I feel the "it was intensionally bad" isn't really a good cop-out for any anime. Aside from that, I don't really think it was bad in the first place becasue, in all honesty, I loved Satou. I thought it really wrapped up the series nicely, and I especially liked the teppi arc, though it did do a lot of recaps, I felt they were there to help fit everything into a timeline of events which I appreciated heavily.
One thing I adored was how Satou's ending where Rika leaves to see the world takes place shortly before Umineko begins, which is a nice nod, especially as I'm going into Umineko right now.

I seriously didn't understand what people didn't like about the new instalments other than people having nostalgia for the original. I mean I just watched this series this year and was watching them for the most part back to back, so perhaps that lack of nostalgia for the show let me enjoy it more because I didn't have a decades worth of putting the original on a pedestal. That's really my only explanation as to why it's so hated while enjoying it. But hay, perhaps I just have trash tastes.

from the very beginning to the very end, this series was absolutely peak
May 16, 2022 2:55 AM
Feb 2017
Yeah, like, I get it. I've thought about a lot of these reasons myself. But just write a 2-page fanfic or something instead and then have an analysis on that instead of 15 hours of the same 3 stories... again.

I've only really watched all of Higurashi recently and never played the VNs, so I don't have the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia.

So much of SotsuGou blurred together and wasn't engaging outside of the few parts that made me think "huh, that's odd/goofy," so it almost certainly won't leave as much of an impact on me as Kai. St. Lucia arc was nice and I personally liked seeing Teppei's redemption, but almost everything else felt like I was watching the same thing for the 4th? 5th? time, waiting for one slightly new detail that doesn't reeeeaaaaally need a whole episode to explain it. After ep 1 of Sotsu it's pretty clear how most of the rest of Gou happened (outside of maybe Satoko's double-sided manipulation, that was kind of interesting). Last 2 eps were finally entertaining, but certainly not satisfying.

Eua was clearly watching something we weren't...
May 21, 2022 5:08 AM

Jan 2021
episodes 14 and 15 are peak garbage, loved the dbz fight, I definitely didn't die out of cringe while watching it
they deleted my signature again so i'm not making a new one
May 25, 2022 10:06 AM

Dec 2018
PiGG_MaNN said:
I think you are giving Sotsu too much credit and for someone to call you a fake fan of the series, presumably just because of being underwhelmed by it is unreal. Many people like myself are disappointed with Sotsu for quite a few reasons, there is no question it is subpar and could have been done so much better in numerous ways.

I am fairly torn on Sotsu, there is a decent amount of things I liked about it, but to me there is no doubt that it was mediocre and only reason I gave it a 6 was because I love the series so much and got the most out of the good aspects of Sotsu, but I admit my bias. Like even the art style from Gou and Sotsu I thought was shite, I hate it but put up with it and you know what, I'll be true to myself and lower my score even further, because it SHOULD have been better, even though it hurts me to do it.

One thing you should never do is go easy on anime and manga, especially because it's stayed so good for so long compared to mainstream media. In this day and age people are far too complacent with bad media and praise mediocre efforts. It is always better to be more strict and be disappointed more often than to lower your expectations accordingly just to be happy, its the easy way out and will solve nothing in improving any medium. So far anime is not too bad, but I definitely feel it is becoming worse. I'm not necessarily saying OP does this, but it's more so a message I like to put out there every once in a while because I feel it's important to stay true to yourself now more than ever.

At any rate, I sincerely hope Higurashi picks up in the future.

Edit: Also, I actually like the idea of Satoko being the villain and mostly enjoyed the whole twisted friendship story but my biggest issue was I believe it was overdone and took center stage as well as being rushed. For instance I think there should have been more motive behind Satoko's betrayal other than St lucias academy, as up until that point they were inseparable best friends and to me felt incredibly jarring and cartoonish. It should have been the last straw, not the beginning of the end so to speak as it went from 0 to 100 very fast and I think that's why people don't like her as a villain, because if you think about it it's a little fabricated with little to back it up.
it was crazy we got higurashi again after 15 yrs basicly. three yrs passed at the end of sotsu, you'd think there could be more (the one thing one their site with the screaming, although it was event stuff, though i thought there would be more, but it was like, ohh noo not again) but what, like kira again, maybe be refreshing or some eua (Featherine?) origin story, all of them as older i dunno
May 30, 2022 12:11 AM
Oct 2021
I 100% agree with you in every aspect except for the DBZ fight. Don't get me wrong the fight scene at the last few episodes were gorgeous but the part where they just flew in mid air just made me a somehow a bit disappointed.

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