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Dec 2013
All Elite Wrestling Discussion Thread

What are your thoughts on the latest Dynamite? What are your thoughts on recent AEW News?

5-Star Matches


HibbingtonMar 2, 2020 9:36 AM
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Oct 29, 2019 10:26 PM

Dec 2013

Peter Avalon is just not doing very well with this Librarian gimmick, it isn't like he isn't entertaining. I use to watch the guy on Championship Wrestling for Hollywood when he use to tag team with Ray Rosas. My main objective in the woman's fatal four way was to see how good Sadie Gibbs is. I'd have to say the jury is still out, I need to see another match with her in it. Then the main event was just okay. Sometimes the main events are really good on AEW Dark but it never changed my tone of emotion. I never got locked into the match but there was a fun finish. Show Grade: 55 out of 100 I will have to record AEW Dynamite again this week due to Game 7 of the World Series.

Oct 31, 2019 6:48 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dynamite 10/30/19

There was some gimmick entrances this episode due to it being Halloween week. So there was gimmick match that I wasn't really into. But I loved to see my girl Hikuru Shida back in action. We had a lot of typical American Pro Wrestling TV angles. Contract Signings, random beatdowns all over the arena. But the main point of the show was to crown the first ever AEW Tag Team Champions.

Show Grade: 72 out of 100
Nov 5, 2019 8:26 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dark Episode 5 - Charleston, WV

Well we got another comedy match in AEW Dark, at least it is what it should be. We got some more Sadie Gibbs and slowly I'm very much increasing my interest in her. The Woman's tag match made up for the gimmick match, could of gone a bit too long though. Sadly the main event we had to deal with more Marko Stunt. My least favorite on the roster. MJF being on announce team though this episode deserves some points as well.
So I'm going to with a Show Score: 55 out of 100. Which is the same as last week.

Nov 6, 2019 7:05 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dynamite 11/06/19

Besides the squash match with Spears vs Cutter. All these matches were at the quality you'd want for the main show. Then my mind is so blown with how amazing their controlled chaos was at the end of the show. This was a true go home show for the PPV this weekend. It builds on a lot of matches on the card and I am all too hyped for this event now. I can't believe I'm doing this but I believe this Dynamite was slightly better Power Struggle for New Japan.

Show Grade: 83 out of 100
Nov 8, 2019 5:37 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dark Episode 6 - Charlotte, NC

I was a bit caught off guard with this airing on Friday but with the PPV coming up I guess it would be a bit weird to have matches that are Pre-PPV going on Tuesday. I see my girl Hikaru Shida in the thumbnail. That already put this episode in a upward direction. I got a bit disengaged during the woman's tag match but the Trios Match at the end of the show had some top talent in there. This is the 2nd time they've don a Trios of Kip Sabian and Evans&Angelico. Are the teasing a 3-man tag title eventually? They are allied with AAA. Show Score: 60 out of 100

Nov 9, 2019 8:53 PM

Dec 2013
AEW: Full Gear 11/9/19

Starting off with the Young Bucks, it is a common play card for AEW and it worked out again. They do need to be careful with this ramp, someone lands bad on their back they will take a major spine injury. We've seen enough of them in past decades.

I was so into the last match that I found my attention drifting a bit for Page vs PAC. That was just a me thing, nothing wrong with the match. The only thing that would of made this match better if it was an epic 30+ main event. I do notice a lot of discussion with the commentary over these rankings that were released recently. TNA use to have Power Rankings but eventually they got lazy with it. Will see how AEW handle them.

I am a bit disappointed that Shaun Spears didn't come out with his white eyes. I felt that could of been a great PPV look for him. On the other side Joey Janela is just so crazy, we keep seeing spots that I haven't seen in my life. But from a story line perspective. You see the beer belly on Janela. You can see why Spears wouldn't take him seriously or many people be willing to.

Triple Threat Tag Team matches always have a higher probability of going wrong and the early portions of this match were pretty solid but there was a point of the match where I forgot who the legal men were and that simple cannot happen.

Now I always expected this to be the least anticipated match on the card. Which I don't mind because it is nice to have a bit of a cool down before the two major matches on the card.

Cody vs Jericho isn't the Main Event? That is surprising, it is the world title you know. Well these are the two matches we bought the card for and the highest weight for the overall score.

If you were going to have a hardcore match end the PPV. This had the level of brutality for that and they did some spots that you don't normally see, which we've gotten accustomed to in other hardcore matches

Match of the Night: Cody vs Chris Jericho
Show Score: 87 out of 100

So I do want to mention that my scores will verify between PPVS and TV. They are on different rating scales. The TV is there to help build towards the PPV, thus the PPV will be looked upon more harshly. But this show didn't have to worry about that as the last two matches fit the billing. I still don't know how I feel about Jericho vs Cody. I could give it a 5 star match but I do have some things holding me back on it. It is something I need to think about.

Nov 13, 2019 7:00 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dynamite 11/13/19

Between the squash matches and the amount of commercial breaks this episode was the most disappointing experience. AEW have crossed one of my big pet peeves and are skipping entrance music and doing these side-by-side commercial breaks. Does that mean we get to watch the PAC and Hangman match without commercial break? NOPE. Does that mean we get to watch the Main Event without commercial breaks? NOPE. Then they even did one during the backstage beat down...this is so overboard on the commercials. Then the main event started with only 10 minutes left in the show as well. No benefits and only frustrations. It puts me in a sour mood for your whole show. The only real positive thing was

I'm sorry but I'm giving this show a score of a 47 out of 100

Nov 19, 2019 6:06 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dark Episode 7 - Nashville, TN

Good first match. Quality Tag Teams will get the job done on keeping you entertained. We keep seeing a lot of Big Swole lately. I'm thinking Tony likes her ring quality but she is still around the bottom of the barrel on the card. Doesn't help she had to go against two of the top woman in the division. Then we got to the main event and we all know that Cima's boys need to get a win but getting one over The Young Bucks is a tall order kayfabe and believability. So it was a main event where there wasn't any doubt ever what the result would be. So I'm really only looking at a Show Score of a 59 out of 100 That being said I might enjoy this more now then the main show with how they are handling their commercial breaks. But obviously the quality isn't as good as the main show most of the time.

Nov 20, 2019 7:13 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dynamite 11/20/19

I can happily say that the commercials weren't as badly placed as last week but the problem this week was there was too many matches where the endings of the match lacked cohesion and broke immersion. An example would be there was a moment where Private Party and Proud and Powerful where apparently the non-legal man was the one getting pinned. That is at least what Jim Ross said and it looked like a botch with how everyone was reacting. It takes you out of the flow of the match. Seeing a Young Buck in a singles match is odd but the story is Matt's back is hurt again from the beat down he received.

Show Score: 68 out of 100

Nov 21, 2019 8:05 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
That Jon Moxley vs. Darby Allin match was pretty good. I give that match 4 out of 5 stars.
Nov 26, 2019 8:25 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dark Episode 8 - Indianapolis, IN

Personally I don't feel Jack Evans and Kenny Omega have the best chemistry. I could never really get into their match and there never seemed to be a direction they were trying to take the match. It felt like a jigsaw puzzle where the pieces just doesn't fit. On the other hand Trent vs Pentagon Jr was a great match. Something that could of been on the main show. [spoiler]Big Swole had a big mess-up at the end of her match as well which soured the match as well. [spoiler] So overall I felt this week wasn't the best and only can give it a Show Score: 56 out of 100

Dec 1, 2019 9:09 AM

Jun 2015
Alright, I FINALLY got around to watch Full Gear. A very fun PPV, not a single match sucked. Spears/Janela was easily the least good, but hey, if this is the worst you have, you're doing something right.
Cody/Jericho was a great match, though I didn't like the finish. Cody is the most underrated wrestler in the world today, he is an amazing big match guy. Kenny/Moxley was the best damn Death Match I have ever seen. I'm certainly looking forward to a Jericho/Moxley program.
Dec 3, 2019 10:10 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dark Episode 09 - Chicago, IL

Compared to MJF and Shawn Spears. Nyla Rose was quite poor on commentary. I don't feel she was adding much to experience. As for the matches, I felt the first match was actually the best and there was a nice little story after it. Nothing really stood out this week on AEW Dark. So I'll have to say it was a Show Score: 50 out of 100 There was one average match and two below average.

Dec 4, 2019 7:07 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dynamite 12/4/19

Well I very much enjoyed the first hour much more than the second hour. I just felt the quality of matches were much superior than what we got during the second hour. Minus Nyla Rose being in a squash match. Its December and were still having Nyla in squash matches, not very interesting. Once again though we had 10 minutes of TV Time left for the main event and THEY STILL had to do a commercial break. Can we at least have a main event without an interruption? Then we has more information on Awesome Kong and Brandi Rhodes and their gimmick is just so similar to Dark Order its not very appealing. I've never been too big into the Dark Order to begin with but I was fine with them getting more backstory but to have two groups of cults where they are asking people to pledge to a bit much. Then we also have the Blade, The Bunny, and the Butcher. Are we back in Halloween? I'm starting worry about the lack of variety in AEW. All these new things are starting to mesh together. So even though the match quality was good as always, everything else drags it down to a Show Score of 62 out of 100. This is the first time I'm feeling 2009-2012 TNA with some of the new developments in AEW.

Dec 10, 2019 6:23 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dark Episode 10 - Champaign, IL

The matches felt much shorter this week or there was just so much in-between that it made them feel shorter. The first match was decent thanks to Scropio Sky. Then the tag match was a complete throw away. We had no woman's match this week which is a shame. We ended with Kenny Omega in the main event but having a 30+ minute break between match 2 and 3 for so much review is quite ridiculous. Of course I ended up just skipping over most of it, the only thing I watched was to get Big Swole's backstory. Show Score: 57 out of 100

Dec 17, 2019 11:26 PM

Dec 2013
AEW Dark Episode 11 - Garland, TX

Well this was one of the better Darks in awhile. We had two tag team matches where for the most part had real tag teams. Pac and Hybrid 2 would be the only mish-mash team. Both matches were rather satisfying for the in-ring quality. But the best part of the episode was the woman's matches as these were a preview of what are going to see today on Dynamite with the No1 and No2 in rankings both getting a tune-up match before their No1 Contender Match. I can't remember the last Dark where I felt a good amount of purpose was shown for what is happening. That leaves me with a Show Score: 65 out of 100, which is the highest I've given to a Dark on this thread. Sadly with having 3 creepy factions on the roster...I don't know if Dynamite will follow-up will a high score today.

Dec 18, 2019 12:13 PM

Jun 2015
They should cut down on heel stables, they have way too many of them.
Feb 12, 2020 4:24 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
AEW Dynamite Season 2 Episode 7-Austin, TX

Here are some of my thoughts on this week's episode of AEW Dynamite:

We start off with Kenny Omega/Hangman Paige vs. SCU for the tag titles, but the Dark Order made a brief interruption saying that they will watching this match closely while they wait for the exalted one. Who is the exalted one? Is it Matt Hardy? Omega/Paige retain despite Christoper Daniels grabbing the bottom rope at the last minute. I'm not sure if that was on purpose or not. Other than that, it was a great match. Jim Ross did a brief interview with Santana and he goes on about how his Dad went blind at the age of 14. A nice little tie in to the eye for an eye match with Jon Moxley. Next match was Sammy Guevara with Jake Hagger vs. Dustin Rhodes. Dustin got a huge pop being in front of his hometown crowd. This match was okay and Dustin got the win in front of the home crowd. Dustin calls out Jake Hagger and challenges him to a match at Revolution. We cut to Tony giving an interview with Britt Baker. I think Britt has potential as a delusional heel and she is starting to generate heat from the crowd when she cut her promo. We move on to the AEW Women's championship match between Nyla Rose vs. Riho. This was a great match and it was better than their first encounter with Riho doing multiple Suplexes against Nyla Rose which surprised me. Despite all that Nyla is the new AEW Women's champion and Kenny is not happy about it. Next up is Jungle Boy vs. MJF. This match was mostley a one sided affair with Jungle Boy fighting back. We finally get to the main event of Jon Moxley vs. Santana eye for an eye match. This good match in which Jon Moxley wins but the Inner Circle jumped Moxley with Jeff Cobb making an appearance as hired muscle for the Inner Circle to end the show. This was a good show a lot of storytelling elements going into the next show in Atlanta.

AddaeAkonoFeb 19, 2020 4:22 PM
Feb 12, 2020 7:27 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
One more thing, Jon Moxley has to loose the eye patch because if you saw him in NJPW last weekend you would know that his eye is fine and the eye patch kept falling during the match.
Feb 12, 2020 10:20 PM

Dec 2013
I'm a bit sad to see Jeff Cobb in AEW because I feel his style fits better in New Japan and if he was going to leave ROH I would of hoped New Japan would of at least put in an offer. I know AEW are making an effort to get bigger guys into the promotion like Brain Cage as well. But he still won't be able to have the quality of matches he could have with Ishii, Goto, EVIL, etc. and the NEVER picture is missing a gaijin that can hold up to those standards.
HibbingtonFeb 12, 2020 10:25 PM
Feb 13, 2020 9:38 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Hibbington said:
I'm a bit sad to see Jeff Cobb in AEW because I feel his style fits better in New Japan and if he was going to leave ROH I would of hoped New Japan would of at least put in an offer. I know AEW are making an effort to get bigger guys into the promotion like Brain Cage as well. But he still won't be able to have the quality of matches he could have with Ishii, Goto, EVIL, etc. and the NEVER picture is missing a gaijin that can hold up to those standards.

I was surprised to Jeff Cobb in AEW because I saw him at the NJPW show in Atlanta two weeks ago. It's also worth noting the Cobb hasn't officially signed a deal with AEW yet, but he will make appearances as a free agent.
Feb 19, 2020 11:26 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
AEW Dynamite Season 2 Episode 8- Atlanta, GA

Some thoughts on this week's episode of AEW Dynamite:

In my opinion, this is one of the best shows AEW has done all year and the crowd was into it from start to finish.

The tag team battle royal was kinda off to a slow start, but it got really good towards the end. I guess we are really going to get Young Bucks vs. Kenny Omega/Hangman Page at Revolution.

We got a decent Women's match between Shanna vs. Kris Statlander. Shanna was able to show off what she can despite loosing to Kris Statlander

The match between Jeff Cobb and Jon Moxley was pretty straight forward with Jon Moxley winning the match, but Jeff Cobb was still able to look good in a loosing effort.

AEW Tag Team Championship between Kenny Omega/Hangman Page vs. Lucha Brothers was match of the night. Hangman continues to be over with the crowd with the Cowboy shit gimmick. He's more over than Kenny Omega. Tag Champions retain despite miscommunication between Kenny Omega and Hangman Page.

AEW's first cage match between Cody Rhodes and Wardlow delivered as the main event of the show. I like the design of the steel cage as it leaves little to space between the ring. Cody was taking some cage bumps early in the match which lead him to become a bloody mess. Wardlow was also decent in the ring and he showed off his athletic skills. The finish was Cody doing a moonsault from the top corner of the cage at 20 feet in the air to pin Wardlow.

AEW has one more show before Revolution and they have build some momentum with the last three shows.

Feb 29, 2020 11:20 AM

Jun 2015
AEW has gotten a lot better the last couple of weeks. I am very hyped for Revolution and I seriously consider watching it live (would be 2am for me I believe).

My predictions:
- Dark Order win, but the exalted one will not yet be revealed
- Rose will defend the title and Statlander will look like a million dollars
- People will be surprised how incredibly good Orange Cassidy is (he'll still lose of course)
- Darby Allin will win and AEW should create a secondary singles belt to put on him
- Hager will kill Dustin dead
- Tag Team Title Match could go either way, but I assume the Bucks will win and the Kenny/Hangman feud will kick off
- MJF will upset everybody by actually winning
- Jericho will retain by the skin of his teeth

Welcome Lance Archer.
TrashDaxFeb 29, 2020 11:34 AM
Mar 1, 2020 5:55 PM

Dec 2013
AEW: Revolution 2/29/20

I was watching the show with my brother last night so I wasn't taking notes like I usual would watching alone. Thus is why I'm writing this the day after.

Dustin Rhodes vs Jake Hager

This was pretty weird of a match to start off the show. It was a slower paced match with two taller wrestlers. Jake Hager felt like a MMA fighter in a wrestling ring, which is what they want but it doesn't lead to anything special. Not to mention submissions moves just don't feel the same as they do in New Japan. Not as much emotion. So for me it was just an average match.

Darby Allin vs Sammy Guevara

This is the match that we thought would start the night. Darby had a big scare when his foot caught the bottom rope when he was doing a suicide dive. Besides the table spot I don't really remember much of the match the day after...I guess that is a bad thing. But it wasn't like this match wasn't entertaining.

Kenny Omega and Adam Page(c) vs The Young Bucks

Hand down match of the night. This wasn't as good as The Young Bucks vs Kota/Omega back in 2018 but it is damn well close. I have been struggling if I want to give this a 5-star or not. I felt that there wasn't enough focus on finishing the match. It took a very long time until someone even attempted their finisher. There could of also been more focus on the storytelling of the match. It was there but not as much as the The Young Bucks vs Kota/Omega match which is a 5-star in my opinion. But at the same time I can't put AEW matches under the same lenses as New Japan where Naito will attempt his Destino 4 times before actually hitting it for the win. It is definitely more preferred because it is more realistic that you'd want to hit your finisher earlier than 20+ minutes in.

Kris Statlander vs Nyla Rose(c)

This was the hump of the show and the cool off match. Thus I was mostly eating during this match. I had no expectations Nyla Rose would lose. I doubt anyone else did here so I'm not even going to spoiler tag.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman vs Cody Rhodes

Story-telling wise this was the best match. MJF continues to show he is the best heel in the business. Cody Rhodes tattoo is a bit weird and kinda distracting.

Orange Cassidy vs PAC

Personally Orange Cassidy is not my cup of tea. I get it. He is the King of Sloth Style. His matches are comedy matches. I really enjoy Toru Yano vs Colt Cabana but even they are more serious than Orange Cassidy. What I can say is he kept my attention the whole match in anticipation of when he was going to kick it up a notch. So I guess that is a compliment.

Chris Jericho(c) vs Jon Moxley

This was a good main event. Even before this match started I felt the buy was worth it.

Match of the Night: Kenny Omega and Adam Page(c) vs The Young Bucks
Show Score: 80 out of 100

There were 3 average matches on this card that kept the score from reaching as high as Full Gear. But your always going to get a quality card from AEW but The Elite are still the ones doing the heavy lifting. I hoping to not say that for the next PPV. MJF is moving up the card but who else?

Mar 2, 2020 9:34 AM

Dec 2013

I'm going to pull the 5-Trigger on this match for two reasons that was said in this video. First is that the match rewarded you for paying attention to other Tag Team matches involving these four and there really wasn't much down time during a 30-minute tag team match.

Mar 4, 2020 11:37 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
AEW Dynamite Season 2 Episode 10- Denver, CO

My thoughts on the Revolution fallout show:

After a successful Revolution PPV, AEW Dynamite makes its way to Denver, CO and the show opens up with the new AEW World Champion Jon Moxley cutting a promo on how the belt belongs to the fans. It didn't take long for Chris Jericho to interrupt him and he was teasing that he will take a 30 day leave of absence. That tease end up turning into a stipulation for the main event in that Jericho will leave AEW for 60 days if Moxley left the arena in on his own two feet.

I didn't pay attention to the eight man tag team match between SCU & Colt Cabana vs. Dark Order because I knew the Dark Order was going to loose. After the match Evil Uno warned that heads will roll when the Exalted One arrives.

Cody Rhodes came and cut a promo about how he lost his match to MJF when out comes Jake "The Snake" Roberts. He makes his way to the ring and he cut a excellent promo on Cody Rhodes. He stated that he is going to come after Cody by sending his client after him. Will that client be Brody Lee? We will have to wait and see.

PAC beat up on Chuck Taylor in a singles match that I wasn't really into, but after the match the Lucha Bros. came out and beat up Orange Cassidy and The Best Friends. PAC proclaimed that the new alliance between PAC and The Lucha Bros. was called "Death Triangle" Hopefully this will give the Lucha Bros. some type of direction as heels.

MJF did a backstage promo saying that he went from protege to prodigy and stated that he's going after Jon Moxley's AEW World Championship belt.

The main event was interrupted when The Inner Circle ambushed Jon Moxley forcing Darby Allin to wrestle a 2 on 1 handicap match against Jericho and Sammy. Darby started out strong against the Inner Circle but the numbers game was too much for him and he got laid out by Jericho's Judas Effect causing Sammy to pick up the win. After the match Moxley stumbled his way to the ring with a steel chair, but the Inner Circle got to him and put him through a table to end the show.

This was a decent show, but nothing spectacular happened yet. The highlight of the show was Jake The Snake Roberts cutting one the best promos of the year.

Mar 11, 2020 9:17 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
AEW Dynamite Season 2 Episode 11- Salt Lake City, UT

We are officially on the road to Blood and Guts PPV and the show starts with Hangman Page taking about how he will not have one of the Young Bucks as his mystery tag partner. First match of the night is Cody vs. Ortiz and the highlight of the match was Lance Archer appearing with Jake The Snake Roberts. Cody ends up beating Ortiz via submission.

We cut to backstage where the Inner Circle pinned Matt Jackson under the garage door and he gets taken to a "medical facility."

The next match was Kris Statlander and Hikaru Shida vs. Bea Priestly and Nyla Rose. This match was pretty good and the crowd was into it, but Bea Priestly and Nyla Rose win the match.

There was a video segment with Christopher Daniels saying that The Dark Order sucks and he wants to challenge them to a singles match.

The main event involving Hangman Page's mystery partner was a let down because Dustin Rhodes turned out to be his partner against Sammy and Jericho. Dustin and Page win the match but ended up getting beat up by the Inner Circle.

This show was okay, but it kinda fell flat towards the end.

Mar 14, 2020 3:39 PM

Jun 2015
For some reason I have not yet posted my thoughts on Revolution yet. And I took the extra effort to do star ratings this time!

SCU vs. Dark Order **¾
Dustin Rhodes vs. Jake Hager *¾
Darby Allin vs. Sammy Guevara ****
Kenny Omega & Hangman Page vs. Young Bucks ****½
Nyla Rose vs. Kris Statlander *½
Cody Rhodes vs. MJF ***¾
Orange Cassidy vs. PAC ***¾
Chris Jericho vs. Jon Moxley ***¼

It was a fun show, though they had better ppvs before.
The reason I gave the tag match "only" 4½ is simple. There was no conclusion. The situation did not change at all from before the match. In my opinion, this is an integral part of the match. However, it is one of the best matches of the year thus far, I'd put it on par with Okada vs. Ibushi and only slightly below Okada vs. Naito.
Mar 18, 2020 7:27 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
AEW Dynamite Season 2 Episode 12- Jacksonville, FL

A few quick observations on tonight's episode of Dynamite:

I like how they allow some of the talent be apart of the crowd and MJF was the star of the show at ringside. Having them at ringside made the show more lively and I'm hoping WWE does the same with their empty arena matches.

Brodie Lee being revealed as the Exalted One is a nice touch and it make the Dark Order a legitimate threat.

Another reveal was Matt Hardy being the fifth member for Team Elite in the Blood & Guts match was a proper way to introduce Matt Hardy to AEW.
Apr 20, 2020 12:24 PM

Jun 2015
Am I the only one just not feeling empty arena shows?
I mean, not just AEW, all of them.
Apr 20, 2020 1:49 PM

Dec 2013
TrashDax said:
Am I the only one just not feeling empty arena shows?
I mean, not just AEW, all of them.

Its what we got man
Apr 26, 2020 4:24 AM

Jun 2015
Hibbington said:
TrashDax said:
Am I the only one just not feeling empty arena shows?
I mean, not just AEW, all of them.

Its what we got man

Yeah, I know, I just never noticed just how important audience participation was to me.
Jul 1, 2020 4:49 PM

Dec 2013
Jul 11, 2020 12:20 PM

Jun 2015
AEW are doing a fine job keeping their product going, what's missing right now is a red hot main event story imho.
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